Affiliated Shiki Natsumezaka RP blogHousing: Distric Beta Rank: Nobody
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Shiki swore he heard some melody on the street, and since he had nothing better to do, he followed the sound to it’s source. A pale coloured girl, playing a peculiar instrument.. Huh, well that wasn’t what he expected.
WIth his hands in his pockets, the boy spoke up before too long.
“Hey hey~ That’s a neat instrument you have there! What’s it called?”
It was mostly his own curiousity that provoked the question, but it was indeed strange to him,
Strange and interesting.
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“Let’s see, there are a few single rooms, one with a view of the walk way, one with a view of the back and one without windows. Besides the view, they’re the same.” Usagi lifted down the keys and laid them out of the other to look over, tapping each as she spoke of their position.
“There’s a slight discount for those that are new in the city, to preserve the pocket money you get when you wake up. I’ll set you up for that, ok? Your price comes to…” And her she totalled everything up, sliding the receipt over to him.

“The one without windows should be more than enough, I’ll be staying just for tonight after all.”
The man said with a smile before tapping his finger on the fitting key. The slight tapping didn’t stop as his other hand took at receipt. The blood orange irises looked over the piece of paper, a small whistle escaping his lips before too long.
“You’re definitely cheaper than anything I saw at home~”
He commented with a quiet chuckle before he pulled out the necessary amount from his pockets. He figured out he had some money on him earlier in the day but he didn’t really think he’d be using it this soon.”
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"Ah, that is truly an amusing circumstance! I myself dislike most vegetables so I can't scold you for your tastes, Usagi."
He followed the girl inside quietly, looking around once they were inside. It wasn't anything grand but it sure seemed comfy.
"A single bed room should be more than enough. As it appears, I am stuck here without anyone I know so.. If one's available, I'd like to take it."
It was an inn bedroom or a hut in a nuclear tunnel... Somehow he would jave preferred the cozy inn for the time being. At least until he got used to everything.
“Is that what you truly believe? Well, dying is a much more merciful fate than others, and in your case, it almost sounds like a good option!”
Not that he himself considered it that way. If you die only to come back to everything being the same.. What would be the point of rebirth?
“Usagi? Like a rabbit? That’s quite a cute name~ My name’s Shiki and I think staying over night wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I am a bit far from District Beta so, how much does it cost?”
The words were spoken with a usal grin he had, but his tone was relaxed compared to the gleeful one he had before. It’s not like he’s particularly mind sleeping on the street, wouldn’t be the first time, but this situation didn’t seem all that bad.
“ Rabbit of the Moon. And to make it even punnier, I was born in the year of the Rabbit. But I hate carrots!”
A cheeky little smile was cast at the other as the broom is propped up on the wall. “Well, let’s see on the rooms, it does depend on the room. A single is cheaper than a double.”
She began to lead him inside the inn, kitten heels clicking on the ground and her skirt shifting around as she walked. Voice soft and gentle, full of warmth and kindness. She settled behind the front desk and flipped open the register, sliding over a lay out of the rooms.
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"Is that what you truly believe? Well, dying is a much more merciful fate than others, and in your case, it almost sounds like a good option!"
Not that he himself considered it that way. If you die only to come back to everything being the same.. What would be the point of rebirth?
"Usagi? Like a rabbit? That's quite a cute name~ My name's Shiki and I think staying over night wouldn't be such a bad idea. I am a bit far from District Beta so, how much does it cost?"
The words were spoken with a usal grin he had, but his tone was relaxed compared to the gleeful one he had before. It's not like he's particularly mind sleeping on the street, wouldn't be the first time, but this situation didn't seem all that bad.
“I suppose each world has it’s heaven and hell as well. Aa, just imagining what sort of wreched places serve as what they call hell in other worlds makes me shiver a bit~”
The tone of his voice wasn’t scared, it was almost ecstatic. Disgusting, really.
“On the other side, you are quite an interesting little girl to handle multiple deaths. I wonder just how much of them you could take before you lose the will to come back? Nufufu~”
The chuckle made it seem like a joke but he was honestly intrigued. Her smell was human, yet not quite. Kind of like a certain human he knows, yet the scent was much unlike hers. Just what surprises could this petite girl hold?
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"I suppose each world has it's heaven and hell as well. Aa, just imagining what sort of wreched places serve as what they call hell in other worlds makes me shiver a bit~"
The tone of his voice wasn't scared, it was almost ecstatic. Disgusting, really.
"On the other side, you are quite an interesting little girl to handle multiple deaths. I wonder just how much of them you could take before you lose the will to come back? Nufufu~"
The chuckle made it seem like a joke but he was honestly intrigued. Her smell was human, yet not quite. Kind of like a certain human he knows, yet the scent was much unlike hers. Just what surprises could this petite girl hold?
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At the very least Shiki knew how to handle himself around the city, it was quite an odd place but he could at least fit in somewhat. His wings seemed to be useless so that was a major flaw... Well, he supposed it's not as bad as it could have been, he was in one piece... Much to his dismay.
Honestly, he had to wonder how it'd be if his wings were chopped off instead. Ah, the mere thought of the agony in that scenario was enough to turn his cheeks a rosey colour!
But it was at that moment that he heard something. It was a female voice... singing? He had to admit it sounded nice but he couldn't help himself as he spoke up.
"Heaven isn't as amazing as people describe it, you know? I don't understand why you humans sing about it so much." A small grin spread across his face as he walked closer to the girl. "I've been there, and it's far from ideal."
Usagi sighed as she got busy tidying up around the Inn, starting to clean up as best as she could. After a few moments, the silence became rather unbearable, and so she began to sing softly to herself.
Heaven, please sing for me a song of life Heaven, take me into your skies There’s no place here for me to hide my cries Night and day, I’m missing you (ooh) I know I’m here for the magic All your stars guiding me through and through (Oh) why, this loneliness feel like… forever and ever I gotta be, I gotta be, in your arms, baby
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Fallen angel
The biggest masochist and sadist you’ll ever meet
Not advisable as a love interest
Nicely put, an attention whore
Honestly the only redeeming quality he has is the fact he never lies
And he has fluffy and soft black wings
Otherwise, he’s basically a twisted manchild
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Ay, ay, the rotten fallen angel arrived~ If you wanna interact with him, like this uncapped rp ad.
I'll be leaving it uncapped for now.
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