fyeahk-bap · 8 years
Yep! You heard me right! our beloved K-B.A.P. now has new trainees for their group! 
Our beloved Lil’ Lea has graduated from college and has gone on to pursue great things, so she will be taking a hiatus until further notice from K-B.A.P. Now, while nothing will ever replace our girl, we have been blessed with some AWESOME trainees who are gonna do their best to keep K-B.A.P. amazing ^-^ 
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This is Alice :) She looks pretty badass, right? 
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Maggie is all smiles about these snacks!
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Marianne looks like an absolute angel with her box of goodies! (Seriously, can I have one of these, they look yummy!)
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This is Sarah (OMFG she even spells it like I do!) and she makes an awfully cute alien :)
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Taylor is absolutely adorable, I mean, look at that cute face!
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And this darling is Jinwoo!!! He’s very quickly creeping up my K-B.A.P. bias list (coz lemme tell ya how that list is in any sort of real order ::cough cough Hotward, MC Josik, and James Bbang need to slow their roll because all of them are wrecking my list::)
Let’s all give lots of love to the new trainees!! FIGHTING!!! 
-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
This reminds me of K-B.A.P. trainee Jinwoo dancing ^-^
hehehehehehehehe :)
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Isn’t he wonderful? ^-^
-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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Aren't our K-B.A.P guys so handsome? ::swoony swoon swoon:: -Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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OMFG Y'ALL!!! NEW STICKER! K-B.A.P loves Banchan Army so much, pretty soon, I might have a complete limited edition collection! Just waiting on MC Josik ^-* ♡♡ -Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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OH NO! Admin Daebaknae’s heart will be breaking.... Our beloved leader Hotward has a girlfriend. I can hear the wailing and beating of chests from here. As sad as this news is for us we must remember to be true fans and wish him every happiness. I’m sure he and his beautiful cutout .. he I mean Girlfriend ::cough:: have a long and happy future ahead of themselves. Look on the bright side fandom. We still have the rest of the members to wish for. #I’mlookingatyouBbang #andMCJosik. Admin Unnie
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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Okay, you guys but okay okay okay listen. I’m spazzing out a little bit right now. 
All this last couple of weeks or so, the K-BAP guys have been taunting us with these special Banana Choco Pies. And how people will randomly be getting this ultra-special snack in their monthly subscription. I’ve been trying to remain calm about it, because honestly, I DID NOT WANT IT. I do not mix chocolate and fruit, but this is supposed to be like a huge thing, so I DO NOT NEED THIS KIND OF PRESSURE because I’ve been trying to find a way to be graceful about it if I did get one.
But I didn’t. The box arrived today, and I did NOT get a Banana Choco Pie. And I think I know why.
 See, according to the sticker in my Snack Fever box that arrived today, this box RIGHT HERE FOR ME was prepared by James Bbang. And the socks that JAMES chose for me say “My girl” on them. I know that other people got, like, monkeys on their socks. So I’m just gonna live in the fantasy world that James knows my heart, James is actively trying to steal fans from the massive Hotward fanbase, and that this was meant to be.
P.S. If other people got these same socks from James, don’t tell me. Let me have my dream.
-- Admin Noona
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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Excuse me while I swoon. ::cue extreme fangirling::
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-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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In case any of you haven’t seen it, some of our K-B.A.P. guys had a Banana Choco Pie Challenge! Can you guess who won? ^-^ 
I am seriously swooning over James Bbang in this pic ^-^ (shhhh... don’t tell Hotward!) 
-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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We don’t have much info on this cutie, Jinwoo, yet, but give us some time and the Noona Squad will hopefully be able to update the member profiles to include him!
My K-B.A.P. bias list is seriously getting shaken up. So not fair. 
-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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Hey Banchan Army!! We got some some behind the scenes pics of our Mochi Min’s recent photo shoot with the Banana Choco Pies! He’s so funny! ^-^
-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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Check it out! Lots of new official K-B.A.P. merch (aka snacks) is coming in!!! The group has been really busy lately hosting giveaways for fans, aren’t they so sweet? 
-Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
HEY BANCHAN ARMY!!! ^-^ K-B.A.P. posted this earlier and it was too good not to share! hehehehe Our very own Hotward was showing off some mic skills ^-* ::swoon:: Now.. if only he would come karaoke with MEEEEEEEEEE 
Ah well, a fangirl can dream, right?
-Admin Daebaknae (seriously needs some karaoke this weekend)
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
I need sleep.
Or maybe not. Hahahaha you know you need to fix some habits when you start having Snack Fever dreams lol... I watched Iron Chef America before bed and fangirling over K-B.A.P so when I finally fell asleep, I had Iron Snack America dreams and wow, that was severely amusing and entertaining ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^-^ but Hotward was killing it with the snack making and MC Josik was a beast at plating, and James Bbang was a master at whatever he was doing with the knives. Im sure the others were in there too, somewhere, I don't remember much else of it, but damn that was fun ^-^ Oooh, should I try sending them some fan mail and asking them to do an Iron Snack America challenge of some sort? I think I might! Happy snacking, Banchan Army!!! -Admin Daebaknae (really needs more sleep)
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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My feels for James Bbang. He's my sneaky geeky bias list ruiner, trying to move in on Hotward's spot... and I might be ok with that. May the 4th be with you, James ♡ -Admin Daebaknae
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
OMFG YOU GUYS K-B.A.P. SAW OUR TUMBLR AND GAVE US A SHOUT OUT!!!! ::insert wild fangirl flailing and screaming here:: look at MC Josik and Hotward sending us hearts!!! ~~~Hotward is so cute I think I’m in loveeeeee~~~ ARGHHHHJHALSKJFLJHGDLSHOFHS I’m so happy I had to make a video of it ^-^ -Admin Daebaknae ( @hakyeonssassface )
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
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OMFG We got more stickers!!! K-B.A.P has gifted us with yet another personal touch in our Snack Fever boxes and now Mochi Min has handpicked the Daebox!! I am fangirling so hard right now! ::happy dance:: -Admin Daebaknae ( @hakyeonssassface )
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fyeahk-bap · 8 years
New photos from our K-B.A.P.!
Some behind the scenes photos are out of our favorite group with new product endorsements! Check ‘em out!
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Lil’ Lea and MC Josik are flaunting these fun socks! I bet the actual photo shoot will look amazing!
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And here’s my bias, Hotward, showing off lots of new snacks! I totally wanna see the glamour shots of him chowing on all of these! 
Personally, I’m envisioning something like this....
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But even if it turns out like Hyukkie, it’ll still be super cute!! ::swoon::
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I’m super excited to see the full promotions for all of these products, I’m sure our K-B.A.P. will be epic!!
-Admin Daebaknae ( @hakyeonssassface )
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