fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
She was filled with a wild, unfamiliar happiness, and knew that this was love. Twice in her life she had mistaken something else for it; it was like seeing somebody in the street who you think is a friend, you whistle and wave and run after him, and it is not only not the friend, but not even very like him. A few minutes later the real friend appears in view, and then you can’t imagine how you ever mistook that other person for him.
Nancy Mitford “The Pursuit of Love” (via infantiloide)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
“Violet is madder than ever. She said to a friend of mine, whom she has just met, do you know who I am? (I said the answer should be the man in the Iron Mask?) I am the daughter of Edward VII but don’t tell anybody.”
- Nancy Mitford writing to Harold Acton , mid 1960’s. 
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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Hons and Rebels, Jessica Mitford, Penguin, 1962
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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Diana, Pamela and Deborah.
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
I expect Muv’s told you all the low down on the wedding so I won’t bother to enlarge on it. It really was great fun, & we nearly giggled from nerves during the ceremony. Afterwards we went to Paris where we jollied ourselves up in nightclubs etc for two days, it was fun but rather tiring & it’s lovely to be here for a bit. […] Being a married Hen is not at all unlike being an unmarried Hen has been during the last few months, except it seems rather extraorder to have a wedding ring & a mother in law & everything.
Jessica Mitford to Deborah Mitford, May 1937 (via fineoldconflicts)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
The family are in a terrible financial crisis. However we continue to eat as before (however humbly) drink and drive about in large Daimlers. Mitfords are like that.
Nancy Mitford in a letter to her brother (via nicolebonnet)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
There was drama when Linda, aged ten, attempted suicide in order to rejoin an old smelly Border Terrier which Uncle Matthew had had put down.
The Pursuit of Love, by Nancy Mitford (via iphigenias)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
When I met Decca Mitford at Cousin Dorothy’s the other weekend we both more or less fell in love with each other… then we arranged that she should come to Spain as my secretary. I expect by the time you get this we’ll have been married in Spain, as of course we’ve been unofficially so since we left, and we’re intending to have three children. Of course her family loathe the name etc. of me so I think if you ever meet Lady Redesdale you might perhaps pour some whitewash on me.
Esmond Romilly to Nellie Romilly, 1937 (via fineoldconflicts)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
I don't care if it's wrong,
I kind of root for Nancy and Prod.  I’ll overlook an awful lot for stories like this:
“The German Ambassador invited us to a party in German which is very rude so Rodd refused in Yiddish.” (Nancy to Decca, 1937)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
Deborah Mitford in a letter to Jessica, 6 May 1940
Lots of my friends are in France & some in Norway so I don’t think it sounds much fun in London. How that will make you roar. I always think while I’m writing how terrifically you despise my life. 
I expect you know that Honks [Diana] produced another ten pound boy the other day [Max Mosley], she really does make a habit of it. She & the Leader [Sir Oswald Mosley] really do get on well, a terrific tease on everyone.
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
If I had a girl I should say to her, «Marry for love if you can, it won’t last, but it is a very interesting experience and makes a good begining in life. Later on, when you marry for money, for heaven’s sake let it be big money. There are no other possible reasons for marrying at all.»
Nancy Mitford, Christmas Pudding. (via bookaddictiion)
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
Evelyn Waugh had criticised The American Way of Death, for its lack of a ‘plainly stated attitude towards death’. [Jessica Mitford] replied via her sister Nancy: ‘… tell him of course I’m against it’.
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fyeahthemitfords-blog · 12 years
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