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21 / REQUEST: Open / They-She-He idc about pronouns
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fvck-the-rest · 1 month ago
Stop Smirking!
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gojo x gn reader
word count: 268 (sorry it's so short) -_-
/warnings/ none, just dumb agruments
/summary/ you are gojo argue over meaningless things
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Standing in the middle of the courtyard at Jujutsu High you pivot and start to walk away from the white haired man that you are just arguing with.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Gojo starts to walk towards you, knowing that you are trying to leave him behind. “Come on, there’s no need for you to be so angry over this! Wait up”
Stopping suddenly, you take a breath and turn to look at him one last time and cross your arms in front of you. 
“I am allowed to be angry when you are obviously wrong!” turning back around to continue on your march. 
“How am I wrong? You are the one that is wrong, pancakes are miles ahead of waffles!”
“They are not, with waffles they can hold all the topping you put on them and pancakes can’t do that at all! You get it all over yourself!” turning around at the man following you, you see that familiar smirk of his. "Stop smirking! We’re in the middle of an argument!” 
“I can’t help it,” he walks over to you and pinches your cheek, “you are so cute when you get angry. It brings a smile to my face, I can’t help it.”
With a huff you walk away from him, finally leaving the school grounds. You can’t believe that he would say something like that and while pinching my cheek! I am not a toddler to be squished! But maybe since it was Gojo you could let it go this once- though you would rather die then agree on if pancakes or waffles are better. 
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fvck-the-rest · 2 months ago
It was just for one night
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Gojo x GN! reader
word count: 465
/warnings/ gojo might be ooc, cute but also kinda sad
/summary/ Gojo and you rekindle a relationship that was lost in highschool
an: I AM ALIVE! i have been on tumblr but have not posted in over a year/ hoping this year I am able to get out my blockage and be able to get some more fics out!
It was just for one night
Here you are laying in an unfamiliar bed. One that belonged to someone you swore that you would never talk to again after everything that has happened. But here you are, only, but you can hear small noises coming from outside of the room. 
Getting up was all that was left for you to do now. Walking to the door you hear someone talking, recognizing the voice to belong to the owner of the bed. Turning the knob and pulling toward you, making your way slowly to find exactly where the man is doing who knows what. 
Turning the corner to the living you see him dragging a box inside, with the door still wide open, letting in a cool fall breeze. You walk over to close the door and lean your back against it, looking up at Gojo who has now given up on the box and is walking over to you.
Tensing your muscles as he wraps you in a gentle hug, scared that if he held you do hard that you would.
“I’m sorry, but here me out just this once” it's barely a whisper, not even feeling his breath. Looking at him you give a nod for him to continue with whatever it is that he has to say to you.
“I know what happened in high school took a toll on everyone- not just me.I should not have said all those things to you. You just wanted to help and just saw a friend that was in need.”. Still not talking loud, scared of rejection, one person can only take so much- no matter how strong or weak they are, everyone has a breaking point, and he is close. “Please just let me try again, I promise that those things will never happen again, I will never hurt you again. I promise”
He took a long breath, a very shaky long breath. After a minute he took a step back and moved his arms to be at his sides again. Standing looking at his feet almost as if he looked away they would leave without him. 
Reaching over to gently grab one of your hands he spoke one last time, “Will you please stay with me again?”. 
Standing in shock for a few seconds you look up at him and cup his hand with yours.You thought for a minute before answering the same voice he used for you. 
“Yes, I’ll stay with you again. But I swear, if that ever happens again I will never see you again” Ending with a giggle you wrapped your arms around his neck and he returned that hug.
Oh what can happen just because of one night. You are really in for a long ride now. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
Hey can i request something if that's alright? No pressure ofcourse
Can i request a comfort scenario of gojo x fem y/n (fluff sfw) where the reader has been body shamed her entire life and is now very hesitant to wear her favorite dresses, gets teary eyed and gojo comforts her? I have been skinny shamed all my life, called Bony, paper, skeleton and what not so it would be great to have a gojo fluff fic about it
But you don't have to do this if you don't want to, it's completely fine <3
More Than Skin and Bone
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Gojo x f! reader
word count: 516
/warnings/ gojo is protective of you and wishes for you to see you the same way he does, fluff and cute, reader dislikes their body
/SUMMARY/ Gojo wanted to take reader to a restaurant and tells reader to wear her favorite dress- reader hates wearing her dresses because she is skinny
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Be ready by 6- I’m taking you somewhere you will LOVE. Wear your favorite dress -Gojo
This was the text that you woke up to from Gojo. He was always seeming able to plan something for everyday that you don’t have to work. Today he wanted to take you to a fancy restaurant that he finally was able to get reservations for. Only problem was that he wanted you to wear your favorite dress- that you couldn't  even remember the last time you wore it. 
Last time you wore it everyone was talking and telling you about how skinny you are. Calling you paper thin and asked if you ever ate. Some of them were in a nice way- while others were trying to get under your skin. This was your whole life- over and over again. 
Sometime later you had finally gotten fully dressed and everything was in place. You had put on the dress as you were told, only to stare at yourself in the mirror and try to figure out how you could hide your body but still wear it. 
Knock knock “I'm coming in if you're ready or not!” that was the yelling of the one and only Gojo. He always wanted you to love everything but you- it was hard all the time.
“You look stunning! I can’t wait for everyone else to look at how beautiful you are- but they better not look too much” he looks at you up and down taking in everything. From your dress to your hair and makeup, anything and everything- he was taking it all in. 
You were trying to hide away from his eyes- it was too much for you to take right now. You wanted nothing more than to take off everything and crawl into bed to hide.
He knew you were uncomfortable- avoided his eyes, not saying anything and shifting your weight from one leg to the other. 
“You're uncomfortable- I can tell no need to hide away. I assume it’s because of the dress. I know you hate wearing them because of what people say. I have a coat that you can wear while we are out.” walking over to his closet he pulls out a trench coat that looks almost too small for him.
“Here, you can wear this while we are out,” wrapping it around you so that it covers you whole. “I’m only allowing this once because it is a little cold outside and we need to start somewhere so this is a start. But know this- I love that way that you are. I feel in love with this and what you want yourself to be. You are lovely just the way that you are and other people’s opinions do not matter to you. Besides, I'm the strongest so I can take on anyone if they say otherwise.”
