fyria-hans · 5 years
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Koala: Who are you?
Sabo: One day you’ll see.
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fyria-hans · 5 years
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Sabo in the One Piece World Seeker DLC: Where Justice Lies
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fyria-hans · 5 years
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me: (knowing full well that Roger and Ace are blood-related) also me: (seeing any form of resemblance between Roger and Ace)
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fyria-hans · 6 years
I really like this Medusa theory :)
Also Medusa- Museda (rearranged)=Musica [Far stretch I know! Just seemed like a fun correlation to make ,but anyway!]
To add more to your theory I would like to point out the significance of the eyes! The myth of medusa reinforced the idea that if you looked into the eyes (of Medusa) you would be turned to stone. What made medusa well, medusa (besides her characteristic appearance) was her eyes. Although there are no abilities as such in TPN, we are shown since the beginning how delicate demon’s eyes really are, even becoming a major plot point as to how to kill them.
Allow me to point something out first.
Ever since the beginning I thought Minerva’s Ex Libris owl had a very intiresting design;
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Regardless of its usefulness when it comes to transmitting hidden messages using morse code. Pay close attention to its eyes. It is true this could be a mere logo but perhaps there is more to it than what meets the eye (no pun intended).
In Lewis’ flashback as he is “dying” we see two different shots of eyes.
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One mostly white, with a dark iris and another with a white iris and a mostly black sclera, just like Minerva’s Ex Libris. To be honest I have no idea if this even means anything. Or perhaps even hints to the normal demons and those related to the “Devil Blood clan”(?) maybe what diferentiates them is their eyes. No idea. We need to see the chapter!
Most demons have eyes like the ones Lord Bayon has on the left. Yet Musica’s eyes could be a white iris and a dark sclera.
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Long story short. The correlation to Medusa and the significance/importance given to the eyes in the story could have heavy implications in the future. The eyes of the dragon, the owl’s eyes, the eye shaped pendant, etc etc etc! Importance of eyes, and now we see a key character possibly inspired/related to Medusa. Could be possible!
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That or it’s a nice theme overall c’:
Mujika thoughts
I am not going to post spoiler pictures, but I just want to talk about the chapter 126 spoiler leaks before I go to sleep and we might have a full chapter.
So looking at the new material, I just had a thought: what if I was wrong about Mujika, and she is actually a reference to the Medusa myth?
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There seems to be a lot more thematic evidence for this one, than a Peter Pan association.
I have recently agreed with @fyria-hans that Sonju and Musica may have been Minerva’s associates, and I just read @linkspooky ’s analysis on Athena and Minerva mythology. So I thought, if Mujika was possibly associated with Minerva, could she be associated with the roman mythology?
As I googled up Minerva, I saw that there was a poem with mythology including her called METAMORPHOSIS written by the ROMAN poet OVID. Not only is it an interesting title with respect to our demons that can change shape, we have also seen mirrored latin writing in the manga before, as well as Minerva being a roman goddess.
So there are direct references to roman culture, and I thought, could be more there? Well @vobomon mentioned to me that Metamorphosis has passages on the owl of Minerva, and how they used to be human before they were transformed into an owl.
Well, just to say, I have been puzzled for the longest time about the HUMAN FEATURES on these owls on the colour spreads…
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Actually, you know what, in the first spread, Emma almost looks like she is TURNING INTO AN OWL… So what was that Metamorphosis passage again?
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I think we are getting a visual reference to that myth there… but at this point I am not sure what else to conclude on it, so I will just leave it there.
Now @linkspooky also thought that the deep sea cave with snakes in Minerva’s adventure book was a reference for the Medusa myth, but you know WHO ELSE LIVED IN THAT CAVE?!
MUJIKA (and Sonju)
Until now, with her hair braided, I wasn’t too suspicious, but the new leaks have Mujika’s hair out, and those strands are DEFINITELY reminiscent to snakes for me!
I have noted before that Mujika’s dress looked liked scales… but both fish and snakes have scales!
Oh btw, I went back to when Norman introduced the idea of demons having been associated with mythical creatures, and I noticed a CERTAIN EXAMPLE IN THE BACKGROUND:
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I felt the Cuvitidala and crocodile references were so strong since that explanation illustration also alluded to it, but it looks like there might have been another clue!
Btw the new chapter leaks also suggests that the rest of Mujika’s clan was murdered, while she was forced into hiding and or captured.
