gabby297 · 7 days
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 10
Tommy parked the car farther up the street, on the opposite side from where Athena had pulled over, giving them a clear view of the house she had just entered. He killed the engine, leaving the two of them in silence as they waited. Buck’s eyes scanned the street, searching for anything out of place, but everything seemed still, almost too quiet.
He leaned his head against the cold window, the chill offering brief relief from the dull throb in his head. At least the sunglasses helped to keep the worst of the pain at bay.
“No sleeping,” Tommy reminded him gently, breaking the silence after a few moments.
“I’m not,” Buck mumbled, his voice low and tired. He reached out and gave Tommy’s hand a reassuring squeeze where it rested on his thigh. He wasn’t sure he could sleep even if he wanted to; the tension and worry gnawing at him were enough to keep him wide awake.
Buck sighed quietly, forcing his eyes open again, his mind still racing despite his body’s exhaustion. Beside him, Tommy shifted to stretch, his movements slow as he adjusted behind the wheel. They had been sitting there for the past half hour with no end in sight.
Out of the corner of his eye, Buck watched Tommy, a familiar pang of guilt tightening his chest. Tommy had just finished his shift before this whole mess unfolded, and though Buck couldn’t be sure how much time had passed between him grabbing the phone at the station and Tommy showing up at the hospital, he was certain the man had to be just as exhausted as he was. Maybe more.
And yet, Tommy didn’t complain. He hadn’t once brought up his own fatigue or the fact that Buck pulled him into a weird chase down the city with very little explanation. It wasn’t fair to Tommy, and Buck knew it. He hadn’t meant to make Tommy’s life harder, but somehow, it always seemed to end up that way.
Buck let out a soft breath, his hand twitching towards Tommy as if he wanted to say something, maybe apologize, but the words stuck in his throat. What could he say that would make it better?
Before Buck could find the right words, Tommy shifted lower in his seat and turned his head toward him. “I can hear you thinking from over here,” he said softly, a hint of a tired smile playing on his lips.
Buck swallowed, his gaze dropping to his hands as he fidgeted with his fingers. “I just… sorry for dragging you into this. Whatever this is.” He gestured weakly with his free hand, motioning vaguely toward the space around them, as if it could somehow explain the chaos that seemed to follow him everywhere.
It wasn’t just this night. It was everything. First, messing up their first date. The weeks where he kept messing up Tommy's coffee orders while trying to guess it rather than ask it like a normal person. Then dragging Tommy into that Bachelor party at the last minute, and Maddie’s wedding right after Tommy had spent all day fighting fires. Leaving him behind in order to check on Bobby. Then leaving him again to check on Eddie. Now this. Every time, Tommy had been there, steady and understanding, but Buck knew it wouldn't have been easy.
God, could he ever do something right? There had to be a line somewhere, a point where it all became too much. Right?
"Why are you sorry? I wasn't aware you were the mastermind behind all of this," Tommy kept his voice light as he mimicked Buck's gesture. "Knocking yourself out would have been a sloppy choice."
Buck let out a small, tired laugh despite himself, the weight on his chest lifting just a little at Tommy’s attempt to ease the tension. But underneath the humor, Buck still felt the guilt gnawing at him. "I mean… I didn’t even think to ask how you’re doing. You just came off a shift, and I dragged you into driving me all the way here."
Tommy raised an eyebrow suggestively, a smirk playing on his lips. "You do remember I have no problem throwing you around, right?" he teased. Letting go of Buck’s hand, he moved his hand to rest gently over the back of Buck’s neck, his fingers grazing lightly against the back of Buck's head. "Trust me, I'm exactly where I want to be. And for the record, I’m fine. Tired, sure, but looking forward to when Bobby wakes up and we can finally go home, order some greasy takeaway, and crash on the couch together."
"That sounds… really nice, actually," Buck admitted, a small smile tugging at his lips as he leaned slightly into Tommy’s hand. "I’ll hold you to that."
Before Tommy could respond, their moment was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway of the house Athena had entered. Buck sat up straight, instinctively pulling off Tommy's sunglasses to get a clearer look at the driver stepping out.
"Wait, I know him," Buck muttered, more to himself than anyone else, his eyes narrowing as he tried to place the man.
Tommy glanced over, his curiosity piqued. “You do?”
"Yeah, that's Amir," Buck said, his voice low but certain. "Remember when Athena picked me up on her way to the hospital last time? When Bobby went to Jacumba. I definitely saw him at the hospital. Him and Bobby… they’ve got history.
Tommy’s brow furrowed, the tension in the car thickening. "So, Athena suspects he's behind last night's arson?"
Buck shrugged lightly, his mind racing. "I mean, it could be? I didn’t see anyone until it was too late. But if Amir’s involved… It's not a coincidence. He’s up to something, and Athena knows it."
They watched Amir grab his dry cleaning and headed in. Just as he shut the front door and disappeared into the house, Buck scrambled to undo his seatbelt, ready to follow. But Tommy's hand shot out, grabbing his arm and tugging him back.
"Ass in the seat, Evan. That was our deal," Tommy said firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument.
"She could be in danger," Buck tried to reason, his hand still hovering over the seatbelt.
Tommy’s grip tightened just slightly, his eyes locked on Buck. "She's a highly skilled sergeant, and you're a civilian who also happens to be injured and shouldn’t be here in the first place."
Buck’s jaw clenched, frustration bubbling up inside him. “I can’t just sit here, Tommy.”
Tommy didn't let go. “Being reckless won’t help her either, Buck. If anything, barging in might make the situation worse.”
Buck shook his head, the urge to jump out of the car and run after Athena still gnawing at him. He was sick of waiting, to not take action when someone he cared about could be in danger for the second time in the last 24 hours. “But what if she needs us? What if—”
Tommy cut him off. “Athena knows how to handle situations like this better than either of us. Rushing in without knowing what’s happening could end up putting her in even more danger. We need to trust her.”
“I hate this,” Buck muttered, his frustration still simmering just beneath the surface.
"You and me, both." Tommy sighed.
The screech of tires caught both of their attention as a heavy-duty pickup truck, covered in dust, made a sharp stop right outside the house. Buck couldn't do anything but watch as the doors of the truck slammed shut with a heavy thud. The truck, hulking and grimy, had its massive frame blocking any clear sight of who had exited.
It couldn't have been more than a minute before Amir emerged from the house, his hands raised in surrender. He didn’t resist, complying immediately with whoever was waiting for him. Muffled words drifted through the air, but from where they sat, Buck and Tommy couldn’t make out what was being said. Then, one of the men stepped momentarily into view.
Buck's breath caught in his throat, his pulse quickening as his eyes locked onto the unmistakable outline of a rifle, dangling loosely by the man's legs. The weapon swung casually as though it were an everyday object, but the sight of it sent a wave of cold dread through Buck.
Just as swiftly as they had arrived, the men piled back into the truck, and with a screech of tires, the vehicle tore away from the curb, disappearing down the street as fast as it had come.
“Well, shit,” Tommy muttered, shaking off the tension first, his voice the first to break the silence.
"What the hell was that?" Buck asked, his voice laced with disbelief as he looked up at Tommy.
Before Tommy could answer, a loud knock on the car window beside him, made Buck jump violently. His heart leapt into his throat as he whipped around toward the sound, adrenaline surging through him once more, every nerve on high alert.
When his eyes landed on Athena’s unimpressed face, standing just outside the car, it didn’t do much to calm his rising panic. He fumbled clumsily to roll down the window, hands shaking as he did.
"Okay, now... don't be mad," Buck forced a sheepish grin, his tone hopeful but unconvincing. This part—bracing for Athena’s stern, unimpressed stare—had become all too familiar over the years.
Athena was, in fact, far from pleased, and she made sure her displeasure was crystal clear. It didn’t take long before both Buck and Tommy found themselves unceremoniously crammed into the back of her car while she drove off. Buck had insisted that they weren't going anywhere without her, and Athena had eventually given in, though not without making her irritation known. It was quite the sight: two grown men, normally full of bravado, now shrinking into their seats as Athena scolded them relentlessly.
"Come on, Athena," Buck half-whined, shifting uncomfortably under the weight of her reprimand. "What were we supposed to do? You needed backup!"
"Backup?" Athena's eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, one eyebrow arched in disbelief. "You are concussed! Don't you even think, for a second, that I do not have eyes and ears everywhere." Her voice held the sharp edge of disbelief, as though the mere idea of Buck being useful in his current state was laughable.
"Barely," Buck muttered under his breath, trying to downplay it, though his hand instinctively moved to rub the sore spot on his head.
"Moderately," Tommy chimed in with an unhelpful grin. Buck shot him a mock glare, as if to say, Whose side are you on?
"And you," Athena's eyes turned to Tommy. "Don't think for a second you’re off the hook. I have no doubt only Buck here would come up with such idiocy. Yet here you are."
Tommy shifted in his seat, the weight of her disapproval pressing down on him. "Someone had to keep an eye on him," he mumbled, trying to sound casual but failing miserably under her scrutiny.
"That’s your defense?" Athena scoffed, her disbelief palpable. "You thought tagging along on his reckless stunt was somehow a smart move?"
Tommy straightened slightly, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "He was gonna go through with it no matter what. I caught him just as he was about to rush off on his own. I figured, better me there than letting him fly solo and end up in worse shape than just a concussion." He paused before adding, "And in my defense, I didn’t think it would lead to... this. I don’t even know what this is anymore."
Buck glanced nervously between the two, the tension in the air thick enough to cut. "Athena—" he started, but she silenced him with a look. The words died on his lips.
Athena’s lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes narrowing as she considered his words. "So instead of talking him out of it, you decided to jump headfirst with him?"
Tommy shifted again, clearly uncomfortable but not willing to back down completely. "Respectfully," he said, carefully choosing his words, "has anyone ever talked him out of anything?"
Athena’s eyes flashed, and for a moment, it seemed like her frustration might boil over, but then her lips twitched, just barely, in something resembling reluctant acknowledgment. "Fair point," she conceded, her voice softer but still firm.
"Guys, come on, I’m right here!" Buck finally interjected, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "And besides, is this really the main issue right now? Or are we just gonna ignore the part about the random men with guns?"
The random men with guns," she said, her voice dripping with a combination of sarcasm and frustration. “Are more or less Cartel, Buckaroo. So you might understand why I’m not exactly thrilled to find you two snooping around."
"Not going to lie, I am so confused." Tommy muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
With a sigh, Athena filled them in with the details that she knew about Bobby's trip to Jacumba, her suspicion about Amir being behind the attack and what he told her in his house. 
They ended up in an industrial park somewhere as the sun set, out of sight. Athena killed the engine and lights in one swift motion, plunging the car into darkness. The silence inside was palpable as she dialed 9-1-1, her focus sharp.
Without a word, the three of them surveyed the scene in front of them. They made it just in time to see at least three people bringing Amir inside. Their silhouettes were barely visible, but the outline of at least one rifle was clear as day.
Buck swallowed hard, his nerves creeping in as his gaze flicked toward Tommy. Quietly, he reached out for Tommy’s hand, and Tommy, sensing his tension, clasped it tightly, giving a reassuring squeeze.
The dispatcher’s voice came over the line. “9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”
Athena’s voice was low but steady, her professionalism cutting through. “This is off-duty Field Sergeant Athena Grant, badge number 1275. I’m at the industrial park on the 7,000 block of La Tuna Canyon Road. I have an abduction in progress.”
There was a brief pause as the dispatcher processed the information. “Can you describe the suspect or suspects, Sergeant?”
Athena’s eyes never left the figures patrolling the entry. “Three Hispanic males, mid to late 20s. The victim is a Black male, 40s. I’m requesting immediate backup.”
The reply came back quickly. “Units en route, Sergeant. ETA is approximately 14 minutes.”
A tense silence followed, broken only by the soft creaking of leather as Tommy shifted in his seat. He finally spoke, his voice low and resigned. “He doesn’t have 14 minutes, does he?”
Athena didn’t hesitate. “No, he doesn’t.” With a grim determination, she unbuckled her seatbelt, her movements deliberate and steady. “I’m going in.”
Tommy blinked, but the resolve in his eyes matched hers. “I’ll come too,” he said, his voice firm as he unlatched his seatbelt. “You never know—those army skills might actually come in handy for once.”
Buck's heart dropped into his stomach as the words sank in. Wait, what? They were seriously going in there? His pulse quickened as he moved to follow them.
But Tommy was quicker, shooting his hand out to stop him, gripping Buck’s arm tightly. “You’re staying here, Evan,” he said, his voice leaving no room for argument.
Buck’s eyes widened in disbelief, his voice rising in protest. “The hell I am!” He jerked his arm free, his heart pounding. “You think I’m just going to sit here while you go in there alone? Not happening.”
Tommy turned to face him fully, his expression both firm and pleading "Evan, you are injured. I don't have the time to help Athena and worry about you."
"But-" Buck started, his voice cracking, desperation creeping in.
Tommy cut him off, gripping Buck’s shoulder tightly. “Trust me, okay?” His voice was softer now, but no less resolute. “We need someone out here. And I need to know you’re safe. Please.”
Buck’s breath hitched, a whirlwind of frustration, fear, and helplessness battling inside him. His instincts screamed to go after them, to not just sit and watch, but the look in Tommy’s eyes made him pause. He hated this. Every fiber of his being rebelled against staying behind. Reluctantly, he gave a small nod, even though it felt like a betrayal to himself.
Tommy gave Buck’s shoulder a final squeeze, then stepped out with Athena. He sat there, jaw tight, hands gripping the edge of the seat until his knuckles whitened and watched them silently sneak inside.
For what it was worth, Buck lasted a grand total of five minutes in the car before his resolve crumbled. He muttered a frustrated "screw it" under his breath, throwing caution aside as he quietly slipped out of the car.
Best case scenario, he’d just sneak up, make sure they were okay, and then sneak right back without them ever knowing. Worst case scenario? Well, he'd have their backs and help. It was a win-win scenario in his eyes.
Entering the warehouse turned out to be easier than Buck imagined. All he had to do was stick to the shadows and not make noise. The building was old, with rusted steel beams, stacks of forgotten crates and metal shelving racks, offering plenty of cover. Voices echoed throughout the warehouse, at times getting louder. He consciously slowed his breathing, forcing himself to inhale and exhale as quietly as possible. Any sound, even a misplaced breath, might alert the wrong person. He couldn’t afford to be reckless now—not when Athena and Tommy were out here somewhere in the dark, too.
Buck moved forward, one step at a time, nerves on edge. He finally spotted Athena and Tommy further up ahead, seeming to quietly gesturing to form a plan. Buck paused, staying just out of sight, his heart pounding as he watched them. His instincts screamed to join them, to help, but he waited, watching what they were about to do. They were grabbing brightly red containers out of the shelves.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, something moved—a shadow flickered, barely perceptible but enough to catch his attention. His heart skipped a beat. A moment later, the faint shuffling of feet reached his ears, sending a spike of adrenaline through his veins.
Someone else was there. And they were coming closer.
Buck’s heart hammered in his chest as he glanced back at Athena and Tommy, hoping to see some sign that they’d noticed. But to his terror, they hadn’t. They were still focused on the red containers, oblivious to the approaching danger. His mind raced—there was no way he could alert them without exposing himself and drawing attention
The figure came closer, too close, and Buck's pulse spiked.
The man didn’t notice him, his focus elsewhere as he headed toward Athena and Tommy’s position. Buck’s breath hitched as he instinctively pressed himself further into the shadows.
He held his breath, willing himself to be invisible as the figure passed by, mere feet from where he was hiding Buck’s heart pounded in his ears, and for a split second, he was sure he’d be discovered. But by some miracle, the man didn’t turn. Instead, he walked past, exposing his back and giving Buck the perfect opportunity.
Instinct took over like a raging storm. Pure adrenaline surged through Buck's veins, and before his mind could catch up, his body moved. In a blur of motion, he launched himself from the shadows, muscles tense with raw energy. His hand shot out, clamping tightly over the man’s mouth before a full shout could escape. But a muffled cry did manage to break through, sending a jolt of panic through Buck.
He tightened his grip even further, his other arm locking around the man's torso, wrestling him back into the shadows. Buck didn’t dare glance around to see if anyone had heard. He couldn’t afford to. His focus was singular—disarm the target before anything else happened.
The man struggled, squirming violently, his breath coming in sharp, panicked bursts against Buck’s palm. Buck’s pulse hammered in his ears, but he held firm, shifting his weight to keep the upper hand.
It had been years—more than a decade—since he had trained for the Navy SEALs. He hadn't trained since then. That brief, grueling chapter in his life had faded into the background, buried beneath years of a career and life choices that led him away from the violence he had once trained for. He hadn’t kept up with the training, and hadn't wanted to. The thought of what that kind of training could lead to had unsettled him for too long. Over time, the exact stances and maneuvers had slipped from his conscious mind, filed away as distant memories. They were replaced by a different life, a different kind of service. The kind where he saved lives, not taking them if he ever completed the training.
Yet, in that moment, his body remembered. Muscle memory kicked in, the countless hours of drills and hand-to-hand combat training surging back to life. He didn’t have to think—his body knew exactly how to shift his weight, how to leverage his position for control—it all happened seamlessly, almost out of his conscious reach.
On autopilot, in a few seconds that blurred into one continuous motion, Buck had disarmed the man with ease. His grip on the man tightened just long enough for Buck to bring the butt of the gun down in one swift, controlled strike. The man crumpled to the floor, unconscious, his struggles ceasing as silence settled back into the air around them.
The rifle now sat heavy in Buck's hands, the cool metal against his skin feeling foreign, uncomfortable. His eyes flickered down to it, heart still pounding, as he stared at the weapon. He hadn’t held a gun like this in years, the weight of it felt wrong. For a moment, Buck stood there, gripping the rifle with steady hand.
But there was no time to reminisce. Buck snapped out of it, forcing himself to refocus on the present. He looked up, his breath still unsteady, and locked eyes with Athena and Tommy. Both stood frozen, their faces a mix of shock. Athena’s sharp gaze flicked from the unconscious man on the floor to the rifle in Buck’s hands, her lips parting as if to speak, but no words came out. Tommy’s expression, however, was different—no less stunned, but there was something in his eyes. A flicker of recognition. His brow furrowed, like he was trying to fit together the missing piece of a puzzle.
But before any of them could say another word, the sharp scrape of a chair echoed through the warehouse, snapping their attention back to the situation at hand.
The commotion from the center of the warehouse was escalating, voices rising. It was clear things were about to spiral out of control, and fast. Buck’s heart raced as he exchanged a quick glance with Athena, her eyes already scanning the room. They were running out of time.
Without hesitation, Athena made a bold decision. She shoved one of the nearby shelving racks with all her strength, sending the items on it crashing to the floor in a loud, chaotic clatter. The noise reverberated through the warehouse, instantly drawing everyone's attention away from Amir and onto the disturbance. As the clatter echoed, Buck caught a faint whiff of gasoline in the air.
The shadows played to their advantage, concealing them from view as the cartel members turned, weapons raised, to investigate. Tommy didn’t waste a second—he grabbed Buck’s arm and dragged him into another hiding spot, the sudden movement almost causing Buck to fumble the rifle in his grip. But Buck held on, his pulse racing as he steadied himself, watching the men fan out.
Athena, ever the strategist, seized the opportunity, slipping deeper into the shadows and out of sight. Their luck held as the two cartel goons separated, each moving in a different direction to cover more ground. It was a split-second opening, and they all knew it.
Without a word, they moved. Silent. Precise.
Moments later, Athena and Tommy were both in position, creeping up behind the two cartel men. In perfect synchrony, they struck—Athena wrapping her arm around her target’s neck, the cold steel of her gun pressed to his temple, while Tommy swiftly locked the other in a chokehold. The men struggled briefly, but it was futile. They had lost control of the situation.
Emerging from the shadows, Athena and Tommy dragged the subdued men into view, their guns firmly in place. They stepped into the dim light, approaching where an older man stood towering over Amir. The tension in the air was palpable as the older man glanced from Amir to Athena, his eyes narrowing as he realized what was happening.
Buck moved into position, his heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through him as he aimed the rifle squarely at the older man. His finger hovered near the trigger, ready for any sudden movement. His eyes darted briefly to the remaining men in the warehouse, sizing them up, assessing whether they posed an immediate threat.
"Who the hell are you?" The man walked a few steps towards them, with a glint of surprise in his eyes. He clearly hadn’t expected this—an ambush from the shadows, his men subdued, and strangers holding him at gunpoint.
"I'm Mrs. Bobby Nash." Athena declared, her voice steady and cold, In one swift motion, she flicked open a metal lighter, the small flame casting an eerie glow across her face for just a second before she tossed it to the ground.
For a second time in less than 24 hours Buck found himself in the middle of a fire.
The moment the flame hit the gasoline-soaked floor, chaos erupted. A roaring whoosh filled the air as the fire ignited, spreading with terrifying speed. Flames instantly tore through the warehouse, licking up the walls and engulfing everything in their path.
The room exploded in shouts as Athena and Tommy threw the men they held to the floor, the cartel stumbled to get out and smoke filled the room.
“Evan!” Tommy’s voice cut through the roaring fire and the chaos of panicked voices. His eyes locked on Buck, urgency flashing across his face. Without thinking, Tommy lunged forward, shoving Buck toward the exit.
The force of the motion sent Buck stumbling, his grip slipping, and the rifle flew from his hands, clattering somewhere out of sight as flames danced around them. Buck barely had a moment to register it before he felt Tommy’s hand gripping him tightly, yanking him away as a beam fell down behind them.
“Move!” Tommy barked, pulling Buck with him as they barreled toward the exit, the inferno raging behind them. Buck had no idea where Athena or Amir ended up in the commotion.
Flashing lights greeted them as they burst out of the warehouse, the cool night air hitting Buck like a shock after the oppressive heat of the fire. He stumbled forward, gasping for breath. The sound of roaring flames behind them was drowned out by the blaring sirens of fire trucks and the chaotic shouts of emergency responders.
A firefighter grabbed Buck by the arm, gently but firmly, trying to guide him further from the warehouse. Buck instinctively resisted, shaking off the touch, his mind still struggling to catch up with everything that had just happened. His grip tightened around Tommy's arm, panic bubbling just beneath the surface, as though if he let go, he would disappear.
“Hey, hey, Evan, I’m right here!” Tommy’s voice cut through the haze, “Look at me. I’m right here.”
Buck blinked, his breath still ragged as he met Tommy’s gaze. Buck nodded weakly and Tommy turned to the firefighter.
“Off duty, Kinard with the 217,” he explained quickly, "My partner here—Evan Buckley, off-duty firefighter with the 118—he needs to be checked out. He recently sustained a moderate concussion.”
“We’ll get him checked out immediately,” the firefighter responded , signaling over to the paramedics.
Buck tried to shake his head, still clinging to a need to push through, to stay on his feet. But Tommy’s hand on him tightened, steady and firm. “Evan, it’s okay,” he said softly, “Let them take care of you. Everything is okay."
“Athena—” Buck protested, his eyes darting back to the fire raging behind them.
Just then, the warehouse doors burst open with a loud slam. Athena emerged, guiding Amir out with her, both of them alive and unharmed. The sight of them made Buck’s breath hitch, relief flooding through him as his knees wobbled, weak for a moment under the weight of the tension draining from his body.
Tommy was there in an instant, his arm wrapping around Buck effortlessly, taking some of his weight as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Buck leaned into him for just a second, exhaling a long breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
“See, baby? They’re fine,” Tommy murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Buck’s cheek. “Come on, let’s get you checked out.”
“I’m fine,” Buck sighed, still trying to brush it off, though the exhaustion was beginning to weigh on him.
“Humor me then,” Tommy replied with a small smile, his arm still firmly around Buck.
Buck muttered a quiet, defeated "fine," knowing there was no point in arguing. He let Tommy take the lead, as they moved toward one of the parked ambulances.
Tommy stayed right beside him as the paramedics assessed him. Buck sat there, half-listening as they checked his vitals, asked questions, and went through the motions. But for the most part, he zoned them out, choosing to focus on Tommy's warm hand resting on his shoulder. Without thinking, Buck reached up and placed his hand over Tommy’s, squeezing it gently. He tilted his head to meet Tommy’s eyes, offering a tired but genuine smile.
“Just keep an eye on him. Check on him every few hours for the next 24 hours to be safe.” he paramedics instructed Tommy before nodding and leaving them alone.
Tommy watched them go, then sat down on the bumper beside Buck, his hand slipping from Buck’s shoulder to take Buck's hand and bring it to his own lap, holding it gently. He gave Buck’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Hear that? Plenty of rest, doctor's orders,” he teased.
Buck let out a tired chuckle. “God, I could sleep for a week,” he mumbled, the exhaustion clear in his voice as he leaned over, resting his head on Tommy’s shoulder.
“Deal,” Tommy chuckled softly, his tone light but laced with affection. He planted a tender kiss on top of Buck’s head, lingering just a moment longer than usual.
Eventually, the soft crunch of footsteps drew their attention. Athena approached, her arms crossed and a knowing smile tugging at her lips as she took in the sight of them together.
“Well, don’t you two look cozy,” she teased, her voice light and playful.
Tommy glanced up at her with a small shrug, a smirk tugging at his mouth. “It’s been a long day,” he replied with mock casualness, as though the chaos of the last day was nothing more than a mild inconvenience
Buck gave a tired chuckle, not even bothering to move. “Understatement of the year,” he mumbled.
