futurelessinseoul · 9 years
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Narcissist - Bartender - Illustrator - Horror enthusiast
New around here and in need of some friends. I’m nice, promise.
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
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If everyone started off the day singing, just think how happy they'd be.
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
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       Kahi Park || 19 || Waitress || Drummer || Affiliations: Neutral-Conflict
                                 Yesterday; I was a poet that everyone wanted to hear.
Today; I’ll be an actress on everybody’s screen. 
                           Tomorrow; I’ll be an artist that everyone wants to meet.
Someday: Maybe I’ll finally be able to be myself.
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
She had followed her friends to a club where some underground musicians were preforming that night. That's where she had seen him, standing on that stage. She had been surprised since she didn't expect the music to be as good as it was. Later that night she was standing outside, talking to a friend on the phone as she saw him walk out the backdoor. She decided to end the call, she wasn't really sure why, and turn her attention towards the male. "I heard you play in there, you were really good"
The show had gone a little longer than expected, the crowd had requested to hear some of the newer material that he was working on and he couldn’t bring himself to object. However he was left feeling a little heavy than usual, past injuries coming back to haunt him that week but since his schedule had been so booked he hadn’t had the time to really acknowledge them. It had come to the point where he could no longer sit back and ignore the pain. It was late and most places were probably closing so he wanted to at least make an attempt to find a drug store before heading back to his apartment.
At first he didn’t notice the woman, caught up in his own thoughts but his attention was immediately turned toward her when she spoke. She had the kind of look that people wrote songs about, a certain little something that made her stand out. He pulled myself together and formed a small smile, dipping his head in a half hearted bow before speaking. “Thank you” It was a short reply but he had never been very good with handling compliments. He was about to keep on walking when he stopped himself, turning back to her. “I don’t know this area very well to be honest, do you happen to know where could find a drug store?”
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
Thorne didn’t bother giving a reply, instead proceeded to release the grasp that he had on the man’s shirt bringing himself a little closer. He glided his fingers over the man’s thighs and around his behind, giving it a playful squeeze before retracting them and slipping them through the front of one of his pockets. “I found something…” He stuck out his tongue just a bit, rubbing the tip of his thumb against the other’s length through the fabric of the pocket.
Taemin licks over his lips as he watches the male, the touches making him raise a brow at how bold the smaller male was being. “How sweet.” Clicking his tongue, reaching down to curl his fingers around the other’s wrist tightly at the friction just as he sucks in a breath through his teeth. “Now now, no teasing. We haven’t got much time to waste you know; unless you’d like to be going out on stage half dressed and covered in cum.”
"Now, that would be a pretty sight" Thorne used his free hand to undo the man's zipper, tugging down on the fabric with his teeth managing to get it down to mid thigh level before he had to use his fingers to pull the pants the rest of the way down. "I don't think they'll notice if I'm a little late" He hummed out tilting his head to the side just slightly, parting his lips as he pressed them against the other's length. Sticking out his tongue a tad bit he traced along the firm outline, nipping gently at his underwear as he traveled toward the tip, his fingers tugging on the fabric aggressively before he pulled away slightly and pulled them down completely.
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
Thorne didn't bother giving a reply, instead proceeded to release the grasp that he had on the man's shirt bringing himself a little closer. He glided his fingers over the man's thighs and around his behind, giving it a playful squeeze before retracting them and slipping them through the front of one of his pockets. "I found something..." He stuck out his tongue just a bit, rubbing the tip of his thumb against the other's length through the fabric of the pocket.
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“Yah! Don’t be like that” Thorne wheeled over in his chair, his fingers latching onto the bottom of the other’s shirt  before he tugged on them gently"I was just kidding, don’t go yet idiot"
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
“Well, that’s too bad then. I hope you enjoy your show, cutie. Have fun thinking of what could’ve been.”
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"Yah! Don't be like that" Thorne wheeled over in his chair, his fingers latching onto the bottom of the other's shirt  before he tugged on them gently"I was just kidding, don't go yet idiot"
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
“Doesn’t mean we don’t have time to fool around. Imagine how your voice would sound post-orgasm, hm?”
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"True. But you seem like the boring...passive kind and that's not really my style"
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
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“You’re cute; we should fuck.”
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"You are aware that I've got a show in less than half an hour right...?"
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
“I wanted to say ‘hi’ before the party ended.”
The party was slowly coming to an end, the DJ beginning to play the last few songs of the night.  Unfortunately he had spent most of the evening cooped up against a wall at the back of the room, surrounded by a crowd of zealous fans. They mainly just wanted autographs, not bothering to hold back as they shoved their pens and markers within close proximity to his face. However he was used to that sort of treatment by now, it was being tugged and grabbed on that he wasn’t particularly fond of. Naturally when they music started to soften signalling the night coming to an end soon, he bolted from the awkward position before excusing himself and heading upstairs. There was a light pounding sensation forming at the back of his head and his back felt tighter than it usually did, he’d recharge before heading back down. He still  had one more event to attend to that night before he could finally head so he didn’t the point in having all his energy drained before he got there.
Thorne had found an empty bedroom to lounge in, plopping down on the bed he shuffled through the confines of his pockets, pulling out a new pack of cigarettes.  However after spending another ten minutes of fumbling he realized that he had left his lighter downstairs with his manager. Releasing a series of muffled grumbles, he tossed them aside before turning in the direction of the sudden voice. Before their words were registered he assumed that they were probably searching for a bathroom or something but he was wrong, apparently they were looking for him. “You wouldn’t happen to have a lighter would you? Oh…and hello” He greeted them half-heartedly having two fingers toward them, taking in their appearance little by little.
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futurelessinseoul · 9 years
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                     ❝We're two perfectly matching pieces--just different puzzles❞
Park Daechul better known as 'Thorne' is an upcoming vocalist taking the underground industry by storm. Deemed somewhat of a musical prodigy he has yet to sign to an actual label and only preforms at local nightclubs, showing no sign of wanting to go mainstream. He has released: one full length album and three mini albums and has helped compose and produce for several other underground musicians. Despite being such a hot topic there doesn't seem to be much to be found regarding his past before he began preforming locally, developing a rather mysterious reputation.
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