I looked it up, and the Medusa myth is most likely based on a real life MASSACRE of hellenistic people, possibly happening due to a lot of priestesses being killed with ritual masks of a goddess…
What is more, in the Metamorphosis, when Medusa is killed by the human hero Perseus (aided by the gods with fantastical items), from her slain body, the winged horse Pegasus is born, as well as a giant who wields a golden sword, Khrysaor.
Hmm, didn’t Sonju have a (very fine) HORSE?! Also, isn’t he kinda… tall? And carries a weapon (of unkown colour).
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Pretty interesting coincidences right? One more thing though, volume 6 that has all the Sonju and Mujika chapters, plus their cave on the cover, on the inside cover has a Minerva OWL.
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I guess that might be a reference after all that Mujika is related to Minerva mythology… which would then be Medusa.
Btw if Mujika and Sonju are also William Minerva associates, it might stand to reason that Minerva’s associates would know about their ancient, hidden village… an info that could be passed to Norman!
After all, Mujika is about the size of humans, and that ancient village looks hella well proportioned for humans! If her clan was massacred a while ago, that would also explain how it would have ended up being conveniently abandoned!
Oh yeah, and one more thing. I have pointed out before that snakes/reptiles seem to have some sort of SPECIAL EXCEPTION to normal demon evolution. Remember that this picture has an x at snakes?
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However, if Mujika’s clan is really the snake clan, then the X may actually just mean that they went EXTINCT (having been massacred), well as far as everyone (including Norman) knows. They may have also been massacred since they didn’t require eating humans for intellect? I wonder how that is related to the snake theme…
Btw, in the leak it seems like Norman also says “so she with the cursed blood survived?” . Did you know that Medusa according to the myth used to be a beautiful girl, until MINERVA CURSED her to have SNAKE hair (and look so hideous that anyone who looked at her directly turned to stone). Funny coincidences, right?
Btw; here is an illustration of how Mujika eats: by detaching her jaw and swallowing the bird whole. JUST LIKE SNAKES. (I am not sure if it’s the same for other demons… those nobles like Bayon certainly liked to use cutlery at the table!)
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TL;DR: In before it turns out Mujika is the source of the Medusa myth
(I will add more info when the chapter is out)
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fyria-hans · 6 years
Smee is definetly a possibility! But the person that made the call knew exactly which shelter to call, and we do not know yet if there is any significance associated with the cape (as in, the symbol. Whether ir represents more than we think, multiple capes made representing a cause , etc). We need more information about him to know what Smee knew, or him in general.
My same exact thoughts on the morse code. You would think Minerva used it simply to hide his identity. But in reality maybe it was so his allies could help. Because honestly, which cattle child would follow the message of a demon? Regardless of the intention of the latter. None! Or it would be extremely difficult.
As for Musica wanting to turn them in. We know that the real William Minerva has died (or it’s implied) and that Sonju and Musica are hiding/on the run. Maybe they have been for a long time. So maybe as his allies they abandoned the cause. Meeting the kids, if Sonju and Musica were truly Minerva’s allies at some point, perhaps sparked a flame in them to help them again. Furthermore, what are the chances of the meeting! Fate was either very genereous with the Grace Field children or Musica/Sonju somehow knew they had escaped and were looking for them.
After your mindblowing theory related to the 7 walls, I am starting to think the authors really like to hide mysteries at plain sight!
[ One thing for sure tho! Norman Minerva and the “Minerva” that helped them last are two different people. ]
The “third William Minerva” Theory
Calling it that for now due to lack of what else to call him. Now before I get started let me say that both Shiriu sensei and Posuka sensie have an incredible touch when it comes to the expression “ the devil is in the details”.
Due to this there was something that caught my eye recently. Now I am not sure if this was wildly implied or known but I have not seen anything similar in here nor in reddit. Thus I will go ahead and explain this literally crazy theory.
*Spoilers* Duh!
In chapter 98. Before the attack on the shelter. Emma and co receive a call from no other than who they think is William Minerva. He tells the children to stay “where they are” and that he will go see them. At the time it was safe to asume that this could be Norman Minerva. However;
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When Norman is introduced as William Minerva. He says I AM William Minerva. 1st Person!
Our “3rd William Minerva” per say. Someone who knows the location of the facility and that the children are specifically on that one says the following;
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“Minerva’s younger brother” He chooses to use the 3rd person unlike we have seen Norman Minerva do. So this got me thinking!