With his small speech he pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head and walked out the door to take you out for food and show you that he truly loves you for you.
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a/n this took me so much longer than I thought it would, I am soo sorry but i got it out and Request are still open!
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
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“Awwww~ look at you and your dumb face. Your so fucked, I don’t think you even know what happened to you.” Whispering in your ear. He still hasn’t even pulled out if you yet- though he can’t right now. Legs wrapped so tight around him and shaking that he couldn’t even if he wanted to.
For the pass two hours he has been doing whatever he wants when ever he wanted to. Didn’t matter what way he wanted to do- it was done the way he wanted it to be done.
Turning you over what ever way he thought was fit for the best angles. Loving everything you have to offer for them, drinking it up with no remorse.
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ATSUMU, SEMI, OIKAWA, IWAIZUMI, kuroo, BOKUTO, SUNA, SUGAWARA, daichi, sakusa, dazai, MORI, GOJO, toji, rengoku, giyuu, tengen
-request open~
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
Helping Hand
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Gojo x female? reader (reader is like a motherly figure)
word count: 1277
\warnings\ none, really just fluff, reader just wants to help Gojo out, this is so dumb
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“There has to be SOMETHING that i can do to help you out Gojo, you don't even know the first thing about raising a kid!”, at this point, should have given up and gone home. But he was so stubborn- to stubborn- and claimed he knew everything there was to know about raising a kid. 
“Please, I'm THE strongest, I can handle a couple of kids, beside its my responsibility to care for them now anyway, I don't see our name anywhere in this.” He was getting on your nerves, wanting nothing more than to help these two kids have a motherly figure in their life and not be bright up to be just like Gojo- this was for the sake of the world. 
“Gojo look-” he put his hand over your face, preventing anything else that you had to say be lost into his palm. 
“Ah-ah, now you see y/n I don't need help, my responsibility, not yours, I'm the one who killed their father and I was the one who took it on myself to take them from being sold.”. He was so calm about taking them in, like it was nothing- he made it seem like he has done it a million times in his life. But, you knew he needed help , you say that he was tired and stressed. He had just lost his best friend, failed a mission and just killed a murder. But he was THE strongest so of course no one else would step in and help him or see that he was tired- beside he also wore sunglasses or something that covered his eyes. 
By now he had turned around and was walking back to his place to greet the kids. Following him in silence, he knew that you were there and that you were just trying to help but the last thing he wanted to do was cause you any sort of discomfort or stress. He didn't turn around to stop you and even left the door open for you when he got to the place. He walked into the kitchen and turned to look at you. 
“Look, if you really want to help,  when they get home they usually have a small snack while they start on homework. You can help them out and then I don't want to help anymore. “ Gojo took off his sunglasses and put them on the counter behind him before going to get the snacks that he gave them after school. 
Without a word you took it from him- not to his surprise though and brought it to the table in the next room. The white harried man follows you with drinks for all four of you. About to say that you can do more than help with some homework, you heard the sound of the door opening.  
They took off their shoes and came into the room you stood in, “Hello!” they both said to you, running over to hug.
“Hi kiddos, how were your days at school?” squatting down to b e eye level with them, hugging them back.  
“It was good, but my teacher gave me a lot of homework to do today.”Tsumiki said with a slight whine in her voice.
“My day was okay, but I have just a little bit of homework to do,” Megumi said on the other side of his sister, already getting his papers out and putting them at the table. 
“Okay, then we can get all your homework down and then maybe we can watch a movie together and maybe have Gojo get some snacks for all of us to share. How does that sound?”, standing to help Megumi and Tsumiki get all their papers out and settle at the table to do their homework. 
“Now let's started shall we, the sooner you get it down the sooner we can watch a movie.”, with that they were ready to start doing their homework while Gojo watched from the kitchen wondering how you got them both to do it without any word of complaint. At this point he would still be arguing with Megumi with who knows what.
After about an hour they were both down with their work and ready to watch a movie with you. But first you needed a snack for the movie first. 
“GOJO! COME ON WE GOTTA GET SNACKS FOR THE MOVIE” yelling out to try and figure out where the white haired man went. Not hearing anything from him you went looking, first to the bedroom. 
Laying on the bed passed out, there he was. He really was tired, deciding to leave him to sleep ,walking back to the front door.
“Gojo’s not coming with us, he has something to deal with right now. Come on, let's go before it gets too dark out”, opening the front door and holding their hands you walked to the store to get all the snacks and drinks that you would need for the night, then walking back just before it got dark. 
Asking them to pick out a movie, you went to go and check on Gojo again, who was -not to your surprise- was still fast asleep on his bed. 
Coming back, you put in the movie they picked and sat in the middle of them, opening things here and there. Soon enough switching on another movie, but this time they had both fallen asleep on the couch before finishing this one. 
Doing your best to not wake them up, you stand and pick up Tsumiki and bring her to bed then do the same for her brother. Once they were both in bed, making their way back to Gojo. 
He was starting to stir before mumbling to you, “What time is it”, just before burying his head into his pillow.
“It’s bedtime for you, and everyone else. Do you want me to stay the night? I can sleep on the couch so you don’t have to get up.” in a soft voice you tried to get him to lift his head from the pillow so you could hear him clearly. 
“I always want you to stay the night, y/n. I don't like when you leave, I get scared that you won’t come back. You can sleep in bed with me, just please don't leave."He was so tired, probably didn't even know what he was really saying or to whom he was saying this too. Yet he sounded so sincere and sad, but still leaving a blush on your face. There was no way that you could leave him in this state. 
“I’m not going anywhere Gojo, I'll stay the night here if you want me too. But I shouldn’t sleep in the same bed as you.” letting out a small giggle before being grabbed and falling onto the bed. Landing next to Gojo , wrapped in his arms facing him.
“You’re sleeping here tonight, so I know that you won’t leave.” lifting your head to look at him, landing a small kiss on your forehead “Also, stop gaping my ‘Gojo’, we're close enough, you can call Saturo from now on, besides you're about to sleep in my bed, that should make us more than friends now. Of course if that's okay with you”
Letting out just a small nod, you let him wrap around you and pull the blanket over you both. Steading your breathing oto match his and the back rubbing he was giving you, it did not take long for you to fall asleep.Soon to be woken up by a loud bang of the little ones trying to make breakfast for you two.
