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Biomuseo- communicating through experience - Bruce Mau and Frank Gehry
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Anna Tsing- Arts of living on a damaged planet
The design dome- Snohett - northern sweden -
Vibrant matter- Jane bennet- A political ecology of things
A green Vitruvius Vivienne Trophy, J. Owen Lewis 2011 edition
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The built up city is becoming more human focused as local animals and wildlife are pushed out of our cities. However, with the threat of climate change, design needs to accommodate multi species to coexist in our urban systems.
How to encourage Architects to include design for non-human species in their projects.
Designed a model that can be used as a thinking tool and visual aid for architects to think through the design process and design for biodiversity.
Examples of physical models of designing for multiple actors/users
Case study of site specific (Brighton) users to be invited to a human space.
Design context: Design thinking, communication design, spatial design. Environmental, Biodiversity
To measure success- increase in biodiversity in cities, future, councils- target policy change.
Model of design is practical- how testable? what is it trying to achieve?
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How to communicate with architects?
-Architectural model
Frank Gehry- ‘Masterclass’ models- show off aesthetics of design, no longer about function as a primary source to go to.
-context in models depicted by wooden blocks/foam board. render ‘unimportant’
-How to speak/communicate with architects without telling them
-model: incorporating species habitat + human + materials + plants
-Preservation and planning + Living architecture
-Infographic model to accompany physical model- case studied + explanation =workbook
-creating surfaces
-outdoor furniture that ‘grows’
-vegetation and architecture united
-Capturing landscapes
Fox- Berries, worms, spiders, mice, birds- hide food in small holes to eat later. Home=den hole in ground or elsewhere (under garden shed)
hedge building - green architecture book
-weaves itself into landscape/environment
-model- make clear it is not a design proposal. A way of inviting humans/non-humans to simply ‘react’
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Model first draft text
Aim to reframe Donna Harraways’ Chthulucene to focus on narratives within architectural space/and or design
-re-design how we ‘live with’ our living and built environment
-focus on multi species, human-/non-human, materials, well being in design process
-string figure game
FEEDBACK : Giovanni and Gab
-Re-narrate- speak?
-Jane Bennet - ‘Vibrant Matter: A political ecology of things’ - Ecology of matter vibrancy- inert -constantly changing
-’live-with/through’ the environment
-render? collage?
-visually outlining
-Audio? Mapping?
-whats the best medium for architects to listen? alternative lens for architects
-less anthropocentric view
-3 species + humans | how they interact with spaces? case studies- bring together as CLAIM
-Experience- speak to user without telling them
-Deconstructing building? presenting observations
-recreate experiential- mock up model
-video of observations?
-’Stories’ - authorship
-who want to talk to? what take away from model? SHAPE SHOULD TAKE?
Am I critiquing how architects build?
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Staying with the trouble
Donna Haraway, 2016
‘To live and die well with each other in a thick present’
-requires learning to be truly present
-Chthulucene - green roots (Khthon and Kainos)- together name a kind of timepiece for learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying in response-ability on a damaged earth
-Kainos= now, time of beginnings, time for ongoings, freshness
-string figures- figure for ongoingness in the chthulucene
-capitalocene and anthropocene - problematic 1) technology or religion will solve the problem 2) given up - destructive in way of thinking ‘Too late’ attitude
-How to address urgency?
(storytelling, narrative elements in her literature)
-Multispecies storytelling- playing games of string figures in about giving and receiving patterns, dropping threads and failing. experimental futures
-Terrapolis- n-dimensional niche space- multi integral equation is a story, string figure etc for multi species worlding- evolution of language
-IDEAS - model 1) reframe chthulucene to installation space, interactions. 2) Create own string figure game. tells a story/narrative of area. mapping 3) string figure reframing Caraways the chthulucene to centre on storytelling within architectural space and design=model for the present future of re-design how we live with multi species and our local environment- more in tune with surroundings, health
-Recuperation and staying with the trouble - 2 themes in string theory- think of own themes based on framework she has set out
-’string figures are like stories; they propose and enact patterns for participants to inhabit, on a vulnerable and wounded earth’- she looks for real stories- also speculative tabulations and realisms
-materials, habitats and their inhabitants
-Critters=creatures and creation- microbes, plants, animals, humans, non-humans and machines sometimes
-’Response-ability, becoming with not becoming - rendering capable
-string figure games- storytelling and fact telling
-organisms and environments
-Anna Tsing ‘Arts and living on a damaged planet’ - Matsutake tell us about surviving (mushroom)
‘Times of urgencies that need stories’p37
‘Built up environment around us + multi species
-Collaboratively in disturbance and contamination
-find similarities between animals and humans- grieving loss
-biobehavioural studies
-p39 storytelling refs Van Dooren’s
-naturalcultural history
-Bruno Labour - need to change the story, learn somehow to narrate to think outside the prick tale of humans in history- imagery, trials of strength
we must change the story, the story much change through design
Gaia stories / geo stories
re-design word for living with/through
-chooses to believe or not to believe claims and reports by the IPCC
-Brad Werner- matter of action- REVOLT!- moments not individuals 2012- matter of geophysical dynamics
-’our entire economic paradigm- threat to ecological stability
-not replacing the word ‘Anthropocene’ - use it sparingly- what and whom it collects along the way
-’The chthulucene is made up of ongoing multi species and practices of becoming with times that remain at stake in precarious times, in which the world is not finished and the sky has not fallen-- yet.’
-Human beings not only important actors in the chthulucene- other beings able to simply react
-model- work object and is worked and it does work
miniture cosmos
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Futures Module
Critical laboratory space
model of sustainable design- role and potential of sustainable design is framed and clearly articulated through individual practice
-Critical model/framework
-Emotional connection to a space- immersive ‘experience’
-Visual communication - spatially - experience, performative elements, narrative, immersive= engage
-Can we create an emotional connection through space/architecture
-Behaviour models
-relevant to line of enquiry
-Reframe model of the Chthulucene- value of visual communication- locality what it might look like
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Environmental Health Clinic
Environmental health clinic + lab - Natalie Jeremyjenko
-Improve local environmental health- food systems, air quality, build soil, transportation systems- marks opportunity for social scientists to engage with activism- into work of artists- more productive conversation
-Natalie Jeremyjenko believes that the challenge of the 21st century is to reimagine and redesign our relationship to natural systems
-living at one with the environment around us
-clockface to show what lives in west London- Time - natural systems
-zipline- sport back in transport
-works because she focuses on health
-Biochar - viable form of geothermal
more projects on website in detail
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