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His attire and physique do not match Norman’s at all. ( the pants, nor the shoes). In addition to this, every time we saw Norman posing as Minerva, we see his face. Shadowed or not, but we do see it! Why hide it now? Unless this was indeed not Norman Minerva.
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As you can see, Norman Minerva doesn’t have the broad shoulders, nor the black pants as our other “3rd Minerva”. It is true that he could change his attire but when he is introduced again meeting Emma this is exactly what he is wearing.
Now, the last piece of evidence I needed to wrap this up. This came up on the lat chapter and thats what pushed me to post this theory.
Minerva’s necklace!
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Although they could be talking about a cattle child brand. I doubt this is what they referred to because we have seen how other cattle children have different marks on different parts of the body( Like Yuugo, who has the brand on the abdomen). Now if this necklace (asuming they are speaking of a necklace) they speak of truly belongs to James Ratri. Then this would mean that whoever has it not only knew James Ratri, but was also most likelly one of his allies and knows about the Seven Walls and the Promise!
And who gives a necklace to Emma and tells her to look for the Seven Walls?
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Musica!!!no other than Musica. We know that Musica and Sonju (despite being considered as heathens) are not only on the run from something but also who better to have an ally (from William Minerva’s point of view) that demons that do not want to eat captive human meat.
On addition to this our “3rd Minerva’s” pants and shoes match someone’s that we saw about that time!
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The shoes, the pants are the same!
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And the shoulder width also matches.
The only “person” that knew exactly in which facility the children were was Sonju (and Musica). Not even the Ratri clan was sure about which facility the children were in.
(Although I have reached my max image capacity I will go ahead and add more pictures later. )
To add more to this. Sonju knew a lot about the Premium Grade facilities and also stated that he had built the tunnels around them himself and only him knew how to navigate them (To which Musica added that she would get lost if she were left to her own devices). We know that Musica and Sonju are on the run but I only found it too much of a coincidence that the children met two friendly demons, who not only saved them but also taught them how to survive. Acting as “their tutors” was something that Sonju offered to do. Now I am not saying Sonju is exactly William Minerva .But he if any part of this theory holds true, he is most likelly one of the associates of James Ratri, if not the other face of William Minerva per say. On addition to this, our 3rd Minerva never (Unlike Norman Minerva speeches) calls the children “Cattle Children”. He simply says “Boys and Girls”. Also, when refering to Minerva and speaking of James Ratri. He expresses “William Minerva’s brother, Peter Ratri”. Why not simply say James Ratri’s brother. Most likely this is because when Sonju met the kids (if this is indeed Sonju), they kept talking about William Minerva. He wanted to make sure they knew exactly who he was talking about. If any of this true it only raises more questions than answers. But I thought I would share this an see what people think! (more reblogs inc!)
I know, I know. It’s crazy and maybe I am trying to see too much on where isn’t. But that’s what theories are for :’) To speculate and reach out! Tell me what you think, and again if someone already posted something similar please let me know ^^
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fyria-hans · 6 years
As reference Norman’s full attire and shoulder width comparison;
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Tell me what you guys think! I would love to know what the overall opinion of the fandom is in this matter!
The “third William Minerva” Theory
Calling it that for now due to lack of what else to call him. Now before I get started let me say that both Shiriu sensei and Posuka sensie have an incredible touch when it comes to the expression “ the devil is in the details”.
Due to this there was something that caught my eye recently. Now I am not sure if this was wildly implied or known but I have not seen anything similar in here nor in reddit. Thus I will go ahead and explain this literally crazy theory.
*Spoilers* Duh!
In chapter 98. Before the attack on the shelter. Emma and co receive a call from no other than who they think is William Minerva. He tells the children to stay “where they are” and that he will go see them. At the time it was safe to asume that this could be Norman Minerva. However;
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When Norman is introduced as William Minerva. He says I AM William Minerva. 1st Person!
Our “3rd William Minerva” per say. Someone who knows the location of the facility and that the children are specifically on that one says the following;
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“Minerva’s younger brother” He chooses to use the 3rd person unlike we have seen Norman Minerva do. So this got me thinking!
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His attire and physique do not match Norman’s at all. ( the pants, nor the shoes). In addition to this, every time we saw Norman posing as Minerva, we see his face. Shadowed or not, but we do see it! Why hide it now? Unless this was indeed not Norman Minerva.
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As you can see, Norman Minerva doesn’t have the broad shoulders, nor the black pants as our other “3rd Minerva”. It is true that he could change his attire but when he is introduced again meeting Emma this is exactly what he is wearing.