As the moment settled, another police officer approached. He smiled at Athena as he held out a phone. “There’s someone who’d like to speak with you.”
Athena raised an eyebrow, taking the phone cautiously. “This is Athena Grant,” she answered, her voice firm but curious as she held the phone to her ear.
Buck watched closely, noting how her expression remained carefully neutral as she listened. Whatever was being said, Athena wasn’t giving anything away, her focus entirely on the voice on the other end. The call was brief, and when she finally hung up, she took a quiet moment to glance down at the phone in her hands, as if processing the news she’d just received.
When she looked up, her face had transformed. A wide, relieved smile spread across her lips and she spoke the words that made Buck’s heart skip, possibly the best words he could’ve ever heard.
"Bobby's awake."
The journey back to the hospital was uneventful. They had ended up quite far from the hospital, and somewhere along the drive, Buck managed to doze off, despite being cramped in the back seat. The rhythm of the car had lulled him into a light sleep, his head resting comfortably against Tommy’s shoulder.
He jerked awake when the car pulled into the hospital parking lot, blinking groggily as he lifted his head questioningly. Tommy gave him a light smile, his arm still resting around Buck as if he hadn’t moved the whole ride.
“How are you feeling?” Tommy asked softly as Athena killed the engine.
"Hmm, better," Buck mumbled, rubbing his eyes. His head wasn’t pounding anymore, which was a relief, but the bone-deep exhaustion still lingered. "Athena, you go. We’ll catch up.”
With a nod, Athena didn’t wait any longer. SSe passed the car keys to Tommy and slipped out of the car, heading inside with a determined stride.
Buck sighed and pushed open the car door, stepping out into the cool night air. He stood for a moment, stretching his arms above his head, feeling the satisfying pull of his muscles as he tried to shake off the stiffness from the cramped ride. Tommy joined him, and together they took their time heading inside. There was no rush now, not with Bobby awake. When the doors slid open to Bobby’s floor, they stepped out, walking slowly toward the room.
As they neared, they noticed everyone standing on the outskirts of Bobby’s room. Athena was inside, seated beside Bobby, holding his hand, the two of them locked in a private moment. Chimney and Eddie turned as Buck and Tommy caught up with them.
“Where the hell have you two been?” Chimney asked, his tone playful but edged with curiosity as he turned to face them. Tommy clapped Chimney’s shoulder in greeting, flashing him a tired but warm smile. "Trust me, you don't want to know."
Eddie gave Buck a nod, his expression softer. “Everything okay?” he asked.
Buck smiled, the exhaustion still clinging to him but his heart lighter now. “Yeah, everything’s good,” he said, glancing into the room where Bobby lay, his voice filled with quiet gratitude. “Better now.”
Tommy stretched his arms above his head and reached for his phone. “Speaking of better, I need to go grab my car,” he said, scrolling through his phone to check the time.
Eddie perked up. “Want a lift?” he asked. “I could use stretching my legs, and it’ll definitely be cheaper than Uber.”
Tommy chuckled, clearly appreciating the offer. “Sure, man. If it’s not too much trouble.”
Eddie waved him off with a grin. “No trouble at all. I’ve been cooped up here for too long anyway,” he said, already moving to grab his jacket.
Chimney leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching the exchange with a smile. “You two have fun. Don’t get lost on the way back," he teased.
Tommy laughed and gave Chimney a mock salute. “No promises,” he joked. He then turned to Buck, squeezing his shoulder. “You gonna be alright here?”
Buck nodded, giving Tommy a grateful smile. “Yeah, go. I’ll be fine,” he reassured him. “Thanks, Tommy.”
“I'll be back soon,” Tommy said softly. Leaning in, he placed a quick peck on Buck’s lips, before following Eddie as they headed toward the exit.
Buck watched them go with a smile, warmth settling in his chest. But as he turned back, his eyes caught Chimney leaning against the wall with a smug smirk plastered on his face. Without missing a beat, Buck rolled his eyes and playfully muttered, “Shut up.”
For the first time in what felt like forever, the thought of entering the hospital room didn’t fill Buck with dread. Bobby was awake, the order had been restored.
As Buck stepped inside, it felt almost surreal. His gaze lifted, and there, sitting up in the hospital bed, was Bobby—awake and smiling. It was like waking up from a long, heavy dream, one that had weighed on his chest.
For a moment, Buck just stood there, taking it in. The room felt brighter somehow, as though all the dark clouds they’d been living under had finally lifted. Their eyes met, and Buck couldn’t help but grin, the relief washing over him in waves. Bobby’s eyes crinkled at the edges, his smile just as warm and familiar as ever. It was like a weight had been lifted from Buck’s chest.
Athena, seated at the edge of Bobby’s bed, glanced over at Buck and waved him inside, her own smile soft and inviting. “There he is,” she said.
Buck stepped forward, his grin widening as he approached. “Hey, Bobby,”
Bobby smiled back, his eyes full of warmth and affection. “Hey, kid,” he said softly, his voice a little weaker than usual, but Buck would take that anyday over not hearing it.
That was all it took for Buck to close the remaining space between them. Without hesitation, he leaned over and wrapped his arms around Bobby, pulling him in probably too tight hug.
Bobby chuckled softly, patting Buck on the back. “Easy, kid,” he murmured, his voice still soft but full of warmth. Despite his words, Bobby’s own arms tightened slightly around Buck, as if he, too, needed this moment
By the time Tommy returned, the room had quieted. Most of the 118 had already left, each departing with promises to return later. Now, it was just Bobby, Athena, and Buck, who was lounging comfortably in one of the chairs by the bed, his legs stretched out on the corner of the bed.
A soft series of knocks interrupted their conversation, and Buck turned to see Tommy entering the room. He walked up to where Buck was lounging and offered a smile.
"Good to see you, Captain Nash," Tommy greeted, extending his hand as he approached Bobby.
Bobby smiled warmly, shaking Tommy’s hand with a relaxed ease. “Tommy, please, it’s just Bobby now,” he replied with a gentle chuckle.
Tommy nodded, his grin widening. “Alright, Bobby. Good to see you up and about,” he said. He glanced at Buck, who was still lounging comfortably in his chair, and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Buck gave Tommy a lazy grin, shifting slightly but not moving from his spot. “Took your time, huh?” he teased lightly.
Tommy just shook his head with a smirk. “Had to make sure your car was still in one piece. Did I miss anything?” he asked, his tone warm as he glanced back at Bobby and Athena, both of whom were watching the interaction with soft smiles.
Athena chuckled softly. “Just Buck here pretending he’s not ready to pass out,” she teased, raising an eyebrow at Buck’s slouched form.
Buck rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide the smile tugging at his lips. “I’m perfectly fine,” he muttered, though the comfortable sprawl in the chair told a different story.
Tommy laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, sure you are." he teased, giving Buck a knowing look.
“Anyway, as I was asking…” Buck waved them off, the tone of his voice growing more serious. “What’s going to happen next? With the station, I mean?”
“The station has well-established contingency plans for emergencies like this,” Bobby explained “In situations where a station is damaged, we rely on neighboring stations to step in. One of them will share their space with us, depending on their capacity, until the damage at 118 is assessed and restored."
At least he would still have his job.
"The police will be taking statements later on," Athena added, looking at Buck.
“Me?” Buck asked, surprised. “I didn’t see anything. I went to the locker room to grab my phone, and the next thing I know, Bobby was grabbing me to get out. That’s not much of a statement.”
Locker room?” Bobby frowned, his brow furrowing in confusion.
“Yeah,” Buck replied, his own expression puzzled.
But Bobby shook his head gently, his expression serious. “You were in the storage room when I pulled you out.”
Buck felt a chill run through him. His memory of that moment was hazy, but hearing Bobby’s words, it didn’t add up. He hadn’t gone to the storage room—why would he?
Tommy's grip on his shoulder tightened. "Bobby, what are you not saying?"
Bobby hesitated, his gaze flicking between Buck and Tommy, clearly weighing his words. “When I found you,” he began carefully, “it looked like the fire had started near the storage room.”
Buck’s stomach dropped, a sinking feeling settling deep inside him. “Wait… you’re saying the fire started in the storage room?” he asked, his voice quieter now, almost uncertain.
Bobby nodded slowly, his expression grim. “At least part of it. There was a blaze in the loading bay too, but realistically, it wouldn’t have had the time to spread to the storage room so quickly. I didn’t even know you were in the station until Anderson brought it to my attention."
The room fell into silence.
Buck tried to wrap his head around it. HHad someone really dragged him into the storage room and set a fire? The thought was jarring, surreal. It would mean that if Bobby hadn’t found him in time, he would have suffocated or burned alive. It didn’t feel real.
“Oh,” was all Buck managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.
He glanced up, his eyes landing on Tommy. Tommy wasn’t looking at him, though—he was staring off at some distant spot in the room, his jaw clenched tight, the tension in his body making him look unnervingly rigid. His usual calm, steady demeanor had vanished, replaced by something darker, something Buck wasn’t used to seeing in him. It didn’t look right.
Buck reached out and clasped his hand, wanting to fix it. Tommy blinked, his gaze snapping back to Buck. He softened, just a fraction, but the storm still brewed behind his eyes. He squeezed his hand in response.
Before either of them could speak, a soft series of knocks interrupted the silence, drawing their attention to the doorway. May and Harry appeared, their presence a welcome break from the heavy atmosphere.
“Hey,” May said gently, offering a small smile as she stepped inside with Harry. Her eyes scanned the room, catching on the look etched in everyone’s faces. “Is it a bad time?”
“Not at all, sweetheart,” Athena replied with a smile, waving them in. With May and Harry’s arrival, the mood in the room lightened just a bit, the tension giving way to something softer as everyone exchanged hellos. Tommy, introduced himself quickly, and the conversation soon flowed into lighter topics
After some time, Tommy leaned over, his voice gentle as he spoke quietly by Buck’s ear. “Ready to go home?”
He nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Yeah,” he murmured. “I think I am.”
Buck couldn't have been happier to see the driveway to Tommy's house. As the car rolled to a stop, Buck exhaled slowly, the tension in his body easing. It felt like forever since he last saw it.
Tommy glanced over, giving Buck a small, reassuring smile. “Home sweet home,” he said softly, turning off the engine.
As they approached the door, Tommy unlocked it with a fluid motion, pushing it open to let them inside. Buck followed Tommy in, closing the door behind them. The familiar scent of Tommy’s home wrapped around him, grounding him in a way that words couldn’t describe.
For a moment, Buck stood there, just soaking in the peace of it all. No alarms, no fires. Just the quiet hum of the house, and Tommy right beside him.
"You hungry? We could order something in, some place is probably still open." Tommy asked, watching him.
Buck shook his head slowly, his fingers reaching up to grab the lapels of his jacket, tugging at them absentmindedly. “Just bed,” he murmured, giving him a small smile. “Please?”
Tommy’s expression softened immediately, He nodded, stepping closer, his hand resting lightly on Buck’s arm. “Yeah,” he said quietly, his tone filled with reassurance. “Let’s get to bed.”
Without another word, Tommy guided Buck toward the bedroom, his arm resting around him. . It took only moments for them to strip out of their clothes, tossing them aside carelessly, the thought of a shower long forgotten—something to worry about tomorrow. The bed was waiting, warm and inviting, and when they fell into it, Buck let out a satisfying moan. HHe shifted further, moving instinctively until he was plastered against Tommy, his head resting on the man’s chest. The steady rhythm of Tommy’s heartbeat surrounded him.
Tommy’s arm wrapped around Buck, pulling him even closer.
After a moment, Tommy’s voice broke the silence, soft and gentle. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked quietly, his words barely above a whisper.
“About?” Buck mumbled, his voice heavy with exhaustion, though he already knew what Tommy meant.
“Anything,” Tommy responded, but there was more behind his words. Buck didn’t need to hear it all—he understood the unspoken meaning, the way Tommy was offering him a chance to let it all out if he wanted to.
“Tomorrow?” he finally whispered, his voice soft but sure, settling on the promise of another day to face the harder conversations.
Tommy’s grip tightened just slightly, a silent acknowledgment of Buck’s choice. “Tomorrow,” he agreed, his voice filled with understanding.
The silence returned and the last thing Buck felt threading through his hair before he finally surrendered to sleep.
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gabby297 · 1 month
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 9
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/147864571#main
The piercing shrill of the fire alarm pulled Buck back from the darkness into the chaos. The relentless screeching was so sharp and unrelenting that it felt like a thousand knives stabbing into his ears. It split his head in half and he half moaned at the agony, his breath hitching in his throat. His body tried to curl into itself but arms around his shoulders prevented it from happening. He jolted at the touch, the sudden contact intensifying the pounding in his head, and he groaned out loud.
"Buck….Buck do you hear me?" A voice cut through the haze in his mind. He tried to focus, to find the source of the voice, but the fog clouding his thoughts made it difficult. With a sharp gasp, his lungs filled with air and Buck blinked rapidly as his senses got hit with a force. The smell of smoke was thick in the air, stinging his nostrils and throat and he squinted against the harsh lights. Buck wanted to turn away, to close his eyes in order to make it stop, but the hands gripping him tightened, pulling him back.
"You with me kid?" The voice asked again, more urgent this time. He shifted his head to look at the figure beside him.
"Bobby?" Buck croaked, his voice catching in his throat. He coughed, the effort sending another spike of pain through his head.
"Yeah, I got you kid," Bobby replied, a smile flickering on his lips, but the panic in his eyes was unmistakable. Buck frowned. What was happening? "We need to get out of here. Can you move?"
Buck tried to slowly move his arms and legs. While they responded, they were wobbly, and his head protested with every slight movement, sending waves of nausea through him. He grimaced, pushing through the disorientation, and nodded weakly.
"I… I think so," Buck managed to say, his voice shaky.
"Good. I'll get you out of here, you just hold on to me okay?"
Buck nodded again, more firmly this time, and felt Bobby's grip tighten around him and pull him up. With great effort, Buck started to rise, his legs trembling under his weight. The world swayed dangerously, and he clung to Bobby who didn't let go of him.
Step by agonizing step, Bobby led Buck through the building that seemed like a maze. Sweat poured down Buck's face, as he fought to stay conscious and upright. Each movement was a battle against his own body's protests. It was hard to breathe, and Buck coughed, the harsh sound echoing in his ears. His vision blurred, and he blinked rapidly, trying to clear his eyes of the stinging smoke.
"Just a bit more, kid. You're doing great," Buck heard Bobby encourage him, but the voice felt distant. Nonetheless, he held onto it.
Finally, they stumbled out into the open, the sudden rush of fresh air a shock to Buck's senses. Bobby wasted no time in dragging him further as Buck tried to focus on the change of lights. He could hear additional sirens going off in the distance and he hoped they were coming towards them.
Mid-step, the world tilted on its axis, and Buck tumbled to the ground, crashing and skidding on his knees and arms. The concrete stung beneath his hands, the rough surface scraping his skin raw. Another wave of nausea washed over him, and he gagged, fighting to keep his stomach from rebelling. His head sent another jolt of blinding flash of pain as he heard someone shout out. Fighting against the pain, Buck slowly turned his head to look for Bobby. It took a few moments to realize that the man was not standing but rather on the ground as well.
"Bobby!" Buck shouted, his voice hoarse and desperate.
Bobby laid a few feet away, motionless and unresponsive. Buck's heart pounded in his chest, the fear momentarily overriding his own pain. He tried to crawl toward him, the rough pavement tearing at his already scuffed hands and knees. A shuffle of steps approached rapidly, and before Buck could blink a silhouette dropped beside them.
"Buckley, stay down! I'll help him." A voice that Buck recognized as Maxwell instructed him, as he towered over Bobby.
Buck didn't want to stay down. He was a firefighter, he could help dammit! Every instinct screamed at him to get up and assist, but his body refused to cooperate. He watched helplessly as Maxwell quickly assessed Bobby's condition.
"What's wrong?" Buck demanded.
Maxwell's face was tense as he worked. "He's having a heart attack," he grunted out as he started CPR, his hands moving rhythmically on Bobby's chest.
The words hit Buck like a punch to the gut. His heart sank, a cold dread seeping into his bones.
"Stay with us, Bobby. Come on, stay with us," Buck heard Maxwell murmur but paid little attention to it. His eyes were transfixed on Bobby as his heart refused to beat.
The seconds felt like hours, his own heartbeat echoing in his ears, each beat a cruel reminder that Bobby's had stopped. The world around him blurred, all sounds muted except for the frantic, rhythmic compressions Maxwell was administering.
Flashing lights illuminated them, flickering shadows across the scene. Buck didn't notice when the paramedics finally showed up and took over. He just watched, holding his breath, his eyes never leaving Bobby's face. He felt disconnected, as if he were watching a nightmare unfold from a distance, powerless to intervene.
He stayed in this limbo, his mind numb and his body frozen, until a paramedic announced they got Bobby back. The words broke through the fog in Buck's mind, snapping him back to reality. Relief flooded through him, so overwhelming that it left him light-headed. He exhaled a shaky breath, his eyes burning he finally allowed himself to breathe.
The following hours blurred into a haze. At some point, Buck was given oxygen, assessed for a concussion, got a pill for the headache and had a few stitches put in where he was struck. He went through the motions on autopilot, his mind only focusing enough to answer the questions he was asked.
Buck barely registered the gentle but insistent hands of nurses as they guided him from one station to the next. The physical pain was a distant, muted thing inside him.
After what felt like an eternity, Buck found himself seated in a quiet waiting room
He was vaguely aware that Maxwell was somewhere nearby. They didn't speak much; there was nothing to say.
He must have called his team, judging by the trickle of familiar faces. Each of his friends, his family, gave Buck a hug and reassuring words but it did little to lift the fog that seemed to live in his mind.
They all sat in the waiting room bundled together, faces etched with worry and exhaustion, for who knows how long, until Athena was finally allowed to go to the visiting area in the ICU unit. The doctor that came out, gave them no information, other than Athena to follow, which brought a different type of dread to Buck. If there was good news, surely she would share it with everyone.
So Buck sat in his seat, focused on a spot on the floor and waited. The minutes stretched into what felt like hours, the silence in the room heavy and oppressive. The occasional soft murmur of conversations and the shuffle of feet were the only sounds, but they barely registered in Buck's mind. The air felt thick, almost suffocating.
His attention was suddenly caught by a louder conversation near the entrance to the waiting room. Buck lifted his eyes to see Tommy, talking with one of the nurses who pointed towards the direction where they all sat. Their eyes met briefly, and Tommy nodded to the nurse before quickly walking over to him. Buck blinked, taking a second to look over the man. Tommy was dressed nicely as always, wearing a pair of light blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and an unbuttoned light gray jacket. However, his hair was ruffled, as if he ran his fingers through it too many times.
"Evan," Tommy breathed out, relief evident on his face. That was all it took for Buck to shift into gear, snapping back to the living realm. He leaped out of the chair, the sudden movement making him stumble slightly. Tommy caught him, pulling him into his arms and holding him steady.
Buck melted into Tommy's chest, closing his eyes. The familiar scent of Tommy's cologne replaced the smell of antiseptic that was assaulting his nose for hours. The tension in his body slowly began to unwind.
"Tommy," Buck breathed out into his shoulder and burrowed his face further into the material. He felt Tommy's hands move gently through his hair, down his shoulders, and along his arms, the touch light but deliberate, as if Tommy were checking for any signs of injury.
"Yeah, baby, you okay?" Tommy's voice was soft, and when he finally pulled back just enough to meet Buck's gaze, there was no escaping the concern in his eyes. "What did the doctors say?"
"I'm fine," Buck replied automatically, the words coming out almost by habit. He couldn't remember the last time that wasn't his immediate answer, the first thing he said to reassure others—and maybe even himself. But it was true. A few scrapes were nothing compared to a heart attack, especially one that wouldn't have happened if Bobby hadn't tried to get him out. So yeah, Buck was fine.
But apparently Tommy wasn't convinced, judging by the way his eyes narrowed into a pointed look and the particular way he said "Evan" that Buck was getting very familiar with.
Buck didn't say anything. He couldn't, not with the lump that suddenly lodged in his throat at the way Tommy was looking at him—with such care and tenderness. It made something inside him twist, a pang of guilt that he couldn't shake. He didn't deserve that kind of concern.
Buck averted his eyes to Tommy's jacket instead, it was easier to focus on the fabric than to meet those blue eyes that always seemed to see right through him.
He couldn't let himself speak, couldn't risk saying something stupid that would make it all about himself. He didn't want to become too much yet again, to burden Tommy with his insecurities, didn't want to drag him into the ugliness that was brewing inside. Tommy deserved better—better than the fear and confusion that Buck was wrestling with.
Tommy took a hold of his hand, causing Buck to wince and tense at the touch. Buck watched as Tommy gently turned his hand, revealing the raw, reddened skin with bits of dirt clinging to the scrapes. He must have forgotten about it. The sight of his own injury felt strangely distant, like it belonged to someone else.
"C'mon, baby, let's go wash up," Tommy murmured softly. Without waiting for a response, he carefully guided Buck out of the waiting room and into a nearby disabled bathroom. Buck allowed himself to be led over to the sink, his mind still sluggish. God he was exhausted.
He watched as Tommy turned on the tap, the sound of running water filling the quiet room.
Tommy's touch was gentle, as he carefully cleaned the wounds. He didn't rush, taking his time to make sure every bit of dirt was gone, his thumb occasionally brushing over Buck's skin in a soothing gesture. Once his hands were thoroughly cleaned, Tommy reached for the paper towels from the dispenser, gently patting Buck's hands dry.
Buck's eyes were burning by the end, not from the pain but from the gentleness. He swallowed hard and bit his lip to prevent himself from breaking down completely. The emotions swirling inside him were too much, too intense, and a stray thought flickered through his mind—a reminder that he never replied to Tommy's message.
"I'm sorry," Buck breathed out, his heart beginning to race. "I, uh, I didn't mean to ignore you. I left my phone in the station, and when I realized it was late. I went back and I was going to text you, I promise, but—"
"Evan," Tommy cut off his rambling as he placed a hand on Buck's cheek, gently tilting his head so their eyes met. "Hey, I don't care about that. I'm just so glad you're okay."
Buck nodded, a small, shaky breath escaping him as he leaned into the touch.
"What do you need, baby?" Tommy asked softly.
The question hung in the air for a moment, and Buck felt the world slow down around him. Away from the chaos and the concerned eyes of his friends, the noise in his mind quieted. All that remained was the warmth of Tommy's touch, grounding him to reality like a lifeline. He liked it, wanted, needed more of that.
So, perhaps for the first time in his life, Buck allowed himself to be vulnerable enough to say what he really needed.
"I don't know," Buck whispered honestly, his voice barely audible. "Just… this. Just you."
Tommy's expression softened even more, if that were possible, and he was once again pulled into Tommy's chest. "You've got me," Tommy replied, his voice a low, soothing murmur. "Always."
As Tommy held him close, Buck let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He hesitated for a moment, then slowly wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist, feeling the solid warmth of his body against his own. His grip tightened, probably verging on uncomfortable, as he buried his face into Tommy's neck. Tommy said nothing about it, he simply grazed the back of Buck's head with comforting circles, his fingers moving in a soothing, rhythmic pattern.
The tears came slowly at first, a few quiet sobs that Buck tried to hold back, but the dam had already cracked. Before he knew it, the tears were flowing freely, all the fear, guilt, and pent-up emotion pouring out of him. Buck clung to Tommy, his body shaking with the force of the release, as if letting go of everything he had been holding inside for so long.
Tommy held him through it all, never once loosening his grip or pulling away.
They stood in the bathroom until Buck ran out of tears and his grip on Tommy's waist eventually relaxed, the tension in his body slowly melting away. Buck finally pulled back, his eyes red and puffy, but he gave Tommy a small, grateful smile. Without a word, he turned to the sink and splashed cold water on his face and took a moment to look at his reflection in the mirror. He didn't look great, but he felt a little more like himself—like he could face the world again.
Before Tommy could reach and unlock the door, Buck grabbed his hand, pulling him back, and without hesitation, he pressed his lips against Tommy's. Buck didn't have the words in him to fully express how much it meant to him that Tommy was there, that he had come without hesitation, when Buck needed him the most. No questions asked, no judgment— he was just there. So he poured everything he couldn't say into the kiss - the gratitude, the relief, the deep, overwhelming love he felt for Tommy—all of it surged through him.
Tommy responded immediately, his hand finding its place on the back of Buck's neck, pulling him closer as he kissed him back. The kiss wasn't like their usual ones, which were often filled with desire and a fiery need for each other. This one was different—gentle, tender, and full of unspoken emotions.
They lingered in the kiss and when they finally pulled apart, breathless and still holding on to each other, Buck rested his forehead against Tommy's, his eyes closed as he let the warmth of the kiss settle into his heart.
Eventually, they left the bathroom and rejoined the others, arriving just in time as a nurse announced that they were allowed to move to the other waiting room, closer to Bobby. Buck glanced at Tommy, who gave him a reassuring nod. With a deep breath, they made their way to the new waiting room.
As they entered the room, Buck felt Tommy's hand slip into his for a brief moment, giving him a light squeeze
"I'll go get you some tea alright?" Tommy asked softly.
Buck nodded. "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."
Tommy gave him a gentle smile before stepping away, leaving Buck to step in front of the glass that provided a view into Bobby's room. The sight of Bobby lying there, surrounded by medical equipment and a ventilator hit Buck with a wave of nausea. Seeing the usually strong and steady man in such a vulnerable state was jarring, and it brought all of Buck's fears rushing back to the surface.