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
Sweater Weather
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Word count: 450
/warning/ none, pure fluff, not proofread and this is a crack fic tbh
a/n: idea from this post
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Tied that's one way that you could say how you feel right now.  Also hot, slowly getting very hot. 
Right now you were sitting on Megumi's bed reading a book while he was at his desk doing who knows what. The two of you had plans to go out and do something, a date of you will, but decided that the heavy rain outside would lead to staying inside and chilling in his room.  Leading you where you are now. Reading a book that he recommended to you, with what feels like the thickest and hottest sweater you owned. 
Remember the original plan? You were going to be outside all day, so you wore a sweater instead of a coat. But, now that was the worst thing you had done in your whole life. 
“Are you okay, y/n? You look really red.” He had turned around to check on you, seeing what looked like a strawberry sitting on his bed that learned how to read. 
“It’s so hot in here, ‘Gumi”, muttering to him, even though you knew it was all because of the sweater.
“Take your sweater off then, that’s going to help you cool down, and I’ll open the window a little if you want me too.”, seems he also caught on to the sweater being the root of the issue. But there was another issue with that.
“But I can't. I don't have anything underneath this.”, you knew that he wouldn’t care but still, it was not what you wanted to do. 
“So? How does that stop you from taking it off? You can wear one of my shirts if you want to. Grab whatever one you like in the closet, I’ll look away so you can change.”, he turned back around and went back to doing the thing on his laptop he won’t tell you about. 
Getting up and walking to the closet, opening it and grabbing a plain black t-shirt, stripping off the sweater, replacing it with the shirt.  Turing to walk over to the bed again and taking the book back into your hands and going back to ready, feeling much cooler already. 
Creak. Snapping your head up you see that Megumi had opened the window, allowing the cool wind into the room carrying the small of rain. The pitter patter of the rain also filled the room. Moving from the window to the bed he grabbed the book from your hands, marking it and lay it on the nightstand, sitting down on the other side.
“See now, you look alot better.”, answering with a mhm. 
Laying down the bed, wrapped up in his arm, son falling asleep and being alot cooler. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
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/warning/: mdni, grabbing, doggie, reader called love
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“Aww look at you so weak for me love” purring into your ear the man behind you with your ass up in the air . Barely able to keep your knees below you. Face already smashed into the pillows of the bed. All the noises come from you going straight into the pillows and his cock.
Agh. Going at already for what felt like hours was agonizing. Almost to the point of regret for teasing him so much.
When he got home waiting for him in nothing but a t-shirt- nothing underneath. The going as fair to just say that you simply forgot about putting them on after your shower this morning. Leading to roaming hands all over you and in every place that they could reach.
“You did this to yourself. Saying that you forgot, tch, what a lie. You wanted this and nothing more.” Shaking knees was all that was keeping you up and as soon as he went to a faster pace, they gave. Hips finally resting on the bed. The man above still not letting up, almost seems like he started to do faster, until finally you feel the ball in your stomach build up into a release, moaning his name and grabbing at the bedding under you letting it all go. Soon feeling him join you in the high of your life.
“Hehe, you should that more love”
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a/n: doing smth new with this one, also request are open. Also an edit, i didn't realize the title was spelled wrong, lmao
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
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Geto x GN! reader
word count: 639
\warnings\ none, just pire fluff
A/n/ request are open!!
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You should have known this day was going to come, the day you would have to decide. A decision that would impact you for the rest of your life and decide what happened to your scowl after death. 
The day that you loving boyfriend would make you decide what you wanted to eat. He wasn’t going to choose for you and you weren't allowed to ask anyone what you wanted. Damn you. Was all you could think while walking hand in hand with Suguru. This is something that you should neer have to choose, he wants to even give you options, just walking around until you tell him where you want to go. This was supposed to be a nice and relaxing date- that was long overdue- but no. He just had to go and ruin it this way. 
Suguru had never made you choose anything, no dates. He always planned them, paid for them and would most importantly pick where you would get food while out. You didn’t know what you wanted, where you wanted to go- he had already made you pick where you went on this date and that was enough for a week. 
Walking around Tokyo was not helping with choosing where you wanted to go, there were so many options in just one place, how were you supposed to choose!? 
“Suguruuuu, I can't choose, there are so many different places to choose from. Why can't you choose somewhere like you always do?” wining to the man next to you that had been in silence since telling you to choose somewhere to eat. 
“Because I always choose where we go and what we get. I need my love to choose somewhere to go as well. It won't kill you to choose, you're also as winnie as Satoru”, he laughed to himself thinking of how much he was bothering you just by having you choose a couple of things on this date, “This is the last time I'll make you choose today, after this I won't make you for a least a week.”
A week my ass. That was enough for him to pull this again on your next weekly outing. But he wasn’t going to let you just go home without eating something. Stopping in your tracks from walking yanking on Surugu’s arm, surprising him. You choose the first place you say, a little ramen shop. 
“There, let's eat at that ramen shop.” pointing at the place you begin to slightly dragged Suguru to the place until he caught up to your pace. 
It was a small shop- most are small like this. But it smelled amazing and you were actually quite happy with the choice you had made, even though it wasn’t really a choice but that doesn't matter right now. 
Taking a seat at the counter you look at the menu and order your food shortly after. Coming out shortly after, it was hot and smelled amazing, the opposite of the weather outside. Starting to eat, it tasted great and you'll have to remember this place and bring the others here to the food too. 
“So, was it that hard to choose where to eat?” he was eating slower than you were, taking in the broth and noodle while also seeing the look on your face. The light dusting of pink across your face and the way your eyes lit up when you took your first bite, the world could end right now and he would be none the wiser to it. All he knew was the one person he truly cared for, (other than Gojo, bros before hoes), was enjoying herself and could only every look beautiful, no matter were you two where as long as you stood by his side, he could have you make all the choices that he could. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
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Gojo x female! reader
word count: 719
\warnings\ mdni, smut, p n v, unprotected (wrap it before you take it), nipple play, hickies, riding, light biting, Gojo has a praise kink
request are open!
