The Procastination Station
26 posts
I do half finished art, half finished stories half finished everything. Hobbyist. Currently, this was only made so I can bother someone else about The Witcher
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g3n3515 · 4 months ago
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Hi have a thing I made in 30 minutes only some french canadians may understand
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g3n3515 · 1 year ago
okay new ask game. what's your ethnicity and can you slav squat (squat directly down with your heels touching the floor).
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g3n3515 · 2 years ago
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g3n3515 · 2 years ago
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I really love reading all the fan stuff and AUs people make for Stewjon so I'll add my weird cooky take as well. I like the idea that they are an old colonized world (like Legends Csilla) and though most of it is now part of the republic and quite normal by galactic standard, some of the native population still live secluded from the rest of the planet by long standing fear of being wiped out. Local call them the Fae and warn to never venture in their forests, as those who do never return.
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g3n3515 · 2 years ago
Why does every Thrawn artist draw his hands so well??? What dark power is this? Are you afraid he'll analyze your art and see your weaknesses?? Are you just hand kink people?? What is happening???
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g3n3515 · 2 years ago
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I was really happy to see people liked the chiss children so have more of baby Thrawn having fun in the snow. Plus a rendition of how the adult equivalent of the traditional wear would look like on Thrawn (he has his snowflake pouch of course!). I know it's somewhat been debunked but I will die on "the chiss are a long haired culture" hill.
(also wanted to say sorry for how muddy some of the lines look, my eraser has been acting up recently and idk why :/)
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g3n3515 · 2 years ago
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bug fairies yknow I decided might as well post original drawings too
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g3n3515 · 2 years ago
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I thought I might as well post my Star Wars stuff here too, so have some Chiss children. I like to imagine the chiss have traditional wear made to withstand extreme cold. They've been underground on Csilla for a while, so the traditional wear could be reserved for like some ceremonies or holiday celebrations that involves going back to the surface (festivals maybe?). Off-worlders use it for the colder months.
Pompoms and little appliques on pouches and coats are popular for kids, with animals and snowflakes designs being very popular. That one on with the stick is a young Thrawn, who insisted to have the expansionary defense fleet logo on his coat. I also like to think he would still have his snowflake pouch and he wears it at the belt on his current traditional outfit.
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g3n3515 · 3 years ago
Update: my Type appears to not be men who would definitely bully me for my lunch money, because it turns out I am, in fact, a Lesbian. My apologies for the confusion.
That being said /women/ who would bully me for my lunch money tho-
Okay so it took me an entire ass game about magical and discriminated monster hunters to realize my Type is men who would definitely bully me for my lunch money? Have I really sunk so low??
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
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Midoriya dressed as Darth Bane
Though Horikoshi portrays Midoriya as Luke in some narrative references which show up in the manga here and there, personally I think Bane’s whole thing for Sith lore and knowledge could also fit with his character! Besides, I don’t know what else to call Midoriya’s whole thing regarding heroes besides “passion”.
Also they don’t know how to deal with girls at the start of both their stories lololol
The pose is a direct refrence to the first Darth Bane Book cover, illustrated by  John Jude Palencar.  
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
Hi there! I made a tad of research and decided to give you guys some links since not all that is shown here leads to the correct place or are now closed off:
first and foremost the illustrations above are from [np.illustrates on instagram], in case the link to the source did not work for you like it did for me.
for information on the situation: [Uyghurs for sale] (I highly recommend you read it and refer to it for what to do and how to handle the brands)
I have Visited Charity Right’s website and their donation options do not currently give the option to specifically donate to Uyghur refugees, [but feel free to give them a donation if you feel like it] (they have specific donations for Yemen amongst a few others)
The Uyghurs Human Right Project also help on how you can help (mostly if you are American, but there are options for others as well) [You can donate with Paypal!] 
Currently the recommended petition shown above on amnesty.org [has closed], but the one on Change.org is still open for signatures. [They also take paypal if you want to give the petition financial support]
if you do not want to donate that’s ok, but please at least read Uyghurs For Sale of you have the time!