He stood there for a moment, his eyes fixed on Bobby, the scene eerily familiar in a way that sent a shiver down his spine. His mind flashed back to the surreal coma dream he had experienced after being struck by lightning. In that dream, he had seen himself lying unconscious through a window, in exactly the same state Bobby was in now. The real Bobby had been there too, keeping vigil by his side, while a version of Bobby—dead, so different yet the familiar at the same time—stood behind him. Now, Athena was the one keeping vigil by her husband's side, while Bobby lay motionless, as if he might as well be dead.
That was the final nail in his determination to fight his way back to the living, because he couldn't accept a reality where Bobby was gone. The thought of losing Bobby had been unbearable then.
How was he meant to fix this reality? In his dream, he had been able to make a choice, to fight his way back. But now, standing in front of that window, he felt powerless. This wasn't a dream he could wake up from, and there was no clear path to saving Bobby from whatever fate had in store.
A hand settled on his shoulder, jolting Buck out of his thoughts. He turned to see Eddie standing beside him, his gaze fixed on the man through the glass as well.
"Do you want to go inside? He can have two visitors at a time." Eddie asked quietly.
Buck turned to look at Eddie, the concern etched on his friend's face. For a moment, Buck didn't respond, his gaze shifting back to Bobby through the window.
"No," Buck decided, "Not yet, uh, Athena should have a moment alone with him."
It was a weak excuse, and Buck knew it, but he clung to it all the same as Tommy returned and handed him the tea. He accepted the cup with a quiet nod of thanks. The liquid was steaming hot, and Buck drank it dutifully, ignoring the way it scalded his throat. The tea was almost tasteless, but it soothed his churning stomach, bringing a small measure of warmth back into him. The tea also provided and additional excuse as to why not enter the room, food and drink were not allowed.
Because if he couldn't enter the room, if he stayed just outside of it, maybe he could keep pretending that this wasn't really happening. That Bobby wasn't lying there, hooked up to machines that did the work his body couldn't do on its own. That the man, who had been more of a father to him than his own, wasn't fighting for his life just a few feet away.
The tea eventually ran out, and with a reluctant sigh, Buck walked to the bin in the corner of the room to throw the cup away. As he turned back, he caught sight of Athena quietly slipping out of Bobby's room, avoiding everyone and made her way towards the exit. Frowning, Buck glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed, but the others were either engaged in quiet conversation or lost in their own thoughts. He knew that Athena wouldn't leave, not unless she had a reason. Following his instincts, he slipped out as well, keeping a careful distance so she wouldn't notice him.
They reached the outside doors, and Buck watched as Athena made her way across the street to the parking lot. He hesitated, ready to follow her, but then reality hit him—he didn't have his jeep, having arrived in the ambulance, nor did he have his phone. Even if he could convince someone to give him their keys, it would take too long to get to the waiting room and back. He cursed under his breath. Fuck. He needed to improvise, and quickly.
He would have to improvise.
Just as he was about to sprint after her on foot, a voice called out behind him, stopping him in his tracks. "Evan, what are you doing?"
Buck turned around to see Tommy standing there, concern etched on his face, his arms crossed over his chest as he eyed Buck with confusion. Buck's mind raced, trying to figure out how to explain what he was doing without sounding completely irrational
"I—" Buck started, glancing back at Athena, who was getting further away with every passing second. Panic spiked in his chest. "I need your keys. Where did you park?"
Tommy's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "What?" he asked incredulously. "You have a concussion! There's no way you're getting behind a wheel."
Buck groaned, frustration bubbling up inside him. He didn't have time for this. Without thinking, he grabbed Tommy's hand and started to drag him across the parking lot. "C'mon, Tommy, I'm fine!"
Tommy resisted, digging his heels in as Buck tried to pull him along. "You really aren't," Tommy protested, his voice firm. He pulled Buck to a stop, his eyes narrowing as he searched Buck's face. "Hey, what is going on?"
Buck stopped, his breath coming in short, frustrated bursts. He could see Athena getting into her car, and he felt a surge of desperation.
"I know Athena. She wouldn't leave unless she is going after someone," he explained hurriedly, his words tumbling out. "And she won't wait for backup. I need to go."
Tommy glanced in the direction of Athena's car then looked back at Buck. Sighing, he pulled his keys from his pocket and motioned for Buck to follow him. "If your ass so much as tries to leave the passenger seat at any point, I will turn the car around." Tommy warned, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Buck nodded, relief flooding through him as he followed Tommy to the car. He knew he was pushing it, but he wasn't about to let something else happen to his family.
The drive was silent and tense, the only sound being the hum of the engine and the occasional click of the turn signal. Tommy sat rigidly in the driver's seat, his eyes fixed on the road, muscles taut as he maneuvered through the traffic. Buck sat beside him, his gaze locked onto Athena's car a few vehicles ahead.
Tommy reached across the console to the glove compartment in front of Buck and pulled out a pair of sunglasses, handing them to him without a word. Buck took them, a questioning look on his face as he glanced at Tommy.
"You're squinting," Tommy pointed out, his tone matter-of-fact. "Did you get the meds for your head?"
Buck blinked, realizing only then how much the sunlight was bothering him. His head had a dull throb that had worsened as the drive went on, but he hadn't fully registered it.
"Uh, no," Buck admitted, slipping on the sunglasses. The tinted lenses immediately eased some of the strain on his eyes, and he sighed in relief. "I didn't really think about it."
Tommy sighed as he glanced over at Buck. "You need to take care of yourself," he said, his voice a mix of frustration and worry. "A concussion is no joke, Evan."
"I know, I'm sorry," Buck bit his lip, guilt churning in his gut. He hadn't wanted to burden Tommy with the chaos that often seemed to follow him, especially not so early in their relationship. He had hoped that any accidents or close calls at work would come much later, after they had built up more happy memories, after Tommy had a chance to see all the good before the bad became too much. But here they were, with Buck already dragging Tommy into the mess. The last thing he wanted was to overwhelm Tommy, to give him a reason to rethink everything between them.
Tommy turned his gaze back to the road, but not before reaching over and taking hold of Buck's hand. Buck's breath hitched slightly as Tommy pressed his lips to the back of his hand.
"I just worry about you," Tommy said softly after a moment. "It was scary enough to get the call from Eddie that something happened at the 118 and you were in the hospital, let alone whatever this is."
Buck's gaze dropped to where their hands were intertwined. "I can't just sit there and do nothing," he confessed quietly.
"I know," Tommy acknowledged, his thumb brushing gently over the back of Buck's hand. "Just promise me that next time, you'll come to me before you decide to do something crazy like try to drive with a concussion. We're a team, you know."
Goddammit, the lump in his throat came back with force.
"I promise."
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gabby297 · 2 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 8
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/146069278
If anyone asked Buck, he wasn't nervous about the trivia night. He was good at trivia; he liked facts and diving down random Google rabbit holes. Ever since Tommy invited him to his trivia night, Buck's preparation for the event had become almost a routine. He spent evenings browsing through obscure articles, watching documentaries, and downloading trivia apps on his phone. He even quizzed Tommy a few times when they were lying on Tommy's couch with a movie playing in the background. He was ready.
It was purely a coincidence that as the day progressed, Buck found himself pacing around his loft, muttering trivia questions under his breath and second-guessing his answers. He'd pull out his phone to check a fact he already knew, just to reassure himself. He changed shirts multiple times, debating whether the blue one made him look nicer or if the black one was more form fitting.
"Evan," Tommy called out as he entered the bathroom, where Buck was inspecting himself in the mirror once again. He walked up behind Buck and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close.
"The Uber will leave without us," Tommy murmured, his breath warm against Buck's ear.
Melting into Tommy, he caught Tommy's eyes in the mirror and smiled faintly. "Yeah, I'm good. Ready."
Tommy raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly to get a better look at Buck's face. "You know this is not a life-or-death situation, right?" he asked, his voice laced with amusement. "The prize is just coupons for drinks."
Buck chuckled, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "I know, I just want everything to go well. I don't want to let your friends down."
Tommy's lips curled into a soft smile. "Coworkers," he corrected, resting his chin on Buck's shoulder. "And trust me, they will live. Eddie wasn't a trivia wizard and they invited him again."
"That's different," Buck sighed, his brow furrowing slightly. "You're not dating Eddie."
"I sure hope not," Tommy huffed out a laugh, giving Buck a playful squeeze. "He was terrible at knowing animal facts."
Buck turned in Tommy's arms, their faces inches apart. He could see the teasing glint in Tommy's eyes. "So that's why you're dating me?" he asked, flashing a grin. "For my animal knowledge?"
"Perhaps," Tommy replied with a teasing smile. "That and your ability to remember obscure historical events. It's a rare combination."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better," Buck murmured, though his smile had widened.
Tommy cupped Buck's face in his hands, his thumbs brushing lightly against Buck's cheeks. "Maybe a little," he admited, his face softening. "Is it working?"
Buck's smile grew more genuine, the remaining tension melting away. "Yeah, it is," he said softly. "But just so you know, I will win you those coupons so you can drink your fancy beer."
"Craft beer," Tommy corrected with a chuckle, leaning in to kiss Buck lightly on the lips. The kiss was soft and gentle, their lips just barely brushing. "And you like it too."
"It's alright." Buck scrunched his nose a little, playfully, as he pulled the lapels of Tommy's shirt to bring him closer.
Tommy smiled, giving him one more quick peck before stepping back. "Now let's get moving before our Uber really does leave without us."
The ride passed quickly and without fanfare. Tommy sat in the back with Buck, their hands joined loosely over Buck's lap as the younger man looked up more facts.
"Did you know that chickens are the closest living relatives to the T-Rex?" Buck said, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm as he turned the phone screen towards Tommy.
Tommy chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Okay, baby," he said, gently taking the phone from Buck's hands and pocketing it. "That's enough screen time for you."
"Hey," Buck protested, making a playful grabbing gesture with his hands. "We need to annihilate the other teams with our knowledge."
"My brain is about to be annihilated if I hear one more fact," Tommy teased, giving Buck a nudge with his shoulder.
"You know, I don't think that's possible," Buck replied with a grin. "My facts are very brain-friendly."
"How about you save those brain-friendly facts for when we get there? I'll give you your phone back, and you can share them with the team as much as you want."
It didn't take long to pull up to the karaoke bar. After Tommy insisted on paying for the Uber, he led them through the bustling bar, weaving through groups of people with practiced ease. Still holding Buck's hand, Tommy guided them to their reserved table near the stage, where a few of his coworkers were already gathered.
"Damn Kinard, where have you been keeping all these good looking men?"
"Away from you," Tommy smirked. "Everyone, this is Evan, my boyfriend. Call him Buck."
They made quick introductions and Buck tried to remember everyone's names and what they did. Andrew was a fellow pilot that closely worked with Tommy. Sam and Lisa were both paramedics and Dominic was in ground support.
"So, Buck," Sam turned to him with a curious smile. "Tommy is terrible at telling us anything. What do you do?"
Tommy rolled his eyes as he picked up the pitcher of beer and poured it into Buck's glass before pouring himself. Buck smiled in a silent thank you.
"I'm, uh, a firefighter actually." Buck replied
"Oh nice! What station?" Lisa pipped in, leaning forward with interest.
"118," Buck said, picking up his glass and taking a sip.
"Oh no way!" exclaimed Andrew. "We hear that the station is near cursed or something. All the weirdest calls go to you."
"Really? Like what?" Dominic asked.
Buck glanced at Tommy, who gave him an encouraging nod. "Okay, so remember when the city was hit by that ransomware attack a few years back? It unleashed all kinds of hell downtown. During that chaos, we got a call saying that the attack had busted open all the cages at the L.A. Zoo and that animals were loose. It was kind of insane to see a giraffe and an elephant just strolling down the streets. And then—"
Buck went off on a tangent, recounting the story in vivid detail with animated gestures. He described the surreal scene of animals meandering through the city, and how he was put on animal control duty. The nerves he felt about meeting Tommy's coworkers slowly slipped away as he got more engrossed in the story. There wasn't much time for nerves anyway, between trading stories back and forth and discussing each other's strengths.
Buck glanced at Tommy from time to time, who mostly listened, leaning back in his seat with an arm wrapped loosely around the back of Buck's chair. His fingers lightly grazed the top of Buck's shoulder from time to time, a reassuring touch that made Buck feel even more at ease. Their eyes met whenever Buck looked up at him, and Tommy smiled warmly at him each time.
The rounds of trivia soon began, and Buck's competitiveness spiked within a couple of rounds. Each question brought the team closer as they huddled to whisper their guesses, usually getting them right. Buck's enthusiasm was infectious, but it also led to a few semi-heated whisper discussions about the correct answers. His excitement drew the attention of other teams, who occasionally threw glances their way and tried to listen in.
A break was called halfway through the night, and they were leading by 15 points, much to Buck's smug delight and the other teams' disappointment.
"Are you always this good?" Andrew asked Buck, who ducked his head, his cheeks heating up.
"I guess? I just really enjoy learning random facts," Buck replied, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly.
"Well, it's paying off big time tonight," Andrew continued, impressed. "We've never been this far ahead before."
"You better not mess this up, Tommy. We need Buck to stick around," Lisa teased, pointing a threatening finger at Tommy.
Tommy raised his hands in mock surrender, laughing. "Hey, don't worry. I'm not letting him go anywhere."
Buck felt a flutter in his chest at his words, and a wide grin spread across his face.
With their drinks running low, Tommy stood up and offered to grab them another round. Buck quickly followed, mentioning that he will join Tommy at the bar after a quick trip to the bathroom.
By the time he washed his hands and walked up to the bar, Tommy was leaning lightly against the counter while a barman was pouring the pitchers. Buck was about to place his hand on the small of Tommy's back when he overheard them talk. Well, the guy seemed to do all the talking.
"You're one of the firefighters right?" The barman asked with a charming smile. "I think I've seen you around here a few times."
"Pilot at the Harbour station, actually." Tommy offered a small smile.
"That is so awesome." the barman gushed, and Buck narrowed his eyes slightly. Was the guy for real? "Flying must be incredible. I've always wanted to learn but never found the time. You must be really skilled to handle something so complex. It sounds... thrilling."
Tommy chuckled, "It has its moments. The view is pretty nice too."
The barman leaned a little closer after placing the last pitcher, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. "I bet. It must be exciting, being up there, feeling the rush. Do you ever take people up for rides?"
"Yeah he does. Like his boyfriend. Who is also a firefighter." Buck finally interjected with an overly sweet smile, stepping closer to Tommy and placing a near possessive hand on his shoulder.
"Oh," The barman's eyes flicked to Buck, then back to Tommy with a hint of disappointment. He tried to quickly recover. "That's nice. Anyways, your beer is ready. Enjoy guys and good luck."
Buck watched as he stepped away to serve someone else and huffed. "What a jackass," Buck muttered under his breath.
"Well that was smooth," Tommy deadpanned as he warped an arm around Buck's waist and pulled him closer.
The beer was forgotten for a moment.
"He was practically drooling over you," Buck grumbled, though he leaned into Tommy's embrace.
"Good thing I have a cute boyfriend come to my rescue." Tommy teased, pressing a quick kiss to Buck's temple.
"Sorry," Buck mumbled. Now that the guy was gone, his jealousy was quickly turning into embarrassment. "I know I shouldn't but… he was really obvious."
"Well, he didn't stand a chance," Tommy said and then smirked, leaning to murmur into his ear. "Besides, when we get home, I'll show you exactly what you do to me." Tommy winked at him.
Buck's cheeks heated up for an entirely different reason, the warmth spreading across his face as he tried to suppress a groan.
Tommy's words sent a thrill through Buck, making his heart race. He looked away, trying to compose himself, but he was screwed. He just hoped it wasn't as obvious to everyone else.
As they rejoined the group with the drinks, Buck couldn't help but steal glances at Tommy, feeling the heat in his cheeks every time their eyes met. The smug smirk on Tommy's face was really unhelpful.
If Buck had a nickel for every time Eddie managed to accidentally crash his and Tommy's date, he'd have two nickels. Which wasn't a lot but it was weird it happened twice. Or that was what Buck thought, for a moment, as his phone lit up again with Eddie's name on it.
They were having a quiet night in. Both, himself and Tommy, had an early shift that day and by the evening, neither of them felt like going out. So Buck took over Tommy's kitchen to prepare dinner, occasionally passing something to Tommy to cut up, while soft music played from the living room. Buck was slowly getting used to the layout of Tommy's kitchen, barely needing to question where anything was. It was nice, the domesticity of it all. It had become routine, as much as their work allowed, to eat together at least a few times a week. It had also become one of Buck's favorite things to look forward to.
It was right after dinner that his phone started to buzz. They had moved to the couch, with Buck lying on his back, his head resting in Tommy's lap , and his legs draped over the side of the couch. Tommy's legs were stretched out, resting on the coffee table, while his fingers absentmindedly played with Buck's hair. Some new reality show that Buck picked out on Netflix played on the screen. The first time, Buck ignored it, figuring that Eddie would get the hint and text if it was important. Except, the phone rang again. Sighing, Buck reached for it to answer, not expecting the frantic voice that greeted him.
"Buck, how fast can you come over?" Eddie's voice was laced with panic.
"Whoa, Eddie, calm down," Buck said quickly, his heart rate spiking at the urgency in his friend's tone. He shifted up from Tommy's lap to sit up. "What's wrong?"
"I, uh, fuck. I fucked up. Come. I'll tell you when you come. Please."
"Okay, yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can." Buck promised, hanging up as a knot of anxiety formed in his stomach. His mind immediately started racing with worst-case scenarios. Was Chris hurt? Did something happen after the shift? Was Eddie having a panic attack episode? That hadn't happened in a while but it didn't mean it couldn't pick up again.
"Is everything okay?" Tommy asked, concern etched on his face.
"I don't know. Eddie didn't say, but it sounded bad," Buck replied, standing up to get his wallet and keys from the table. His hands trembled slightly as he fumbled with his belongings, the unease growing with each passing second.
Tommy shifted on the couch, watching him with worry. Buck pocketed his stuff and turned back to Tommy.
"I'm sorry. I know we had our thing, but I have to check on him. And—" Buck's voice trailed off as he looked at Tommy, searching for a flicker of frustration or hurt in Tommy's eyes at their plans being once again disrupted. The thought of Tommy feeling neglected or sidelined gnawed at him. He was fucking this up wasn't he?
"Evan, you never have to apologize to me about this," Tommy interrupted, his voice calm. He stood up, placing a reassuring hand on Buck's arm. Buck felt a small wave of relief but still braced himself, his shoulders tense. "He is your friend, and he needs you. Go. We'll finish this later."
Buck's shoulders sagged in relief as some of the tension melted away.
"You sure?" Buck asked, needing to double check.
Tommy nodded. "Of course, baby. Drive safe, and let me know if you're coming back tonight or if you need anything, okay?"
How could Buck not kiss the man in front of him with everything that he had? He leaned in, capturing Tommy's lips in a deep, grateful kiss. He hoped it conveyed how grateful he was for Tommy's understanding. How much Buck appreciated him.
He let the kiss linger, savoring the way Tommy's hand came up to rest gently on the small of his back, anchoring him.
I love you, a stray thought passed through his head. Buck had no time to unpack it or to really acknowledge it. He let it linger for a moment. Pulling back, he whispered instead, "Thank you."
"Go," Tommy urged gently, giving Buck a reassuring smile.
Buck nodded with one last look of appreciation before he hurried out the door to make his way across the city.
He only needed to ring the doorbell once.
The door swung open almost immediately, revealing Eddie's strained face. His eyes were wide with anxiety, and his hair was disheveled as if he'd been running his hands through it repeatedly. Buck's worry deepened at the sight of his friend looking so distraught. "Thanks for coming," Eddie said, his voice shaky.
"So, what happened?" Buck asked, a little breathless, as his mind switched to 'how can I fix this' mode. He scanned Eddie's face for clues, trying to gauge the severity of the situation.
Eddie rushed to tell the story and by the time he finished Buck had to sit down. He didn't know what to say or do to help. He wanted to be surprised, but was this not the exact thing he had tried to warn his friend against all those weeks ago? Buck's shoulders slumped. He couldn't blame Eddie or think to say 'I told you so'. The whole situation was a mess and he hated to see Eddie be hurt by it.
"Okay. Okay. I'm here," Buck said, steadying himself. "What can I do?"
"What you always do. Just talk to him." Eddie pleaded.
Talking to Chris proved to be hard. It took a considerable amount of time and effort to coax the young teen into opening the door. He had to promise multiple times that it was only him before the door slowly creaked open, and he was finally let inside. Even then, Chris barely responded to him.
Buck sat gently at the edge of the bed, feeling the heavy silence settle around them. There was nothing he could say or do to make this better.
Finally, Chris, still facing away from Buck, mumbled into the quiet room, "Marisol is going away, isn't she?" His voice was tinged with a mixture of sadness and sorrow.
"Yeah, buddy," Buck sighed deeply, his own heart heavy. He knew how much Chris came to like her. "I think she is."
Chris slowly turned to face Buck, his eyes filled with confusion and hurt. "Why?" he asked, his voice wavering and for a moment he sounded like the eight-year-old Buck first met. The boy who couldn't quite grasp why his mother wasn't coming home one day.
Buck took a deep breath, searching for the right words. He didn't know the answer. "I don't know, Chris," he answered honestly. "Life gets messy and complicated sometimes, and we do things we never thought we would."
Chris looked down, his hands fidgeting with the edge of his shirt. "I called my grandparents."
"You did?" Buck asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
Chris nodded slowly, tears welling up in his eyes. "I want to go. With them. I don't want to be here."
Without hesitation, Buck pulled him into a tight hug. He could feel Chris freeze up for a moment before he melted into his arms, shaking, his breaths coming in short, uneven gasps as he struggled to contain his emotions.
"Okay," Buck finally managed to say, his voice thick with emotion. His heart was breaking for Chris and for Eddie.
He had a dreadful feeling this was not something that could be fixed easily or anytime soon. But for now, all he could do was hold Chris and let him cry into his shirt.
Buck jolted awake with a sharp inhale, startling himself out of sleep. He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face before opening his eyes. The loft was dimmer than when he had gotten inside but wasn't pitch dark yet. The shift had been hectic all day, with the last call for a pileup coming in minutes before the shift ended. He had only moments to shove his stuff back in his locker and rush out. The call lasted hours, and by the time he got home, his only coherent thought was to collapse into bed and pass out immediately.
With his mind clearer, he reached across the bed to grab his phone, but his hand landed on the empty, flat surface. He lifted his head from the pillow to scan the bed, but his phone was nowhere to be found. Frowning, he shifted up to check his bedside table, but it was also empty.
Out of habit, he patted the pockets of his pants that he hadn't bothered to take off before collapsing. It seemed like his phone had just vanished. So Buck did the only logical thing he could; he shook the bedsheets and threw his pillows to the floor, hoping to hear the telltale clatter of his missing phone. He huffed in frustration, running a hand through his hair as he looked around the bedroom.
He walked downstairs and scanned the counters and the couch. He moved his one-seater, peered behind furniture, and even checked the bathrooms, though he couldn't remember bringing his phone in there. Even his overnight bag proved to be useless in his search. His fingers itched to wrap around the device. Tommy would be getting off his shift soon and he didn't have much time to talk with him during the day.
"Come on, where are you?" he muttered to himself, running out of ideas where to find it. It had to be somewhere. But as he surveyed his apartment and the mess he made in search of it, a sense of defeat began to creep in.
As a last-ditch effort, he decided to check his work bag again. He had looked through it before, but maybe he had missed something. He emptied the bag, shaking out the contents onto the floor. His clothes, a bottle of deodorant and random pieces of papers tumbled out, but no phone.
Suddenly, a thought struck him. He vividly remembered the rush at the end of his shift, shoving his belongings into his locker without much thought. Maybe he had left his phone at the station.
Buck let out a groan at the thought of being stuck in traffic all over again. He ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the clock. There was no other choice; he needed his phone. Grabbing his keys, he headed out the door and braced himself for the drive back, putting on a random station on the radio.
The traffic was as bad as he had feared, a crawling mess of cars inching their way through the evening rush. Buck drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, his frustration mounting with each passing minute. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he pulled into the station parking lot.
He made his way inside, noticing that the firetruck and ambulance were out. The station was quieter than usual, the hum of activity replaced by an almost eerie calm. His arrival with his truck drew attention to the man behind, Maxwell, who was leaning against the railing of the upstairs mezzanine.
"Buckley, back so soon?" the man called down, his voice carrying easily in the quiet station. They passed each other at the handover earlier in the evening.
"Yeah, forgot something," Buck replied, his tone tinged with a mix of irritation and weariness. "Anyone else around?"
"Think Nash is still in his office, but the crew left half an hour ago," Maxwell responded.
"Great," Buck muttered with a nod, and made his way to the locker room. He opened the door, and there it was—his phone, sitting right in front of him. He let out a sigh of relief, grabbing the phone and immediately seeing the few messages from Tommy.
Tommy [14:32]: What is it with people hiking to weirdest places and then getting stuck.
Tommy [16:04]: Hope your shift is going well.
Tommy [20:10]: Just got off. My place or yours?