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Rocking your hips on top of him, hands grabbing at you and his ping move you to his pace. Grabbing his shoulders for support, not used to his size just yet, but the man under you shows no mercy towards you or your struggle. Soon starting to rock you faster. 
“You feel so good, it is almost unfair how good it feels” he breathed out, his pupils diluted to the size of a sun, his blue eyes shining brighter than they ever have before. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, he flipped you over onto your back. His hand moving away from your waist, running them up your body to your breast. Grabbing and massaging them. He connects his mouth to the bottom of them, sucking and biting to leave a bruise in the place. Moving to the other one he put a matching one in the same place. Now wrapping his mouth around your left nipple he begins to suck and toy with it using his tongue. Flicking the muscle around it and around it, letting out moans and grunts, all while still slowly going in and out of your needy hole. Moans coming from the both of you. 
 Moving up more he begins to bite and kiss at your neck and shoulders now moving faster in and out of you, grunting with every thrust. 
“Oh my, you're so sweet, I would  give up every sweet in the world to have this anytime I want something sweet.” he purred into your ear, getting you closer and closer to reaching your high./ At this point in the night you had no idea what was going on, what was being said.  Only knowing what that man on top of you is doing to you and how good he was making you feel. 
Moaning and whispering his name only increased his need more, biting down on your neck a little harder, leaving a small mark in its place. Moving his hands from your breasts back down to your waist, grabbing at them hard and moving against him, moving in and out of you at a place that only he could achieve. Grunts and moans were let off from the both of you until it was becoming too much for you to handle, whispering that you were getting close and begging him to go faster. But who was he to deny you anything, his sweet love, he did as you said, please you hear that he was making you feel so good. Your moaning in his ear adds to his own high, allowing him to reach his high at the same time as you, pulling out of you and letting it out on your stomach. 
Standing to get a towel to clean your stomach, whipping it clean. Trying to get up yourself and take a shower and clean yourself more probably. But the white haired man wasn’t done with you just yet, grabbing you and putting you back on the bed. He moved to be between your legs, spreading them wide, he bargained to bite and suck at your thighs, leaving even more hikings on you, while also claiming that he needed to make sure that you were marked so everyone knows that you belong to him. 
Lapping and kissing you warmth, he felt like he was in heaven with the noises you were making and the praise leaving your lips only for him to hear you say. He was pleased for how sweet you were, doing every little thing he knew you liked, soon having you reach your high again, thighs wrapping around his head and hair warped in your fingers. 
Letting you ride your high on his face, he sat up and licked his lips, looking at the fucked out face you had. 
“So very sweet for me, you know that? But now let's get you cleaned up and get some rest.”, he said while bringing you up off the bed and towards the bathroom. 
He oh so badly wanted to tell you even more things, but no matter what he said you weren’t  going to remember it, and how badly he wanted to go another round he knew you couldn't take it in the state you were in. He wanted to ruin his teeth with how sweet you are. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
Request are open
Getting little bit of a writers block so send in your ideas!!
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
Comfort in a Freind
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Highschool!Nanami Kento x GN! reader
word count: 2612
/warnings/ nanami being soft for reader, season two spoilers, slow burn
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This was not how this mission was supposed to go, it was supposed to be only a second level curse, not a local deity. Why did it have to be them that went to go deal with it, did noone go and make sure that the curse was what it was supposed to be? How did it all happen? What happened while they were out there on the mission? How was Haibara killed and what did it take for Nanami to be able to come back alive with Haibara?
Why? Why? WHY? Was all  you would think about right now. You had yet to even go find the other first years. You were supposed to go with them, but the higher-ups decided that only two people were needed for this mission. 
What if you went? Would they be okay? Would you be dead, would you all live? You could not stop the spiral that you were going down. Nothing could pull you out of it. Every way that you thought maybe it would have been different and that you three would still be alive right now and they would tell you all about the mission and how it went and that maybe they were able to do something that they haven’t been able to before. 
You were standing in your dorm when you figured out what had happened. Shoko had come to find you and tell you in person, neither of you thought that you would stand in silence in front of her. Shoko has assumed that you would run to go find the other two and make sure that it was true yourself. But here you were, standing in the doorway without a word, without a single tear. Everything was numb and there was nothing you could do and there was no way you could change what the outcome was either. There was nothing anyone could do. 
“Do you want time alone? I can ask Nanami or Geto or someone to come over if you want. Are you going to say anything? I know you're not okay, please say saything y/n.” Shoko was trying to pull you out of your spiral. You heard her words but couldn’t bring yourself to talk. You wanted to say something, to do something, you wanted to go and see for yourself, see if this was really just some sick joke. But you couldn't, you could only stand there.
 You felt Shoko grab your arm and lead outside of your room and bring you to the morgue. She knew that you wanted to go there and make sure for yourself, but couldn’t bring yourself to do it. She led you to the door before she spoke up, “You can go in if you want to, but know you don’t need to. He’s lying on the table under the white cloth, Geto and Nanami are in there as well if you want to go in and see him one last time.”
You managed to look up and see through the window of what was going on in the room. Nanami was on the other side of the room sitting down with a cloth over his face and Geto was standing next to Haibara on the table. You say now that this was true, and now the only two first years were left. You say the state of his body too, the blood had sipped through the cloth. It was bad, and you could just hope that he died quickly and painlessly, but that was too much mercy for someone of this line of work. 
Not being able to take it anymore you ran away from the morgue,  letting your feet carry you to wherever they wanted you to go. Ending up in the small wood the lines the school. You always liked it here and went here to cool down after a mission or argument, or even just to be alone and forget about being a jujutsu sorcerer for once. You sat down under one of the trees, your legs pushed against your chest, arms wrapped around them. Burying your head into your knees and cried. Enough to make yourself feel even just a little bit better and to moron everything that is going on. This was too much, more than a sixteen year old should have to.
At some point you had fallen asleep under the tree. There was still plenty of light when you came out here and now the sun had fully set and it was dark now, maybe almost midnight. You looked around for your phone and say that it was almost midnight, just as you thought it was. Deciding if you should get up and go back to your room, or just stay where you were. It was cool outside and it was nice to be outside. 
