fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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"I never had an imaginary friend, just imaginary circumstances. I was so into the Indiana Jones movies and I would constantly reenact circumstances. I broke my left arm three times, two of which were me trying to be Indiana Jones. The first time, I tied sheets together and tried to climb the side of my house after I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark. The second time, I was riding a horse and trying to gallop as fast as I could, like Indiana Jones, and got thrown from the horse. The third time I was bit older and it didn’t have anything to do with trying to be Indiana Jones" — Pedro Pascal interviewed by Sarah Paulson for Interview
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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I was so into the Indiana Jones movies and I would constantly reenact circumstances. I broke my left arm three times, two of which were me trying to be Indiana Jones. The first time, I tied sheets together and tried to climb the side of my house after I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark. The second time, I was riding a horse and trying to gallop as fast as I could, like Indiana Jones, and got thrown from the horse. The third time I was bit older and it didn’t have anything to do with trying to be Indiana Jones. - Pedro Pascal for Interview Magazine.
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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"If you could pick anyone, male or female, of Game of Thrones to portray, who would you choose?
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Literal say of sunshine: Pedro Pascal
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Pedro Pascal at San Diego Comic Con 2014 (x)
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Game of Thrones star Pedro Pascal: Jenga Extraordinaire. (x)
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Pedro Pascal showing us how intact he is after the “big fight”- San Diego Comic Con 2014
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Pedro Pascal at San Diego Comic Con 2014
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Tell us about getting the call to go audition for a show that you have watched and love. You’re a fan of GoT and now you got a chance to be on it. It was very surreal because, when the audition came around, I was up to date, watching the third season as it was airing and I had to put myself on tape, and I did it with my iPhone. (x)
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Pedro Pascal @ Wired Cafe in San Diego Comic Con 2014 (x)
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Favorite People ► Pedro Pascal
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Pedro Pascal as Don John in Shakespeare in the Park production of “Much Ado About Nothing” (x)
requested by anonymous
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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Pedro Pascal photographed by Danielle Kosann. (x)
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fyeahpedropascal · 10 years
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