Travel Packing Tips for Getting Your Bag Onboard
Flying has become so convenient that it's become an activity itself.
Traveling any time, to anywhere is simple and affordable enough for the average person to consider.
But wait!
Before you rush off on your next trip, there are considerations to take into account—especially if you're flying with your bag.
Here are some helpful hints that could help make air travel smoother for both you and your luggage.
* Most airlines encourage travelers to check in online 24 hours before domestic flights (and at least 48 hours before international ones).
This allows you to print out boarding passes, track checked bags , keep tabs on frequent flier miles, etc.
* When I fly, I always bring along inflatable neck pillows or wedges for my carry-on.
This way, I can inflate them in-flight if the seats are too close together, or deflate them when passengers are reclined.
The same goes for hand baggage—carrying a small cloth bag makes it easier to store under your seat.
* One of my favorite items is an eye mask , especially since I tend to arrive at airports early in the morning and don't want to be blinded by bright lights while looking for the way out.
* When checking bags over 40 pounds, you will almost always need assistance from airline staff to load.
If this happens, try not to strain yourself; ask for help immediately.
Remember that they're paid employees and aren't obligated to do this for you!
* If your bag's too heavy, you'll have to leave some items behind.
Wait until the last minute to pack, so that you won't have time to pick and choose.
* Don't count on the airlines for lost luggage assistance.
Before your trip, purchase a kit including several plastic tags with your name and contact information (the kind used by hotels).
Write "Please return if found" in big red letters on these tags and attach them to every bag when it's loaded onto the plane.
You can also purchase small generic luggage locks at most airports; make sure someone traveling with you knows the combination in case they're needed (and be sure not to write this number down anywhere if you are visiting Wineglass Bay).
* Airports aren't only crowded places: they're prime targets for thieves as well.
Keep your bags as close as possible, and never leave them unattended.
Don't store valuables in checked luggage you're transporting—carry these with you on the plane instead.
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* Before I fly, my family and friends know that if anything happens to me or gets stolen (including my clothes), they'll be getting a phone call from the airline asking about identification.
* When you arrive at an airport, don't walk around hauling your baggage unless absolutely necessary; it makes you too easy of a target for pickpockets and thieves.
Instead, wait until someone else comes along who is willing to help, or ask one of the people waiting near the baggage claim carousel to assist.
* If you have an international flight, make sure to present yourself at the check-in counter one hour before departure.
Allow time for added security checks, as well as checking in your luggage (which may take 30 minutes).
* Some airports have curbside baggage check-in services if you're unable to get to the airport early enough or if your flight is delayed.
If there isn't a service near you, ask first class passengers on your aircraft if they would be willing to let you tag along with them.
* When returning home from an overseas trip, many U.S. Customs agents are quite strict about what their country allows back in.
Be sure to declare all foodstuffs and plants upon arrival—otherwise, these items will be confiscated.
Be aware that certain prescription drugs are also illegal in the States, so you may not be permitted to bring these into the country, either.
* If your luggage isn't returned within 48 hours of your plane's arrival, file a missing luggage report with the airline's office.
Keep receipts for all expenses incurred while waiting for its retrieval—for example, new clothing and toiletries.
* Every time I travel overseas, I unpack my carry on bag immediately after landing (I keep essentials like toothpaste/toothbrush, shampoo/conditioner, etc. at my seat).
The main reason is to make sure any perishables (like fruit) don't rot while seated in the plane.
It also helps speed up baggage claim.
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5 Tips To Boost Your Workout Program
From time to time no matter how good a workout program is going it will need a boost.
Like anything new and exciting in life over time the zealous course will begin to fade and what was fresh and exciting will dim like the flame of a candle drawing close to going out.
Why this can happen with a healthy workout routine or program that has been going well for someone usually has to do with plateaus that are hit.
With even the most rigorous exercise routine or a strict diet, eventually, the results that seemed so easy to attain will begin to slow.