Now, the last piece of evidence I needed to wrap this up. This came up on the lat chapter and thats what pushed me to post this theory.
Minerva’s necklace!
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Although they could be talking about a cattle child brand. I doubt this is what they referred to because we have seen how other cattle children have different marks on different parts of the body( Like Yuugo, who has the brand on the abdomen). Now if this necklace (asuming they are speaking of a necklace) they speak of truly belongs to James Ratri. Then this would mean that whoever has it not only knew James Ratri, but was also most likelly one of his allies and knows about the Seven Walls and the Promise!
And who gives a necklace to Emma and tells her to look for the Seven Walls?
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Musica!!!no other than Musica. We know that Musica and Sonju (despite being considered as heathens) are not only on the run from something but also who better to have an ally (from William Minerva’s point of view) that demons that do not want to eat captive human meat.
On addition to this our “3rd Minerva’s” pants and shoes match someone’s that we saw about that time!
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The shoes, the pants are the same!
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And the shoulder width also matches.
The only “person” that knew exactly in which facility the children were was Sonju (and Musica). Not even the Ratri clan was sure about which facility the children were in.
(Although I have reached my max image capacity I will go ahead and add more pictures later. )
To add more to this. Sonju knew a lot about the Premium Grade facilities and also stated that he had built the tunnels around them himself and only him knew how to navigate them (To which Musica added that she would get lost if she were left to her own devices). We know that Musica and Sonju are on the run but I only found it too much of a coincidence that the children met two friendly demons, who not only saved them but also taught them how to survive. Acting as “their tutors” was something that Sonju offered to do. Now I am not saying Sonju is exactly William Minerva .But he if any part of this theory holds true, he is most likelly one of the associates of James Ratri, if not the other face of William Minerva per say. On addition to this, our 3rd Minerva never (Unlike Norman Minerva speeches) calls the children “Cattle Children”. He simply says “Boys and Girls”. Also, when refering to Minerva and speaking of James Ratri. He expresses “William Minerva’s brother, Peter Ratri”. Why not simply say James Ratri’s brother. Most likely this is because when Sonju met the kids (if this is indeed Sonju), they kept talking about William Minerva. He wanted to make sure they knew exactly who he was talking about. If any of this true it only raises more questions than answers. But I thought I would share this an see what people think! (more reblogs inc!)
I know, I know. It’s crazy and maybe I am trying to see too much on where isn’t. But that’s what theories are for :’) To speculate and reach out! Tell me what you think, and again if someone already posted something similar please let me know ^^
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fyria-hans · 6 years
The “third William Minerva” Theory
Calling it that for now due to lack of what else to call him. Now before I get started let me say that both Shiriu sensei and Posuka sensie have an incredible touch when it comes to the expression “ the devil is in the details”.
Due to this there was something that caught my eye recently. Now I am not sure if this was wildly implied or known but I have not seen anything similar in here nor in reddit. Thus I will go ahead and explain this literally crazy theory.
*Spoilers* Duh!
In chapter 98. Before the attack on the shelter. Emma and co receive a call from no other than who they think is William Minerva. He tells the children to stay “where they are” and that he will go see them. At the time it was safe to asume that this could be Norman Minerva. However;
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When Norman is introduced as William Minerva. He says I AM William Minerva. 1st Person!
Our “3rd William Minerva” per say. Someone who knows the location of the facility and that the children are specifically on that one says the following;
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“Minerva’s younger brother” He chooses to use the 3rd person unlike we have seen Norman Minerva do. So this got me thinking!
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His attire and physique do not match Norman’s at all. ( the pants, nor the shoes). In addition to this, every time we saw Norman posing as Minerva, we see his face. Shadowed or not, but we do see it! Why hide it now? Unless this was indeed not Norman Minerva.
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As you can see, Norman Minerva doesn’t have the broad shoulders, nor the black pants as our other “3rd Minerva”. It is true that he could change his attire but when he is introduced again meeting Emma this is exactly what he is wearing.
Now, the last piece of evidence I needed to wrap this up. This came up on the lat chapter and thats what pushed me to post this theory.
Minerva’s necklace!
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Although they could be talking about a cattle child brand. I doubt this is what they referred to because we have seen how other cattle children have different marks on different parts of the body( Like Yuugo, who has the brand on the abdomen). Now if this necklace (asuming they are speaking of a necklace) they speak of truly belongs to James Ratri. Then this would mean that whoever has it not only knew James Ratri, but was also most likelly one of his allies and knows about the Seven Walls and the Promise!
