fviith · 3 years
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fviith · 3 years
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ —   TEXT   ¦   faith  .
stella: which is sick to me because you're the most social person ive ever met so you HAVE to be getting compliments all the time
stella: surprisingly the exact opposite LMAOOO. but i think im gonna spend the day in bed watching firefly lane bc why not
faith: well , yeah , but it's the same old ' ur so pretty ' and that's great , obviously . there's just soooo much more to me , which is why u made me emo !
faith: oh no .. well , if u can give me about an hour or two i can stop by & hang ? unless u wanna be alone ofc .
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fviith · 3 years
✳  ⊰    sms   :   𝒍𝒆𝒐  ( not  𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐 )  .
leo: lmao its always the fucking blondes 😂 so i will just mind my business on that one. see, thank you. idk i feel like i need some snow these days or something... variety
leo: wowww so now you want me to be jealous? ur a toxin to me faith evans
faith: excuse meeeeee , it's not our fault we have more fun ! but totally get it ! doing & seeing the same thing over and over gets repetitive . just bring me back a snow globe , i don't ask for too much .
faith: u say toxin , leo maddox , and i say .. life of the party 😇
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fviith · 3 years
✳  ⊰    sms   :   𝒍𝒆𝒐  ( not  𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐 )  .
leo: i'd like to think im just as happy as the next guy lmao. so you're saying that the cure to.. whatever is going to be a beach day ? i guess, but i've had so many of those i dont think its going to work anymore
leo: well now im frightened lmaoooo
faith: hm , i think u have some competition . i just saw some blonde guy doing flips in the sand lmao . but u know , i can't even be mad at that cause ur completely right .
faith: wrong emotion ! ur gonna be jealous when u see what / actual / fun is cause ur missing out 😛
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fviith · 3 years
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ —   TEXT   ¦   faith  .
stella: the only person that should be crying is me ???? wipe your tears girly
stella: howwww have you been :))
faith: sorry , i don't get these random acts of affection daily so i'm soaking it alllll in !
faith: i've been surprisingly good , what about u ?
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fviith · 3 years
━━       ✳       ⊰       closed  starter       :     @jaxonschmidt    .
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takes  an  honest  ,  and  well  deserved  second  to  prepare  herself  ..  with  good  reason  ,  too  .  whatever  ,  well  ,  whoever  stood  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  wall  held  an  interest  ,  one  that  was  too  complicated  to  tell  .  at  least  from  her  perspective  ,  they  hit  it  off  enough  to  prompt  a  meeting   ──  or  whatever  this  truly  entailed  .  there  were  too  many  possibilities  for  things  to  go  awry  ,  all  things  she  was  far  from  prepared  for  ,  so  hopefully  none  of  her  demons  decided  to  follow  her  here  .  nonetheless  ,  the  entirety  of  her  trip  focuses  on  one  thing  :  becoming  the  best  version  of  herself  ,  even  if  lying  ultimately  got  her  there  .  takes  a  second  to  breath  in  and  out  shortly  after  ,  a  couple  seconds  prior  being  devoted  to  a  heavily  necessary  pep  talk  .  steps  into  the  designated  area  ,  immediately  shuffles  around  for  that  awfully  familiar  face  (  thanks  google  images  )  ,  butterflies  instantly  hitting  the  very  pit  of  her  stomach  upon  recognition  .  takes  very  hesitant  steps  forward  as  she  debates  jetting  straight  for  the  door  ,  the  male  infinitely  miles  ahead  of  her  league  ,  far  as  she’s  concerned  .  “  wow  ,  ”  she  starts  ,  smile  ever  so  prominent  across  glossed  lips  ,  “  so  you  aren’t  a  catfish  after  all  .  sorry  for  doubting  ,  obviously  .  the  pictures  definitely  do  you  justice  .  ”
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fviith · 3 years
✳  ⊰    sms   :   𝒍𝒆𝒐  ( not  𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐 )  .
leo: LMAOOOO i'm not that old ? my age has been brought up more than i'd like lately. now whats your version of fun because i dont think we're on the same page there
leo: why ? are you planning on going deep sea diving ?
faith: see , i'm not the only one ! u need to perk up ! imagine this though .. laid out by the ocean , watching friends do their jobs , cold beer by arms reach . that's my definition of fun ! nice , calm & getting wasted lol
faith: no , but i know what i'm doing later today :)
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fviith · 3 years
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ —   TEXT   ¦   faith  .
stella: i just wanted to text you and say thank you for being the only sane person in my life the last few days
stella: just.. means a lot :)
faith: omg ? i haven't even been awake and i'm already on the verge of tears , send help ?
faith: but pls ur so welcome ! happy to be here 🥺
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fviith · 3 years
✳  ⊰    sms   :   𝒍𝒆𝒐  ( not  𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐 )  .
leo: no one really makes me happy except like one person so ill just take a nap instead 😀 very much easier said than done lmao
leo: ummmmm i cant swim lmao
faith: nap ? okay grandpa . u need to have some fun , sir , and that would instantly take ur mind off of it !
faith: oh my god , u need lessons like .. today 😩
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fviith · 3 years
have you met anyone exciting lately?