The last message was only 20 minutes ago. Looking down at his phone, he started to type out that he was back at the station and could come over to Tommy's place. As he typed with one hand, he reached to shut his locker door with the other. Just then, he felt a presence behind him. A sudden chill ran down his spine. He looked up and started to turn, but before he could react, a sharp, hard object struck him across the head.
The impact was sudden and brutal, sending a jolt of searing pain through his skull. His breath caught in his chest. His phone flew from his grip, clattering to the floor as he lost his balance. Buck instinctively reached out for support, his hand grasping at the air as he crumpled to the floor. The world spun around him, his vision blurring as he stumbled. Spots of light danced in his eyes, and a low ringing filled his ears.
Panic surged through him, but it was too late. The darkness swallowed him completely, pulling him into unconsciousness.
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gabby297 · 3 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 7
Rating: Mature / Explicit
Words: 4,951
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/144440782
In the quiet hours of early morning, Buck found himself wide awake despite the looming award ceremony that demanded him to get up early. Tommy had stayed over, as the loft was closer to the 118 station, and was sleeping soundly beside him. At some point, when he was sure he couldn't fall back to sleep, Buck untangled himself from the warm body and rolled back to his own side of the bed. He had to restrain himself from tracing his fingers along the expanse of Tommy's skin, not wanting to wake him.
The room was shrouded in darkness and he could barely see the faint outline of Tommy's form next to him. He sighed, resigned, and was about to reach for his phone to pass the sleepless hours when he heard a subtle change in Tommy's breathing. It grew deeper, more deliberate. A moment later Tommy reached out across the bed, until his hand landed on Buck's chest.
"Did I wake you?" Buck half-whispered, his voice low, not wanting to disturb the peace.
"Hmm," Tommy hummed in response, his voice thick with sleepiness. "Well, you're not trying to suffocate me. And you are shifting the bed."
"I'm sorry," Buck apologized. He hadn't realized he was moving around that much.
Tommy's movements were sluggish as he turned to lie on his side, draping an arm over Buck's waist and nestled his head against Buck's chest. The contented sigh that followed made Buck's heart swell, and he pulled Tommy closer, his fingers instinctively finding Tommy's hair, gently carding through it.
"Why are you awake?" Tommy's voice was muffled, sleepy and soft against Buck's skin.
"I don't know," Buck answered honestly. Maybe it was the jitters of the ceremony.
Tommy's hand moved lower, his thumb idly tracing and playing with the waistband of Buck's boxers. "Do you want to mess around? That might tire you out," he suggested, pressing a light kiss against Buck's chest.
Before Tommy, back when he was still unsteady, still insecure in his own skin, Buck would have jumped at the offer without hesitation. For such a long time, intimacy was almost synonymous with sex, the only time he would have allowed himself to be touchy and needy without a fear of rejection. Now, lying here with Tommy, he didn't feel the old pull.
He was more than content to stay and soak in the warmth.
"Nah, I'm good just like this," Buck replied softly. His other hand began tracing idle patterns on Tommy's exposed back.
"'Kay," Tommy sighed, and it didn't take long for his breathing to even out again.
Buck pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Tommy's head. He nestled his cheek against Tommy's soft hair. Gradually, Tommy's steady breathing and the familiar scent of his shampoo lulled Buck back into slumber.
Buck's sleep didn't last long. Sooner than he would have liked, the jarring noise of an alarm broke his slumber. He didn't open his eyes, choosing instead to wrap himself closer to Tommy, who shifted slightly to shut it off. Just as Buck was settling back into the warmth and nearly drifting off again, another alarm sounded—this time from his side of the bed. He groaned out loud and reached to silence the persistent noise emitting from the bedside table.
"Evan, we need to get up or we will be late." Tommy reminded him, his voice tinged with amusement. Despite his words, Tommy didn't make much of an effort to leave the warmth of the bed.
"Fuck the ceremony," Buck grumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow. "Stay in bed."
"How about, you get up and join me in the shower?" Tommy's suggestion cut through the grogginess that clung to Buck. His initial reluctance began to fade as the idea took hold.
"That could work," Buck agreed, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smirk. There was no way in hell he would ever refuse to join the man under a warm spray of the shower.
The mental image of what could unfold in the shower spurred Buck into action, throwing the covers off with a burst of eagerness. He swung his legs off the bed, his feet making contact with the cool floor, and he quickly followed Tommy into the bathroom.
Buck would have loved nothing more than to push Tommy against the tiles, fall to his knees and have his way with the man. However Tommy was all business, methodically washing himself and then helping Buck, while dodging all his advances, maintaining a frustrating yet teasing distance.
Buck was half-convinced that Tommy was enjoying keeping him on edge, pent up and needy. Just as he was about to accuse Tommy of being a tease, Tommy changed his tactics. In a swift motion, Tommy closed the gap between them, capturing Buck's lips with an intensity that bordered on desperation. Tommy's lips moved against Buck's with a fervent urgency, his tongue sliding against Buck's. It was deep, intense, and decidedly filthy, rendering Buck momentarily speechless and thoroughly dazed. As quickly as the kiss started, it ended; Tommy stepped back, a smug chuckle escaping him as he grabbed a towel and began to dry off. He then retreated back to the bedroom, leaving him alone in the steam filled shower.
With a shake of his head and a breathless chuckle, Buck reached for his own towel. As he stepped out of the shower, he caught a glimpse of Tommy rummaging through the closet, pulling out his suit that still had a dry cleaner bag over it. The sight of Tommy, so casual in his loft made Buck's heart skip a beat, and a warmth spread through him that had little to do with the hot water they had just stepped out of. And if Buck had cleared an additional shelf in the closet, so that Tommy would have a spot to leave more of his things at Buck's place, well, it was a detail Buck kept to himself.
Tommy unzipped the dry cleaner bag and began to dress, and Buck felt his breath hitch. Tommy slipped into a crisp, white dress shirt, the fabric molding perfectly to his toned frame. Buck's eyes lingered on the way the shirt hugged Tommy's shoulders and chest, the subtle play of muscles as he fastened each button with deliberate care. Buck's mouth watered as he openly ogled as the man put on his suit pants that did wonders to his ass.
Tommy's hair was still damp from the shower, making him look irresistible. Tommy caught Buck's gaze while adjusting his collar and straightening his tie.
"Like what you see?" he teased, a knowing smile playing on his lips.
Buck swallowed hard, his pulse quickening. "You have no idea," he replied, his voice husky. He closed the space between them, caring very little if he was still somewhat wet and could possibly ruin the impeccable suit.
"You look so hot," Buck added, his words laced with desire, before planting his lips against Tommy's cheek and trailing kisses across to his jaw.
"You are a menace," Tommy sighed, though there was no real complaint in his tone.
Buck's kisses grew more insistent, his hands roaming over Tommy's back. "Can't help it," he murmured between kisses. "You make it impossible to resist you."
Tommy chuckled softly, his hands coming up to rest on Buck's hips, which were only covered by a towel. He didn't push Buck away but didn't entirely give in either. "We have a ceremony to get to," he reminded gently, though there was a hint of reluctance in his tone.
"Five more minutes," he whispered, his lips brushing against Tommy's ear, making it clear he wasn't quite ready to let go yet.
Tommy shook his head, smiling. "Alright, five more minutes," he conceded, pulling Buck closer.
The ceremony was short and straight to the point, but it was probably Buck's favorite event he had attended, apart from Maddie's wedding. He sat beside Tommy and Eddie, listening to the speech with a mixture of anticipation and pride. When Tommy's name was called, Buck couldn't help but grin like a love-smitten fool, his eyes never leaving Tommy. The pride he felt was overwhelming, and he could barely contain his excitement. Watching Tommy stand at the podium, Buck's heart swelled. Tommy's smile was radiant, and his eyes sparkled with the honor of the moment. For all that Tommy brushed off the ceremony, Buck knew how much the recognition meant to him. In that moment, everything else faded into the background. It was just Tommy, standing there, being celebrated for his achievements, and Buck, utterly captivated by the man he was head over heels for.
The celebration was somewhat soured by the appearance of Gerrard, who proved to be as much of a dick as Buck had heard. There was a moment when Gerrard's attention shifted to Tommy, and Buck had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from lashing out. A pulse of anger coursed through his veins at the implication of Gerrard's words. He would have loved nothing more than to run his mouth, to dig into the man who had subjected his friends to torture years ago. But this wasn't his battle to fight. Tommy didn't take the bait. He stood firm, his expression unyielding and composed. Seeing Tommy's steadfastness, Buck swallowed his anger, letting it simmer below the surface. However, he couldn't completely hide the disgust he felt toward Gerrard. He clenched his jaw tight and stared at him coldly. It took a significant amount of restraint for Buck to let it go, to not confront Gerrard right then and there. But out of respect for Tommy and the occasion, he managed to keep his composure, even if his glare communicated all the contempt he felt.
It didn't stop Buck from reaching out for Tommy's hand under the table and squeezing it reassuringly. He felt Tommy's thumb gently brush over the back of his hand.
"You okay?" Buck asked quietly. He didn't want a prick like Gerrard to ruin the day for Tommy.
"Of course," Tommy replied, giving him a small, sincere smile that made Buck's heart flutter. Tommy then raised his fork to take a bite of the food he piled on his plate. "I am, however, looking forward to celebrating with you later."
The intent behind his words was clear as day.
Buck groaned out louder than was appropriate for where they were. The way Tommy could say things in the most deadpan, casual tone that did things to Buck should be criminal. He felt a rush of heat spread through him, making it hard to focus on anything else.
"God, Tommy," Buck muttered, trying to regain his composure. "You can't just say stuff like that here."
Tommy's eyes flicked to Buck's with a knowing look, the corner of his mouth twitching up slightly. "Behave," he murmured, but the twinkle in his eye suggested he enjoyed Buck's squirming in his chair.
"How am I supposed to behave when you say things like that?" Buck whispered back, his voice strained. He squeezed Tommy's hand under the table again.
"Better figure it out fast, Maddie is coming over," Tommy said, giving him an innocent look as he raised a glass of water to his lips. Buck shot him a look, a mix of frustration and amusement.
As Maddie took a seat beside them, the conversation quickly picked up, mostly led by Maddie and Tommy. Buck took a deep breath, letting go of Tommy's hand, to try to concentrate on the conversation but his mind couldn't help but drift to what was waiting when they got home. Every now and then, Tommy would catch his eye and smirk, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on Buck.
Way later, when Buck was nearing the point of insanity and was planning to drag Tommy into the storage room, they bid their goodbyes and left the station. Tommy had driven them up in his car, and while normally Buck would have spent the journey admiring how hot the man looked behind the wheel, now he couldn't wait to close Tommy's front door behind them.
As soon as the door shut, Buck wasted no time. He forcefully pushed Tommy against the solid door and crashed their lips together. Tommy grunted as his back hit the door but recovered quickly, biting Buck's lip in retaliation. The raw intensity of their kiss sent shivers down Buck's spine, their breaths mingling in heated pants.
Their jackets got lost and discarded somewhere along the way as their hands went everywhere, exploring, grabbing, and tugging as they shuffled through the hallway into the bedroom, their lips never parting. Buck could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his skin tingling with every touch.
The back of Buck's legs hit the edge of the bed, and he gasped as Tommy pushed him down, ripping his lips away just long enough for Tommy to join him. He climbed on top of Buck's lap, pinning him down and kissing him again.
Buck thought it was impossible to get harder than he already was, but Tommy manhandling him so easily proved it otherwise.
Tommy shifted away for a second, his hands moving to take off his medal, but Buck swatted his hand away. The sight of Tommy, flushed and breathless, wearing his medal, was an image that drove Buck wild and he wasn't about to part with it.
"Keep it," Buck nearly growled out, his voice thick with desire.
Tommy smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. He fisted his hand around the lanyard on Buck's neck and tightened just a little, until it was sitting firmly against his neck but not cutting off the air.
Buck's breath hitched, a moan escaping his lips at the feeling of slight restriction, the lanyard tightening around his neck. Buck responded eagerly, arching towards Tommy, seeking out some friction against his trousers.
Tommy leaned in, his lips brushing against Buck's ear, finally grinding his hips against Buck's. "You like that, baby?" he whispered, his breath hot against Buck's skin.
"God, yes," Buck breathed, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Tommy's lips trailed down Buck's exposed neck, kissing and nibbling, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
It took a lot more patience than Buck possessed to actually unbutton the shirt instead of ripping it off. Finally, Buck managed to get Tommy's shirt off, revealing his toned, muscular chest. The sight made Buck's mouth water. He leaned in, pressing his lips to Tommy's chest, kissing and licking his way down, savoring the taste of his skin while his hands roamed over Tommy's body.
Tommy groaned, his hands tangling in Buck's hair and tugged it back, sending a sharp sting to his scalp. Tommy took advantage of the moment, capturing Buck's open mouth with his own in a searing kiss, swallowing his moan.
The sensation of Tommy's tongue exploring his mouth, the taste of him, was intoxicating. Buck's hands found the waistband of Tommy's trousers. He fumbled with the belt, his fingers clumsily pawing against the barrier, and he whined in frustration. He finally managed to shuffle his hands inside, feeling the outline of the hard cock against the boxers. The heat and firmness made his own cock throb painfully.
Tommy's grip tightened in Buck's hair, pulling his head back to expose his neck. He broke the kiss, his breath hot against Buck's skin as he trailed his lips down his throat. Tommy's hips bucked against Buck's hand, seeking more contact, more friction.
Buck's fingers curled around Tommy's length and stroked him lightly, teasingly through the material, earning a growl from Tommy that vibrated against his skin. Buck was straining against his own trousers, desperate for release, but he wanted to drive the man wild for all the teasing he had endured all day.
"Keep that up, and you won't fuck me," Tommy threatened, his voice an octave lower as he pulled away. The words hung in the air. Buck's brain short-circuited at the implication, his body reacting instantly to the raw need in Tommy's voice.
"You, uh," Buck gasped, his breath catching in his throat. "You want me to fuck you?"
The thought of being inside Tommy, of driving him over the edge, was almost too much to bear. For as much as he fantasized about it, it didn't compare to actually hearing those words. He had to take a couple of calming breaths so that he wouldn't cum in his pants like a teenager.
Tommy's eyes darkened with lust, a near predatory smile curling on his lips. "Is that a problem for you?" he taunted, his fingers still tangled in Buck's hair, pulling just enough to send another sharp sting of pleasure through him.
"No, not at all. Please," Buck shook his head, his heart pounding in his chest, his voice trembling with anticipation and need.
Tommy's smile widened, the mischief in his eyes intensifying. "Good. Now be good and take what I give you." He commanded, his voice dripping with authority and lust. He released Buck's hair and leaned back, his eyes never leaving Buck's.
"Undress. And take off the medal," Tommy ordered, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. Buck's fingers fumbled slightly as he hurried to comply, stripping off his clothes, tossing them aside carelessly. He watched as Tommy tossed his own medal and reached for the bedside drawer, retrieving the lube and a condom. His movements were confident, assured, as if he had done this a thousand times before. Buck's breath hitched as he watched, his heart pounding in his chest.
Tommy's eyes roamed over Buck's body appreciatively, the hunger in his gaze making Buck's skin prickle with anticipation. "Good boy," he murmured, his voice a seductive purr that sent shivers down Buck's spine.
Buck whined and moved to reach for Tommy, but Tommy pushed him back, straddling his hips again. "No, you stay right here, and look pretty." Tommy commanded, his voice firm and authoritative.
Buck's heart raced as he laid back, his whole body trembling. He couldn't resist rolling his hips against Tommy's, rutting to get any release. It was almost too much to bear, the intensity of his need threatening to overwhelm him.
Tommy leaned over him, his lips brushing against Buck's ear.
"Stay still," Tommy commanded, his voice low and rough. "Be a good boy for me."
Buck nodded, his body trembling with the effort of holding still, every nerve ending on fire. Tommy's hands moved down Buck's body, his touch firm and possessive. He reached for the lube, slicking his fingers before pressing them inside himself. The sight of Tommy preparing himself, the expression of pleasure was too much. Buck moaned, clenching the sheets in his fists to stop himself from reaching again.
"You should see yourself," Tommy grunted out, his voice thick with desire. "So eager, so desperate."
"Tommy, please," Buck moaned, his voice a desperate plea. The anticipation was killing him, his body aching with need. "I need you."
"You're doing so well, Evan," He leaned down to pull Buck into a brief, heated kiss. "So good for me, baby."
The praise sent a jolt of electricity down his spine. He ripped his hands out of the sheets, orders be damned, and grasped on all the skin he could reach. His nails dug into Tommy's hips as Tommy took his cock in hand and rolled on the condom.
Tommy took his time, guiding himself onto Buck's slick length and sinking down. The tight heat of Tommy's body surrounding him inch by inch was pure torture. Buck let out a loud moan, fighting against the urge of thrusting up.
"Fuck, Tommy," Buck groaned, his voice trembling with the effort of holding back.
Tommy paused once he had taken all of Buck in, adjusting to the fullness, his hands moving from Buck's chest to intertwine their fingers, dropping their hands beside Buck's head.
"So good," Tommy murmured, his voice low and breathy. "You feel so good inside me."
"Move," Buck begged, his voice raw with need. "Please, Tommy, I need you to move."
Tommy began to move, setting a slow, tantalizing rhythm. Each movement sent waves of pleasure through Buck, making him a needy mess and causing him to writhe beneath Tommy. The sight of Tommy, riding him and taking all the pleasure he wanted, would forever be ingrained in his memory.
Tommy's movements were deliberate, each rise and fall of his body driving Buck to the edge. Buck's fingers tightened around Tommy's, nails digging into the skin.
Tommy increased the pace, his breaths coming in ragged gasps, his eyes locked onto Buck's. "Harder, Evan," Tommy demanded, his voice a desperate growl. "I want to feel you."
Buck couldn't stop the moans that kept coming from his mouth, even if he wanted to, as he thrust up to meet Tommy's downward strokes. The sensation of Tommy's tight heat around him, the friction and the rhythm they had found, was driving him wild. He could feel the pressure building, the intense pleasure threatening to overwhelm him.
"Tommy, I'm close," Buck gasped, his voice tight with need.
"Me too," Tommy panted, his movements becoming more erratic. "Just a little more."
Buck untangled one of his hands from Tommy's grip and wrapped it around Tommy's cock. He stroked Tommy in time with their movements, his thumb brushing over the sensitive tip with each pass.
"Fuck, Evan," Tommy moaned, his head falling back as Buck's hand worked him. His hips bucked involuntarily, driving Buck even deeper inside him. He thrusted up harder, matching the erratic rhythm of Tommy's movements.
"Tommy, I can't - fuck!" Buck's voice broke off as a wave of intense pleasure crashed over him. His body convulsed, his orgasm ripping through him with a force that nearly made him blackout.
Tommy's own release followed seconds later, his body tensing and then shuddering as he came, Buck's name a breathless cry on his lips. Buck continued to stroke him through it, painting his stomach with his release until Tommy finally collapsed against him, spent and sated.
Buck closed his eyes as he wrapped his arm around Tommy's shoulders, keeping him close. Their breathing slowed, the room gradually quieting. They spent a few moments like that, basking in the afterglow and the warmth of each other.
Eventually, Tommy shifted, pulling away just enough for Buck to pull out and tie up the condom. Buck stood up on shaky legs and made his way to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. As he washed the remnants of Tommy's cum off his stomach, he took a peek in the mirror and couldn't help but grin at the sight of his neck absolutely destroyed by bites and marks.
After cleaning up, Buck grabbed a clean rag, dampening it with warm water. He brought it back to the bedroom for Tommy, who was now sprawled out on the bed, looking thoroughly blissed out and disheveled.
"Thought you might need this," Buck offered the rag to Tommy.
"Thanks," Tommy replied, taking the rag and beginning to clean himself up. As he did, Buck collapsed back into bed beside him.
Tommy finished cleaning up and tossed the rag aside, snuggling back into Buck's embrace, resting his head on Buck's chest. Buck wrapped his arm around Tommy, holding him close, relishing in the warmth of Tommy's body against his own.
"We are definitely doing that again," Tommy finally broke the peaceful quiet, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Give me like half an hour and I'm good to go." Buck grinned, half-serious. He knew he was spent, but the thought was tempting.
"Menace," Tommy lightly swatted at his chest. "I can't even feel my legs yet."
Buck laughed softly, and kissed the side of Tommy's forehead.
The following days blurred into a comfortable pattern. The team seemed to work better than ever, the calls they got, more often than not, ended in high spirits and things with Tommy were going the best they could.
Buck found himself smiling more often, the weight of his worries slowly lifting from the back of his mind. He allowed himself to finally just be happy in the present moment. Which is probably why, after having a quiet moment in the lockers with Bobby and on his way to Tommy's, seeing a ghost from the past sent a jolt of shock through his system.
For one terrifying second, his heart skipped a beat and his mind flashed to the strange reality he had once been stuck in. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him all along and he never truly woke up. Maybe the reason why everything was so good, why he felt so happy, was because it wasn't real.
His breath hitched, and he had to steady himself as the face of Shannon smiled politely at him. "I'm looking for Eddie Diaz."
The rest of the conversation passed in somewhat of a daze. Autopilot kicked in, and Buck's brain mechanically went through the motions. He managed to send a text to Tommy that he would be late and brought the brownies to Eddie's house, trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy.
Talking to Eddie, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, did little to pull him out of the weird numbness that had settled deep in his bones. Buck's thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and unease, the encounter with Shannon stirring up something uncomfortable.
"Do you believe in ghosts?" Buck's mouth was running the moment the doors opened. Tommy, for his part, didn't look as phased as he probably should have. Instead, he opened the door wider for Buck.
"Not particularly. Why?" Tommy asked calmly, raising an eyebrow as he followed Buck inside.
"I think I saw one." Buck said as he collapsed onto the couch, the weight of the day's events finally catching up to him.
"Okay," Tommy nodded, as if Buck had just commented about the weather. He went to the fridge, pulling out a couple of beers. "Want a beer?
"Yeah, thanks," Buck sighed, taking a deep sip when Tommy handed him the cold bottle.
Tommy settled himself next to Buck on the arm of the couch, and ran his hand soothingly down the back of Buck's neck. With his other hand, he took a sip of his own beer before speaking. "So, tell me about your ghost."
As Buck started to recount the evening's events, the words flowed more easily than he expected. He told Tommy about Shannon, the history between her and Eddie that he knew, and how Kim fit into the picture. Tommy listened attentively, his hand continuing its soothing motion on Buck's neck. The rhythmic touch was comforting, helping Buck feel more grounded as he finished telling the story.
"I think I'm more surprised he has the time to juggle two girlfriends and still make it to the basketball games," Tommy finally remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. Buck sent him a look. "Right. Not the point. So, what did Eddie say?"
"He said it's not like that," Buck sighed, the excuse weak even coming from his own mouth.
"Then it is not like that," Tommy repeated, his hands gently squeezing Buck's shoulders, massaging them. The tension in Buck's muscles began to ease somewhat. "Eddie is a capable man; he will figure out what he needs to figure out. It's not on you."
"I know," Buck said softly, leaning into Tommy's touch. "It's just hard not to worry about him."
Tommy nodded, understanding. "Of course it is. But you can't carry his burdens for him."
Buck hummed in reply, letting silence fall between them.
After a few moments, Buck broke the silence.
"Hey, Tommy?" He took a deep breath, his heart pounding slightly as he prepared to ask the question that had been on his mind. Tommy hummed in response, his hand still gently massaging Buck's neck. "Are we together?"
"What?" Tommy looked at him, slightly taken aback.
"I just keep thinking," Buck began, his words tumbling out in a rush, "that this poor woman doesn't know that she is a carbon copy of his dead wife and how that would feel. Not that I think you keep me as a ghost for someone else. I just, I don't know. I guess I would prefer to know the truth and it's fine if this is casual for you—"
His rambling was cut short as Tommy, unlike the first time, tilted his chin and pressed their lips together to shut him up. It silenced Buck's mind as effectively as it silenced his words.
When they pulled apart, Tommy looked into his eyes, a mixture of affection and exasperation in his gaze.
"You're an idiot," Tommy finally said as he recovered, pressing his lips against the top of Buck's head "But you are my idiot. And you have been my idiot ever since you invited me to your sister's wedding."
A wave of relief washed over Buck, the heavy feeling in his chest easing. "Yeah?" he asked, if only to hear it again.
Tommy huffed and shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips as he pulled away and headed to the kitchen. "Yeah," he called back. "And just for the record, I wouldn't go to a wedding as a second date if I wanted to be casual."
"That's, uh," Buck huffed out a laugh, the knot in his chest unraveling completely. "That's good to know."
"So, dinner?" Tommy asked, taking a second look back at him from the inside of the fridge.
Buck bit his lip softly as a smile spread across his face. "Yeah. Dinner would be nice."
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gabby297 · 3 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 6
Rating: M
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/143817463#main
By the time Buck entered the station late in the day, the sun was still shining brightly. He almost wished he didn't have to work today; everyone seemed to be out and about, if the busy highways were any indication. The thought of relaxing in Tommy's backyard with a bottle of beer and the mental image of Tommy shirtless, lounging in the sun did little to help his lack of motivation to go in.
The station was filled with the usual hustle and chatter of firefighters on duty. Buck quickly mumbled his hellos in passing and went to change into his uniform. As he fastened the last strap, Ravi entered the changing room.
"Cap's missing today," Ravi mentioned as he crossed the room to his locker.
"Hen's in charge?" Buck asked, shutting the door of his locker.