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
Love these additions, especially the Lambert one!
I am presently part of circuit class and it helped remind me of a specific attribute of silver.
Silver is the most conductive metal on earth. Witchers carry a full, 1m+ bar of it sheathed on their back.
If electricity works about the same on the continent as it does in the real world, I think that it would affect Witchers, in some way. Imagine this: fellow stopped by the side of the road to fight some nekkers in the middle of the rain, just to get himself struck by lightning when he dared raise his sword. Though luck surviving that.
It reminded me Geralt hate storms in the games. (as in he always calls out when they start and sounds positively annoyed at them), so what about a hc/AU thingy about Witchers fearing electricity?
By fear, I mean full-on rejection and avoidance of everything that has to do with electricity. I imagine that half-inspired to prevent scenarios like the one presented above, and half by their own personal fear of it, the schools would encourage their students to be scared.
The young ones learn quickly about the dangers of electricity. All are forced to touch a statically charged object with their finger at least once, to distinguish what being shocked feels like, what your hair sticking up with static feels like. The kids are then thought, both by education and the adult’s obvious revulsion, to absolutely hate both.
Keep reading
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
A thought about the Seven Liberal Arts
(Or, I gush about science and what that means for Dandelion/Jaskier for too long)
So we know that overall Dandelion’s iterations from the games, books and whatnot have gone to Oxenfurt University to study the Liberals Arts. I thought upon seeing Dandelion’s diploma in-game and reading this, that I already knew what that was, but after reflecting on it I realized I didn’t actually know anything about them!  So if some of you didn’t know like me, the Seven Liberal Arts are  grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.
And like, how freaking interesting. Sure, by the time Dandelion and his other adaptations were around I’d imagine Geometry, math and astronomy were not quite what they are today, but if I recall they were still considered pretty advanced subjects!
Algorithms were already invented by the Arabic people, as well as cryptography and algebra (though not as refined as it is right now due to the development of calculus and such other things). 
If Dandelion would learn them I think would depend, I don’t actually know if these reached Europe at the time (or if the circumstances of The Witcher universe might affect the creation of such things) but for some reason I’d like to think Dandelion would have learned cypher. 
  Pythagoras’s theorem were also been around for a long while and even on itself it’s one hell of a powerful tool (SO much of calculus/advanced geometry just comes from that one freaking equation it’s insane!!). Hell, someone measured the earth with great accuracy in the 3rd century BCE using only math! 
On more present discoveries, the Fibonacci sequence would have just been discovered in the 1200s. Does Dandelion learn of it, does he have an opinion?
But onto astronomy: what did we actually know at the time? A lot, actually, considering the modern telescope wasn’t invented by Galileo yet ! The earth had been found round for quite a while by now. Similarly they also knew the solar system was in a heliocentric model, but it was not used because the church wasn’t into it (something about the earth being in the center idk why they really cared man. some speculate it’s also because a lot of stuff was forgotten after the era of Hellenism, I kind of think it’s a mix of both.) Though considering the church doesn’t exist on the Continent and the Church of the Eternal Fire (who I’d argue are the in-world equivalent) don’t count me as the type to have enough power or have those kinds of value, I’d like to think they would not care about astronomy, and hence the heliocentric system wasn’t banned. All I’m amounting to is that I’d be curious to hear what Dandelion thinks the solar system looks like!
there was also a lot known about the planet’s movements (Retrogrades were well known), constellation, sky maps what have you at the time. Not to mention, everyone had been spooked by SN1054 (The Supernova that led to the Crab Nebula). Hearing the Continent’s reaction to some fuck-off “star” that was brighter than Venus showing up in the sky one spring evening would be pretty funny I bet. 