Just as you decided that you were just going to stay outside you heard footsteps coming from behind where you were sitting. Standing up quickly and turning around you realize that it was just Nanami. He looked like a mess, but who could blame him, his hair was a mess and his uniform was unbuttoned and he looked like he dragged himself here. 
“Why are you out here? I’ve been looking for you everywhere, everyone else is in their rooms sleeping. You’ll get a cold staying out here all night.” as he approached he was slowly fixing his hair the best he could. He reached out to take your arm. “Come on, let's get you back to your room. When was the last time you ate, I can get you something if you would like.” 
He was pulling you along with him back to the dorms. You didn’t answer any of his questions and just walked along with him, now with your arms wrapped around his left. The cold was finally getting to you wearing just your uniform without your jacket. 
It took a few minutes to get to the dorms, walking you to your room. It was unlocked as Shoko had just closed it when she took you to the morgue. 
Nanami led you to your bed and had you sit. 
“Go take a shower, you look horrible. I’m going to go get one too and I’ll be right back and we can make something to eat.” with that he turned around and left the room. 
Getting up and grabbing your sleep clothes, you got a shower. It helped with getting the chill off of you and to relax a bit. Feeling better and less dingy after taking one. Turning off the water and putting on your oversized shirt and pants you walked back out to your room. Nanami wasn’t back yet so you sat on your bed and plugged in your phone. Grabbing your book as well and sitting with your back on the headboard and legs stretched out you begane to read. 
After a few chapters Nanami knocked on your door and walked in with a bag from the local convenience store as well as a cup holder with some warm drinks. Seems he had showed and left to go get some proper food for the two of you to have. 
“I went to the convenience store after my shower, hope you didn’t have to wait too long for me. They didn’t have much but I managed to get some things for us to have." He walked over to your bed, setting the bag down on the edge and handing you the drinks. Then he began to pull things out of the bag. Pulling out some onigiri, instant ramen and a meat bun. Along with a random assortment of small candies. He handed you the meat bun in exchange for the drink, taking them out of the holder and setting them on the nightstand. 
He picked up the ramen and went over to your desk where you kept a kettle, turning it on. Eating the meat bun you watched him make the ramen from across the room. He seemed to care a lot about right now. Both needing the comfort of someone after what had happened in the last 24 hours. Neither of you truly knew how to handle things like this, but this was nice, even better if it wasn’t under these conditions. Nanami was kind to you and always helped you with anything you asked for. THe second always jokes about how you and him would make a great couple, even go as far as say that you two would get married if only you two say what they did. Right was one of the first times that you see what they have been teasing you two about. 
“Here I’ll set this here, it’s too hot to eat right now. Oh and I got green tea for the both of us, I was going to get coffee but we need sleep. Is the bun okay?” Nanami had finished making the ramen and brought it over to you and sat it down next to you, grabbing his and going to the other side of the bed and setting his things on the nightstand before climbing on the bed beside you. 
“Mhm, thank you Nanami. You didn’t have to do this you know”  Answering him before taking another bit of your bun. It was actually very good, but not sure if that was just because of the lack of food for the day or if it truly was good. 
“We both need it, so it was really nothing. I know neither of us have eaten well today. You were also the one who fell asleep under a tree” He grabbed his ramen and began to eat from it, not looking at you. Letting out a giggle and a “I was tired”, you finish your bun without another word. 
Pulling out your laptop you clicked a few things and brought up a video for the two of you to watch. Setting the computer on the bed where you both could see it. Then picking up your ramen to also eat from it, it was cool enough to eat now but it was still warm.
The two of you sat and ate in silence, watching the screen in front of you two. Soon enough you both were down with your food and drinks, but neither moved to throw away anything or go to their room. You found you that you were starting to grow tired again, though trying to fight off the sleep, but the feeling of safety that Nanami brought to you didn’t help, soon closing your eyes and falling asleep again. 
Soon enough you feel something next to you start moving, blinking awake. You remember the night before that Nanami was with you on your bed, remembering that you fell asleep while watching videos.
Blinking your eyes open you see Nanami getting up and cleaning up what was left. Throwing away all the wrappers and empty containers. He walked over to your side of the bed and grabbed the empty cup of tea and ramen taking them to the trash. Back over to you, picking up your book, marking it and setting it back on the stand. Looking up he scanned the room before looking at you. 
“You can go back to sleep, I was just cleaning up. I’ll go back to my room to try and get more sleep.” He said in a low voice, he had fallen asleep as well. His hair was a mess again and he sweats he had on where slightly messed up as well. This was a better messy look on him than what he looked like when he found you under the tree in the middle of the night. Really getting to look at his face now you could tell that he was not doing any better than you, he eyes were puffy and slightly red, he cried in his sleep, he also was slightly shifting his weight from where he stood. But, then he turned around, you didn’t want him to leave you alone. 
“NO, wait Nanami,” you yelled out when he started to walk towards the door, “Don’t go, please. I
 I don't want to be alone. Please stay”
He turned around to look at you, he didn’t think you would actually want him to stay with you. Slowly walking back over to you, he circled the bed to the other side and laid down on your bed before talking. 
“I suppose I’ll stay with you until we have to get up for training.” It was barely above a whisper, just enough for you to hear him.  He pulled you over in his arms, your face into his chest, bringing the blanket over the both of you. 
“Please don’t leave. Promise to always be by my side, always.” you whispered back to him. In your half asleep state you were not truly listening to what was being said or what you were saying in return, in the morning you won’t remember why Nanami had stayed with you throughout the rest of the night. 
The man next to you let out a small chuckle, saying “I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here if you need me. I won't be losing anyone else.”
Soon your both were fast asleep well into the day and missed morning training, but when the second years say that you two had cuddled up next to each other in order to bring yourselves comfort, they left you alone. There were some things that were best left the way they were, beside you two needed the rest and comfort.  
Besides seeing you two do something with the feelings they all knew you had for each other was a nice breath of fresh air for everyone. Leaving you two to sleep together in peace. 
Blinking your eyes awake you feel Nanami begin to get up out of bed, not wanting him to leave yet and take all his warmth with him you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down back into the bed. 
