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An advice and review blog for fantrolls and fankids. It is a pretty good blog. You'll probably dig it to the max. We take review submissions every day but Wednesday and questions whenever you have them.
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Let me use this ask to say we didn't get any review requests last week, but fortunately we've got a couple in for this upcoming Wednesday. Now, I'm on a red-eye flight to England most of the day on Wednesday, so I'll be doing those reviews early and queueing them - so please send in requests earlier than Wednesday if you'd like them added to the list.
- Jake
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Review: Nafima Yuanuc
Nafima isn't an expert on biology, in fact he isn't an expert on anything, but he was always aware that he was... broken. That knowledge informed his mental development - which became almost as stunted as his physical development in some regards. He grew up somewhat conflicted - on the one hand wanting to hide away from other trolls whom he was paranoid would find out his secret and mock him for it but, on the other, wanting to fit in and live the short life that he would have to its fullest extent. This conflict resolved itself into a particularly unhealthy mindset, a mindset where dangerous hobbies like FLARPing served to prove his physical prowess beyond a doubt, even going so far as to allow himself to be deliberately injured so that his wounds and scars garner sympathy as well as admiration.  This dangerous mindset was fuelled by a secret passion for superheroes and comic books, filling him with the desire to be righteous (and perhaps even admired despite, or even because of, his differences), the more dangerous forms of roleplaying became a way to act out on secret fantasies and ambitions. Eventually the need to prove himself led him to crave the approval of those higher on the hemospectrum than himself, to surround himself with those individuals who he considers to have been hatched more successful than himself, though he still holds a secret affinity with outcasts and those considered 'freaks' by others. Nafima is the worst sort of social climber, making grand claims about his adventures to those who will listen and using the influences of his friends in order to make his own life better. 
Name: Nafima Yuanuc  - Nafima from anathema meaning either something that is set apart, an offering to god or something that is banished or forbidden.  Yuanuc is a made-up word that sounds something like 'eunuch' (IE a castrated man) but also has 'yuan' in it. The Yuan Dynasty, like many other Chinese Dynasties, practiced castration as both a punishment and a way of gaining employment as a servant to the rich and powerful - with some eunuchs even working in the imperial palace itself and thus having the ear of the emperor. Nafima will try to endear himself to highbloods, as well as prove himself useful and competent, to make up for his perceived failings in other areas. 
Age: 6 sweeps
Gender: Male
Blood colour: Olive green
Symbol: http://symbols.com/encyclopedia/41b/41b15.html - the alchemical symbol for salt. Salting the earth of a ruined city served as a threat and a curse on anyone who would rebuild (or grow crops) there, one could see Nafima's own development as involving a similar lack of growth, salting the earth is also an act that dates back many years (to Biblical times in terms of humanity's dealings with it). Salt itself has, at varying times, been considered a purifying agent as well as a preservative and even a currency (hence the word 'salary'). Nafima worries about having no legacy to follow, nor being able to leave one for another troll to follow, yet his symbol- on a meta level- represents something with thousands of years of uses and meanings to different people. The more 'positive' aspects of salt serve to mark out what Nafima could become should he choose, even if he is currently very much defined by the negative ones. 
Fetch modus: Floral clock. Based on, although somewhat different to, the lotus time capsule found in Jade's frog temple. Each item captchalogued is randomly assigned to one of four different flowers that only bloom during a specific period each day and can then only be retrieved during the time that the flower is in bloom. From a meta standpoint this is another way of symbolizing growth, development and the realizing of potential but the in-universe explanation is that it adds another layer of difficulty to Nafima's hobbies - it is, in short, another means of pushing himself. 
Strife Specibus: Spadekind - Nafima's strife weapon being a spade reflects the fact that several types of weasel dig burrows and numerous others will take residence in abandoned ones. The duality of spades, as a gardening implement (associations with life, growth and potential) and as a tool for digging holes and perhaps even graves (death, doom and failure), also reflects on the crossroads that Nafima stands at as a character. 