"Yep, I'm the stand-in for the day."
"Better than Anderson," Buck pointed out. He didn't have much against that guy, he just seemed a bit slower, sometimes tried to cut corners and whined too much when he had to do something tedious. At least he trained Ravi himself, he knew what he was capable of. "Anyone else around?"
"Yeah, upstairs. Only Eddie is missing," Ravi replied, adjusting his own uniform.
Buck nodded and headed towards the stairs.
"Where's Cap?" Buck asked as he draped himself on the sofa, his body sinking into the worn, comfortable cushions. Chimney, already there, grunted and shoved his shoulder to make space, his face barely lifting from the magazine he was flipping through
"Jacumba," Hen informed him while scrolling through her phone, her thumb moving swiftly over the screen.
"Jacumba? What's in Jacumba?" Buck pulled a face, puzzled. His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to recall if he knew anything about the place. His mind drew blank.
"Wish I knew. I came in and saw that I was rostered in," Hen replied with a shrug, her attention divided between the conversation and whatever was on her phone.
"Hey," Eddie greeted as he ascended the last step of the staircase. His eyes swept the room quickly, noting the absence of their captain. "Cap's not here?"
"Jacumba," the three of them chorused, almost in unison.
"Okay?" Eddie's eyebrow arched slightly, but didn't ask more. Instead, he headed to the kitchen area and rummaged through the cupboards, the sound of doors opening and closing filling the room.
"Hey, Eddie," Buck called out, craning his neck to look in his direction. "How was that date?"
"What date?" Eddie responded, his head emerging from behind a cupboard door, a box of cereal in his hand.
"Your date," Buck raised his eyebrow, as he sat up a bit straighter. "You know the one I babysat for?"
"Oh, yeah. Good."Eddie's gaze dropped to the cereal box as he scanned the label,
"That's exactly what you say after a good date." Chimney quipped finally looking up from the magazine.
"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?" Hen asked jokingly.
"What? No! Everything's fine. Marisol is fine. We are fine," Eddie protested, his eyes landing on Buck, almost accusingly. "We should ask Buck that. How's Tommy? You buck up any more dates recently?"
"I'm only terrible on the first date. And Tommy's fine. Why are you changing the subject?" Buck shot back.
"I'm not changing the subject. There's nothing more to say. We had dinner, it was fine," Eddie insisted, his tone tinged with defensiveness.
Before Buck could probe deeper, the shrill of the bell rang out, cutting through the air with an urgent alarm.
"Saved by the bell. Literally." Hen chuckled as they all stood and rushed downstairs.
The trip downtown to a four-car collision blurred past as they wove through traffic, sirens blaring and lights flashing. The inside of the truck was quieter than usual, a common occurrence when one of their own was missing. The hum of the engine and the wail of the sirens were the only sounds breaking the silence.
Buck's phone pinged, and he was quick to reach for the phone out of his pocket. Tommy's name flashed across the screen.
Tommy: Have a good shift. Stay safe.
Buck reread the message a few times as a grin split across his face, warmth filling his chest. He quickly typed out a reply and looked up to everyone staring at him.
"What?" He asked.
"You are so down bad for the man Buckley," Hen tsk'ed as she nudged Buck's shoulder playfully.
"Seriously. Stop stealing my post-marriage glow with all the sick, puppy love thing you got going on." Chimney feigned exasperation, gave him a mock glare.
Buck's face flushed a deeper shade of red, and he shook his head. "Come on, guys," he protested lightly, still chuckling. "Let's focus on the job."
"Oh, we are focused." Eddie smirked, joining into the teasing. Traitor.
As they parked near the crash scene, they shifted into their roles and went to help the injured. Luckily no one was DUA and with Hen barking out the orders, they had everyone ready for transport to the nearest hospital.
"So what?" Buck inquired again as he hoisted the gear from the pavement. "Did you guys fight or something?"
"Buck," Eddie's voice groaned out, tinged with irritation. "We didn't fight. The date was fine, why are you so interested?"
"I don't know, man, you're acting weird about it," Buck pointed out, his gaze fixed on Eddie, searching for some clue in his friend's demeanor.
"How am I acting weird?" Eddie countered, his voice rising slightly, his brow furrowing in either confusion or irritation—it was hard to tell which.
"You're deflecting. And being all, I don't know, secretive."
"Drop it," Eddie muttered and walked up faster to the truck. Buck looked at his retreating back and sighed as he sped up as well to catch up. Something was definitely up.
Unfortunately, Buck had no time to hassle Eddie further for answers. The calls kept coming, one after another, with no break. Before long, the black of night began to give way to the early hints of dawn. Their last call ended up being a cat stuck in a tree—of all the things. Buck drew the short straw and was unlucky enough to be the one to climb up and get the gnarly thing out of the high branches.
His annoyance grew as, for the fourth time, the moment he got closer, the cat kept climbing higher. Each tentative step he took up the ladder seemed to send the cat further out of reach, its yellow eyes watching him with suspicion. The branches swayed slightly, making the task even more tedious.
He finally managed to grab it near the top, where the branches were thinner. While he wore thick gloves to protect his hands, the cat found his exposed face to be fair game. Its claws swiped at his cheek and forehead as it hissed and tried to squirm out of his grip. By the time he got down, he returned with souvenirs—namely, the scratches on his face that stung with each movement.
"Shut it," Buck grumbled to the team, who were cackling in the background. He passed the cat to its relieved owner, trying to ignore the snickers and side comments from his fellow firefighters.
"Always the hero, Buckaroo," Chimney grinned, shaking his head. Eddie, struggling to suppress his own laughter, gave Buck a hearty clap on the back,
By the time they returned to the station, drilling Eddie was the last thing on his mind. All he could think about was getting into his bed and not moving for the next twelve hours. He breezed through the shift change, the shift change, quickly changed and grabbed his bag from the lockers.
"See you all tomorrow," he mumbled, waving off any further comments or jokes from the team.
The morning traffic was as congested as ever, making the journey feel even longer. When Buck finally shut the door of his loft behind him, the sun was already peeking through the windows. He tossed his bag by the door and wasted no time in shutting the blinds.
He went to brush his teeth and splashed some water on his face, making the scratches sting. The ping of his phone made his heart skipped a beat. No one from the station would contact him this soon, unless something catastrophic happened in the time it took him to get home, leading him to suspect the message was from Tommy. Finishing up in the bathroom, Buck didn't hesitate; he flopped onto his bed and reached for the phone.
Tommy: Morning, finished with your shift yet?
Buck smiled and, instead of bothering to reply, switched to his contacts and pressed the button for FaceTime. He knew Tommy was probably getting ready for his shift and hoped he could catch him mid-changing. It wasn't a full shift; Tommy said something about training a probie that Buck couldn't recall the details about, the important part was that he knew Tommy was coming over after it.
The screen soon lit up, revealing Tommy's face. To Buck's playful disappointment, he had missed the chance to catch Tommy shirtless; he was already seated in his car, sunglasses on, a coffee thermos in hand, the phone securely mounted. Buck took a moment to just admire the sight, practically salivating at the sight of Tommy's arms bulging in a tight Henley, steering the wheel easily with one hand.
"Hey, Evan," Tommy greeted, his voice cheerful and smooth. Buck watched as he took a double look at the screen. "What happened to your face?"
Buck automatically raised to touch the scratches and smiled sheepishly. "A very grumpy cat stuck in a tree. Eddie is allergic and we already made Ravi go into the sewer recently so it was my turn."
"The curse of being a firefighter," Tommy laughed, the sound rich and warm, echoing through the speakers. "But seriously, are you okay?"
Buck nodded, his grin widening. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few scratches. The sight of you makes it all better, though."
"Charmer," Tommy shook his head fondly. "You should get some sleep though."
"I'm fine," Buck tried to reassure him, though a yawn betrayed him. "Until you get to Harbor. I'll sleep then."
"If you are sure." Tommy's tone was skeptical but he didn't push it further. "How was the rest of the shift?"
Buck delved into recounting the calls they had responded to, particularly the more memorable one. Halfway through their shift, they were called to an apartment complex. A man, after indulging in a few drinks, decided to play hide and seek with his girlfriend and had comically managed to get himself stuck inside a washing machine. As Buck shared the story, he adjusted the pillows around him, propping up his phone so he could lie down on his side and still see Tommy's face on the screen. The makeshift setup did little to fend off his sleepiness, but he tried to push past it the best he could.
"Has Eddie seemed odd to you recently?" Buck finally asked, his voice heavy, trying to stifle another yawn.
"Not in particular. Why?"
"I don't know, something seems off. Like, I was babysitting Chris, and don't get me wrong—I love the kid and spending time with him—but it was specifically so Eddie could go on a date. And he was wearing his good cologne, you know?" But then I asked how it went and he got all weird and defensive about it."
"Trouble in paradise?"
"That's what Hen said!" Buck chuckled. "But has he said anything to you?"
"Not particularly, we don't really talk about relationships." Tommy's response was nonchalant.
"What do you talk about then?" Buck couldn't resist asking. He loved that Tommy and Eddie were friends.
"Uh, normal stuff, I guess. Work, cars, sports," Tommy shrugged. "He keeps things pretty surface level with me."
"Hmm, maybe you should ask him about it," Buck suggested teasingly, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "You know, to strengthen your bond."
"I'm not going to harass the poor man for you Evan," Tommy backed out a laugh. "You do that enough."
"Hey, who's side are you on?" Buck rolled his eyes and briefly closed them, exhaling contently. "I get no support here."
He heard Tommy's chuckle again. He was saying something more, but Buck could only catch a few words here and there. His eyelids felt heavier with each passing second He tried to focus on Tommy's voice, but it only lulled him further toward sleep. He managed a sleepy grunt in response, his words trailing off as sleep finally claimed him, his phone slipping slightly as he drifted off.
Buck was snuggled up to Tommy, comfortably resting his head on the man's chest as they indulged in a trashy reality show streaming on the laptop propped up on Tommy's knees. Tommy's hands were under Buck's hoodie, his fingertips drawing lazy circles on his back. Buck sighed contently, his own fingers wrapped loosely on Tommy's bicep.
"Oh my god, that's so stupid. Joe is so much better than Kenny and they had a connection!" Buck groaned out, watching as a contestant changed their partner at the last second.
"A whole two-day connection," Tommy pointed out with a low chuckle, the sound rumbling pleasantly beneath Buck's ear.
"That's like months in reality TV time." Buck lifted his head slightly to catch Tommy's amused gaze. "Are you saying you would do the same if we were on?" "
"Evan, if it was us we would have been eliminated in the first episode."
"You know, I almost appeared in the Bachelor. We got a call cause a woman decided to kidnap a contestant, steal a limo and then glued herself to the driveway of the Bachelor Mansion. The cameras were rolling and everything. But Bobby forbade us from signing the waver."
"I'm not surprised. The 118 gets enough publicity without appearing on a scripted show," Tommy pointed out, his fingers continuing to trace gentle patterns on Buck's back "Although, I kind of wish I could see the footage."
"Oh yeah?" Buck grinned and shifted in Tommy's hold to look up at him suggestively. His hand trailed down to Tommy's chest. "Maybe I could give you a preview."
Tommy hummed, his lips curling into a playful smile. Buck shifted again, this time moving to straddle Tommy's hips, his thighs firmly planted on either side, trapping Tommy beneath him. He leaned in closer, his hands resting on Tommy's chest, scrunching up the material under his palms. He took a moment to gaze down at Tommy beneath him before leaning down to press his lips against Tommy's. The sweetness of the kiss quickly disappeared as Buck licked against Tommy's bottom lip hungrily. He felt Tommy's hands tighter around his waist and a second later they moved down to his ass, groping him shamelessly over the sweatpants. The heat of Tommy's touch sent a shiver down Buck's spine. He had a plan to drive Tommy wild, but all thoughts flew out the window the moment Tommy used his strength to sit up from the bed with Buck in his lap and thrust his hips up against Buck's.
Buck groaned into Tommy's mouth, his fingers eagerly sliding up into Tommy's hair, tugging at the strands as if trying to pull him even closer. Buck rocked his hips slightly, trying to find friction, his breath coming in ragged gasps between their heated kisses.
Tommy pulled away and dragged his hands up until they found the hem of Buck's shirt. He tugged at the fabric, urging Buck to remove it. Buck quickly obliged, pulling the hoodie and his and shirt over his head and tossing them somewhere on the floor.
Tommy wasted no time, his lips finding Buck's exposed neck.He kissed, nibbled, and sucked his way along the sensitive skin, uncaring if he left marks.
Buck moaned, tilting his head to the side to give more access. As Tommy's attentions intensified ,Buck rocked his hips more insistently, the pressure building inside him. He could feel Tommy's cock pressing against him even through the jeans and sweatpants that were in the way, matching his own need.
Tommy dipped his head lower, his mouth finding Buck's collarbone and then his chest. HHe sucked at each patch of skin he encountered, his stubble grazing Buck and sending electric jolts straight to his cock. The sensation was overwhelming, each kiss and nip fueling the building need for the man.
The shrill ring of his phone on the nightstand barely registered in Buck's fogged mind. It wasn't until Tommy gently nudged his shoulder, pulling back slightly, that Buck even realized his eyes had fluttered shut.
"Your phone," Tommy pointed out, his voice strained and breathless, his eyes just as clouded with desire.
For a moment, Buck was tempted to ignore the phone, erhaps even fling the device across the room to shut it up and go back to kissing his incredibly hot pilot. But before he could decide, Tommy reached over, grabbed the phone, and handed it to Buck, making the decision for him.
He looked at the caller ID and frowned—it was Athena.
Sorry babe," Buck muttered, offering Tommy the best apologetic eyes he could muster. Tommy groaned softly and let himself fall back onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress with a soft thud. Buck didn't move away, more than content to sit in Tommy's lap. He took a few deep breaths, willing the blood to rush back into his brain.
"Athena," he greeted her, attempting to sound as normal as he possibly could. "What, uh, what can I do for you?"
"Are you home?" she asked, her voice cutting straight to the point. In the background, the faint sound of traffic hummed through the phone.
"Yeah," Buck replied, his gaze shifting to Tommy. Their eyes met briefly, and Tommy raised an eyebrow in question. "What's wrong?"
"I'm on my way to the hospital. They called saying they are checking on Bobby. It doesn't appear too serious, but I am passing your place. Figured you might want a ride."
The words were more effective than if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water over him. Before she even finished speaking, Buck was scrambling to get off Tommy and find the shirt he threw someone.
"Uh, sure, yeah. I'll be ready."
"I'll call when I'm there." Athena wasted no time and ended the call. Buck swore under his breath as he patted his pockets but couldn't feel his wallet. Where did he leave it?
"Is everything okay?" Tommy asked, tone serious and miles away from how it was moments ago. He propped himself up on his elbows, concern etching his features.
"I don't know. Athena said Bobby is in the hospital, it doesn't sound too serious, but she offered to pick me up. I'm sorry, I—"
"Of course," Tommy interjected, as he started to rise from the bed. He reached out to grab his own phone, but Buck placed his hand on Tommy's chest, stopping him. His heart skipped a beat at the mere thought of Tommy leaving.
"No, you don't have to leave," Buck quickly protested. If he wasn't in such a rush to get ready he would groan at how needy he sounded. "Please stay. You can chill here, raid my fridge; I won't be long."
"Are you sure?" Tommy asked, hesitating but making no move to get ready. "It's no trouble."
"I'm sure. Besides," Buck flashed him a smile. "I like having you here. In my bed."
"Okay," Tommy finally nodded. He settled back into the bed, though he reached over to the bedside table and retrieved Buck's wallet, holding it out to him. "Let me know how it goes."
"I will," Buck nodded, taking the wallet and quickly getting dressed. His mind buzzed all the possible scenarios as to why Bobby might be in the hospital, a familiar anxiety gnawing at the back of his mind. He was almost at the stairs, ready to dash, when he paused. Turning back, he crossed the room and pulled Tommy into a quick kiss.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." Buck promised as he pulled away.
"Don't rush. I'll be here," Tommy replied, settling back into the pillows with a reassuring smile.
Nodding, Buck took a deep breath to steady himself, then turned and hurried out of the bedroom.
The ride to the hospital was tense. As they drove, Athena quickly filled Buck in on the details, explaining briefly why Bobby ended up in Jacumba. Buck listened intently, his jaw clenched as a surge of anger welled up inside him. They had just rescued them from a sunken cruise ship, and now Bobby's past was being dredged up again. Buck knew all too well how much guilt gnawed at Bobby, and the idea of someone was using it to harm him made his blood boil.
As they entered the hospital, Athena immediately spotted Bobby.
"Bobby!" She called out, her voice echoing slightly in the hallway. She rushed over to him and enveloped him in a hug. Buck hung back for a moment, letting them have a moment. He took the opportunity to observe Bobby, scanning him for any signs of injury. Thankfully, Bobby seemed relatively unharmed; he moved without any sign of pain, and aside from some obvious sunburns, Buck couldn't see any other significant issues.
Buck exhaled deeply, his shoulders sagging with relief. Bobby was okay.
"Thank God, you are okay," he heard Athena say as she and Bobby began to pull apart. Buck caught Bobby's eye and offered a small wave.
"You called Buck?" Bobby asked, surprised. Like I said on the phone, I'm fine."
"Well, we needed to see it for ourselves. Besides, you know Buck, he would have rushed in guns blazing the moment he found out," Athena responded with a half-smile.
Buck ducked his head, a shy grin flickering across his face, and moved to stand on the other side of Bobby, staying close. Bobby clapped him on the shoulder, then turned to the nurse.
"Fernanda, this is my wife, Athena. She's a cop. And that's Buck, he works with me at the station," Bobby introduced them warmly.
"Oh. You're the one that found him. I'm not sure I have the right words at this moment to say thank you," Athena said, her voice filled with gratitude as she pulled the nurse into a hug.
"You sure you are okay, Cap?" Buck took the moment to ask quietly. "They're just letting you go after days in the desert?"
"I'm still kicking, kid." Bobby reassured, his warmth was noticeable as he pulled Buck into a quick side hug before stepping back.
Buck tried to keep up with the ongoing conversation, but he wasn't exactly following who all these people were, so he remained quietly by Bobby's side. That was until everyone's attention was pulled to the side when a gurney rolled by, carrying a man with a cannula and his face marred by significant scarring.
Buck took a step in front of Bobby on instinct. It didn't take much brain to put together who that was. The eyes of the man on the gurney met Buck's, and he held the intense gaze steadily until the man was wheeled out of sight.
"I'm gonna need a minute." Bobby said and excused himself to follow the gurney into a nearby room.
Buck watched him go, his brow furrowing with concern. He turned to Athena questioningly.
"Is that a good idea?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry, ready to follow after him.
She sighed and placed a comforting arm on his shoulder. "I don't know, Buck. But we have to trust Bobby to know what's best for him."
"Yeah I guess," Buck sighed, not entirely convinced. He wanted to something, anything, to help. He was never good just sitting around and doing nothing.
The silence that had settled over them was broken by Athena's gentle offer. "You want to join us for dinner? I'm sure Bobby will be happy to have you around."
"Uh, no, I cant. Tommy is over," Buck couldn't help but smile at the thought.
Athena raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on her lips. "You left the poor man all alone? You better be making him a nice meal to make it up to him."
Buck's smile widened. He was already planning how he would make it up to Tommy tonight. Whether it included dinner or not, that was yet to be seen
As much as he loved Bobby and Athena, Buck was glad to finally be crossing through the door of his loft.
"Welcome home." Tommy greeted as he looked over his shoulder by the stove. The words hit deep and settled in Buck's heart. God, he loved having Tommy here. If he could, he would keep him here forever, just for the sheer joy of hearing those words leave Tommy's mouth. Shaking off the thought before it took root, Buck crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Tommy from behind, his body molding against him.
"Hi," Buck mumbled into the back of Tommy's shirt, planting a soft kiss on his neck. The warmth of Tommy's body and the familiar scent, washed away all the tension from Buck's shoulders.
"Everything alright?" Tommy inquired, his hands expertly moving a pan across the stove before he turned to face Buck, pulling him closer with a hands settled low on his waist.
"Yeah," Buck smiled and leaned in to capture Tommy's lips in a quick kiss. He felt Tommy smile into the kiss, his hands tightening lightly around Buck. When they parted, Buck glanced over at the stove. "Smells delicious."
"I'm no chef but figured you might be hungry. Can you pass the plates?" Tommy's voice was warm.
Buck nodded and moved to the cupboard, retrieving a couple of plates to hand over to Tommy.
"Have I mentioned that you're the best?" he asked, watching as Tommy piled a generous amount of chicken and rice into the plate and passed it to him.
"Hmm, only like four times today," Tommy responded dryly, a playful smile tugging at his lips as he served himself. He then fetched a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine, that he started keeping in Buck's kitchen. It was a new thing that had started happening recently. Tommy began to bring small things for them to use in the future. The first time Buck found Tommy's hoodie lying in the loft while he was away, it filled him with such happiness that he couldn't help but grin like an idiot. If Maddie had been around, he would never have lived down the comments about him acting like a 14-year-old girl with a crush.
Since then, more of Tommy's belongings had gradually found their way into Buck's space: the toothbrush Tommy used after a wedding stayed in the bathroom, a book he was currently engrossed in had a permanent spot on the nightstand, and a favorite bottle of wine now seemed to permanently reside in Buck's kitchen. Each item felt like a tiny promise that Tommy was going to come back. That they would keep having these moments.
"Well, consider this the fifth. Seriously though, you're a lifesaver."
Tommy's smile grew softer as he poured the wine, handing Buck a glass before filling his own. "I'm glad. Now eat, before it gets cold."
Buck took a bite of the chicken and rice, the flavors bursting pleasantly in his mouth. "This is really good, Tommy. If I knew you could cook, I would have put you to work in the kitchen long ago."
Tommy shrugged modestly, a hint of pride in his smile. "It's just a simple meal, but I'm glad you like it."
Buck was not proud at the speed he gobbled down his dinner. As he scraped the last bits of rice onto his fork, he looked up to see Tommy watching him with an amused expression. "There's more if you want," Tommy gestured towards the pan.
Feeling a blush spread across his cheeks, Buck ducked his head slightly. "I'm full, but, uh, it was really good."
"I can see that," Tommy chuckled, taking another bite of his own meal. After a moment, he added, "Oh by the way, there's a trivia night next Wednesday with the Harbor crew, and we have a spot open. You want to join?"
"As your date?" Buck asked, a tad too eager.
"No, we could use a good ally to boost the team morale," Tommy blurted out, staring at him with deadpan expression. "Yes, Evan. As my date."
"Oh my god, you will never let that live it down," Buck groaned out dramatically. "But yeah! I would love to."
"Great," Tommy said, his expression softening as he reached across the table to take Buck's hand. Buck responded by squeezing it gently, his attention lingering on Tommy as they they chatted about what the trivia night generally entailed. Tommy spoke about his friends and their particular strengths in trivia, but Buck was mostly absorbed by the significance of the event—it would be his first time meeting Tommy's friends outside of the 118 crew Being invited to trivia night felt special. Important. He was getting access to another part of Tommy's life.
As Tommy finished his meal and their glasses emptied, Buck stood up to clear the table.
"I can take care of the dishes," Tommy offered, starting to rise.
Buck shook his head as he began stacking the plates. "No way, you cooked. The least I can do is help clean up."
It was a quick job anyway. Tommy had the tendency to leave the space around him spotless and that extended to the kitchen. Once the dishes were rinsed and left to dry, they retreated back to the bedroom, shedding their clothes and settling under the covers.
Buck sighed contentedly as he leaned into Tommy's side, the familiar glow of the tablet screen illuminating their faces as they resumed their show.
"Thanks, again, for tonight," Buck spoke up after a while, as a comfortable silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the background noise of their show,
"My pleasure, Evan," Tommy replied warmly, pressing a kiss to the top of Buck's head.
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gabby297 · 4 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 5
Warning: M
Buck stirred from his slumber, feeling the weight of an arm draped heavily over his back. With a yawn, he shifted, stretching out his limbs as he blinked away the remnants of sleep. Turning onto his side, he found himself facing Tommy, who was looking at his phone.
Tommy seemed entirely at ease, his body stretched out comfortably. The two pillows Buck gave him were propped up behind his neck, supporting his head as his finger tapped rhythmically on the phone screen. One of his legs was raised and bent at the knee. It was completely unfair for someone to look this good first thing in the morning.
Without hesitation, Buck threw his arm around Tommy’s waist, shifting to get closer. He nestled his leg over Tommy’s that rested flat, relishing in the warmth.
“Morning,” Tommy greeted him, lifting his gaze from the screen to meet Buck's eyes.
“Mornin’,” Buck grunted in reply, his voice still heavy with sleep. He shifted even closer, plastering himself to Tommy’s side, and let out a content sigh. Placing his head on Tommy’s chest he closed his eyes again. He felt Tommy shift as he placed the phone back on the nightstand.
“You know, I don’t think I have ever met someone who both steals all the blankets and is a human version of an octopus at the same time.” Tommy remarked amused.
Buck chuckled softly, feeling a smile tug at the corners of his lips. “What can I say, I like to stay cozy,”
Tommy laughed softly, the sound rumbling beneath Buck's ear. "Cozy is one way to put it," he teased, running his fingers through Buck's hair. Buck leaned into the touch, relishing the sensation of Tommy's warm fingers against his scalp.
“Were you cold?” Buck finally raised his head to look at him.
