fugos-requiem · 3 years
Just heard someone blasting Enter Sandman really loudly Down the highway.
it was amazing.
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
Bruno: Did it hurt?
Abbacchio: What, when i fell from heave-
Bruno: When you fell off the fridge
Abbacchio: Who told you?
Bruno: I overheard Fugo and Mista talking about it.
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
Joseph: It’s a feeling stick, whoever has the feeling stick can express their feelings without being judged.
Joseph: *Passes the feeling stick to Jotaro*
Jotaro: *Breaks the feeling stick in half*
Joseph: Believe it or not this is not the first time someone has broke the feeling stick
Joseph: *Pulls out a much smaller stick*
Joseph: I also carry travel size
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
Illuso: *kicking away the empty monster energy cans in his room* Melone, it's been weeks, please go get some sleep, or at least leave this room.
Melone: *sleep deprived as hell hunched over babyface like a fucking gremlin* uh-huh. Yeah. One second. I just gotta finish this.
What are you even doing?
I need to see what cereal mascot i am based on my favorite one direction member.
*muttering* jesusfuckingchristhe'sonbuzzfeedagain.....
Uh-huh. Yeah. One sec.
...alright, that's it. *slams babyface shut*
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
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Shutup these are all canon
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
Narancia: How do tall people sleep? Wouldn't their feet go right past the blanket?
Abbacchio: Narancia, it's three in the morning.
Narancia: You can't sleep?
Fugo: Is it the blanket?
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
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thinking about how this is the scene after fugo is abducted by soft machine and how 1. soft machine doesnt do much damage so it couldnt have caused this 2. purple haze couldnt have caused this or there would be smoke, therefore the implication is that fugo did this with his bare hands
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fugos-requiem · 3 years
Fugo: *stabbing the air between Bruno and Abbacchio with a butter knife*
Abbacchio: What are you doing?
Fugo: Trying to cut the sexual tension between you two.
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
I drew that quite before the bruabba week, just completely forgot to post it back then😅😅
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(You know that trend with redrawing "Go for it, Nakamura!" cover? So it's this)
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
Giorno: happy birthday Fugo!
Mista: ready for your birthday surprise?
Fugo: wow! that’s a gigantic present!
Fugo: Nara is inside it, isn’t he?
Narancia, inside the present: no
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
Mista, loading a nerf gun with real bullets: It’s Nerf or noTHING-
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
Narancia at 3am: Hey Fugo are you awake?
Fugo: No.
Narancia: Oh okay, I won’t bother you then.
Narancia, 45 minutes later: NOW WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
I can write too! Watch this!
The Fugio Valentine's Day Idea Dump TM
I feel like Gio is not much of a celebratory person, Because y'know- His parents kinda sucked- And Fugo over here isn't as extreme as most s/o's would be, but does like the whole aesthetic and history if Valentine's Day. He is still excited because he FINALLY has a boyfriend to give things to on Valentine's Day! But how? He is only an awkward guy...
So Mista just nudges Gio to ask Fugo out or do something special because "the love is in the air! You must get out there for your strawberry lover! He is waiting~"
And during that period Fugo is just
Gone. Disappeared. Poof.
Since he is actually a big brain and planning big brain things because he wants to make Gio happy and give him the best first Valentine's Day experience in history.
And shows he loves him
We all know Fugo shows he loves Gio everyday with the rocks and pebbles he hands him (and Gio handing him a flower everyday as well), but why not also show a huge majority of love for at least one day?
Both Gio n Fugo aren't always love declarers and stuff so they at least need one day to show for it, it's the day of Love itself after all!
At least Fugo thinks so, Rip his wallet and allowance though.. Fugo has many secret side jobs, he needs to help pay the bills somehow! Even tho Bruno never really lets him pay-
Meanwhile, Fugo decorates an entire area in him and Gio's secret place! It's your typical deep in the forest area with a gorgeous lake clearing straight out if a fairy tale~ After a couple hours of decorating it and having the most romantic picnic setting ever, it rained
and it was ugly and horrible
All of Fugo's hard work was soggy and ugly and he just stayed outside in the storm crying out of frustration.
Because there needs to be angst somewhere
So Giorno in the meantime bought the basic things to make the boyfriend feel appreciated tm without Mista's help because he wanted to be a good boyfriend! He sat in the living room, waiting for him. After about an hour he asked around to see where Fugo was because he searched everywhere for him and he was worried because it was raining heavily outside- like thunderstorm bad- And so he finally remembered the secret outdoor place and ran there with an umbrella in hand, panting and running like their lives depended on it.
He saw Fugo on the ground, cold, wet, crying, just a sad boyfriend tm moment
Giorno hugged him and covered them both with an umbrella- not caring Fugo was freezing cold. He takes off his sweater and gives it to Fugo so he can have some warmth.
So Fugo is here sniffling and wiping his tears away, not wanting to look at Gio because he thinks that he'll hate him for not being a good boyfriend. Then Gio finally realizes all the pretty Valentine's decorations, which were scattered everywhere and gasps gently. He was touched..
"Was it for me?"
"Naturally, yes- I know I'm not really the romantic type like Bucciarati or Mista... but I thought even if I could show you how much you meant to me for one day...you'll be happy-"
"Oh Panna, I already do know you love me very much, and I am touched by all this. It's better than what I got you, that's for sure"
"I sincerely doubt that, oh and I also got you this.."
Fugo gives gio a strawberry locket- containing a picture of them on their first date because he was a romantic all along!
The locket is rose gold, and the seeds and leaves are golden! The chain is rose gold as well. He has a matching ladybug one, it's also rose gold and gold respectively. If Gio wasn't crying before he surely was now.
So he goes around touching all the decorations and turning them into butterflies, so they just kinda vibe on him as the two head back inside. Everyone just peeks from the corner and Bruno freaks out because it's been raining for a good hour and a half and Fugo is dripping wet and probably going to get sick.
So he makes Fugo take a hot shower to warm himself up as Gio is still crying over the locket and showing everyone how sweet Fugo is for being such a romantic and being so considerate. The butterflies go to his room so they can dry and become the decorations again, while Gio goes to get the items he got for Fugo.
Fugo then emerges with comfy nerdy clothing, and his hair tied up because he's tired and wants to be comfy, fashionable, and show that he reads books in his free time.
Gio just bursts in and excitedly gives Fugo some bouquet of flowers because yes, a box of dark chocolate, PLUS dark chocolate covered strawberries because it's Fugo and he is sophisticated homosexual.
Best part was that also gives him a strawberry plushie with a cute owo face, because it's Fugo and he deserves the best things.
"I also had a jewelry idea, though it's not as good as yours I think it works for us. We are polar opposites and that brings us together, we match so well and I find that the most beautiful love. You're the moon to my sun and the stars in my sky. I love you so very much and I hope this reminds you of that.."
He takes out two jewelry boxes, inside was a golden charm bracelet with a sun, ladybug, and heart charms, and the other was a silver bracelet with a crescent moon, strawberry, and diamond charms.
"I have this one for myself, so I always have a part of you with me. I know I'm new to these celebrations, but I wanted to show that I loved you so much, and that I always will. My love for you will last for eternity and longer."
Now it was Fugo's turn to cry, not out of sadness, but of joy and love. And there was no where else he would rather be.
The two sat their, hands intertwined as they share a heartwarming kiss.
🐞The End🍓
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fugos-requiem · 4 years
Fugo: *stabbing the air between Bruno and Abbacchio with a butter knife*
Abbacchio: What are you doing?
Fugo: Trying to cut the sexual tension between you two.
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