The 5 suggestions listed below are all listed here because in some way either all of them incorporated together or just picking just one of them should lend itself to helping you move past a plateau and back on a course you were on before.  
These suggestions should not be considered the “swiss army knife” of weight loss and health.
There’s obviously a myriad of OTHER things that should be followed to build and then maintain a successful fitness and weight loss program.
But for now maybe one of these tips below will end up being exactly what you needed to kick it up a notch and get back you on the “wagon”.
#1 Back Off A Bit
This should not be confused with “don’t exercise”; it just means that if you ease up a bit, your recovery time will be longer and your body will be better able to progress.  
What’s often the case is that your body is over-exercised, exhausted, and just in need of time off.
If you find yourself unable to do exercises that were easy the week before, your probably just need to back it off a bit.
This would be a perfect time to shift your focus from higher intensity training and focus on technique and range of motion.
This time could be perfect for a recovery-specific workout like one of the easier P90X DVD workouts cardio X, yoga X, or stretching exercises.
If you don’t want to change your routine by adding more cardio or yoga in you can simply decrease the amount of weight you have been exercising with as an option as well.  
When your energy picks back up, jump back into your original routine, or one slightly more difficult than before for added results.
#2 Kick It Up A Notch
The idea behind backing off is because plateaus can happen when you’re purely bored and therefore lax about your routines.
The easiest way to increase intensity is by adding resistance.
The idea of exercising to the failing point was something that usually happens frequently in the beginning stages of a new routine.
Yet, over time you began to hit the reps you set out to do and things got easier and therefore you weren’t challenged.
Switching out weight or resistance so that you start failing at around 6 to 8 reps again will change the energy system you’re using.
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The telltale sign if this is working or not is when your body begins to respond by feeling energized or you’ll barely be able to finish the workout.
#3 Streamline Your Diet
Pretty much anyone’s diet could always use a little improvement.
If you’ve been giving yourself little rewards for a job well done (a smart move in general), then it’s time to limit that.
Try a really strict week where you do everything perfectly.
This may be just what you needed to get you back on track.
#4 Add-In Morning Cardio
Twenty minutes or more of easy- to moderate-level cardio in the morning on an empty stomach can help get your metabolism booking again.
This technique is one of the easiest ways to train your body to burn up stored fat as its fuel.
#5 Increase or Reduce 500 Calories Per Day
If everything else seems fine and you’re starting to pull your hair out, then try this one.
Your diet might simply be miscalculated and you could be under-or overfeeding yourself.
This is typical, especially as your health is improving and your body fat is being reduced.
When your body composition changes you may need to add more calories which may be one of the main ways you can kick yourself off of a plateau.
Five hundred calories a day is 3,500 per week or about a pound.
Remember this only works when high-quality nutritious foods are eaten, junk food calories will not help.
If it still doesn’t help, go back to #3 first, and then try changing the number of calories you’re eating.
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Serie A: Stadium Atmospheres in Italy
It is not often that you get to experience the best quality atmosphere in a football match anywhere in the world.
When you hear the fans sing your national team's song, it will be an unforgettable experience for all.
No matter how old or young you are, everyone in the stands wants to give their all and show their support for their team.
Football, however, is about more than just one aspect; it is also about the entire country being behind a single team.
That is why the atmosphere at a match for Italian teams is like nothing you have ever experienced.
The passion of the fans is like no other in the world, which is why so many people are crazy about the sport.
The Italians are known for their passionate nature, and this also translates to their love of football.
Their fans will be out in force before and after each match, and many times they will be seen outside the stadium as well.
There are few stadiums in the world that can provide such an atmosphere for a game such as Italy versus Brazil, and these fans will absolutely go to any length to ensure that their team wins.
The fans are absolutely vital to any game of football.
It is difficult to focus on the actual game when there are so many people screaming and cheering.
However, when the game is finished and the team steps on the field to face their opponent, there is a special atmosphere that is created.
