fuckyeahspuk · 3 years
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Part 1 of drawn snippets from au's that live rent free in my head and will most likely never see the light of day in written form ~( ̄▽ ̄)~* With spuk
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
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trying to draw het spuk again while do a little experiment
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
Spite date
Links: FFN.net | AO3 | Wattpad
Antonio’s girlfriend dumped him for this other guy, and Arthur attempts to comfort him.
Pairing: SpUK
Genre: Modern AU
Chapter rating: T
Chapter warning(s): None, unless you count swearing
Keep reading
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
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I dont remember if I’ve posted this here before but I miss drawing and I miss this fandom too
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
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So, yestedday I had a round of nsfw requests and @thegoliathbeetle asked for nyo! engspa, preferably with England topping. Now, England is obviously not the Dom here, but wait till you see 😏
This is way less dirty than what I originally intended, but hey, some nasty roleplay going on there, way to go, ladies, way to go! 
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
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| SpUk | Spain x England |
Pirates will be pirates
Happy Birthday, @fadingzombienacho !
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
Meanwhile, in SpUK
Spain: My kink is when someone cares about me and what I have to say.
England: Too unrealistic. Settle for bondage like the rest of us!
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
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It’s been around a year since I’m not drawing this two. Miss them a lot. Sorry for the pen bleed u - u
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
My favorite Aph Spain ships described in one line:
Spaus: Courtly love and grandiloquent divas.
Spuk: Banned from playing battleship in public.
Spabel: 74% of fanart is of his face in her boobs
Spaport: Where’s that border again?
Spaire: the wat? 
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
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5月3日せかちゅ新刊サンプル。 Pixiv ID: 62588202 Member: 1376726 - 泉華
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist’s art~
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fuckyeahspuk · 6 years
El Mismo Lenguaje
So, here’s a little ficlet based off of one of my SpUK headcanons from however long ago. ^^ Also, the title means, “The Same Language.” which kinda correlates to what this is about. (titling things is hard…)
Word Count: 519
Pairing: SpUK (Spain x England)
“I’ll see you later, mi cielo.” Antonio grins as he leans in and pecks Arthur’s forehead.
His grin softens as light pink dusts the Briton’s cheeks.
“Yes, well. I’ll see you later, Antonio.” Arthur replies smoothly.
Antonio brushes a bit of hair out of Arthur’s face before turning and leaving, knowing if he lingered much longer, he’d never leave.
“My heaven…” Arthur whispers, his heart fluttering.
Ever since the two started dating, Antonio would occasionally speak in his native language to Arthur, even knowing that the Brit had no way of knowing the meaning. Arthur, being ever-so-curious, decided that he would learn the language to surprise the Spaniard.
Now, he is pretty well-versed in Spanish as a whole, enough to be able to hold a decent conversation with someone. He’s planning on revealing this newfound knowledge to Antonio at some point, but of course, not everything goes according to plan.
It happens on a day where the two have decided to do nothing but read together, a common pastime for them.
“Hey, Arthur.” Antonio comments after reaching a break in his book.
“Yes, Antonio?” Arthur looks up, gulping at the mischievous look on the Spaniard’s face.
“Tú eres mi sol. Tú eres mi luna. Y tú eres todas de mis estrellas. Te amo mucho, mi vida.” Antonio says, his eyes warm and loving. [You are my sun. You are my moon. And you are all of my stars. I love you so much, my life.]
Arthur immediately blushes which causes Antonio to chuckle. He looks back down at his book, satisfied with Arthur’s reaction.
“Te amo también, Antonio. Más de lo que te imaginas.” Arthur says, causing Antonio’s eyes to meet his. [I love you too, Antonio. More than you could imagine]
“Did you just…?!”
Arthur’s eyes go wide as he realizes that response was not in English as he had intended. “I…uh…” Arthur stutters, his face going bright red.
“Arthur, mi amor, did you just speak Spanish?” Antonio asks slowly.
Arthur gives a slow nod and Antonio grins, “Why didn’t you tell me you know Spanish?”
“I…” Arthur takes a deep breath, “You know how you always compliment me in Spanish?”
Antonio nods, a light blush on his face, “Sí, I do.”
“Well, I got curious as to what you were saying…” Arthur trails off, feeling his face somehow get hotter.
“And you learned Spanish for that reason?” Antonio asks. His lips curl into a soft, loving smile at the idea that Arthur learned his native language just for him.
“I…Yes. I hadn’t intended on you finding out yet. It was meant to be a surprise, but… Surprise?” Arthur says, giving a slight shrug.
“Awww! That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s done for me!” Antonio sets down his book and rushes over to give the other a hug.
Arthur returns it gently, his face still on fire. “It was no trouble. Sure, it’s a bit different from English, and I’m by no means fluent, but I know enough.”
“I can teach you anything else you want to know.” Antonio says, pulling back to grin at Arthur.
“Sounds good, love.”
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fuckyeahspuk · 7 years
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(Click for better quality image!) Arthur serving as some anatomy practice ~
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fuckyeahspuk · 7 years
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[Ask box OPEN]
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fuckyeahspuk · 7 years
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海賊アルマダ Pixiv ID: 40255993 Member: 2571680 - 美奈
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist’s art~
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fuckyeahspuk · 7 years
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Finish  !!!! Antonio & Arthur
Based on this
Please do not re-post anywhere else
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fuckyeahspuk · 7 years
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yeah i love fairy tale
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fuckyeahspuk · 7 years
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yaay thank you!!♥♥
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