“y/n, we should get up and do training, it's almost noon, we missed morning training already.” he tried to convince you to let go of you, and trying to steady himself, an arm of either side of your head. 
“But Nanami, I'm comfy and you're warm. I don't wanna get up yet” you wined back at him
“Then I will go to train by myself, then you can join when you're ready.” He was still trying to get you to release your grip on him.   
“But you said you wouldn’t leave me, you can’t go back on your word now. I want you to stay with me forever.” winning again at him and pulling him just a bit closer to you, now you're faces only a few inches apart, your eyes were closed so you couldn't see the blush growing on the blond’s face. 
An idea popped into his mind and decided it might be the best way to get you to let him go. Leaning closer to you he closed the gap that was between you to. Kissing you for only a few seconds. In shock you let him go with a small squeal. Pulling away, the blush had grown across his face and a small smirk was on face as well. 
“After training, I won't go anywhere y/n '' was the last thing he said to you, and for never wanting to do overtime, he really pushed himself to make sure that you were always happy and nothing ever hurt you. 
“Oh and call me Kento” before hearing the door close. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
I'm in Love
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Gojo x GN! reader
Word Count: 900
/warnings/ not proof reader, just fluff, reader gets RED
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High Schooler Gojo did not know anything about relationships or what they were supposed to be like. So, when he went in a spiral in his first year at Jujutsu High. He knew you before you went to the same high school, but having clans that were close to each other and him being the strongest and all really helped with you guys knowing each other for so long. 
So, in the first years it was obvious to everyone but to Gojo that there was a connection between you too. And then you add in highschool hormones and just Gojo being himself, he was never going to see it unless it was written out for him. And that’s how he was where he was right now. At the beginning of his second year in Geto’s room having something like a realization or a stroke. 
“I think
 I think I really am in love with them."He stood up from the bed to turn and look at his friend who was at his desk on the other side of the room. 
“Congrats on being the last one to find out. Now what are you going to do now that you’ve realized this? If you go back to the way that you have been towards them, they’re free for taking.” Geto was trying to hold back a laugh at how surprised his best friend looked, finally realizing that the person he would go out with to see  was actually a crush.           
Gojo did not answer him. He walked out of his room to go and find you and you see if you truly did feel the same. He needed to know that, even though he just figured this out for himself, that you truly did like him and that he was really just ignoring his feelings towards or and vise versa all these years.  
He was able to find you fairly easily. You were in your dorm room with the door open trying to deep clean it from leaving it in the summer. You were currently sweeping out the room when Gojo barching into the room panting from how hard he was just running. It looked like he just ran a marathon.
“y/n, y/n
I need.. To ask
 you something.. Very very important” He was just barely able to get the words out to you. You stopped sweeping, turning around to look at the white haired boy in front of you. Giving him a “mem” to show that you were listening to him.
After a miniature he was able to catch his breath and to get his words out more coherently for you to understand. “Do you like me?” he blurred it out to where you could just catch what he had said to you.
“Of course I like you Gojo, we are friends right?” Why would he ask if you liked him? You thought the two of you were fairly close friends, unless Gojo thought you didn’t really think that you like him? You did have a slight crush on him, but that wasn’t what he was asking was it?
“No, no, not in a friend way, more of a romantic way? You know like boyfriend- girlfriend way.” he said as if it was nothing, so casual about it. But if you would have looked up instead of staring at your feet, you would have noticed that he also had a light pink to his face. One that matched the one on your face currently.
If I said yes, would he just laugh it off or think that I was joking? Or is he actually asking me because he wants to know? DOES HE LIKE ME AND THAT IS THE WHOLE REASON THAT HE ASKED? Every question runs through your head and without realizing it you had lifted your head up enough to show Gojo that your face had gone from a light red to almost the color of a strawberry, your eye growing in size from relation and thinking. You also failed to notice that he had gotten closer to you and was now  only a few feet standing in front of you and knew that from the look on your face that you did instead like him in that way. 
“So, you do, don’t you?” He said in a dumb playful voice that he uses all the time on people. “You don’t need to say anything, I can tell just from looking at your face.” with that he pecked you on the cheek and took a step back from you because saying else about be ready at 7 for something and to go somewhere. Leaving the room as he told you, closing the door.
When hearing the door close, you fall slowly to your knees hiding your face in your hands, feeling how hot it is now. But you suppose you should get up and get ready for your little date. 
Once Gojo got halfway down the hall  he started to run to go find Geto and Shoko to tell about what just happened, yelling their names and talking so quickly that the other two had no idea what he had just said. 
Because they would ask what he had just said he was gone again to go get ready to take you out. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
You don't understand
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Gojo x GN! Reader
Word count: 791
/warnings/ depression, angst with comfort, unstable gojo
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“You don’t understand
 Just getting out of bed makes me feel like the world is crashing down around me and I’m being buried beneath the rubble. I can’t even breathe by the time I reach the door.” Gojo yelled, putting his head in his hands. 
You had gone to check on him because he was not being himself and you were worried about him. He just lost his closest friends, who could blame him. You wanted to make sure he was going to go and so things that he would leather regret doing, he was unstable and everyone knew that. Why were you sent to go and make sure he was okay and see if he wanted to go out and train or go in the city to get his mind off of everything that has been going on.
This was the last thing you thought that was going  to happen when you walked into his room after he said you could come in. You didn’t even think that he knew who he even invited in at first.  But now here you were, after coming in almost ten minutes ago, this was the first thing that you were able to get him to say. He was more of a mess than you thought he would be. How were you supposed to handle this? What were you supposed to say to him? Was there even anything that you could say to him to make him feel better in any way at all? Probably not.
“He’s gone and there is nothing that any of us can do. He isn't even himself anymore, this is not the Geto that we know and cared for. Why didn’t any of us see that? How could I not see it? I was his best friend and now I am nothing to him but he was the coolest person to me.” he started almost with a yell and slowly turned into a whisper as he spoke. He was in pain, a lot of it. You have never seen him without a smile or a smirk on his face. This was new. 
You were still standing at the door, your back resting on the door, while he sat on his bed slowly losing it. You began to walk over to him and grabbed his hands away from his face and hugged him. He froze in place from the act, soon after relating and wrapping his arms around your waist,  pulling you even closer to him. His head hiding away in your stomach, feeling him start to shake slightly, he was crying. Pulling him even closer you thought about what you could say to him. 
