fuckyeahhorita · 4 years
Ugh... This sounds soooooo good. I wish I could find it.
Yo yo, so in my spare time I’ve been revising and finally crossposting my badass Doctor Who AU longfic to AO3 if anyone’s interested. First chapter is up now. It’s a canon divergent AU where Clara ends up traveling with the Tenth Doctor because,,, reasons
It’s… vaguely slow burn romantic? If I’d written any more in this universe it’d eventually lead to fluff stuff, but here it’s mostly friendship. 
For the record, I blame the very existence of this story on this single screenshot from The Day of the Doctor:
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
Same!! I want them to drag this out.
I’m so glad Will and Paul didn’t go any further, so for once I’m glad Sonny interrupted them I guess. I just feel like Paul his head wasn’t in the right place and I want them to get closer first. So going on a date together seems a good first step and I’m super excited for it.  I know Sonny is mad, but he only has himself to blame. He pushed Paul away and made it very easy for him to fall out of love with him and Will has known what he wanted from the first time Paul opened the door and he’s not shy in going for it.  They are super cute together and I hope we get a lot more screentime for them soon!
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
Thanks to Frankie here’s the horita scenes from 12-03-18.  - John and Will talk about Steve - Paul visits Will and things happen.. Sonny interrupts
(Missing: Paul making it clear to Sonny they are broken beyond repair.)
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
i cant believe that the kiss was initiated by paul,,,,,thank u dool writers i love u all
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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yeah something good did come out of all of this for sure
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
something to sleep to [days of our lives. ~1k. will/paul. @ao3.]
will knows it’s too much, too soon, but it’s already taken shape in the space between his lungs and he’s not sure he’d want to fight it even if he could.
a/n: a hastily written episode coda for 2/20/18.
Keep reading
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
Thank you Days for letting Paul discuss how he’s feeling rn about Will cos we (as a fandom) def needed that confirmation of him not being over Sonny, but also enjoying Will’s company for what it is so far.
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
Want to see how we batted a troll around?
It was cute (and hilarious).
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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Will got sassy and got turned on, all while being tied up. 👀
Bonus: Paul getting handsy with Will
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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@danrdarrenc replied to your post “If Paul rides to Will’s rescue and he’s not wearing that maroon shirt…”
Honestly, I looked at this quickly and all I saw was “If Paul rides Will”. oops
👀 listen if Paul wants to ride Will, then he absolutely should. I support this 100%. He’s got them strong af thighs for it. And Will wants it. It’d be way more fun for them than whatever crazy dangerous situations they’re getting themselves into this week.
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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Will, Paul, Sonny (New Years 2015 vs New Years 2017)
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
I greatly appreciate you.
wow paul, just a few minutes after hearing “divorce papers” and you are already flirting with the guy? someone is not THAT heartbroken i see. 😏 i don’t blame you, will is ADORBS when embarrassed. and will, you asked the guy how was the sex between you two not too long ago and you get tongue tied when your crush teased you? you’re so messy & cute, so you’re forgiven. 😂
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
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Paul and Will on Days 30-01-2018 - Do you want to talk about it? - Yes, I’d like that.
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
These Spoilers --^
Friday February 9th Spoilers
- Will confronts John with his deadly secret
- Paul finds himself in a dangerous situation
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fuckyeahhorita · 7 years
Knight-In-Shining-Armour!Paul anyone?  After all, that spoiler for Paul on Friday says he finds himself in a dangerous situation??
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