“Hmm, no,” Tommy hummed, his eyes flicking to Buck’s lips, his voice lowering. “Had you wrapped up around me all night. You're like a human furnace, you know."
Tommy's gaze remained on Buck’s lips, and Buck could have sworn he saw Tommy’s eyes darken. The way he was looking at him stirred something in Buck. He couldn’t resist leaning up to press his lips against Tommy’s, morning breath forgotten. The shift caused Buck’s morning wood to graze against the outside of Tommy’s thigh, making him gasp into the kiss. The feeling of Tommy's body pressed against him, the gentle pressure of his thigh against Buck's arousal, sent waves of pleasure coursing through Buck's veins.
Tommy responded eagerly, his fingers tangling in Buck's hair as he deepened the kiss, his tongue dancing against Buck's with a hunger that matched his own. Buck's hands roamed over Tommy's shoulder and chest, tracing the curves of his muscles as he pulled him closer, unable to get enough.
After a few moments, they pulled away, slightly out of breath. Buck cupped Tommy’s cheek, running his thumb across the light stubble.
“I could get used to waking up like this every morning,” Buck sighed happily.
“Want me to make the morning even better?” Tommy's voice was low and husky, his gaze smoldering with desire as he leaned in closer to Buck, their breaths mingling. Buck swallowed thickly, his body twitching.
“Show me what you got,” Buck replied, his voice barely above a whisper, his fingers trailing down Tommy's neck.
All breath left his body as Tommy flashed him a mischievous smile and used his strength to flip them over. Buck gasped as his back hit the mattress and Tommy towered over him. He pressed another lingering kiss against Buck’s lips before sitting back on his heels.
“This okay?” Tommy asked as his fingers rested on the band of Buck’s boxers, tugging lightly.
“More than,” Buck whispered eagerly.
With a soft chuckle, Tommy tugged Buck's boxers down. A rush of heat flooded Buck's cheeks at the sight of Tommy's hungry gaze as he shamelessly scanned Buck’s body, his eyes settling on his cock.
Buck bunched up the covers of the bed in his fists as Tommy wasted no time exploring every inch of his body, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake.
Buck was buzzing with anticipation, but Tommy refused to show him mercy. His fingertips traced along Buck's thighs, taking his sweet time kissing every part of Buck's body except where Buck wanted his mouth the most.
“Tommy, you’re killing me, man,” Buck groaned, his breath hitching as Tommy sharply nipped the inside of his thigh. Tommy's chuckle was low and seductive, sending shivers down Buck's spine.
“Patience, Evan.” Buck let out a frustrated groan, his body squirming beneath Tommy's teasing touch. He bit down on his bottom lip to prevent himself from telling the man where he could shove his patience. His whole body was on fire, and he whimpered, finally feeling Tommy show him some mercy. Tommy wrapped his hand around Buck’s leaking cock and gave it a light tug. Buck's whole body jolted on the bed, a wave of intense pleasure washing over him.
“Eager?” Tommy raised his eyebrow, his face splitting into a wide grin.
Buck had no chance in responding. Not when Tommy’s hand started to move. He flicked his thumb against the head before sliding down the length, squeezing firmly. Buck thew his head back, eyes shutting tight as a raw sound was ripped from the depths of his being.
“Fuck, Tommy, please,” Buck begged, “More.”
Buck was prepared to beg more, to grovel until he got what he desperately needed. Finally, fucking finally, Tommy's lips closed around the head of Buck's cock and he saw stars. Buck's back arched off the bed, a guttural moan escaping his lips, but Tommy was quick to grab his hips and plant his back firmly into the bed. Tommy’s mouth was so goddamn hot and wet, his tongue working skillfully as he took Buck deeper.
He felt Tommy move his hand from his hips and tugged one of his.
Buck opened his eyes and lifted his head to watch, mesmerized, as Tommy intertwined their fingers and slowly moved their hands until they touched the back of Tommy’s head. As if to emphasize what he wanted, Tommy pushed their hands against his head and took him in deeper. After a few moments, he pulled his hand away, leaving Buck’s, and settled it back on his thigh, pressing his fingers against the muscle before making circular motions.
Buck groaned, his fingers tightening in Tommy’s hair as he gave a gentle, experimental tug. He was rewarded by Tommy humming against his cock. The sensation sent shivers down Buck’s spine, and he couldn't hold back a moan of pleasure. It took everything in him not to cum right there and then.
It didn’t help his resolve when Tommy took the opportunity to look up at him, his eyes dark with lust and mischief. Buck couldn’t tear his gaze away. Tommy’s hair was tousled in all directions, his forehead lightly shining with sweat. Most of all, Buck couldn’t take his eyes off his face, how his jaw worked and tensed as he swallowed him down.
Buck’s breath hitched as he felt another vibration of Tommy's hum resonate through him. He could barely think, completely consumed by the pleasure.
“Tommy,” Buck gasped, his voice strained with desire. “Fuck, baby, you’re insane.”
Tommy moaned at the praise and it seemed that he took Buck’s words as a challenge. He dug his nails into Buck’s flesh, scraping as he pushed himself up until his forehead hit Buck’s stomach. Opening his jaw wider, he took Buck in deeper until Buck’s cock hit the back of his throat. Buck stood no chance. He couldn’t even warn Tommy before the orgasm was torn out of him.
Static exploded in Buck’s vision, sound becoming muffled in his ears.
He wasn't even aware of the obscene sound that left his throat or the way Tommy choked on him. The pleasure was overwhelming, every nerve ending on fire. Buck's entire body trembled, his hand instinctively tightening in Tommy’s hair as he rode out the waves of his climax.
The world slowly came back into focus and his hand dropped from Tommy’s head as if it suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. He wasn’t sure he could feel any part of his body. Trying to catch his breath he slowly opened his eyes only to see Tommy wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.
“How was that for making your morning better?” he asked innocently.
"I, uh, fuck,” Buck gasped, nearly certain that there wasn't enough air in the room. “That… That was… fuck.”
It was as if his brain was lagging. Words weren’t coming to him. He was too blissed out to make a coherent sentence.
“You look spent,” Tommy grinned cheekily, settling beside him. ‘Oh the smug bastard’ Buck thought.
“I, uh, don’t usually…” Buck felt heat rise in his cheeks, closing his eyes in embarrassment. “Don’t finish that quickly.”
“Evan, are you kidding?” Tommy wrapped his arm around Buck’s waist, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on his skin. He trailed his nose against Buck's cheek, his breath warm and soft, until he found his earlobe and bit it teasingly. “Seeing you like that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah?” Buck opened his eyes, the embarrassment slowly giving way to curiosity and a bit of pride.
“If I was ten years younger, you wouldn’t leave the bed for the rest of the day.” Tommy murmured, his voice low and sultry. He shifted closer, pressing his body against Buck's, his hand moving to gently stroke his chest. Buck could feel Tommy's arousal against his thigh, a reminder that they were not done.
“God, you’re amazing,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He tilted his head to capture Tommy's lips in a slow, tender kiss.
He slowly trailed his hand down Tommy’s body until he reached the boxers that Tommy still wore. A need to have them off surged through Buck, and he lifted himself from the soft covers.
Tommy started to rise with him, but Buck wouldn’t have that. He gently pushed against Tommy's shoulders, watching him fall back into the bedsheets. Buck’s eyes raked against Tommy’s body, soaking up the view. God, he wanted to keep him here forever.
Tommy quickly caught on to Buck’s intention and grabbed his wrist, stopping him momentarily. “Evan, you don’t have to.”
“I, uh… I want to. I know I probably won't be that great at it, but I’m a quick learner. And I just—” Buck breathed in and finally met Tommy’s eyes. His heart was beating fast as he added, “I want to do this for you. So let me?”
“How could I ever say no to you?” Tommy's voice was soft, filled with affection and desire. A light smile played on his lips.
Buck nodded to himself, determination filling him. He gently freed his wrist from Tommy’s grip and placed his hands back on Tommy’s chest. His movements were slow and deliberate, wanting to savor every moment. His thumb grazed Tommy’s pec as he slowly ran his fingers down his abs, soaking in the firm muscle. He could feel Tommy shiver as he traced his ribs until he reached the waistband of Tommy’s boxers.
He hooked his fingers into the fabric and slowly pulled them down, his breath hitching as he took in the sight before him. With a hand lightly shaking, he wrapped it around Tommy’s length and gave it a gentle squeeze. He had no time to admire how it felt to hold a cock that wasn’t his own for the first time in his life, not with the way Tommy’s breath hitched.
The need to make Tommy feel good drowned out everything else. Buck leaned in, placing a trail of sloppy kisses down Tommy’s chest, feeling the muscles tense under his mouth. When he finally reached Tommy’s hips, he exhaled and lightly kissed up the length before wrapping his lips around the tip and taking Tommy into his mouth.
The taste and feel of him took a second to adjust to. For a moment, he kept his mouth close to the tip and wrapped his hand on the shaft while breathing deeply through his nose.
Finally getting used to the new sensation, he experimentally took him further and ran his tongue along the underside. He glanced up to see Tommy leaning on his elbows, his torso tense as he watched Buck with a hungry look in his eyes.
His hands tangled in Buck’s hair, his hips bucking involuntarily. “Fuck, Evan…”
The sudden movement caused Buck to choke slightly. Tommy froze his hand. “Fuck, baby, I’m… I’m sorry,” Tommy managed to grunt out, sounding choked up.
Buck momentarily pulled away, his hand stroking where his mouth just was. His chest filled with warmth, he couldn't get enough of Tommy calling him pet names.
“Don’t be,” Buck said, voice hoarse even to himself and went back.
He took his time, enjoying the way Tommy’s body responded to his touch, the way his breath hitched and his muscles tightened. Buck tried to replicate a few different moves he had seen on porn sites, cataloging how Tommy reacted to each one.
It wasn’t long before Tommy was trembling, his grip on Buck’s hair tightening. “Evan, I’m close…”
Buck doubled his efforts, ignoring how his jaw was aching. He wanted to see Tommy come apart, to watch him lose control.
With a final, desperate moan, Tommy came, his body arching up. Buck didn’t let up, letting the cum fill his mouth. There was a second where he had to resist gagging, but he managed to swallow without too much difficulty. When Tommy finally relaxed, Buck released him, placing a gentle kiss on his hip.
The look of Tommy was worth everything. His back was firmly planted on the bed as his chest heaved. A flush of arousal was painted his cheeks, with the sheen of sweat covering his forehead. His usually intense gaze was now glazed over with pleasure, his lips parted. And as Buck watched him, taking in every detail of his Tommy’s blissed-out state, a swell of pride and adoration filled his chest at the thought that he caused it.
Buck licked his lips and shifted up until he was firmly planted against Tommy’s chest once again, the top of his head rested against the side of Tommy’s jaw. Tommy lazily wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer. Tommy sighed happily, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on Buck’s back.
“How was that for my first time?” Buck finally asked, his voice filled with teasing.
Tommy did not dignify him with an answer. Instead, he grabbed his chin and pulled him into a filthy kiss in order to shut him up.
Buck felt lighter than he had in a long time. The morning bliss followed them as they finally got out of bed and slowly got ready for the day. His legs still felt like jelly as he stood at the stove, piling breakfast onto their plates. He barely placed the plates on the table before Tommy was digging in.
“Something got you hungry?” Buck chuckled, watching Tommy inhale the food.
Tommy looked up with a cheeky grin, his mouth half-full. “You could say that,” he replied after swallowing, a playful glint in his eyes. “This is also really good, by the way.”
“Yeah?” Buck smiled, ducking his head lightly. “I’m glad I can please you. Bobby taught me all I know in the kitchen.”
“I’ll pass my thanks to him the next time I see him.”
They enjoyed their breakfast together, their knees bumping against each other under the table. The simple touch sent sparks of warmth through Buck as they conversed about anything and everything.
Buck didn’t want to let him leave, but Tommy’s car was still at the harbor. Buck had offered to drive them up. Too fast for Buck’s liking they were by his jeep and leaving the parking lot.
“Do you have any plans next Friday? I have an afternoon shift, so we could go out for another flying lesson if you’d like?” Tommy asked, his voice hopeful.
Buck let go of Tommy’s thigh and, without taking his eyes off the road, reached for his phone in the cup-holder. Flicking his wrist, he passed it to Tommy. “Can you check my schedule? I don’t think I’m working. Password is 1-1-8-4.”
Tommy unlocked Buck’s phone and lifted his own to check the schedules. After a moment, he confirmed that Buck was indeed off shift.
“Do we match any other time? I want to see you,” Buck asked with a smile, taking a quick glance at him.
Tommy scrolled through the calendar. “I get off early morning on Tuesday and you have an evening shift. Lunch?”
“So I won’t see you at all this week? Boo.” Buck pouted, his tone playful yet laced with genuine disappointment. He loved spending time with Tommy.
“Sadly not, I’m taking Eddie to a game on Sunday,” Tommy sighed, sneaking his hand onto Buck’s knee.
“Sunday? Doesn’t he have a date that evening? He’s dropping Christopher at mine,” Buck asked, curiosity piqued. He barely had a chance to talk to Eddie in the last week. Either one of them had plans or they were constantly dealing with calls.
“He hadn’t mentioned it. Besides, the game is in the afternoon,” Tommy said, giving Buck’s knee a reassuring squeeze.
“Sounds like a busy day for him. Well, I guess I’ll just have to survive until Tuesday then,” Buck sighed dramatically, briefly dropping his hand on top of Tommy’s.
“It’ll be worth the wait. I promise.” The smile that Tommy gave was so warm, it made Buck’s heart swell.
A notification pinging on both their phones, moments apart, disturbed their moment. Tommy pulled back his hand to check his phone.
“Something wrong?” Buck asked, noticing Tommy frowning lightly at the screen.
“No,” Tommy said, still reading through the email. “It looks like someone nominated us for The Medal of Valor for our rescue, and we were selected.”
“Wait, what? We get medals?”
“Eyes on the road, Evan,” Tommy pointed out, a hint of amusement in his voice. “And I’m still reading.”
Evan gave him another moment to read.
“Well?” Buck’s heart raced with excitement, but he did as asked and kept his eyes on the road. “What does it say?”
Tommy finally clicked his phone shut. “It says that we get the medal. The ceremony is in a few months.”
Buck let out a low whistle. “Wow, that’s… that’s awesome! Damn, we should have met years ago. We could have easily gotten at least four by now.”
“Evan, as much as I like you, I’m not flying you out into four hurricanes, regardless of how long we know each other.” Tommy chuckled, shaking his head.
Buck rolled his eyes playfully, muttering “you’re no fun” under his breath.
Buck knew his parents were staying over for a bit for Maddie and Chimney’s wedding. Then Chimney ended up in the hospital and they decided to stay longer to help out Maddie around the place and with Jee-Yun while Chimney recovered. Hoverer, the promised help soon turned into smothering and Buck’s plan to avoid them shattered.
As he turned into Maddie’s driveway and parked the car, he took a moment to brace himself. After recovering from the lightning strike, he kept occasional contact with his parents—light conversations about his well-being and general topics. He was fine with that, messaging them when he had the time. They were fine.
Then Buck met Tommy and brought him as a date. Buck had been honest with Tommy, telling him the important people in his life knew about them. His parents, however, were a separate issue.
He stepped out of the car and took a breath as he approached their place. The door swung open before he could reach it, and Maddie appeared, looking a bit frazzled but relieved to see Buck.
“Thank God you’re here. They’ve been driving me crazy,” she half-whispered, giving him a quick hug.
“It’s only been a day,” Buck chuckled returning the hug.
“A day too long.” She quipped back, cringing a little and moved back inside. He walked in after her, instantly noticing his parents sitting on the couch, entertaining Jee-Yun who instantly noticed him.
“Uncle Buck!” she yelled out, quickly abandoning her grandparents in favour of Buck. A wave of smugness washed over him. He was her favourite.
“There’s my girl!” Buck grinned and picked her up, giving her a light toss in the air. “You ready to go to the pack with your favourite uncle?”
She gave him an enthusiastic nod.
“Thanks again for taking her out. We are going to visit Howie and then drop in to the courthouse to submit for the marriage license. Not exactly an exciting afternoon.”
“No problem,” Buck assured. “Besides I already dropped Tommy back so my day is clear.”
“How is Tommy? He seemed pretty tired last night.”
“Yeah the fire was a beast.” Buck chuckled, repeating Tommy’s words. “But he is good now, rested.”
“Oh, he stayed over?” his mom asked, surprise evident in her voice. Clearly they were eavesdropping. Buck narrowed his eyes.
“Yeah, my place was closer than his,” Buck ended up saying as he set Jee-yun down. “Let’s get your shoes on and we will go play.”
“That’s nice of you to let your…friend stay over.” He heard his dad say. “Eva- Buck, leaving so soon? You just got here.”
“First of all, Tommy is not just a friend, he is my boyfriend. And yeah, I want to get there before the playground gets overcrowded,” Buck shrugged, making up the first excuse that came to his mind.
His mom exchanged a look with his dad before speaking. “This again. Buck I know you mean well but…Well, it’s just… we thought you’d be more considerate about the impression you’re making, especially at family events.”
Buck felt a flare of anger pass through him like another bolt of lighting. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded.
“I mean, we know it’s a trend nowadays to experiment and whatnot. We get that. You’re a grown up, you can do what you want. But to do it at your sister’s big day? And to say such things in front of such a young and impressionable child. Maybe it’s not the best idea.”
“Mom!” Maddie hissed out, shock evident in her expression.
Buck clenched his teeth, his anger bubbling up. “It’s not a trend or an experiment. Tommy and I are together. I am not about to hide him him in a closet to make you look good or whatever it is that you are trying to say. Besides, everyone knew and were fine with it.”
He looked at Maddie for help. There was only so many things he could say that were child appropriate.
Maddie gathered Jee-yun to help her with the shoes.
“We talked about this,” Maddie warned, flashing a look towards them.
His father’s expression changed into something unreadable, but his mother looked taken aback. “We didn’t mean—” she started, but Buck cut her off.
“Save it.”
The tension in the room was palpable as Buck stood his ground, his arms crossed defensively over his chest.
“Look Buck,” his father tried to cut in. “It’s just a lot to adjust to. We just need some time.”
“Adjust to what? You never gave a d-” Buck stopped himself, forcing himself to breathe in. “Cared who I dated before. Frankly it’s none of your business. You either deal with it or you don’t.”
Buck turned to Maddie, giving her a nod. “We’ll be back soon,” he said softly before turning to Jee-Yun. “Ready to go, sweetheart?”
Jee-Yun nodded, sensing the tension but eager to spend time with her uncle. Buck took her hand and walked out the door, leaving his parents in stunned silence.
Maddie followed them out to the car.
“Buck I’m so sorry. I tried to talk to them but you know how they are.” Maddie sighed, rubbing her forehead.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Buck tried to offer her a smile. “Great people, not great parents right?”
“Even still, that was so uncalled for.” She mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself. A moment of silence fell on them as Buck strapped in Jee-yun.
“Wait, you called Tommy your boyfriend. So you guys are official?” Maddie asked smiling.
“Oh, uh not yet,” Buck rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “But I think I will ask. Soon.”
“You better. He is very cute and into you. Could barely keeps his eyes off you the entire time. Don’t screw it up.”
Buck chuckled, feeling a bit lighter. “Thanks, Maddie. I’ll try not to.”
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/142681057
31 notes · View notes
gabby297 · 4 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 4
Buck knew his strengths. He excelled as a firefighter, he knew how to follow orders and remain calm in stressful situations. He also knew that, at times, people found it difficult to resist him, especially when he deployed his best puppy eyes alongside his persuasive charm.
So when Hen and Karen showed up together, Buck recognized it as his prime opportunity to achieve his goal. And his goal was simple: he wanted Tommy to join in the celebration of the party he had painstakingly planned.
And if Buck resorted to playing dirty tactics for the next hour of the party, who could really blame him?
“Fine,” Chimney groaned, finally sick of Buck. “Call your man and get him here.”
The victory was even sweeter when it took even less time to persuade Tommy to come. As Buck waited for Tommy to arrive, anticipation bubbled within him, mingling with a hint of nerves. He fidgeted with his phone, checking the time every few seconds and willing it to ring with a notification of Tommy's arrival.
Luckily for him, he didn’t have to wait too long, noticing instantly when the man entered the room. He moved to meet Tommy halfway.
“Hey, glad you could make it.” Buck grinned, spreading his arms out to hug him.
“Of course,” Tommy mumbled, his voice slightly muffled against Buck's shoulder as they lingered in their hug.
“I’m surprised Chimney gave in,” Tommy said as they pulled away.
“Oh, you haven’t been a victim of Buck’s puppy eyes,” Eddie snickered from their side, with a slider in his hand. Buck sent him a glare. “It’s almost as bad as Buck with a clipboard.”
“Don’t listen to him,” Buck half groaned, leading Tommy to a seat he grabbed for them. The party was in full swing by now, even if he couldn’t spot Chimney in the room. He quickly discarded the thought. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Juice is fine. I’m on standby.”
Buck made sure their drinks were topped up as they conversed with their friends through the night. Before long, Buck started to feel the effects of all the shots and beers he drank, but he couldn’t complain. His movements became a bit looser, his laughter a touch louder.
Amidst the chatter and laughter of the party, Buck found himself stealing glances at Tommy. He couldn't help but smile at the easy way Tommy interacted with everyone, his smile lighting up the room.
Being tipsy also gave him bravery. He wasn’t too shy around Tommy. Sure, he was kind of new to navigating a relationship with a man, but for the most part, it wasn’t too different. And if there was one thing Buck had plenty of experience with, it was relationships and sex. He felt bolder overall, especially when it came to touching Tommy whenever he wanted. The alcohol only helped him to enjoy what he had. And what he had was Tommy sitting right beside him, surrounded by friends and a few random people who had joined the bachelor party. A wide smile spread across his face.
Now, he could greedily run his hands across Tommy’s back, dip his hand under his shirt, and feel the strong muscles under his fingertips. Tommy gave him a pointed look, but it held no heat. If anything, Tommy scooted closer to him, giving him more access across his body. Buck would have loved nothing more than to drag Tommy into a bathroom stall and have his way with him. But he had to force himself not to. It had been years since his Buck 1.0 days, and Tommy deserved better than a dingy bathroom. For now, he would be satisfied by discreetly groping his date.
“Having fun?” Tommy’s voice teased near his ear, not helping his wandering thoughts at all. Buck grinned, feeling the warmth of Tommy's breath against his skin. “Always, you’re here.”
Tommy chuckled, the sound sending a pleasant shiver down Buck’s spine. He leaned in closer, brushing his lips lightly against Buck’s ear. “I’m glad.”
From how close he was, Buck could smell his cologne, a rich blend of warm tobacco, smooth vanilla, and hints of spicy notes. The scent was intoxicating, making Buck swoon and feel even more drawn to him.
However, like all good things, it couldn’t last forever. Tommy was on standby for the night, and sooner than Buck would have liked, Tommy’s phone dinged with an alert. From the look on his face, Buck knew he would have to leave.
“Where’s the fire?” Buck asked, his shoulders sagging.
“Angeles crest,” Tommy sighed, flashing his phone’s screen to Buck. “I’ll try my damnedest to make it to the wedding.”
“Yeah. Okay. I’ll walk you out,” Buck mumbled, disappointment evident even to himself. He knew Tommy’s job was important, just as important as his. Yet, the childish part of him wanted to keep the man all to himself. The childish part, however, was quickly forgotten, as Tommy interlocked their hands while they were navigating their way from the venue to the outside.
They stopped at Tommy’s car, much too quickly for Buck’s liking. He was meant to walk Tommy out and return to the party. Yet, right now, standing beside the man, he couldn’t think of a better place to be.
With time not on their side, Buck was quick to pull Tommy closer. The kiss was sloppy, more so than Buck would have preferred, but it was the best he could manage with the alcohol coursing through his veins. Their lips collided clumsily, Tommy’s lip catching against his teeth. Buck half-missed as he tried to lick inside his mouth, desperate to pull Tommy closer. He could feel Tommy grin against his lips but allowed him to explore.
“You be safe, okay?” Buck mumbled, his voice thick with emotion.
“Evan,” Tommy smiled, nuzzling his nose against Buck’s, sending shivers down his spine. “You are adorable.” “I’m serious,” Buck protested weakly, his words slurred but his intent clear. “I need you to come back to me in one piece.”
“I’ll do my best,” Tommy shushed him, rewarding him with a light kiss on his lips. Butterflies returned to Buck’s stomach full force.
Eventually, Buck pulled away, already longing for the warmth of Tommy’s body against his. He bid his goodbyes and started back to the hotel, each step feeling heavier with the desire to look back.
“Oh, and Evan,” Tommy called out, making Buck turn around immediately. “Drink some water. We have a wedding to attend.”
Buck had every intention of following Tommy’s advice and drinking some water. But the party spiraled out of control, and later on, Chimney went missing, making water the least of Buck’s worries. He pushed through the near-blinding headache and gnawing guilt at losing Chimney, only finding a few moments to update Tommy about the situation as they raced across LA.
However, it was all worth it when they found Chimney and moved the wedding to the hospital.
The ceremony was beautiful, a private and intimate affair with only their closest friends and family in attendance. After everything they had been through together, it was exactly what Maddy and Chimney deserved. Buck couldn’t tear his eyes away from the couple, his chest brimming with love for them both. Their eyes sparkled with unshed tears of joy, and Buck felt his own eyes misting over with emotion. He scarcely hoped one day he would experience it himself.