This is because the home side is sure to win, and the away side would do anything not to give their team a chance to win.
The Italians have a passion for football like no other country in the world.
This means that even when the teams playing against each other are evenly matched, the fans are still optimistic that their team will win.
The intensity of their fans is intense, and the way in which they support their team is immense.
This is why you can never argue that Italy's footballing culture is some kind of unique phenomenon.
For some fans, this means attending all of the different matches that are taking place throughout the season.
Other die-hard fans will simply never miss a single game, as each and every game is something that they want to see.
Regardless of whether it is a home or away match, there is always going to be a massive atmosphere at the stadium that will ensure that the team will come out on top.
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The team has the ability to create a large amount of atmosphere simply because they have such a rich history and are so popular among the footballing public.
Another Italian footballing culture that is incredible is their passion for the games.
Seasoned fans will watch each and every match with enthusiasm, and their loyalty will ensure that they are going to be at the stadium on Sunday with their friends and family.
They will never miss a single ดัมมี่ออนไลน์ game, and will cheer their team with undying loyalty.
Whether or not you are an old fan, or a new fan, the passion and loyalty that Italian football displays is something that you will never forget.
If you are looking to support your team, then you will definitely find it to be one of the most thrilling experiences in football.
For many years now, Inter Milan has been considered one of the greatest teams in Italy.
This Italian team has managed to win the Scifazzi prize numerous times, and has consistently strong performances throughout the season.
The club is now entering the last part of their domestic league season, and the excitement is building up among the Inter Milan fans.
With the big matches against some of the biggest teams in Europe coming up, it will be interesting to see how Inter Milan fans react to this thrilling season of footballing competition.
One other factor that makes Inter Milan so amazing is the fact that the team is so accessible to the fans.
Regular season ticket sales have been incredible all throughout the season, and this only looks to get better as the season comes to a close.
There are only twenty games left this season, and Inter Milan fans are getting excited just by the thought of the amazing atmosphere that the club will create when they take on some of the top teams in Europe.
With the season now coming to a close, there is no doubt that the team will go into pre-season in perfect condition, and fans are already looking forward to what is in store for Inter Milan this season.
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Managing Talent In Your Business
Identifying potential future challenges helps to guide the sourcing of the talent to deal with them; but how much of that talent is already sitting in your own company, waiting to be identified and used? 
In this installment, Sarah Babb suggests a few ways of unearthing this talent, like All Mall Stores.
Because one cannot always anticipate what the next business challenge will be, it is difficult to plan for talent management.
It is recommended that Human Resource professionals plan around scenarios, just as business leaders build strategy out of scenarios and environmental analyses. 
Consider the “what if?” scenarios – What if we win the World Cup 2022? 
What if the Rand plummets and oil price skyrockets? 
What if our company is bought into a BEE deal? 
What if we do not reach 6% GDP growth? 
Identify what the impact on your business will be and the requirements on your Human Resources will be. 
Human Resource planning considers the external labor market, structural changes, role changes, and internal current capacity. 
All of this is then amalgamated into a plan for Human Resources.
It is in this process that you define the core capability of your leaders and of your key roles across the functional areas of the business.
Many businesses do have role profiles, but they remain untouched for 3 years or more! 
Businesses change every year, so you need to find a streamlined way of keeping the profiles relevant.
Performance management processes ought to feed back required changes in the profiles, and changes are to be made within the HR job profile policy guidelines. 
For example, the group or head office policy will require strategic competencies and values to be integrated into all profiles, and changes at a business unit or departmental level would need to be within these parameters.
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Restructuring roles or organizational structure issues would also need group or head office level input and guidance. 
This will ensure strategic alignment.
Knowing your current talent
Once the role profiles, competencies and behavioral attributes are defined, the next step is to consider what the current level of talent is across the business. 
This will impact the decisions of where to source the required talent from – either through internal progression or external sourcing.
