furstvonnohr · 5 years
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Nohrian fashion is a bit tighter than what Ryoma’s used to wearing 👀
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
"Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. I hope you have the most wonderful day. Please don't overwork yourself...The whole castle is looking forward to the celebration banquet this evening."
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“Thank you, Daedra. I hope you take some time to rest today as well. After all, you will be expected to be there as well.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
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My first spring ( via Sergey Kosov )
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll answer the question about my muse. (Or answer in character. Whatever works for you!)
⛔️ - How does your muse react to others breaking the law? If they would do it themselves, what is their reasoning? 🚑 - If your muse was the only person around and someone was injured, would they help? Would they have the experience needed? 💸 - What does your muse think of wealthy people? Do they resent them, or do they believe they earned what they have? 🆘 - What does your muse think of poor people? Do they think they’re a waste of space, or do they want to help them? 📩 - Does your muse prefer to physically write letters or send them online? What is their reasoning? 📢 - Does your muse have a loud personality or a quiet one? Do they enjoy being the center of attention, or would they rather watch and listen? 📊 - How does your muse feel about the state of the world? Could it be better? Could it be worse? 👨 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their father? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👩 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their mother? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👧 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their siblings? Who do they get along with best? 👶 - If they have any, what is your muse’s relationship like with their children? Do they feel like they’re a good parent? 👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like? ⏰ - Does your muse feel like they need to do things quickly or do they take their time? ⌛️ - How often does your muse think about death? Do they think about it at all? 🔗 - What are your muse’s standards for meaningful relationships? How quickly do they form relationships like these? 🚹 - How would your muse react to losing their father? How would they cope? 🚺 - How would your muse react to losing their mother? How would they cope? 🚼 - How would your muse react to losing a child? How would they cope? 💧 - How would your muse react to losing a best friend? How would they cope? 💔 - How would your muse react to losing a romantic partner? How would they cope? 🐜 - How does your muse feel about animal lives? Do they treat them the same way they’d treat a person, or do they feel they’re inferior? 🌎 - Does your muse want to change the world? How would they go about it? 🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel? 💋 - How does your muse feel about people who cheat? Do they see a reason for it, or is it completely immoral? 🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for? 🎁 - Does your muse celebrate their birthday? If yes, how do they celebrate? If no, why not? 🍟 - How does your muse feel about their body? Would they change it if they could? 💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules? 🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
“I’m not sure.”
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“I like him very much, but I don’t want to get married too young. My parents did, and they’re so volatile sometimes that I think they should have matured a little before they got married.”
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“Even if I found someone I liked at one of those events, I think I’d still wait before I married him.”
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“I believe that you should have a conversation with your Mother about your feelings and be ready to defend yourself as she is expecting several offers for your hand in marriage soon. If all else fails... speak with your father about this. I will try and advise you if I can.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
“Oh, w-well…”
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“I-I don’t think he would have sent one, anyway. We have courted for a while, but I don’t think he’s quite ready for marriage.”
She was a little hesitant to remind her uncle who it was. If the wrong person overheard, rumors could run wild.
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“I see... Do you feel the same? Are you ready for marriage?”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
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“I already know who I want to marry anyway.”
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“Oh? Who do you have in mind? I was made to believe your mother hadn’t received any offers yet.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
“I-I don’t know,” she sighed. “It might not be safe for me to go back. But, I should go back, shouldn’t I? I am their princess!”
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“But I guess I’m not anymore, since we were just overthrown,” the tears stung at her eyes again. “Oh! I never thought I’d live to see the fall of my own house! The one that formed my great homeland! I hear the weeping of my ancestors! They wail with disappointment!”
And here were the hysterics. Though they were more than understood given the situation she had found herself in.
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“If I were you... I would stay put if your family was overthrown. The safest place for you at the moment is here. Will you need me or someone to go get your younger sister out of the country?” He offered, holding out a hand to her. “It will be best if she too is here. We’ll find your brother. For right now you need to remain as calm as you can. Go sit with Forrest or Elise. Getting this worked up will not allow you to keep a straight head on your shoulder should we need to discuss further actions.” 
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
“No!” Maria protested. Normally, she wouldn’t think of barking orders at her brother-in-law, but in her panic, she forgot her manners. “No, you send all of them!”
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“When I married Leo, Nohr’s army became Makellos’ army. That was the deal! I don’t care how it looks, a prince is missing!”
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Oh, she was yelling at him... she was worked up. However, he wasn’t his brother and he wouldn’t do what she was ordering simply because she had raised her voice. “Maria.” He said firmly. “I will send out the troops necessary for a search party. I was thinking of sending a few Wyverns out as well. I understand your frustration and I know you are upset but do not raise your voice at me. I am sending out what I can of the military. I can NOT send the entire military. Would you have me leave Nohr unprotected? I will also send word to the border patrol to keep their eyes out. Do I need to arrange you a carriage and escort?” 