As the ceremony drew to a close, Buck’s phone buzzed with a message:
Tommy: Pulling outside now.
With a wide grin spreading across his face, he sprinted from the room where Chimney was resting to the entrance of the hospital. Arriving just in time, he caught sight of Tommy pushing through the entrance, his turnout gear and face smudged with soot, sweat, and God knows what from battling the fire. Despite his disheveled appearance, he was the hottest and sexiest sight Buck had ever seen in his life.
“Sorry I’m late,” Tommy sounded breathless as he raised his arms in apology. “That fire was a beast.”
Buck could only say the only thing that was on his mind.
"So are you," Buck replied, his desire for Tommy overwhelming any sense of decorum.
Without hesitation, his hand instinctively found its place on Tommy’s cheek. Leaning in, he captured Tommy’s lips in a heated kiss. Buck could feel the surprised moan that escaped Tommy's lips, spurring him to deepen the kiss, his longing for the man evident in every movement. He didn’t allow Tommy to pull away, keeping him firm by holding onto his waist with another hand buried in his hair. Tommy’s initial surprise melted into a fervent response, his hands instinctively finding their way to Buck’s waist as he pulled him closer.
Buck deepened the kiss, his senses overwhelmed by the taste of Tommy’s lips and the intoxicating scent of smoke clinging to his skin. In the moment, he couldn’t have cared less who saw them making out in the emergency room. All that mattered was that Tommy was here.
What felt like forever, they finally pulled apart.
“Did I miss it?” Tommy asked, catching his breath.
“You’re just in time for cake.” Buck smiled, grabbing his hand. “Come, Maddie can’t wait to meet you properly.”
“Wait,” Tommy stopped him in his tracks. “Your face is filthy from me.”
“Who cares, they already know,” Buck shrugged his concerns away. Besides, the sooner they get this done with, the sooner he can bring Tommy home. So Buck did exactly that, navigating the corridors until they reached the room.
“How’s your head?” Tommy asked along the way as he tried to fix his turnout coat, attempting to look somewhat presentable.
“God, I’m never drinking again,” Buck half-whined. Even now, with the headache dulled from their desperate search for Chimney across the city, his head was heavy and still somewhat pounding.
“Mhm, I figured,” Tommy chuckled lightly. “From the way you blew up my phone, it seemed like it was a wild night.”
“I, uh, what?” Buck's brow furrowed in confusion. Did he text Tommy after he left? Then again, most of the night was somewhat of a blur. He felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck at the thought of bombarding Tommy's phone.
“I’ll show you later.” From the smirk on Tommy’s face, Buck knew he would have hard time facing the man.
"I think it’s time you bring your man home," Karen mentioned to Buck with a knowing smile.
He glanced over to Tommy, who sat on one of the visitor chairs, with Hen and Chimney leading the conversation. Buck could see in the way Tommy’s shoulders sagged, in the hazy look on his face, that he could barely keep up with the conversation. Exhaustion seemed to weigh him down, evident in the droop of his eyelids and the slight slump of his posture.
"Yeah, I think you’re right," he hummed softly, his gaze lingering on Tommy. Before he could leave, he felt a hand on his elbow.
“Buck,” she stopped him with a smirk. “I’m happy for you. But don’t even think for a second that I won’t be grilling you for details of how this happened the next time I see you.”
Buck ducked his head sheepishly, feeling the warmth rush to his cheeks. He nodded dutifully and excused himself, his thoughts already turning back to Tommy. Coming from behind, Buck placed his hand on Tommy’s shoulder.
“Ready to go home?” Buck leaned over him from behind, his voice gentle as he planted a small kiss on Tommy’s cheek.
“You sure?” Tommy asked, turning his head to look up at Buck. “We can stay if you want.”
“I’m sure,” Buck agreed, moving his hand to the back of his neck. “We both need sleep. And a shower.”
“A shower, huh?” Tommy raised an eyebrow, a teasing grin tugging at his lips.
“Gross!” Chimney pulled a face, overhearing them. “And traumatizing. I really don't need this information about my friend and brother-in-law!”
“Yeah, well, this is payback for all the times you mentioned my sister,” Buck shot back with a grin, earning a laugh from Tommy and a mock glare from Chimney.
Saying goodbyes was a quick affair. Everyone in the room seemed to have mercy on them, noticing how tired Tommy was. Buck pointedly avoided his parents during their gathering, quickly saying his goodbyes and dashing away before they could say anything and ruin his good mood.
Buck navigated through the LA traffic with soft music playing in the background. His right arm rested lightly on Tommy’s leg, occasionally lifting to change gears but naturally gravitating back. The urge to touch Tommy grew stronger each time he saw him. It was grounding, running his thumb over Tommy’s thigh, feeling the muscles under his fingertips.
Glancing over at Tommy, Buck smiled. Tommy was slouched in the seat, eyes closed, head leaning against the window, lips slightly parted. He looked beautiful, and Buck resisted the urge to take a quick picture. Instead, he focused on pulling into the car park.
Switching off the engine, Buck paused, considering his next move. He was nearly certain he could lift Tommy in normal situations, but his own tiredness made him doubt he could do it smoothly now. Instead, he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over.
“Tommy,” Buck called quietly, rubbing his shoulder. It took him a few times calling his name before tired blue eyes met his. “We’re home.”
“Just leave me here,” Tommy mumbled, closing his eyes again and sighing contentedly.
"That would make me a terrible boyf—date,” Buck managed to catch himself at the last possible moment. He cleared his throat, hoping Tommy didn’t notice the slip-up. Thankfully, Tommy seemed too far gone to acknowledge it.
Coaxing Tommy out of the car, Buck quickly walked around to Tommy's side. With an arm wrapped around his waist, he guided him inside. The short walk from the car in the fresh air to the elevator and into the loft seemed to wake Tommy up a bit. Despite still looking like the definition of exhaustion, his gaze seemed more alert.
Ushering him inside, Buck helped Tommy out of his turnout coat, quickly unzipping it and pushing it off his shoulders. He caught it before it could fall to the floor and walked into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" Buck asked, draping Tommy's turnout coat over a nearby chair. "I can order in or make you something?"
"Honestly? Do you have cereal?" Tommy replied, flopping down onto the nearest chair.
Buck chuckled at Tommy's request. "I hope you like Cap’n Crunch," he replied, opening a cupboard. He wasn’t that big of a fan of cereal; whenever he had a craving for them, he would demolish the boxes at the firehouse, so his collection at home was rather lacking.
Tommy smiled weakly. "Sounds perfect."
Grabbing the box and two bowls, Buck poured out a generous helping for both of them. He added milk and handed the bowl to Tommy, who accepted it with a grateful smile. Buck sat down, and they fell into a comfortable silence as they ate. From time to time, he glanced at Tommy, soaking in the moment. He liked having him around the loft, especially when they were doing something as simple as eating. It felt comfortable. Domestic.
Once the cereal was done, Buck rose to grab their bowls and throw them into the sink. The dishes could wait till tomorrow. He turned around and smiled.
Tommy was leaning heavily on his elbows, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. The man radiated exhaustion, and as stupid as it was, Buck found it endearing. In all the time they’d hung out, he had never seen Tommy this soft and vulnerable. He always carried a sense of coolness, full of quick quips and dashing smiles. None of that was present right now, and secretly, Buck hoped it wasn’t just because of the exhaustion. He hoped that part of the reason he got to see this side of Tommy was because Tommy was getting comfortable around him. Maybe the man was slowly realizing that Buck was already head over heels impressed with him, and he didn’t need to keep trying to impress him.
Buck walked up to the chair where Tommy sat, the difference in height allowing him to card his fingers through Tommy’s soft hair. He felt Tommy wrap his arms loosely around the back of his thighs and lean his head against Buck's stomach.
“We need a shower,” Buck said softly, not really wanting to move and end the moment. Tommy, for his part, groaned in protest, nuzzling further into Buck’s stomach.
“You’re joining?” He asked a moment later, his brain catching up with what Buck said.
“Well, yeah. You kind of covered me in soot,” Buck chuckled, scratching the back of his head lightly.
“Should have led with that! Let’s go.”
Buck let Tommy go first into the shower as he took a moment to gather a few towels and a pair of underwear for them to change into. He briefly debated whether to grab a pair of shorts and shirts, but the thought of seeing Tommy half-naked in his bed won over.
Entering the bathroom, he was greeted by a cloud of steam already fogging up the mirrors and warming up the room. There, he found Tommy in the shower, leaning against the wall, eyes closed, and letting the water run over his face and body.
Buck's eyes roamed across the sight that Tommy presented. His breath caught in his throat as he fully took him in. Tommy’s damp hair clung to his forehead, droplets of water trailing down his body. Buck had seen him in various states of undress, but nothing like this. He doubted he could ever look away.
Slowly, Tommy opened his eyes, a lazy smile gracing his lips as he caught Buck’s stare. Unashamedly, Tommy's eyes wandered down Buck's body, humming in approval.
“You’re letting out all the steam,” Tommy teased, his voice laced with playful affection.
Buck blinked, feeling a flush creep up his cheeks at not only being caught staring but having the attention returned back at him. “Right,” he mumbled and finally stepped in, the warm water immediately enveloping him.
Buck's heart pounded in his chest as Tommy reached out, his fingers grazing lightly over his cheek, and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
Buck knew that nothing would be happening in their current state of exhaustion apart from sleeping, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate what was right in front of him.
“Let me,” Buck said softly as he grabbed a bottle of shampoo, pouring a generous amount into his palm.
“You don’t have to,” Tommy protested gently. The warmth and affection in Tommy's gaze made Buck's heart flutter in his chest. He wanted to take care of Tommy, to show him how much he meant to him.
“I want to,” Buck insisted, his voice filled with sincerity. He lathered up his hands before gently massaging the shampoo into Tommy's hair.
Running his hands through Tommy’s hair was quickly becoming his favorite thing to do. As Buck worked the shampoo into Tommy's hair, Tommy leaned into Buck's touch, his eyes closing as he let out a soft sigh of relaxation. The tension seemed to melt away from his shoulders.
With the task done, Buck couldn’t tear his eyes away as Tommy used the water to wash it out. He ran his hands through his hair, the water cascading down his body.
The rest of the shower went just as smoothly, with Buck attentively washing off Tommy’s body of the grime from the day.
With Tommy clean, Buck quickly washed himself, relishing in the warmth of the water and the closeness of their shared space.
It wasn’t long before they shut off the shower and dried off. Buck found a spare toothbrush for Tommy to use.
The bed felt heavenly, and from the half moan that left Tommy, Buck knew that he agreed. In an instant, Buck found his way in, tangling their bodies together with his cheek pressed against Tommy’s chest. Tommy’s arms wrapped around him, and Buck nuzzled closer, draping his arm on the space beside his face.
Buck closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of happiness that washed over him. He could definitely get used to this.
In the quiet of the moment, he felt Tommy press his lips against the top of his head. Buck shifted slightly, snuggling even closer to Tommy's warmth. The soft rhythm of Tommy’s breathing and the steady beat of his heart beneath Buck's cheek were comforting in ways he couldn't fully explain even to himself.
“Thanks,” Buck mumbled out softly, the lull of sleep slowly enveloping him. “For coming today. And yesterday. It, uh, means a lot.”
“I’ll always show up for you, Evan,” was the last thing he heard before sleep claimed him
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/142238773
27 notes · View notes
gabby297 · 5 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 3
Buck glanced down at the navigation as he pulled up to a quiet cul-de-sac. The houses in the neighborhood were mostly two-story with neat front lawns, but he was searching for a specific one towards the end of the driveway.
As the sun began to peek over the horizon, he parked his jeep and pulled out his phone. Just as he was about to hit send, he heard the door of the house slam shut, the sound muffled by the car. He looked up to see Tommy locking it up. The house looked simple and cozy from the outside, with a freshly cut lawn.
Buck smiled to himself as he watched Tommy lightly jog to his jeep with a duffel bag thrown over his shoulder. He tossed it into the back seat before sliding in beside him. Buck was greeted with a light kiss, tasting the remains of Tommy’s mouthwash on his lips.
“Good morning,” Buck hummed out, pleased. He could definitely get used to being greeted like that every morning.
“Got you a coffee. Figured I need you wide awake for our lesson.”
“Thanks Evan,” Tommy smiled softly, taking off the lid and taking a sip.
“Am I closer this time?” Buck asked as he pulled down the handbrake and set off to drive.
“Better than the first.” Tommy replied simply, not giving any other hints. Buck had tried to guess the order three times already, with little luck. But he didn’t mind; it was becoming more of a fun challenge than a source of insecurity. And so far, Tommy didn’t seem bothered either. He would drink the coffee regardless and encourage Buck to try again.
It was nice when their schedules matched. With both of them working in the late afternoon, Tommy offered to start teaching him some flying lessons that he promised when they met.
They spent the drive mostly listening to the radio with occasionally Tommy pointing out which turn to take to beat the traffic. Buck found himself growing more comfortable with the silence that would settle between them. It felt natural and over time he stopped feeling like he had to fill every moment with conversation. Embarrassingly, Tommy had to gently point that out when Buck became restless when they first started hanging out at his loft.
“Evan, you can relax.” Tommy squeezed his hand. “I like having you around. But you don’t need to entertain me all the time. Your presence is more than enough for me.”
They pulled into the harbor and stepped out of the car. Tommy led them to one of the light-duty stationary helicopters and unlocked it.
“You have the keys?” Buck asked surprised. Granted he didn’t know the policies but he hadn’t expected Tommy to have access to the helicopter keys.
“Yeah, captain got sick of me bothering him constantly for the keys whenever I fly for fun.” Tommy explained as he got into the cockpit.
Buck quickly followed suit and buckled himself in.
“I guess I should start from the beginning,” Tommy said, passing him the headset. “So, I hope you are excited about pre-flight checks.”
Tommy proved to be an amazing flying instructor, meticulously going through each part of the demonstration with detail and seriousness. At first, Buck thought that he would show few things, maybe some simple controls or what something meant. He was quickly proven wrong.
Tommy went through his usual routine, explaining each step and why it was important. Everything from checking instrumentation, avionics, and flight controls to why some helicopters need to a brief warm-up period after engine start to allow the engine to reach optimal operating temperature. And it didn’t stop once they were airborne. After settling at a safe altitude and airspeed, Tommy demonstrated how to monitor the systems before inviting Buck to try piloting.
“Wait, are you serious?” Buck asked, grinning excitedly.
“Well, I won’t give you the full controls just yet.” Tommy smiled, shifting in his seat to give Buck room to reach over. Buck placed his hands, albeit a little hesitant, on the cyclic control. Tommy's warm hands covered his own and guided him through the controls with light touches. It felt surreal, not only because Buck had never flown anything before but also because of the intimacy of Tommy being right beside him. Tommy was patient and gentle, showing him the appropriate amount of strength to use.
Most importantly, Buck could see the passion and knowledge radiating off the man beside him. Piloting wasn’t just a job for Tommy did to earn money. It was an extension of him. Buck stared at him in awe, chest filling up with amazement.
“That was truly extensive,” Buck commented once they touched down back at the harbor. “I should have brought a notebook.”
“Sorry,” Tommy rubbed his neck, looking sheepish. “I know, I can get intense about flying.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s uh, It’s cute,” Buck grinned. It was becoming so much easier to compliment the man, especially when Tommy would offer such a soft smile in return. “Besides, you should see me with a clipboard. Now that’s intense.” Buck chuckled. He knew he could be a menace with it.
“Oh, believe me, I have been extensively warned to not give you one.” Tommy laughed shaking his head.
“What? By who?” Buck asked suspiciously. It was one of the downsides of Tommy knowing half the team; any of them could tattle on him.
“My lips are sown shut.” Tommy replied, mimicking his lips being zipped shut.
On the day of Chimney’s bachelor party, Buck found himself with a few free hours to spare before heading over to the hotel. It was an easy choice on how he wanted to spend it. Tommy had a night shift prior and was now awake and planning to work on fixing up a dresser he found listed on Facebook Marketplace.
Turning off the engine, Buck stepped out of the jeep to see that both the house door and detached garage was wide open. Old rock music was softly playing from the speaker somewhere inside the house. Tommy's back was turned to him as he focused on the dresser positioned on the lawn, his hands moving with purpose as he tackled the project. Buck took a moment to enjoy the view. Tommy was dressed in a simple pair of burgundy jogger shorts and an old band t-shirt that hung loosely on him.
With a smile, Buck approached him.
“That’s a sweet dresser,” He commented looking it over. It was a three-drawer maple dresser, painted in a colour that was somewhere between light blue and gray. The drawers were open, revealing wallpaper stuck on the sides, while the top boasted a light wood stain.
“It will be a sweet dresser once I rescue it from this god awful pain job.” Tommy corrected, as if the colour choice was personally offensive.
“How can I help?” Buck offered, lightly stretching out his limbs.
“You sure?” Tommy lifted his head, squinting against the sun.
“I’m at your service, if you’ll have me.”
“Always, Evan.” The tone in Tommy’s voice sounded so genuine that Buck couldn’t help but smile shyly.
Buck wasn’t much into DIY projects. Hell, he barely changed anything inside the loft since he moved in. But he had to admit it was pretty fun going through the motions of sanding down the surface and helping out with applying the finish. Well, he left the latter mostly to Tommy; his skill in applying coats of stain was sorely lacking. He was more than happy to watch as Tommy worked, singing the lyrics lowly under his breath.
They left the dresser to dry and went inside. Tommy’s place was different than Buck’s loft but in a nice sort of way. Buck could describe the house as cozy. The walls wore a simple taupe hue, complemented by warm hardwood floors and exposed wooden beams overhead. Unlike Buck, who still lacked a couch, Tommy’s overstuffed grey couch looked incredibly inviting, adorned with a few plush pillows and a draped blanket. A simple stone fireplace stood nearby. The kitchen, though smaller than Buck’s, lacked an island counter but boasted a simple circular wooden table.The entire place wasn’t cluttered, likely a habit from Tommy’s military days, but subtle personal touches made it feel uniquely his own. In particular, a book case that stood in the living room caught Buck’s eye. In particular, a bookcase in the living room caught Buck's eye. Instead of books, it displayed an array of completed model aircraft sets and even a few lego sets.
“Can you guess that I like aircrafts?” Tommy joked as he noticed Buck examining the sets.
“You have to go,” Tommy murmured against Buck's lips, sending shivers down his spine. Buck’s lips were tingling, as he chased Tommy’s for another kiss. Tommy was intoxicating, overwhelming any sense of urgency, drawing Buck deeper into their embrace.
Buck knew he had to start heading out; the hotel they booked for Chimney’s bachelor’s party was halfway across the city. Yet, he couldn’t care less at the moment, especially when Tommy’s body was pressed so close against him. He was right where he wanted to be, especially with Tommy's warmth enveloping him.
“Do I?” Buck sighed. His hands wandered over the muscles of Tommy’s toned back, the shirt long gone and forgotten on the floor somewhere. “I could come up with an excuse.” "Chimney will have our heads if I keep you any longer," Tommy replied, desire spilling into his voice.
“We're talking too much about him," Buck declared, his lips trailing down to Tommy's neck, eliciting a soft sigh from the man beneath him. Pride filled him, pleased with himself that he could get Tommy to react. Buck shifted even closer, practically straddling Tommy's lap as he leaned further into the couch. His hands firmly placed on Buck’s hips, leaving no space between them. Heat prickled across Buck’s cheeks as he felt the unmistakable firmness pressing against his inner thigh, but it couldn’t compare to the fire pooling low in his belly. The hands on Buck’s tightened and a strangled moan escaped him as Tommy shifted and experimentally grounded his hips against Buck’s.
Nipping at Tommy's neck, Buck shifted his hips, seeking more contact
“That okay?” Tommy breathed out, his voice husky. He didn’t do it again, clearly waiting for Buck to answer. Buck’s chest filled with warmth as he lifted his head to look at Tommy. Despite the glossy eyes and tousled hair, Tommy looked at him with such softness, it took Buck’s breath away. Looking at Tommy like this, he was certain that he will be the death of him.
“I’ll murder you if you stop.” He grunted out and crashed their lips together again.
After some time, still dazed and running late, Buck grabbed his keys from the counter. He lingered for a moment, not wanting to leave. If he was being honest, all he wanted was to lay down and take a nap with Tommy. He was no stranger to wanting to keep touching his partners after mind-blowing orgasms, but with Tommy his neediness went haywire. He had already spent a while, boneless and clinging to Tommy on the couch, before reluctantly parting to clean up. It really didn’t help that Tommy didn't seem bothered by the sticky mess between them; he simply wrapped him up in his arms and sighed contently, closing his eyes. For the first time in his life, Buck was the one being held instead of doing the holding and he couldn’t get enough. Something was stirring inside him, a feeling he hadn’t felt in so long, if ever, forming but he was too terrified to examine it too closely.
With a sigh, Buck headed towards the door, Tommy following closely behind.
“I’ll text you tomorrow. I can, uh, try and pick you up? If I’m not dying?” Buck asked as he turned to face Tommy who hadn't bothered to put his shirt back on. He really didn’t help Buck to leave, looking all relaxed and undeniably hot.
“We’ll see how you feel,” Tommy replied simply, reaching out to gently cup Buck's cheek. He pulled him into another kiss, this one much softer than their earlier ones. Too quickly for Buck's liking, Tommy pulled away, their eyes meeting.
A flicker of a frown appeared on Tommy’s face, something at the tip of his tongue. Buck could see he wanted to say something. But the moment passed and instead Tommy offered him a small, somewhat tense, smile. “Have fun, Evan.”
Finally arriving at the hotel, Buck couldn't summon an ounce of apology, even as Chimney, Albert and Eddie ribbed him for abandoning them. He mumbled a few weak excuses, accepted a shot of tequila, and headed off to change for the night's theme. When he returned, he found them staring at him with raised eyebrows. He waited them to say something, but they kept staring.
“What?” Buck asked, frowning. Did he have something on his face?
Eddie and Chimney exchanged a knowing glance before telling him to check the mirror.
He glanced at the mirror. Just over the shirt’s collar, a small but deep hickey peeked out. He tilted his head and lightly traced his fingers over the mark, surprised that he hadn't noticed it earlier. He briefly wondered if the placement of it was accidental, if Tommy didn’t realise that it would be visible in the heat of the moment. A part of him, more selfish one, hoped that Tommy had left it there deliberately. That he wanted everyone to know that Buck was taken.
“If I knew you two would act like lovesick high school couples and rub it in everyone’s faces, I would have never introduced you.” Chimney shook his head with exasperation, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes.
“We uh,” Buck waved his hand weakly. “We didn’t really talk about it.”
They were taking things slow, getting to know each other. It was too soon. Yet, with every small date and hangout, the thought of them being official grew bigger and bigger inside. He was able to keep it out of his head whenever they were together, too focused on actually being in the moment. But every time they separated, the longing came back full force. They would be so good together.
But there was also a part of him consumed with a nagging fear whenever he thought about it. He also didn’t want to think, to imagine that maybe Tommy didn’t feel the same way. He didn’t want to entertain the thought that maybe he wasn’t the only guy in Tommy’s life. Maybe he was just a passing fling, someone to keep things light until a more a more serious, experienced guy comes around. Someone who didn’t just discover his own sexuality in his 30s and actually knew how navigate a relationship. Someone who knew how to treat Tommy the way he deserved, without being awkward and messy like Buck. The heaviness settled in his heart as he swallowed, trying to ease the ache.
He wouldn’t blame Tommy. In fact, he would understand and support it completely, even if it meant stepping aside and watching from the sidelines. Even if it would destroy Buck on the inside. Until then, he could pretend they were together, that Tommy wanted him as much as he did, that there was a possibility of a future. He’d lie to himself until the truth hit him in the face. Buck wasn’t about to shatter his dreams by asking Tommy what they were. He'd enjoy their time together until Tommy left him behind.
Buck felt a hand clasp his shoulder, pulling him away from his spiraling thoughts. Looking up, he saw Eddie smirking at him.
“Really? Because it looks like Tommy is making quite the statement,” Eddie teased with a smirk.
Before he could reply, another shot of Tequila was passed into his hands. He knocked it back, enjoying the slight burn as it went down his throat.
Tonight will be great. What’s the worst that could happen?
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/140743570
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gabby297 · 5 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 2
Buck wiped away the sweat from his forehead on a small towel between his sets. Despite the AC blasting at full power, the gym still felt stiflingly hot. The weights beside him were slightly heavier than what he typically lifted. With the wedding right around the corner, Buck had been making the most of any free time by hitting the gym . And if he harbored a secret desire to look extra good for his date, who could blame him?
Buck knew they were pretty similar in height but he was nearly certain Tommy was actually stronger than him. He attributed it on the Muay Thai. Speaking of Muay Thai, he really should stop imagining Tommy in the ring, his skin glistering, only in a pair of shorts and boxing gloves. His Google search history became much more interesting since they started to hang out.
Buck lifted his phone off the floor again, checking if he missed any messages while he was lifting. Throwing the towel over his shoulder he leaned back against the seat. The pretense that he wasn’t checking the phone every moment he could was long forgotten. Both he and Tommy had a day off and had been texting since Buck crawled out of bed for a cup of coffee.