The most overlooked process is that of identifying real potential and talent within the current staff. 
An often-used term is that a business must build “bench strength”, and have a “cover ratio” of talent ready to step into key roles, be they technical or leadership.
This provides enormous opportunities to retain talent, through the provision of multiple career pathways within the business. 
In order to know potential and to know what gaps need to be filled, a skills audit will provide a snapshot of current talent ratios as well as an overview of the required development gaps.
A skills audit can be defined as “a process for measuring the competence and capability of an individual and group” Multiple tools are available to conduct a skills audit, some of which include:
• Customized in-house assessment center's
• Psychometric tools
• Competency-based interviews
• Workplace evidence
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• Workplace skills audit
• 360 degree evaluation
• Team surveys
There are advantages and disadvantages to the skills audit tools, and they must be developed and selected according to the talent profiles, as well as according to the business needs. 
Be sure not to select talent audit tools only for efficiency reasons. 
They must be valid and give you a holistic view of your current talent.
The talent evaluation must consider the person’s potential, experience, values, aspirations, and competence. 
Consider that a person may have the skill and potential, but may not have the interest in taking up future leadership roles, nor of moving across disciplines. 
It is useful to get feedback from peers, managers and subordinates to gauge prior behavioral traits. 
Without engaging with the person themselves through the audit process, there may be a complete mismatch of expectations from the individual and the business. 
Balance the needs of the individual and of the business, and a match of talent will be achieved. 
Engaging talent provides benefits to the individual as they achieve their goals, and to the business as high performance is achieved. 
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Tips for Engaging Presentations
PART 1: Glossophobia, or the fear of speaking in front of people, affects most people to some degree or another – whether it is in the form of sweaty palms or complete stage fright. 
Apply these tips to your repertoire today and gain the confidence you need to give a killer presentation.
Getting the message across
An old piece of advice reads that, when you are addressing an audience, they will only retain three key points. 
Make sure you have decided on three things you would like to leave your audience with and make these clear during your speech through repetition and emphasis. 
Choose wisely!
 Increase your credibility through well-researched facts and well-prepared arguments and make sure you are heard.
Using visual aids Visual aids, such as PowerPoint presentations or slideshows, usually serve to bolster the point you are trying to communicate. 
Sometimes, however, they can hinder rather than help – make sure they are not distracting your audience with excessive effects, movement and color, but also make sure they don’t lull them to sleep. 
Try not to transcribe your entire speech on your slideshow, as this will cause your audience to read what you are saying (while you are talking) and miss your well-prepared point.
Handling questions Always leave time after your presentation for any questions your audience might have. 
Answer these questions calmly and slowly, admitting any weaknesses you might have. 
Once again, be honest about your limitations and only answer questions you are sure of. 
Make eye contact with your audience during this section, and think carefully in order to answer all possible elements of the question you have been asked. 
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If you feel as though your Q&A session has turned into an interrogation, excuse yourself from any questions that are making you uncomfortable and handle them on a personal basis with the enquirer after your presentation. 
Never, ever enter into arguments or mud-slinging competitions – however tempting, it is not worth the credibility you will lose for it.
With these key principles in hand, you can look forward to a “Glossophobia-free” life. 
Good Luck! 
About the Author: Kayla is currently a first-year Journalism and Media Studies student at Rhodes University in Grahams town, South Africa. 
She is the editor of the Comment & Analysis section of student newspaper Activate and she a writer for the Politics, Business, and Features sections, as well as a sub-editor for the paper. 
Her other subjects are Economics, English, History and Sociology. 
She devours books and sees herself as one of the blessed few who actually enjoy working. 
She is involved with student society SHARC (Student HIV/AIDS Resistance Campaign) at Rhodes and has recently graduated as a certified Peer Educator. 
She is the community engagement representative for the African Drum Society and is currently working with up-and-coming student society Common Ground in the same capacity. 
She loves watching art films and her guilty pleasure is shopping. 
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