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
“Xander my father is going to be executed,” she said. “He…he murdered my brother’s father and they’re going to kill him!”
“And now my brother is gone and nobody can find him. He left this horrible note about death!” She covered her mouth, trying to compose herself. 
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“Xander, I need a search party,” she said. “He could be anywhere, and my kingdom’s military is not big enough. Dark Knights are good at reconnaissance, right?! Send some of those, as many as you can!”
“I see... Are you worried that something similar may have befallen your brother?”
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“I can send a patrol out. If I send more... it will look suspicious. I’ll also send word to Leo and he can assist in the search.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
Oh, that was never a good sound… but she didn’t sound like it was dramatics… she truly sounded upset. 
One would have thought he was a god, with the way she looked at him.
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“Xander,” she sobbed. “I need help. Please tell me you can help me!”
He’s still sweaty from his time in the training yard and he smells faintly like a horse, but right now a family member needed him.
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“I have to know what I’m helping with first.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
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She’s sobbing in the gardens. What else could she do?
Oh, that was never a good sound... but she didn’t sound like it was dramatics... she truly sounded upset. 
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
“You sent for me, my king?”
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Xander nodded as she entered. Sadly with the council, he was meeting with was a stickler for all things proper he had to address the woman he’d grown fond of as he used when she first started to care for his son. “I did. Thank you for your promptness. I need you to fetch Siegbert from his lessons and bring him here right away.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
Knights and Royalty Sentence Starters
Requested by anonymous. Feel free to change pronouns. 
“Do you need something, my liege?” 
“Get behind me, my lady!” 
“Sir knight, do come here.” 
“If I may be so bold, my lord, but is this really necessary?” 
“You sent for me, my king?” 
“I’m sorry, my lord, but I don’t trust him.” 
“You’re part of my personal guard now.” 
“No need for formalities here, my friend.” 
“I couldn’t possibly be so informal towards you, my liege.” 
“You shouldn’t run off like that, my lady.” 
“You must be a new guard.” 
“They shouldn’t speak of you like that, my king!” 
“A message for you, your highness.” 
“Running off without an escort again, my lady?” 
“Please forgive me, your highness.” 
“My dear knight, please take off your helm so I may look at you.” 
“I don’t think I’ve you seen around before, guard.” 
“Walk with me, sir knight.” 
“You were my late father’s favorite. You don’t look like much.” 
“Are you disappointed that you’re to guard me instead of an heir higher in succession?” 
“I didn’t know we hired your kind into our guards.” 
“I am merely a guard, my lord.” 
“I live to serve you. Always.” 
🗡+ your own!
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
"If you'd let the Hoshidan family know as well... I'll inform my siblings. You'll probably have Camilla and Elise helping you out. Naeia as well."
“That is correct. I could have him come with me for a morning ride and you can be getting set up while I distract him…”
Daedra was practically bouncing in place, more than excited for the wonder surprise they were planning. 
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“I’ll make sure to send invitations to Siegbert’s friends! You can let your siblings know. I don’t want you overwhelming yourself with all the tasks. Afterall, you have your own plate to handle.”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
"That is correct. I could have him come with me for a morning ride and you can be getting set up while I distract him..."
“I’ll see if we can get clams. You know how he loves them as well.” He mentions to his smaller wife, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Two days or a day before would be good. I’ll see about getting invites out to his friends.”
“Well, there will be plenty for his larger celebration. I’m sure it wouldn’t be any trouble to ask for some extra to be delivered ahead of time. It’s a good thing he adores his oysters and all the other seafood so much, I’d worry he might get sick of it!”
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“I think we should have the party in one of the council rooms! We can cover the table to keep it clean, and it would be easy to have him come to it! Siegbert would never pass up a chance to join a meeting with you~”
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furstvonnohr · 5 years
"I'll see if we can get clams. You know how he loves them as well." He mentions to his smaller wife, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Two days or a day before would be good. I'll see about getting invites out to his friends."
“We would still have to host the large one, seeing as how he is the Crown Prince, but we can also host the smaller party with just his close friends and family. He wouldn’t be expecting it.”
“I suppose if we had to, we could have his surprise one before his actual birthday,” the redhead pondered, tapping her lip in thought. “Perhaps a day or two before?”
“I don’t want Siegbert to be overwhelmed. He’s always so worn out after large parties. He has so much socializing to do; just like his Papa,” she added, turning to smile up at her much taller husband. 
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“Ah~ I can make his favorite bread pudding dessert! He rarely gets it at parties because the cooks don’t like serving such simple food.”
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