MS in... "Well, That's New"
It’s good to finally get around to cleaning someday. Well, you haven’t seen this door before. And…
MS: “Well. I haven’t seen this room before.”
You’re going to go get cleaning supplies and clean out this room. Torture chamber or not, it should be clean.
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MS in... "Saving Grace"
You catch them in the torture chamber just before the other two would have killed them them.
MS: “I told you not to buy the house. But you did, and now you’re in the torture chamber. You’re just lucky I found you before you died.”
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MS & TA in... "Confirmation"
It’s the night on TV where you hear that not only was McDonald’s burned down today, but all the workers were tied up inside and brutally tortured to death. And all the toys are missing.
OR: “So, was it them?”
MS: “I won’t know until they come back bragging about it.”
He walks in the door dragging your daughter on a chain after him (she’s only allowed to kill on a six-foot radius, and sadly, that’s more than enough), the smuggest grins on their faces.
TA: “Hey, honey, did you hear about what we did tonight?”
MS: “You just confirmed it.”
TA: “Well, shit.”
MS: “Brussels sprouts for a week.”
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MS in... "First Impressions"
Stranger: “What school does she go to?”
MS: “Oh, she’s homeschooled,” you say, waving off the random stranger’s question with a flick of your hand.
Stranger: “Is she gifted, then?”
MS: “Oh, yes. Gifted. … gifted in murder!”
It just slips out before you can help it. Whoops. Hopefully this woman won’t notice it; you do so want to make a good first impression. Oh, no. She's giving you a weird look. That's never a good sign.
Stranger: “What? What did you say?”
MS: “Arts and crafts. What else?”
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MS in... "You Know She's Adopted, Right?"
MS: “My daughter’s achieved so much!”
Stranger: “What has she achieved, ma’am?”
MS: “I don’t wish to speak of it. But know that I am proud of her for having achieved so much. Soon she’ll be just like her father! … It’s almost like my DNA isn’t even there at all.”
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MS in... "Arrested Irony"
I am the one getting talked to. I am the one getting handcuffed. I am the one in the back of the cop car. I am the one calling you two collect.
You think this is a perfectly good reason for why your husband should have picked up the phone.
MS: “If he’s in a good mood—and he doesn’t take pills, let me warn you—then he might play along with you. Let me go in the house first to see what mood he’s in, all right?”
The cop stares at you like he thinks you're the lunatic. You add it to your list of ironic things about this situation. Well, it's his funeral...
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MS in... "A Newcomer"
Stranger: “You have a tracking device implanted in each of them.”
The stranger lady is staring at you with the sort of shock that just means she must be new to this town. You'll help her out. You don't want another murder on your conscience, after all, which would probably happen if she got too near your family without warning...
MS: “I can turn a switch right now, and learn that my husband and daughter are in… Kansas… they told me they were going to the park. Now I have to go check the news. And the weather. And the fatality rates. Look, I don’t tell you how to run your family, don’t tell me how to run mine.”
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TA, AG, & MS in... "Fatherly Encouragement"
TA: "I fully believe in our daughter's ability to do whatever the hell she wants."
MS: "What are you two plotting?"
TA: "Oh, nothing."
AG: "Absolutely nothing! He's being a good father."
TA: "I was just encouraging her. In case she was plotting something. Which I claim no foreknowledge of."
MS: "No foreknowledge of? So if I wake up tomorrow and someone has been brutally murdered or something, it wasn't premeditated, or planned? Just completely spontaneous?"
TA: "Yes. Nothing at all is being planned. I was just encouraging her."
MS: "Yeah, that comment helps nothing."
TA: "You should be ashamed you don't trust your daughter more."
MS: "I would be ashamed if I didn't know you two."
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TA, MS, & AG in... "Bad Influences"
TA: "You used to be so proud of her... of her natural gifts and whatnot..."
MS: "And then she started using them for murder. I'm not disappointed, exactly, just..."
TA: "I blame Mr. Rogers."
AG: "You do know I never watched that, right? I just left it on in the background so I could sneak out and you'd think I was still up there watching it."
MS: "I wonder who taught her that."
TA: "It wasn't me."
MS: "It must've been those neighbourhood kids, then."
TA: "Yes, those terrible kids she hangs out with. That Aria kid... and that Airy child..."
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AG, TA, & MS in... "Horsey Rides"
AG: "Horsey ride!"
TA: "Yeah, okay. I think you're short enough that we can do that."
MS: "But then you'll crash into the ceilings..."
TA: "I'm pretty sure that's okay. A little head damage never did anything to anyone."
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❝I don’t know what’s wrong with this town. Everything keeps blowing up. There must be gas leaks.❞
— Neighbor OR voices his opinion on the curious happenings of their home city to MS.
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TA & MS in... "Here Comes the Tax Man"
MS: “What are we going to do when income taxes come around?”
TA: “Burn down the income taxes.”
MS: “You can’t burn down the—no. I’m not even going there. You would go burn down the IRS.”
TA: “Yes. Yes I would.”
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❝They saw me and her together. They had to die.❞
— TA on why the IKEA had to be burned down with the workers and customers trapped inside after he and AG went shopping for things for her bedroom.
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TA, MS, & AG in... "Evil is merely a concept."
MS: “Oh, I’m not as evil as you in the least. I leave the police tips all the time.”
AG: “Oooh! What sort of tips?”
MS: “Your names and pictures. But after that one raid, I don’t suppose they want to come back… just that one raid…”
TA: “All they did was open the door.”
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TA, MS, & AG in... "Thoughts on attending Church this Sunday"
AG: “If the church burns down we won’t have to go to it!”
MS: “No Light powers for a week!”
TA: “A’right, I’ll just take her down to the torture dungeon…”
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TA & MS in... "Making New Friends!"
MS: “AG’s in bed and I’ve taken the liberty of inviting over some nice couples to make friends with. I have board games. We are going to make some adult friends, and you are not going to kill anyone.”
TA: “Awww…”
Three hours later…
The Couple as they leave: “My, that’s a nice couple. She sure does like to read the newspaper…”
MS: “Little do they know the newspaper kept them alive… Congratulations. You didn’t kill anyone!”
TA: “It was absolutely horrible and I hated every bit of it!”
And then you suddenly hear a land mine go off.
MS: “Did you make sure AG was actually asleep?”
TA: “… Nope.”
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❝Father gets me ice-cream. Mother hits me with a newspaper.❞
— AG explaining her home life to Child Protective Services when asked how her parents react to her hurting other people (this encounter with the CPS was brought on by her attacking one of her teachers at school).
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