fxndomthrones-blog · 7 years ago
I couldn't said it better
We get that you think Slytherin girls are ‘winged eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man’. We get that you think our aesthetic is blood-red lipstick, the clack of stilettos on marble floors, and nails filed to a sharp point.
We get it.
We get that you think Slytherin boys are ‘jaw lines sharp enough to kill a man’ (perhaps we have that in common with the girls, you think?). We get that you think our mood is bitter black coffee, Shakespearean insults, and the burn of vodka as it cascades down your throat.
We get it. So enough already.
You think you know Slytherin? You think our girls are ‘bad-ass bitches’ and our boys are ‘refined gentlemen with wicked sharp tongues’?
Well, let us tell you what it really means to embody power, pride, fraternity, cunning, and ambition.
We’d be lying if we said Slytherin wasn’t that warm feeling of sinking deeper into your seat on the bus after you watch someone miss their stop. But, for all that, Slytherin is also when you were a child sitting on your dad’s shoulders - that feeling of being literally on top of the world, made all the more proud for knowing not only that the people who love you will raise you up but will be there to catch you if you fall.
That’s Slytherin - it’s what you wanted to be when you grew up, it’s your imaginary friend, and it’s getting an A on a test you studied damn fucking hard for.
And, sure, Slytherin is also silently thanking yourself that you looked your best on the days you ran into an ex partner. But Slytherin is the courage to end a going-nowhere relationship in the first place. Slytherin means willing to do what no one else can or will, to put aside desire, fear, and comfort and to just shed what doesn’t serve them; that means being cruel to be kind and knowing, in fact, that cruelty and kindness are not black and white concepts.
That’s Slytherin - it’s your little black dress, it’s self-help books, and it’s drunken chats with strangers in nightclub bathrooms.
We are so much more complex than men in suits or women in doc martens. If all you can think of is conceit when you think of cunning and if all you can think of is dominance when you think of power…then you do not know us. And we will not ask you to try harder next time because we would rather speak for ourselves.
So, enough already; we want ‘us’ done right, so we will do it ourselves.
That’s Slytherin.
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fxndomthrones-blog · 7 years ago
House-Aesthetic Gryffindor
Gryffindor is a pillow fight and the feeling after you’ve won. Gryffindor is the red sky during a sunset. It’s crumbling a picture you’ve drawn ust because you don’t like how it turned out. It’s the pride smile when you’ve won a game. It’s yelling at someone and hug them afterwards because it should only be a joke. It’s always being the loudest on the room. Gryffindor is ordering the pizza because the others don’t want to talk to the pizza man. It’s having a second breakfast. It’s a big Burger or spicy curry. Gryffindor is burning your fingers while broiling Marshmallows. It’s getting drunk and swearing that they will never do it again in the morning. But the next day they’re getting drunk again. Gryffindor is truth or dare. It’s driving in a rollercoaster just for the adrenaline. It’s late fireworks. It’s having red cheeks from the cold or having dirty foots from running. Gryffindor is collecting small items (no matter what) to be sure to remember that one moment. Gryffindor is standing up for justice. It’s defending anyone - friend, enemy or stranger. Gryffindor is telling stories the whole day and always remember just one more. It’s seeing am adventure in everything. Gryffindor is volunteering in class. It’s being the class clown. Gryffindor is being always super strong but one (little) spider is too much. Gryffindor are dirty jokes and tickling attacks.
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