So since I do like the netflix rendition that would be quite funny to explore too. As someone who was thought some of the things listed above to a post-secondary level, I can assure you that no matter how dumb Jaskier acts he could still be well versed in everything mentioned above. There is this thing which I like to call Dumbass University Syndrome, which describes someone who can do whatever is necessary for the academic level pretty decently but besides that? Head completely empty. Dumb of Ass. (I’d like to point out I’m not calling out anyone here, as I myself have Dumbass University Syndrome)
On another note, Astronomy and such other subjects were actually oftentimes restricted to something only for high society and nobility. So on another very funny note, Witchers, who themselves are not nobles get disturbed by astronomy facts, specifically the ones you don’t notice unless you pay a lot of attention. 
So, in totality, imagine Jaskier who will walk in potential danger but somehow he’s also one hell of a clever cookie. Like, once he and Geralt were being threatened of having no coin at all. Jaskier had just scratched his chin, gone to write something down in his journal, came back and given Geralt a peice of paper with numbers scribbled on it. He told him: “Here. you follow that line. You don’t spend above that number. I follow this one.”
Follow the next week and it’s like they never even had a problem at all. Though it’s not the first time Jaskier had sat down with his travel book to write something and came up with a clever idea for once.
Geralt had came upon a pretty large ammount of herbs he needed. The Witcher is a pretty organized man but just organizing everything to stash them correctly was going to take all evening and he knew it.
In came Jaskier, who sat down with his booklet for maybe a few minutes, then sat next to Geralt and told him: “Make groups of two, side by side then combine the groups and sort them in alphabetical orders. like this. then you can organize by kinds”
It didn’t take an hour to organize the herbs.
There was also the time in which Geralt had ripped his shirt. The strip of linen he had was not long enough to repair it, until Jaskier took one look at the strip of fabric, scribbled something in his journal and showed it to Geralt. He’d drawn a rectangle tilted to ressemble a diamond shape. “What if you sew it on like that?”
it was long enough.
After a while Geralt decides to sneak a peek in Jaskier’s journal just to realize he literally can’t read anything in there because it’s all cypher (to ward off potential rivals from stealing his ideas).
Sometimes while they camp outside Jaskier will something look at the sky quietly. Then he’ll raise his hand and start comparing things to his fingers?? What was the bard doing?? He’ll note things down from time to time as well and it takes an ambarassing ammount of time for the Witcher to realize Jaskier’s observing the stars 
Sometimes when they meet after the winter he’d also talk about his opinion on the most recent solar system diagrams he read about in Oxenfurt. Geralt kind of hates it because if he was going to learn that the moon changed sizes or perhaps sometimes moved closer to them, he didn’t want to learn it from Jaskier.
Jaskier: So I told that man that that Geocentric system of his was completely moronic because How in the hell does it explain why Venus retrogrades? like what, are we just supposed to assume she likes going backwards every now and again??
Geralt, internally: What the Fuck, Venus goes backwards???
Jaskier: And what about Mercury? does he just follow Venus around for a bakward walk? And that buffoon has the galls to call himself an astronomer!
Geralt, sweating profusely: What the FUCK- 
Some day he meets Vesemir too.
Vesemir: So you know Astronomy! All right, then, heard of spring of 1054? What was up with that big glowing star that just showed up then disappeared?
Jaskier: Oh that one? we don’t actually-
Vesemir: What do you mean, you don’t know? A star dissapears maybe seventy years ago and you still don’t know why??
 lambert, who was just passing by: A STAR DISSAPEARED?
Jaksier: Yeah don’t worry about it it happens from time to times, though I’d never seen it, personally-
Geralt, disturbed: wait THEY CAN JUST DO THAT-
But then the very next minute the bard burns himself because of cauldron vapor because “it’s water, water can’t burn me!”. Geralt wonders, while he’s treating the bard’s burns, how the hell someone with so much academic knowledge could be so stupid.
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
oh no
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Oh No
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well shit
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
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I’m not original but I made some Witcher OC based on owls because I love owls! (I also made a dragonfly Witcher down below if you’re interested)
He would be just the Owl Witcher Josef. Like other treasure hunts he would be mentioned in an inventory list written by a servant to his master, who thought Josef was Sketchy and so requested his belongings be checked. The inventory list indicates he carried patents for armor and weapons. 
