g---radius-blog · 6 years
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
Artisticòól Statemênt pt. 2
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
Artistical Statemēnt
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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Finalę Experimontę:
This was the last experiment I did where I decided not to use plastics anymore and to instead focus on the soldering aspect of the work. I wanted to draw a connection to how technology has affected nature, nature being animals and humans and how it has skewed our perception on what things are. This was achieved as I connected wires so that from a certain angle it looked like a Penis, this work demonstrates how technology can now be used in order to replace sexual organs therefore challenging the whole concept of sexuality in nature.
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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Exerimentate 3:
This was using what I had learned through my first and second experiments to create something that combined the electrical wire and the plastic together, I then put it in different locations in order to further exaggerate the effect on the environment. I like to see this as a pair of glasses in which you can see the negative destructive impact that plastics have on the environment due to its shrivelled appearance.
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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Experiment Me 2:
My first attempt at soldering something together, I have created a weird butterfly looking objects which works well with the human interaction with the environment idea that I wanted to tackle
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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Experimôn 1:
I burned glad wrap which shriveled up and became hard, just trialing out something to see if it would be effective for later use in my experimentation
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
Rational (Finale)
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
Experiment #2
I just used a kitchen torch to burn a penis into 2 pieces of bread #tastefulart
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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Experiment #1
Burning toast by setting the toaster on the highest setting and carving shapes and words into it.
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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Thought it looked cute, might delete later idk xo
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
Copy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + PasteCopy + Paste
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
This work has really made me rethink how I perceive the world around me as I have incorporated elements of erasure, repetition, experimentation, vagueness, documentation, perception, failure and chance which is basically what we have been learning over the past 13 weeks so its good to know that I actually learned something and can apply it to my work. I actually am thinking about how impressive it is that I managed to incorporate all of the themes in my work like wow what an incredible achievement.
I feel like the course of this experimentation has been very good for me as now I know how to make something out of nothing and make it interesting which is nice I think actually. 
At first I was just gonna save and post my picture a lot of times BUT THEN I was like that ain’t very interesting after the 15th time I saved it and so I decided to experiment with photocopying instead.
I got bored after about 2 times with that and so I photocopied the white side of the photocopied photo and did that probably about 62 times which was really interesting because you could slightly start to see the colours seeping through every photocopy, then I just was mucking around with the photocopier so I photocopied my hand and other assorted things but the best thing was the one that I did 62 times because it turned out really nice.
I also photocopied the same page 5 times so that the image was printed on the same page 5 times which made it really dark and I also flipped the paper so the images were upside down.
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
Add meeeeee
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
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g---radius-blog · 6 years
By examining chance, individuals are invited to look at their vulnerabilities and mortality; and at the opportunities of the changing world.
Our artwork is inspired by French artist Christian Boltanki’s 2011 work Chance from the weekly course resources, the piece is made up of three works; Wheel of Fortune, Be New and Last News From Human. The work was first exhibited at the Venice Biennale and then at Carriageworks in Redfern, Sydney. John McDonald describes Boltanski in an SMH article as ‘representing the data of lived experience in striking, large-scale installations’. Through the three works Boltanski explores the notion of chance by raising questions on the disparity between life and death.
Our work is an interactive installation comprising of three elements. On the projector is a stream of faces cut into three sections to make a new face with each section changing at a different rate to create more combinations of faces. These include the eyes, nose and mouth of both ordinary people and celebrities, reflecting the diversity of mankind, whilst simultaneously reminding us how we are all the same regardless of appearance. The viewer has the ability to pause this projection and in return is given a generated face. In conjunction with Boltanski’s work, the audience is then confronted with what could have been and their own existence. Featured on laptops either side of the projector are live counters, the left is a counters of births with the number changing every second to multiples of 4 and the right the number of deaths per second multiplying by 2 each second. Andrew Frost comments on this in his video with the Guardian. He states ‘more than 100,000 births outnumber the amount of deaths per day… even if we manage to stay alive we will be so crowded and compressed in this space’.
Gerard Axiak, Tessa Dunford, Jessica Ly, Francis Sicat
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