And who gives a necklace to Emma and tells her to look for the Seven Walls?
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Musica!!!no other than Musica. We know that Musica and Sonju (despite being considered as heathens) are not only on the run from something but also who better to have an ally (from William Minerva’s point of view) that demons that do not want to eat captive human meat.
On addition to this our “3rd Minerva’s” pants and shoes match someone’s that we saw about that time!
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The shoes, the pants are the same!
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And the shoulder width also matches.
The only “person” that knew exactly in which facility the children were was Sonju (and Musica). Not even the Ratri clan was sure about which facility the children were in.
(Although I have reached my max image capacity I will go ahead and add more pictures later. )
To add more to this. Sonju knew a lot about the Premium Grade facilities and also stated that he had built the tunnels around them himself and only him knew how to navigate them (To which Musica added that she would get lost if she were left to her own devices). We know that Musica and Sonju are on the run but I only found it too much of a coincidence that the children met two friendly demons, who not only saved them but also taught them how to survive. Acting as “their tutors” was something that Sonju offered to do. Now I am not saying Sonju is exactly William Minerva .But he if any part of this theory holds true, he is most likelly one of the associates of James Ratri, if not the other face of William Minerva per say. On addition to this, our 3rd Minerva never (Unlike Norman Minerva speeches) calls the children “Cattle Children”. He simply says “Boys and Girls”. Also, when refering to Minerva and speaking of James Ratri. He expresses “William Minerva’s brother, Peter Ratri”. Why not simply say James Ratri’s brother. Most likely this is because when Sonju met the kids (if this is indeed Sonju), they kept talking about William Minerva. He wanted to make sure they knew exactly who he was talking about. If any of this true it only raises more questions than answers. But I thought I would share this an see what people think! (more reblogs inc!)
I know, I know. It’s crazy and maybe I am trying to see too much on where isn’t. But that’s what theories are for :’) To speculate and reach out! Tell me what you think, and again if someone already posted something similar please let me know ^^
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fyria-hans · 6 years
Time to write a crazy ass theory!
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fyria-hans · 6 years
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I stole this idea from another blog,but I cant reber the name. Every single person who reblogs this before 10 February will recieve a baby pokemon in their inbox,after this egg harches.
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fyria-hans · 6 years
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fyria-hans · 6 years
Question: what makes the mera mera fruit so powerful?
Ace: it means controlling one of the strongest elements. A raging fire can reach across miles of space. it's a great power I can use to protect my family.
Sabo: Toasted marshmellows. whenever I want.
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fyria-hans · 6 years
Sabo fangirling over Luffy’s bounty is canon ayy
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He’s perfect
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fyria-hans · 6 years
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A nostalgic Koala because I have hopes she will be returning to the manga with the Reverie Arc T^T
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fyria-hans · 7 years
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fyria-hans · 7 years
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Ive had this random AU in my head for the longest time
‘Luffy awakes and finds himself at the bottom of a deep cavern, laying apon a bed of golden flowers, unknowing of a small being glaring at him across the way.’
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fyria-hans · 8 years
I’m so stupid, how could I not see this earlier???
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All blue. The crew is Sanji’s All Blue. 
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fyria-hans · 8 years
IMPRINTS – Sabo/Koala, rated T.
The first time he sees the mark on her back it’s by accident.
Eyes on the newspaper in his hands, he’d opened the door without knocking, and hadn’t noticed that anything was off until he’d raised his eyes to find her in the process of pulling her shirt over her head, elbows akimbo and her hair in happy disarray.
But there she was, back turned to him, most of her torso bared and the shift of her muscles under her skin locking his heels to the floor, forcing him to a staggering stop in the doorway.
And in the middle of her back, bright and red and drawing his gaze like a bull’s eye–
He’d been too busy staring to notice her turn around – to even make note of the fact that she still had her shirt halfway off, but he caught the startled flash in her eyes that was only there a moment before her face contorted into a familiar expression of outrage.
She clocked him, and he sported a bruise for two solid weeks. And he barely even remembered what the mark had looked like, sitting like a blurry red spot in his mind. No, what he remembered was her eyes – that brief slip in her cheerful composure, a burst of emotion almost too quick to catch, but the memory of it stayed with him longer than the bruise.
The second time he sees it, it’s out of necessity.
Keep reading
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