i'm thinking of putting a da quote for my yearbook senior quote bc i know there are dozens of great quotes could you suggest some?
I really have no idea if you would want fun, sarcastic, inspirational, etc. Does anybody have any good recs?
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I'm really hoping you can help me okay so there's a quote from a sign in the dark roads in origins I forget the first half but it's something about a treacherous path and ends with "but I will stand the test". I loved it but accidentally deleted the note with it on my phone and it's actually killing me I've been trying to find it online for a solid hour
To be completely honest I don’t really remember signs in the Deep Roads in Origins.  Could it have been in Awakening, perhaps?  Can anybody help with this?
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Now the battle awaits us. Na via lerno victoria. 'Only the living know victory.' Fight well.
Fenris // Dragon Age 2
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Planning has never been my strong suit. Now, killing...killing and love-making. Killing and love-making and witty retorts. Those I am better at.
Zevran // Dragon Age: Origins
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I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?
Anders // Dragon Age 2
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I'm here to set things right. Also? To look dashing. That part's less difficult.
Dorian Pavus // Dragon Age: Inquisition
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It's angry, but that's okay.  So are you.
Cole . Dragon Age: Inquisition
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
Anders: So, I never expected to be palling around with the captain of the guard.
Aveline: We're not "pals."
Anders: We're not? What about that time we painted each other's toenails?
Aveline: Do you want something?
Anders: Love, life, and liberty. What more does a man need?
Aveline: You're in a jolly mood.
Anders: Well, when you're here, I know you're not leading men into Darktown to arrest me.
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
Merrill: Is it a lot of fun being a guard?
Aveline: I don't think the city guard is right for you, Merrill.
Merrill: I've read all about it in Varric's guard serial! I could be your partner! We could fight crime together!
Aveline: Guards don't have partners. Not like he says, anyway.
Merrill: That's why you need me! Oh! We could get matching outfits!
Aveline: All guards have matching outfits.
Merrill: But ours would be the matching-est!
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
Hawke: You'd look grand next to the De Launcets. All coiffed and... buttressed.
Aveline: Maker, no!
Hawke: Aveline, my bulbous cherub, you must hear the droning of Lord Full-of-Shit.
Aveline: Stop it, you.
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
I'm uncomfortable around Chantry sisters. All because of that red-headed trickster in Lothering.
Aveline // Dragon Age 2
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
I'm not saying I should be your first pick for a dance partner at the inaugural ball, but in the Deep Roads, I'm your man.
Oghren // Dragon Age: Origins
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
We had a good life, and did all we could. It’s up to our children now.
Eleanor Cousland // Dragon Age: Origins
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
A man who let him look ahead. It would always mean 'skill thoughtfully applied.' Not exactly 'master of all blades' but... Father actually thought there was worth to a swordsman.
Carver // Dragon Age 2
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
You tend to get up to interesting things. You meet interesting people and then you kill them. I'm game to tag along, if you are.
Zevran // Dragon Age: Origins
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
I know every soldier under my command. You don't have that option... but a few faces might help.
The Iron Bull // Dragon Age: Inquisition
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fyeahdragonagequotes · 10 years
Oghren: So, you and the Grey Warden, huh? [chuckles]
Morrigan: I hope you're not referring to Alistair.
Oghren: Him? Does he even like girls?
Morrigan: I believe the matter is still up for debate.
Alistair: [sigh] I'm right here, you know.
Oghren: Anyway. You and the Grey Warden, huh?
Morrigan: Do you actually have a question, dwarf? Or is it your intention simply to leer and drool?
Oghren: Stick with the classics. Leer and drool.
Morrigan: I thought so.
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