fuzevos · 5 months
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fuzevos · 5 months
We're Back! Send me critter combos! Remember that the order matters!
Critters have also been edited, check my about page!
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fuzevos · 5 months
Edited the critters! Redesigned Sparkin and Spikorn, and removed/replaced Splash, Scorchy, and Bluster with Gupple, Mushtool, and Royaplush! Scorchy and Bluster's traits have been absorbed into Dragling and Chikki respectively!
About this blog
Hi, Sapph here! I made this blog as a place to share a sort of art game/hypothetical monster taming game currently under the name of ‘Fuzevos’.
What’s it about? Fusing and evolving a cast of cute little monsters into bigger, cooler monsters, the purpose of which I’m not certain of yet.
Why are you posting this here? Because partly because I don’t trust Twitter’s ToS with original content with Elon Musk running the show. Was gonna share it here anyway, but more as side content on my Mun blog, Also, I want a little audience participation.
Audience participation? Yeah. Send me asks for which ‘base’ creatures to fuse. Order does count!
Okay, so where are these ‘base’ creatures? Right here:
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Why are you making this a post instead of an info/FAQ page? So people on mobile can see it.
You realize you’re just asking and answering yourself for this thing, right? Yes, I am fully aware.
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fuzevos · 5 months
After being inactive for a bit, I'm working on this again! Also gonna adjust some things, including replacing a couple of the base critters.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Screw it. Making a secondary account to get back in touch with people while I wait for the return of my main discord
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fuzevos · 1 year
To the folks actually watching this blog, sorry it's been quiet here. My tablet died on me and I've been distracted by IRL things. But I have still been sketching things on paper.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by fusing a Skwire with a Sparkin
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Granted the power of lightning and thunder, a skwire exchanged it’s wooden sword for a hammer, which it wields with muscular arms. It’s wild red hair gives it a ferocious appearance as it charges into battle against others of it’s species. Producing electricity from the goat-like horns on it’s helmet, it raises it’s hammer to get charged by them before unleashing shocking, thunderous blows.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by fusing a Goober with a Boanz
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A goober which had absorbed a boanz. It’s body had become viscous and tar-like, with bones and other debris getting stuck in it. In spite of a spooky appearance and less than pleasant smell, it’s a jovial and friendly creature that guides lost travelers through dangerous terrains. It often uses flat stones as finger and palm pads.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by fusing a Tads with a Dragling
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A vicious beast only spoken of in rumor. Referred to as the Golden Glutton, it is known to have evolved from a tads living in a harsh environment that it was not meant to dwell in. In exchange for a massive, powerful body to help it survive, it’s intelligence had dropped drastically. It is now only driven by the instincts to eat and survive.
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fuzevos · 1 year
id like to sse a Maji + Skwire, since im always a big fan of magical knight archetypes/characters
Thank you for your patience! Here is...
Created by combining a Maji with a Skwire
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A maji grown and raised among skwires, it blended swordplay into it's spellcasting to create blade-focused magic. It is calm and stoic like a seasoned warrior that battles by summoning magic swords to launch at opponents at a distance or slash at nearby foes.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by combining Pippin with Dervin
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Under the influence of darkness, a Pippin grew into a powerful warrior, it’s golden halo broken and a fiery red and it’s silver wings stained a dark black. Pipfall is vicious when hunting and even more so when fighting.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by combining Grubby with Chikki
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After spending time being tossed around by rough winds, a Grubby developed into a powerful flyer capable of ignoring even the fiercest tempests.
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fuzevos · 1 year
So, I’m writing these dex entry-type posts as if the main creature evolved naturally while under the influence of the secondary creature. Still trying to figure out the world.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by combining Porklin with Boanz
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A beast evolved from a Porklin who had gotten lost and spent too much time around Boanz. After spending lots of time crawling around to avoid being eaten, it adapted to running on all fours. It’s hide is tough and covered in thick, stiff hairs, along with bony plates that resemble a boanz.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Created by combining Goober with Dervin.
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After consuming the power of a Dervin, a Goober evolved into this form. It’s three, fiery eyes, which can freely look in any direction, and it’s dark red horns are the only solid parts of it’s body, which it can freely move around it’s body.
Children seem to not be too threatened by it’s appearance, but older tamers shudder in fright at it’s silhouette.
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fuzevos · 1 year
Table of Contents
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fuzevos · 1 year
Progress Chart
This is my current chart for keeping track of which fusions have and haven’t been done. The image will be updated as progress is made!
Main part (first monster) is on the side, Sub part (second monster) is on the top.
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