“I’m sorry. I know that you two were close and that I willner truly understand that connection the two of you had. But he made a choice and there is nothing anybody in the world can do to make him come back. But we’re still here, I am still here to help you get through this. We will work through this.” you said just above a whisper to him. Not even sure if he would be able to hear you.
You stayed that way for what felt like forever until you heard him say something that you couldn’t understand. He looked up at you and could tell you had not heard what he had just heard. 
“Will you stay with me? Promise not to leave?” he quickly repeated himself. 
“Yes, I can stay with you as long as you want me to. I won’t go anywhere, anytime soon.” you said looking into his slightly swollen and red eyes. 
With that he pulled you onto the bed, letting out a yelp but accepting the fact that he was moving you like a doll. He put you on the bed to where your back against his front, spooning you. There was not a word spoken between you too. You had no clue how long you laid there but you heard slight snoring coming from behind you, ketting out a giggle. You soon followed him to sleep. It had been a long week for both of you and both needed the rest. Falling asleep not aware that the others had no idea why they had not heard anything from you until a few hours later when Yaga came to check on Gojo and say that the two of you had passed out on his bed. THough he was supposed to wake you both and yell at you for it, he decided that it was not worth it and it helped Gojo and yourself get through everything. So, instead he closed the door and left you two to get the much needed rest you need from the week's events.
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
Winning side
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Geto x GN reader
word count: 732
/warnings/ reader is in a crisis, Geto wants reader to join him, kinda sad
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You had no intention of choosing sides until you were sure who was going to win. Truly you never did, you never thought you would have to choose a side. Why was he trying to have you join him? You couldn’t, there was no way you could join him with that purpose behind it. He had turned into something that he wasn’t, this was not the person you knew. 
Was everything you knew about Geto Suguru a lie? Or was this fake? At this point you don't know what anything was anymore, you felt as if youre whole life was a lie at this point. 
How could you choose between them?  You never had to choose, they were always together. If you say one of them, the other was just around the corner. Never a need to choose but here you are, standing in front of you was a choice that was going to determine that rest of your life.
“You still have not answered me.” the black haired man said to you too in an impatient tone, “Are you going to come with me and ride this world of these filthy monkeys or are you going to stay here in jujutsu high with the rest of these cowards?”
He was asking you to leave behind everything you knew and go with him to go and kill thousands and thousands of people, to get rid of curses. But staying here wasn’t going to do anything to stop Geto from going on a killing spree either. 
“Neither” was all you said before turning away from him and walking away. If you didn’t choose you could still make a difference, though you never liked to kill curses- it felt just like you were killing innocent people. But you couldn’t go with Geto to kill actually innocent people. If you left jujutsu high, you could go and kill as many curses as you could and then be able to show Geto that curses can be taken care of and that he doesn't have to kill all the non-sorcerers. You would just leave, go anywhere there was a curse and exercise it. It would mean leaving everyone here behind. But leaving everyone would be easier than one person. You get some of your things and leave. 
You would win this fight. This was the right choice right? You were already as strong as Geto and your curse technique was a powerful one too. You did not have to choose the options that he gave you, it hurt to leave him and everyone else behind, but it was the only thing you thought you would be able to do and live with yourself. 
Geto did not try to stop you  as you walked away. He hoped you would join him, but he knew that it would be very hard for you to accept this with him. And choosing would almost be impossible for you. He knew that you wanted to be with him and to stay by his side, knowing of your feelings towards him for a few months now. You were choosing to isolate yourself, to rid yourself of everyone around you and to probably never speak to any of them again. He knew what you went through already in your life, from your family being killed by a curse, the burden that your technique put on you- it was a lot for a teenager to deal with on their own. Maybe this was the best for you, but he would leave you and stay away from you so that he would not hurt you anymore than he has today. He wished that would go with him and he could share his feelings with you, but they would be a blessing and all Geto knew were curses. 
You leave the next morning without a word to anyone. Not a letter or a text. Everyone tried to call you and figure out where you went., But you left your phone in your dorm and any other way to track you down. They assumed you left with Geto, but when Shoko met and spoke with him after his leaving, he said that you did not go with him and that even he didn't have a clue as to where you had gone. 
You just hoped that in the countryside of Japan that you had chosen the winning side. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
"It looks like you're in trouble there. Can I help?"
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Gojo x GN reader
Word Count: 1.6k
warnings: reader pushes themselves to hard
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This man was a menace to you and everyone around him. You understood that he was going to be the strongest, and right now was not the time for him to be reminding you that he was going to be. All you wanted to do was kill this curse and then go get sushi with Shoko, Meimei and Utahime. 
You had been sent alone to go exercise a curse that was only supposed to be a third grade, but here you are having to deal with a first grade and seems that so called back up you requested as shown up with white hair, blue eyes and an ego the size of the sun. You were only a second year and only a second grade sorcerer. So dealing with a first grade was going to be a bit harder for you then it would be for some of your other friends. And the last person you wanted to help you fight this curse was Gojo. 
"It looks like you're in trouble there. Can I help?" was what he said when you arrived and said that you were starting to slow down. But the way that he said it, in a cocky voice- knowing that this curse was not what you were told it was going to be and it didn’t help that the curse that you were supposed to exercise was there as well. So, yes you could use the help but you weren’t about to admit it to him that you did in fact want help- just not his.
But Gojo being Gojo he helped even without you answering him and was able to exercise the second grade curse that same time you managed to get to the third grade one. Slashing it with your sword in one strike. You were going to take one from Meimei and overcharge for this mission, as almost none of it had gone the way that you had planned and you had to deal with Gojo on top of that.
When the curse was taken care of, you walked out the abandoned warehouse you were in without even a glance at Gojo. 
“Hey, what’s got you so grumpy today? Just so you know the other three invited Suguru out with you guys so you can’t avoid me forever you know!” he shouted as he jogged to catch up with your face paced walking. 