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“  tons  actually  ..  and  i  know  you’re  probably  d  y  i  n  g  for  names  ,  but  i’m  not  jinxing  anything  this  time  .  sorry  .  ”
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fviith · 3 years
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fviith · 3 years
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ —   TEXT   ¦   faith  .
stella: lmaooooo yes, i never really gravitated towards anything that wasnt... food lmao. why'd you stop?
stella: yeeeeeeee im down. wanna go to the pool instead? i think im getting cabin fever on vacation
faith: understandable , food literally cures every single mood . parents wouldn't allow it .. one picture & there goes the black sheep of the family fucking up again .
faith: any reason for me to put on a swimsuit , i'm automatically there !
faith: and u , duh 😋
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fviith · 3 years
(   incoming   )   /      faith   .
JAXON: ah, the block button. something i'm not familiar with surprisingly ? i think it's the pearly whites keeping me in peoples good graces . LMAOOOO if you do see them let me know i need to give nev his props
JAXON: definitely did
JAXON: so you're good at reading people is what im getting from this ? thats dope because im not lmaooo you can be the angel on my shoulder i think ill keep you around. 😂 probably won't get much more than that, fair warning
JAXON: i got you
FAITH: hm , okay , so that excludes weird from my list , but stalker ( ? ) catfish still remains . but honestly , that guy has saved so many lives .. i just can't believe some people can be so damn gullible .
FAITH: mission accomplished .
FAITH: u would be surprised as to how much people reveal about themselves if u just observe & put the pieces together . i'm sorry , but that sounds like a challenge to me 🤭
FAITH: good . see u then .
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fviith · 3 years
✳  ⊰    sms   :   𝒍𝒆𝒐  ( not  𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒐 )  .
leo: lmaoooooooooooooo wow you're not wronggg wtf. idk shits just been ... its passed hitting the fan, it just resides there at this point
leo: then i'll be sure to get someone to help you 😂
faith: exactly ! just take it easy , surround urself with people who make u happy & the rest should follow through quite easily .. easier said than done , i know .
faith: someone !? leo maddox , would u or would u not jump into the ocean for me 👀
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fviith · 3 years
📩 texting  :  faith .
christian: i prefer to let my actions speak
christian: i have, but i wouldn't mind a quick hot reminder??
christian: is this invite official ?
christian: i'm a gentleman, don't you worry about it
christian: it's one thing to boast about it..
faith: u set the bar high mister , hope u pull through .
faith: http://tny.im/oqa .. thank fenty savage 😝
faith: yes silly , reserved for only one ( 1 ) .
faith: the opposite of what i like btw .
faith: and another to actually know how to use it . i'm counting on u lmao
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fviith · 3 years
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30K notes · View notes
fviith · 3 years
✳       ⊰       𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒉       featuring       „      leo        .​
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having to have this conversation with ANYONE not once but twice , has taken the biggest toll on him . did he deserve it ? probably . but it’s not like he asked to get caught up in this wave . leo was trying to have fun like everyone else , yet it seemed like he wasn’t allowed to . every time he tried , something came up . “ i rather not have a moment so this works perfectly for me … ” he mutters in a light tone , trying his best not to feel how deep this conversation was actually getting . “ i’m glad someone does . i don’t know . i’m just trying to make sense of it all as i talk to you , i guess . ” his voice trails off for a minute , his concern with what’s going on around them being nonexistent . “ define giving , ” he smirks , “ ask anyone . they’d say i never gave them shit but here we are . ” when she offers to be someone to talk to , he’s shocked . unsure what to say for a moment . “ thanks . and same to you i mean … this doesn’t have to mean we never speak again , right ? ”
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would  relatively  make  any  sign  of  confrontation  that  much  more  unbearable  with  her  overly  dramatic  behavior  ,  but  leo  didn’t  deserve  that  .  far  as  she  was  concerned  ,  he’s  the  only  male  to  ever  end  something  before  it  could  start  for  her  own  personal  sake  .  if  that  didn’t  spell  out  how  he  felt  about  her  then  she’s  unsure  what  would  .  brings  herself  to  attentively  listen  since  its  what  he  needs  ,  obviously  ,  a  healthy  way  to  get  everything  off  of  his  chest  .  “  stop  ,  you’re  selling  yourself  way  too  short  ,  ”  playfully  swats  his  arm  with  her  hand  ,  first  bit  of  contact  since  their  conversation  starts  ,  almost  catching  herself  swept  up  in  the  moment  ,  “  i  can  only  speak  for  myself  ,  duh  ,  but  you’ve  given  me  ..  hm  ,  confidence  to  be  myself  .  ”  heavily  nods  in  agreement  to  her  words  ,  duly  entertained  ,  prominent  smile  sweeping  across  soft  features  ,  “  that’s  exactly  what  it  means  !  later  loser  .  ”  and  with  that  ,  she  begins  her  stride  back  without  a  goodbye  ──  only  to  turn  around  once  her  figure  was  quite  far  from  his  ,  sure  her  antics  were  the  pinnacle  of  annoyance  .  “  nah  ,  we’re  good  .  ”
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