Things between him and Tommy were good. Almost too good. His past relationships were never this peaceful or easy. Since their reconciliation couple of days ago, they fell into a rhythm. In his previous relationships, Buck always felt like his partners took offence if he didn’t talk to them constantly at work or if he would lose time hanging out with the team after work. With Tommy it was different. Sharing a similar job, he knew how hectic the days were. More importantly, he understood the team dynamic. They texted when they could without expectation of an immediate reply. Their conversations never had a beginning or an end, and often with different amount of hours in between, especially when Tommy was piloting. However when they were off, Buck was glued to his phone.
Buck grinned as he looked at the chat. He was getting bolder, adding more winky emojis to his texts and teasing Tommy more often. Despite still blushing like a teenage girl in front of the man, he considered this progress. And judging by Tommy's reactions, it seemed like he was enjoying it too. The last message Buck sent was a selfie of himself in front of the mirror, making sure to pose in a way that showed off his muscles. He really needed to thank Eddie for telling him about lighting all the way back when he first joined the 118. Tommy had responded with a series of fire emojis, and asked which gym he used. Buck placed his phone back down, eager for the man to reply.
He was in the middle of bench pressing as someone approached him from the side.
“Need a spotter?” A familiar voice called out, causing Buck to do a double take, his arms faltering for a second. He quickly recovered and clinked the barbell back into place. Tommy stood beside him, wearing a pair of blue shorts and a black, very fitting vest top. Shamelessly, Buck ogled at the man, his eyes glancing up and down a few times.
“Tommy!” He grinned widened. “What are you doing here? I thought you had errands to run.”
“Well, a cute guy changed my mind.” ommy replied, winking playfully and eyeing the equipment. “Mind if we share?”
“Be my guest," Buck said, stepping away from the bench and giving it a quick wipe. He couldn't help but emit a half-groan as he watched Tommy bend down to grab another set of plates, offering him an excellent view. The sly smirk on Tommy’s face suggested he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Ready to actually do some work?” Tommy teased, adding the weights to the barbell. Buck chuckled shaking his head.
“You’re on, old man.”
An hour and a cold shower later, Buck sighed happily as his muscles tingled, the cool water washing away the fatigue of their intense workout. He was pleased to learn that Tommy was just as competitive as him, the workout turning into a fun competition. They ended their workout on a treadmill where Tommy had utterly beat his ass in endurance.
As he dried his hair with a towel, Buck caught sight of Tommy openly staring at him in the mirror. His heart quickened at the intensity of Tommy's gaze, a flush creeping up his cheeks as he met the other man's eyes.
“What?” Buck asked, shifting under his gaze. The semi-public space added to the nerves and excitement.
“Nothing, just you're quite the sight.” Tommy replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Buck’s brain short-circuited for a moment.
“Lets grab some lunch.” Tommy added casually, as if he didn’t just openly flirt in a men’s locker room. He thew the duffel bag over his soldier, and Buck quickly grabbed his stuff, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he fell into step beside Tommy, feeling like a lovesick puppy in the best possible way.
After coming out to his sister and best friend, it became easier to talk about this newly discovered part of himself. There were only a select number of people he did want to tell, and he was determined to do it before the wedding. In part, he didn't want to make Maddie and Chimney's big day about him, a distant echo of his parents' voices ringing in his mind. Mostly, he just wanted to have a nice night with Tommy among their closest friends, unspoiled by awkward corrections that Tommy isn't just his friend but his date. He knew that Tommy wouldn't correct it if someone did make that assumption, wouldn't out him; he was too considerate for that.
Buck told Chimney when he announced he needed a plus one to the wedding. He rolled his eyes, remembering the smug grin on Chimney's face, all too pleased that he was a matchmaker. After teasing him for a while, Chimney clasped Buck’s shoulder and declared that there was no way Tommy would be going to his bachelor’s party. He added something about 'under my dead body' would there be lovebirds pining in his face on his last night as a single man.
On one of the quieter shifts, Buck was helping Hen load up an ambulance. It was pretty quiet in the station when the words came to him. He didn’t explain in much detail, just a simple ‘I kissed a boy’ was enough. She gave him a knowing smile and pulled him into a hug. Then, she proceeded to roast him about Tommy for the next fifteen minutes.
He hesitated to tell Bobby and Athena . Not because he expected a negative reaction; after all, they had come together because Michael was brave enough to share that hidden part of himself. Buck knew they accepted him fully and had no doubt they’d do the same to him. It was a different kind of anxiety. The kind he imagined people felt when introducing someone they’re seeing to their parents. That was an experience he never had. When he was younger and girls started showing interest, he was too caught up in hormones to commit to just one long enough to bring home. Besides, his parents wouldn't have cared even if he did.
Sure, Bobby and Athena met and interacted with his past girlfriends before. Buck never asked what they thought of them, never asked for their approval. He was younger back then, did what he wanted, saw who he wanted. He didn’t need anyone’s approval. They didn't question him when those relationships inevitably crashed and burned; they were simply there. Whether it was celebrating his proudest achievements, scolding him for his reckless behavior, or keeping vigil by his bedside after a close call with death, they were always nearby.
He knew he wasn’t their kid. He was in his thirties for crying out loud. Yet during countless family dinners, moments at work, and various celebrations, he would catch glimpses of domesticity and could briefly imagine that he was their kid. He could envision that this was how it felt to be loved by parents.
He wanted them to like Tommy. It was a strange feeling, wanting to bring someone home and introduce them. Deep down, he desired to do it properly, but it was way too soon for that. They were still getting to know each other, without labels or exclusivity. Well, they were exclusive on Buck’s side, but they hadn't had the conversation yet, so he didn't want to presume.
For now, he would settle for introducing him as his date for the wedding.
“Buck!” Athena exclaimed as she answered the door, surprise evident on her face as she opened it wider to let him in. “What did you do?”
“Can't I come over without being accused of doing something?” Buck asked with mock hurt, flashing a playful smile.
“You’re always up to something.” Athena chuckled.
“I’m not intruding am I?” He asked, wanting to make sure. He could totally come over another time.
“Of course not, come. Coffee is on the counter.” With that she glanced at Bobby, communicating something Buck couldn’t decipher and walked off.
Bobby was in the living room and greeted him warmly. With a coffee in his hand, Buck sat down on the couch. They talked for a bit, catching up on one of the calls they had the other day. Buck tried to pay attention to the conversation, but his mind was elsewhere. He wondered what the best way to bring it up was, feeling his mouth go dry as he glanced down at his mug. Eventually, Bobby, sensing Buck's distraction, asked what was on his mind.
“I, uh,” Buck began, biting his lip nervously. “I have a date. For the wedding.”
“Really? Is she someone we know?” Bobby asked curiously, perhaps sensing there was more to the conversation.
The silence stretched out. Buck finally raised his eyes to Bobby, trying to find the words. Bobby tilted his head.
“Is he someone we know?” Bobby asked, his tone softening.
“Yeah, it’s Tommy.” Buck finally managed to say.
“Wow?” Buck frowned, his stomach dropping.
“No! Not like that!” Bobby was quick to correct it. “More like I should have realised you two would hit it off.”
“Yeah, we hit it off alright. Is… is that weird?”Buck asked tentatively.
“Why would it be weird?” Bobby responded, genuine confusion in his voice.
“I uh, I don’t know.” Buck sighed, rubbed his face and rose up. He pointed towards the kitchen. Eager to change the subject. “Forget I said anything. Want to grab something to eat? I’m starving.”
“Buck,” Bobby stopped him, rising and clasping a hand on his shoulder. “I’ve know you since you were wet behind your ears. I’ve watched you go from a reckless kid to a great man. And while I’d appreciate if you would stop giving me heart attacks with the stunts you pull on the job, your heart has always been in the right place. So if you’re happy, that’s all that matters to me.”
A lump formed in Buck's throat, and he blinked back sudden tears. Before he could react, Bobby pulled him into a hug After a moment of surprise, Buck hugged him back.
“I’m proud of you kid.” Bobby added softly, loud enough only for him to hear.
“Thanks, Bobby.” Buck managed to choke out, his voice thick with emotion.
They pulled away, with Bobby giving his shoulder a final squeeze. Buck cleared his throat, a smile breaking out.
Athena's voice interrupted their moment, teasing and light-hearted.
“Ain’t you two looking cozy. Anything interesting to share?”
Buck glanced at Bobby, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “I, uh, was telling Bobby about bringing Tommy to the wedding. As my date. Uh, the pilot that helped us find you.”
“I’m impressed Buck,” Athena grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “What’s his name?”
“Tommy Kinard.” Buck replied and watched her pull out her phone and type it in phone. “Wait, are you doing a background search on him?!”
Kissing Tommy was quickly becoming Buck’s favourite thing to do. They were at his loft, hanging out in the kitchen as Buck was still without a couch. His parents had gotten one for him, but it was more aesthetically pleasing than comfortable and after a 24-hour shift it pissed Buck off and he sold it the next morning. He had yet to buy a new couch.
As they waited for their Italian takeaway to arrive, conversation flowed easily between them but his attention was drifting, unable to resist stealing glances at Tommy's lips. Sensing Buck's gaze, Tommy flashed a knowing smile before taking hold of Buck's chin, and guided their lips together in for a kiss Buck's breath hitched in his throat as their lips met, his hands instinctively finding their way to Tommy's waist, pulling him closer. As the seconds passed, Buck’s confidence grew and he licked at the bottom of Tommy’s lip. Tommy hummed in encouragement, parting his lips, his hands roaming over Buck’s back.
Their kiss grew more passionate, more urgent and before he knew it, Tommy grabbed at his legs and hoisted Buck on top of the counter. A surprised gasp escaped Buck as he instinctively grabbed at Tommy for support. Tommy took the opportunity and slotted himself against Buck’s legs, wrapping them around himself.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Buck groaned out, his voice thick and eyes half-lidded with desire.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, pretty boy.” Tommy grinned, planting another kiss on his lips. He didn’t let Buck deepen the kiss, instead trailed light kisses down his cheek and neck. Buck gasped in pleasure at the nibbles along his neck, causing his body to jolt into Tommy’s when he sucked a particularly sensitive spot. Tommy's hand on his leg tightened, grounding him.
Buck flinched, startled, as a series of loud knocks on the door interrupted them. Tommy let out a frustrated sigh, briefly nibbling on Buck's neck once more before reluctantly pulling away.
“I’ll get it.” Tommy muttered, his eyes still dark with desire. He glanced at Buck’s lips and quickly kissed him again before moving away to get the door. As Tommy's back turned to him, Buck took a moment to catch his breath and ensure his legs hadn't turned to jelly. With a sheepish smile, Buck adjusted his jeans, feeling the warmth creeping into his cheeks.
Tommy managed to get rid of the delivery guy in a record speed and brought the pizza box to the table that was already set. Buck pulled out two beers from the fridge and joined him.
“I tried to get you in but Chimney was adamant that it’s not a bachelor party if we are making in a corner instead of partying.” Buck said as he brought the beer to his lips.
“Wise man, I can barely keep my hands off you.” Tommy sent him a flirty smile. Buck was getting a suspicion that this smooth fucker said things on purpose to make him blush.
“Also, Athena ran a background search on you.” Buck blurted out before his mind caught up with him. Probably not the best thing to say. “I mean, I told Bobby about us and she asked so you know. Told her as well.”
“Really?” Tommy raised his eyebrow in amusement. “Should I be worried?”
“Not unless you have something to hide.” Buck quipped playfully, his gaze locking with Tommy’s.
“Not to my knowledge. But do let me know if I have to flee the country. I’ll need time to prepare my chopper.” Tommy chuckled, his demeanor relaxed as he grabbed another slice of pizza.
“Speaking of telling people about us.” He continued. “Evan, are you absolutely sure about bringing me? It’s a big step, even if I wasn’t a man.”
“Yeah, of course.” Buck replied with a soft smile. “Besides, everyone who are important to me already know you’re my date. The rest can deal with it.”
Tommy's gaze turned thoughtful as he considered Buck's response “What about your parents? I assume they will be there.”
“I mean,” Buck shrugged. “I mean, something tells me that won't be the most disappointing thing I've done in their eyes even if they don't like it."
“Complicated history?” He guessed. They hadn’t really discussed their parents or their relationships with them.
“Something like that.” Buck alluded. He didn’t really want to get into it. His own feelings towards parents were complex, and definitely not a conversation for a date night.
Tommy seemed to understand and didn’t pry further.
“Well for what it’s worth,” Tommy's hand found Buck's on the table. “I can’t wait to be shown off by you.”
Link to ao3:
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gabby297 · 5 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 1
No matter what Buck did, he could not get Tommy out of his mind. The countless times he picked up his phone to text the guy, to apologize profusely, and to beg for another chance were driving him insane. He was never good at explaining his feelings when it mattered; the words would make sense in his head, but the moment it came to speaking them out loud, they would come out jumbled, and he, more often than not, would mess it up. If there was one thing that he was great at, it was messing things up. Hell, this week alone seemed to be just one screw-up after another.
The jealousy, the near-strangulation by an alien hand, maiming his best friend, and now royally screwing up the one date he really wanted to go well. Worst of all, the date was actually going better than he had expected for the most part. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so nervous about a date; it felt like he was about to jump out of his skin. If he were honest, Buck wasn’t sure how he even managed to function as a human being; certain things just blurred in his mind. At times, he remembered his mind zeroing in on not letting his trembling hand spill the beer as he raised it, on making sure he wasn’t eating too slowly or too quickly, or worse, choking on a date again. But above all, he remembered Tommy sitting across from him, looking at him, giving his full attention only to him. It left Buck a stuttering and blushing mess, yet Tommy never pointed it out or made him feel self-conscious. If anything, he didn’t bat an eye at Buck stumbling over his words; he just laughed lightly at Buck’s stories and shared his own in turn. Tommy would smile that dashing smile and make Buck forget how to breathe. It was easy to forget they were technically on a date, that it was his first time being out with a guy that wasn’t strictly platonic.
That was until the bill came and reality hit him like another lightning bolt. Suddenly, it all became too real; he was on a date with another man and he couldn’t shake the feeling that everyone was staring at him, accusing him of being a fraud, of pretending to be someone else. It was as if everyone could see straight through him and recognize every mistake he'd ever made. He feared that Tommy would take one more look at him and see it all too. Suddenly, all the desperate need to be seen by Tommy disappeared, replaced by dread. Buck shrunk back into himself so far he might as well have left his body, only to watch himself dig such a deep hole and bury his chance at something with the first guy he ever liked.
Which led him to his current predicament. Days later, he still couldn't stop thinking about the man. Buck thought about what he would say, made a whole script of countless ‘ hey’ and ‘I’m sorry’ messages in his head. Had lifted his phone to write them, but every single time he opened the messaging app, the words died at his fingertips. Their previous conversation history would pop up, and there wouldn’t be good enough words to start the message. It only caused Buck to sigh and run his hand through his hair in frustration, feeling a light pang in his chest. They hadn’t exchanged that many texts, as both had hectic schedules but they would get few words in here and there in between calls, mostly about possible places to go. Yet the messages represented the time where they were good.
It took both coming out to Maddie and Eddie for him to pick up the phone again and actually press the button. He waited with bated breath as the phone dialed, his heart pounding inside his chest.
“Hello?” Tommy finally answered, causing Buck’s breath to hitch.
“Hey Tommy,” he managed to choke out. Clearing his throat, he quickly added, “It’s Buck. How… how are you?”
Before Tommy could answer, he heard voices in the background and hastily added, “Sorry, is this a bad time?”
“No, I can spare a few minutes,” came Tommy’s reply. God, Buck really wished he could see the man. Hearing his voice did things to him, but it didn’t compare to seeing him in person.
“I’m good, how are you?”
“No, I’m great. Listen, I, uh… I really want to talk to you,” Buck managed to get out. “Not that we are not talking now, 'cause obviously we are, but…”
But Tommy deserved better than just a phone call. He came to Buck’s place the last time he wanted to talk, which led to the man kissing him and inviting him on a date. The memory of the unexpected but very welcomed kiss caused his brain to haywire, and he realized that silence fell over them as Tommy waited for him to continue.
“Could… Could we meet up?”
It took Tommy a moment to respond, as if he was considering how to reply. Buck’s nerves picked up again. He really wouldn’t blame Tommy if he said no, not after how he behaved the last time. But before he could drown in doubts, Tommy pulled him back with a simple:
“Sure, Evan. When are you free?”
“Tomorrow?” Buck winced, hearing the eagerness in his own voice, but nonetheless his chest swelled with happiness and a wide grin broke on his face. He could barely contain the urge to fist bump the air. “I can send you the details or if—“
“Great, I will see you then,” The screeching ring of the bell interrupted them. “Unfortunately, I do have to run now.”
“Yeah, of course. Thanks, Tommy. Have a good shift.”
“No need to thank me, Evan.”
With that, Buck was left feeling giddy, standing by the counter in his kitchen with a huge smile, as if he were a lovesick teenager once again.
The early sun basked on his shoulders as Buck navigated to a free table outside, two cups of coffee in his hands. He had no idea how Tommy liked his coffee, so he got one with cream and sugar. Buck felt more relaxed this time around, more sure of himself, but that didn’t stop him from subconsciously wiping his hands on his jeans. Luckily, before his mind could overthink it, he spotted Tommy turning a corner and walking up to the table with hands tucked in his navy zip-through hoodie. Buck couldn’t help but eye him up. Not only was Tommy gorgeous, but the way he effortlessly held himself with such ease was captivating
“Hey.” Buck greeted him, breathlessly, his heart racing as he straightened up . Tommy smiled, still with his hands in his pockets, his eyes warm and inviting as he stopped in front of the table.
“Hey,” he replied lightly.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet me.” Buck said, his gaze flickering between Tommy’s eyes and the table.
“Of course,” his gaze briefly dropping to the table before meeting Buck's eyes again, a hint of curiosity in his expression. Buck motioned for him to sit down, his hand gesturing towards the empty chair opposite him.
“I, uh, got you a coffee,” Buck said, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of his lips as Tommy thanked him and finally sat down.
“I- I didn’t know how you take it, so I, uh, took a guess.” He was quick to add to fill the silence. He swayed a bit in his chair, the nerves making him feel jittery. Tommy took a sip and put it down almost immediately, a playful glint in his eyes as he teased, “Mmm, so not like that.”
Buck chuckled, his own tension easing slightly in response.
“Seems like there are a lot of things we don’t know about each other.”
“Practically everything.” Tommy quipped, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement.
“Well I would like to change that,” Buck declared, his voice steady and certain. “First, I need to apologise. For the way I behaved the other night.”
“You’ve nothing to apologise.” Tommy was quick to reassure.
“No, I do.” Buck met Tommy’s gaze.
“No I didn’t cut things short because you behaved badly. I did it because I didn’t want to pressure you.” Tommy explained.
“Still the way I reacted was not my proudest moment.” Buck admitted, his voice tinged with regret.
“So uh.. You said before that you don’t think I’m ready.” Buck swallowed. “And the truth is, I don’t know what I’m ready for. But I am ready for something. And I think that something could be with you.”
There he said it, passing the ball to Tommy. A small hope blossoming inside.
“You already know that I’m interested.”A small smile broke out on Tommy’s face
“Come with me to my sister’s wedding.”
Tommy chuckled in surprise, his eyes widening in disbelief.
“What?”he asked incredulously, his tone filled with surprise and amusement.
“I want you to be my date at my sister’s date.” Buck clarified with a wide grin. He really wanted Tommy to join him. To be able to not only share such important moment with him but also to show him off to the people that were most import in Buck’s life. To have Tommy by his side through the celebrations and the dancing.
“Evan.” Tommy replied, still in disbelief, and Buck relished in the moment of having the rug pulled from under his feet for the first time.
“Come on, I’m serious,” Buck continued, happy yet briefly wondering if he broke the man from how shocked he looked. “You know half the people there and she wants to meet you.”
Tommy leaned on his arms across the table, making Buck distinctly aware of the space between them. Ever since they met, they seemed to gravitate towards each other, and Buck wanted to close that space now.
“Are you absolutely sure about this.” Tommy asked again, his brow furrowing slightly.
“Yes I’m sure. There’s going to be free food, and I need someone to dance with.” Buck replied confidently, his eyes meeting Tommy's with determination.
“Okay.” Tommy said, nodding slowly as he processed Buck's words.
“Yeah?” Buck asked eagerly, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“Yeah,” Tommy confirmed, a small smile playing on his lips.
“’Kay great.” Without thinking, Buck reached across the table and gently placed his hand on top of Tommy's, feeling a rush of warmth and butterflies in his stomach as Tommy's other hand immediately covered is.
A comfortable silence enveloped them, allowing Buck to relish the sensation of holding hands.
“So,” Tommy finally spoke lightly, his fingertip lightly brushing against his knuckles. “You told your sister about me?”
“Well more about me yet again managing to mess up a date but yeah, you came up.” Buck chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly.
“Dare I ask what she thinks?” Tommy asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“She’s happy for me. And probably pleased that I survived the date without an emergency tracheotomy again.”
“Come again?” Tommy raised an eyebrow in surprise, sounding half concerned.
“It’s uh a long and embarrassing story.” Buck chuckled, scratching the back of his head. His cheeks flushed deeper.
“I don’t know about you but I have time,” Tommy smiled, giving Buck's hand a reassuring squeeze “And I would love to get to know you.”
“Yeah, I do have time.” Buck replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The unspoken ‘for you’ lingered at the tip of his tongue.
They lingered at their table for longer than it was probably appropriate. Their conversations about work and light personal stories made time fly. In what felt like mere moments, even though the coffee had long gone cold, Tommy checked the time on his phone and sighed.
“I've got a shift starting soon.”
Buck offered to walk him back to his car, reluctantly pulling his hand away from where it had been grazing Tommy’s on the table. As they strolled to the car, time seemed to pass too quickly, even though they didn’t rush. Buck enjoyed the closeness, and though they weren’t holding hands, as they walked, their fingertips lightly brushing against each other.
“So I still don’t know your coffee order.” Buck mentioned as they stood beside Tommy’s car, not wanting their time together to end just yet. They would have to part ways soon enough, but neither of them seemed eager to do so.
“I guess we will have to keep going out on coffee dates until you figure it out.”Tommy smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief.
“I would like that.” Buck replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Me too.” Tommy smiled warmly and Buck couldn't help but glance down, not so discreetly, at his lips. He subconsciously lifted his hand and touched his own lips, their last kiss, fresh in his mind. He watched as Tommy’s gaze moved to his lips as well, catching the action. Buck wanted to kiss him again. Or be kissed by him. Whichever came sooner.
“I should get going,” Tommy finally mentioned, his eyes flicking back to Buck’s. With knees that felt like they were about to give out, and feeling a burst of courage, Buck closed the space between them, letting his lips brush against Tommy’s. He wasn’t as smooth about it as Tommy was, almost clashing their teeth together in his eagerness . But none of it mattered. Any coherent thought vanished as Tommy wrapped his arm around Buck's waist, pulling him closer as he returned the kiss. It was as chaste of a kiss as it was in his apartment, but it made Buck melt into the embrace. His hand instinctively reached for Tommy’s bicep, feeling the firm muscle beneath the hoodie. He could taste the coffee Tommy drank on his lips, the smell of his cologne hitting Buck’s senses and sending a pleasant shiver down his back. A smile broke out on Tommy’s face as he parted his lips and leaned into the kiss more.
Momentarily, Buck forgot they were in the parking lot, so consumed by the feeling of Tommy. He almost whined as the man finally pulled away, instinctively trying to reach for Tommy’s lips again.
Reopening his eyes, Buck watched as a grin spread across Tommy’s face, his eyes smoldering with intensity.
“You are something else, Evan,” Tommy murmured, his tone filled with adoration.
The tips of Buck's ears burned, and he ducked shyly at the compliment.
“Have a good shift,” Buck smiled coyly. “And call me.”
With a chuckle and a promise of a call later, they separated. Buck slowly made his way to his jeep, a stupid grin plastered on his face and excitement cursing through his veins
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/140163892
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gabby297 · 8 months
deep in my current obession of rewatching the Mentalist, and can I just say, the lack of Cho x OCs fanfics is CRIMINAL OFFENCE. Where's the fluff??? where's the feels??? where's the angst????
anyway I guess I will have to do my duty and change that lmoa
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gabby297 · 1 year
[Spencer Reid, officially adopted at the age of twelve years, four months and twelve days joins the BAU as the youngest team member. As Spencer navigates high-stakes cases and complex relationships within the team, he must also confront the unique challenges of balancing his professional duties with personal loyalties and family bonds.
Set in Season 1 ]
I'd like to share my latest creation of my current obsession :')
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gabby297 · 2 years
My first murder husband and Hozier edit 🤪
Can't wait to edit so much once the album drops cause we all know its gonna be 💣💣💣
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gabby297 · 2 years
I'm back to torture everyone again.
Enjoy :')
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gabby297 · 2 years
Head in hands I LOVE YOUR AGUNI X TAKERU VIDEO SO MUCH!!! thank you so much for making it. I felt so alone in my little rarepair corner and then you come along with this absolutely beautiful video.. I'm in pain I'm crying but I'm THRILLED
Awh thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you loved it😭❤️ Tomorrow Im dropping a new 3min+ Aguni x Takeru edit to break hearts some more 🥲✌️
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gabby297 · 2 years
Such a king.
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gabby297 · 2 years
Husbands. Thats all I gonna say.
Hope you like my lil video :')
I make edits on tiktok @simplygabby_edits and on YouTube and also am open for requests
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