“Wonderful, as long as you don’t sit next to me I will feel better and be less grumpy. Besides, when you care about me being upset, it seems you go out of your way to make me” You never really know why he would always bother you when he would bother one of the other second years, Geto wouldn’t even raise his voice at him! You didn’t know any better you would have thought that he had a crush on you or something. 
But the Gojo Saturu having a crush on someone like you was the last thing that would ever happen. You would insult him or ignore him any chance you would get. There was no way that he would like you in that way. Choosing to ignore the rest of your thoughts of Gojo going mad and liking you, you choose to walk in silence most the way back to Jujutsu High with Gojo saying something about something that you could not care enough to really hear. 
Getting back to highschool you make your way to your dorm and not realize that Gojo had followed you until you turned around to shut the door behind you. He had stopped you from shutting the door on him, blocking it just by bringing his arm. He didn’t say anything about you almost slamming a door in his face but stepped around you and closed the door behind him. Then walked over to your bed and sat down and looked at you. 
“Can I help you? I need to get ready to go out with the others don’t you have anything else you can do?” you said in a surprising calm but annoyed voice. You wanted to shower and put on cleanser clothes and have a bit of peace but it seems that some of those plans were going to be ruined. 
“I had to make sure you didn't get yourself into more trouble. Is there something wrong with that? You can still get ready. I'll just stay out of your way and when you're ready, we can leave together.”, was all he said before pulling out his phone and getting comfortable laying on your bed.
Turning around while rolling your eyes you grab a towel and some clean clothes and go into your bathroom to take a shower. 
Turning on the water and getting undressed you begin to have your mind wander making you feel that you are going to go mad. Thinking about why Gojo really followed you back all the way to your room and why he showed up to help you at the warehouse. He never came alone to help out someone- always bringing Geto with him. Did Gojo really care about you? Was there something more that he wanted you guys to be? Did you like Gojo? You should be more upset at him for following you and taking over your bed, but you were calm and didn’t get upset or yell at him. Maybe- just maybe- you might have liked Gojo a small amount. But who could really blame you, Gojo was someone that many people had a crush on so it wasn’t something that was rare or unheard off. 
Taking your time in the shower to try and wash away the thoughts that you were having, you finally had to get out. Leaning the shower you dry off and get dressed trying to not think as much as you can. Throwing your dirty clothes and towel in the basket you walk out of the bathroom ready to grab your shoes and bag to go see some less annoying people. But when you walked out there was a sight that you did not think you would ever see.
Gojo had fallen asleep on your bed. He seemed to be a bit tired earlier but you did not think it was enough for him to pass out on your bed.  You walked over to him and shook his shoulder lightly. 
“Gojo, hey, you want to get up? We should get going to meet with the others. We don't want to miss our train there” you said in a slightly hushed voice. He had fallen asleep with his glasses on so you only barely saw his eyes open before he grabbed you and pulled you into the bed. You let out a little noise of surprise, falling onto the bed beside him. He wraps his arm around you and pushes you against his chest. 
“Gojo? What are you doing, let me go, we have somewhere to be.``slightly muffled against him trying to push against him but to no avail. You tried again to say something along the lines of  what he was doing and we have places to be but before you could talk you felt something warm on your lips. A kiss. Gojo Saturu had kissed you to keep you from talking. You felt your face become as warm as the sun and you wanted to bury yourself alive. 
“It doesn't matter if we go or not. Why don’t we take a break and stay here? It's nice and  comfortable right here. We can always do it another time or I’ll take you out myself and let you have as much as you want tomorrow. Just stay here.” Was all my mumbled while taking off his sunglasses and putting them on the night stand behind him. You still hadn’t processed what had just happened and did not realize that you had a chance to get away from the man lying next to you. He sat down his glasses and  turned to look at you while wrapping her arms around you again. Hearing you mumble “Why” is the small soft voice. 
“Why?” he echoed,”Because I care and you look like you are going to drop dead at any point. You need sleep. You've been going on mission after mission after mission. Stay here and relax for the rest of the day. I promise tomorrow I will go with you anywhere you want and get you anything that you want. “ He took a pause to look at you. Your face still red and not able to fully understand what was going on he continued in his small speech, “I want you to know that I care about you and want you to be happy and healthy and what you are doing to yourself is neither of those things.”
Taking in everything that he has said to you you make a choice, you did like Gojo. There was no doubt now and you knew at this point that he did too. You curled into him more without saying a word to him, feeling him give a slight chuckle. You were tired and trying to distract yourself from the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer and keeping yourself business that until now you didn't realize you were about to drop. Closing your eyes you decided you will do what Gojo said, besides he was comfortable and very warm. Feeling something warm on top of you and wrapped around you, he had covered you with a blanket and wrapped his arms around you . Pulling you to coles and resting his head on top of yours, the both of you fell asleep in a matter of minutes staying like that for the rest of the day and sleeping through the night. Not even waking up from all the calls and messages from the others. 
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fvck-the-rest · 1 year ago
"I daren't stay long. I just had to see you."
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Word count: 340
WARNINGS: nightmare, megumi being worried
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Megumi was never one to show how he truly felt and say what he wanted to. So, him showing up in front of your dorm door at two in the morning was one of the last things you thought he would do. His hair was a mess, along with his clothes and there seemed to be a slight sheen of sweat on his face and hands. He didn’t dare look into his eyes, they would give away why he had woken up in a cold sweat and ran to your room, his eyes could never lie to you. 
No matter how well he could hide his feelings for you and hide away his thoughts- his eyes were like an open window on an autumn day with a slight breeze running through it. That’s why when he looks up you know the whole story from a single glance. 
"I daren't stay long. I just had to see you." he said in a hushed voice- you could barely hear what he had said. 
Without another word, you grabbed his arm and pulled him into your room, closing the door behind you both. Leading him to your to invite him to lay down and relax. To cool his eyes and know that everything was going to be okay and that everything was just a dream and you were safe and so was everyone else.
Getting him to lay in bed was easier than you thought it was going to be, laying on his back you cuddled to his side and rubbed his arms and stomach trying to help him get his breathing to a normal pace. 
Soon after doing this for a few minutes you could hear his breathing settle and looking at you say his autom eyes closed- he had fallen asleep without you saying a word to him. But by now it was almost three- it was time for you to sleep as well, joining in a safe haven of slumber.  
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