I didn’t really make much research on what boosts it would give but I’d guess the weapons could focus on bleeding/staggering? The armor could focus much the same things as other Witcher gear and maybe some stamina bonuses as well?. (Though, and I know it’s dumb, it giving you bonuses in hand-to hand combat is something I would want because I think it would be funny to fist fight things viably.)
also as a bonus, a much less detailed drangonfly witcher because dragonflies are peak, naturally bioengineered killing machines that I love with my whole heart.
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While making Han, pictured here it kind of dawned to me that his mutations would be very different than that of a Witcher. 
(This is edge incoming btw) 
So, instead of having a Drangonfly school, in my head they’re a specific faction of Witchers made to be a bigger fish rather than someone with a monster hunting profession. Like Dragonflies, they hunt year round of their own will. Their extra mutations make them capable of eating a variety of the monsters they hunt, as to be able to go without needing human food. A sad drawback of this is that some Dragonflies will amount to just eat anything, humanoids included. When this happens they’re deemed too dangerous and are hunted down by other Witchers.
some of their mutations have aim in making them in complete control over nearly every joint they have individually, but the process often messes with their bodies’ nervous systems and gives them tics/nervous reflexes. The mutations also affect the pigment of their skin and their body’s ability to produce hair, so their skin tone ressembles that of Geralt when he drank potions and the hair on them grows patchy and uneven.
Dragonfly Witchers are drifters who mostly unlearned their human behaviors while retaining their application memory. They hunt and that’s basically what they know. though, some blurred memories could sometimes make Dragonfly Witchers migrate towards their previous schools during the winter, though the reason as of why they are drawn there or where the keep is exactly has been forgotten. 
In-Game you’d first hear of Han from Vesemir. He says he caught wind about one of the Dragonfly Witchers that came from the Wolf school, though he didn’t believe it at first, thinking all were long gone. 
You’re informed Han had begun to hunt humans. You can then follow a Side-quest to go hunt him down, which will give you his entire Dragonfly gear in return, swords included. You also have the option to capture him and attempt to help him, though I deem this could also go bad and you’d have to kill him anyway. You’d also get extra options to ask Vesemir about Han, who had helped train him when he was still following regular training, but had not seen or heard of him since he completed his training. He had assumed, after none had spotted him for decades, that he had just died without a soul to tell, like the rest of his kind.
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
Okay so it took me an entire ass game about magical and discriminated monster hunters to realize my Type is men who would definitely bully me for my lunch money? Have I really sunk so low??
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g3n3515 · 4 years ago
Yo if I may add another little suggestion here:
I live as part of a spoken minority group. You’d expect we would all have the same accent but we don’t at all. There’s a saying around here that states that for every twenty kilometers or so the accent changes.  And it’s kind of true! I live inside the city, where we speak one way and have our own little figures of speech and whatnot. You go maybe five to ten minutes out the town and the people there speak in a whole different way: figure of speech are different, sometimes the syntax is different too. 
However, and this is the funniest part, we all understand each other, even if literally none of us speak similar at all. So may I suggest in the instance of Hobbits, that though they all have pretty different dialects they would understand each other very clearly! 
You’d have Frodo speaking to Pippin one night over the fire. Boromir doesn’t really understand what both are saying but he is 90% sure they’re not talking the same way at all, I mean the pronunciations aren’t even remotely the same! Yet they understand each other completely??? What is this?? 
Aragorn just sighs and tells him he’d get used to it. 
Legolas pretty quickly gets in the habit of venting about his travelling companions in Elvish, so long as Gandalf & Aragorn aren’t in earshot they’ll never know right?
Then about a week into their journey like
Legolas: *in Elvish, for approximately the 20th time* ugh fucking hobbits, so annoying
Frodo: *also in Elvish, deadpan* yeah we’re the worst
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