Lusus: A large weasel with an insect-like carapace. Weasels have traditionally been considered wily or cunning animals, hence the phrase 'to weasel one's way into/out of something', Nafima doing his best to weasel his way into the affections of those higher up on the hemospectrum than himself. Arachnids, amongst the traditional bearers of carapaces, have a reputation for surviving even in the face of great adversity. Many types of arachnids also have a reputation for being dangerous or deceptive. 
Hive: A burrow dug amidst the roots of an ancient, massive but long-dead tree. 
Quirk: Prefixes his text with O-C-| which looks like his symbol turned sideways. Nafima figures that, one way or another, he's going to leave some part of himself behind even if it's just in memories and sees his symbol as one of the important things about him that should be remembered in sweeps to come. Will also emphasize, through caps lock, words like 'important' or 'big' - in order to create an association between such things and himself. Also as a means of making himself more impressive to higher-caste trolls - again linking back to his social climber status.  
Trolltag: apocryphalEvirato - apocryphal refers to something that isn't genuine (originally referring to biblical Scriptures that were considered false or non-canonical). Nafima sees himself as a sort of apocryphal figure - he doesn't really count because there'll be no bloodline or descendants to understand or remember his legacy. Evirato is an Italian word meaning 'emasculated' which, as well as being used literally to mean the removal of a male's genitals, was a euphemistic phrase referring to castrato/castrati - males who were castrated before puberty and prized for the singing voice this gave them. 
Title: Heir of Hope - roles in SBURB/SGRUB seem to be assigned partly based on what challenges the player (as Kanaya once said) but also based on what that person should develop into (hence the personal quests assigned to each player on their planet). Heirs seem to come into possession of their aspect when they truly need it - developing powers based on experience and necessity. The deepening of their relationship with their given aspect often helps them develop as a person too, or at least is shown to coincide with it. Hope players are often the most stunted in one way or another, whether it be in terms of dealing with rejection (a la Eridan) or with dealing with emotions/people in general (a la Jake English), they have to tread a path of belief in themselves and in the people around them in order to become a fully-realized Hope player. Nafima, as an Heir of Hope, would (and already has) face many adversities in his life with the key to development and fulfilment being to overcome them or at the very least come to accept the nature of them. 
Planet: Land of Nets and Nests (LONAN) - nets can refer to literal nets, used for things like fishing and such, but also to (both literal and metaphorical) safety nets. Catching someone when they fall and helping them get back on their feet - restoring hope to the hopeless. Nests symbolize development and growth as a person - the young grow within them and then, once mature, they 'fly the nest'. 
Dreams on: Prospit
Your name is NAFIMA YUANUC, not that it matters, you prefer to let your ACTIONS do the talking. By actions you mean your NUMEROUS DANGEROUS HOBBIES like FLARPING and BRINGING DOWN DANGEROUS CREATURES. Did you mention that your life is full of DANGER? You're only too happy to show other trolls the TROPHIES and SCARS you've acquired from such pursuits, especially if you get the chance to tell them the STORY behind each one, you like to think of yourself as a sort of VETERAN when it comes to the EXTREME. What you're not so happy to talk about is the reason that you pursue such a danger-filled lifestyle. Though you talk LITTLE about your other INTERESTS, they are by no means less IMPORTANT to you, rather they are the sort of things that don't fit in with the MATURE image you try to cultivate. You are INSPIRED by tales of VALOUR, particularly those of the COMIC BOOK variety, and you find yourself ENVIOUS of superheroes. Many of them are misfits, like yourself, but their differences are what garner them ADMIRATION instead of the mockery you fear. 
You are BROKEN, a mutant of sorts, as BARREN as the lifeless stump your hive is built beneath. When the drones come knocking, you will not be able to supply them with the genetic material they seek, and so you will HOPELESS and with no HEIR to your legacy. It's hard not to let that get you down but, nonetheless, you do your best to stay positive. You again think back to the characters in your comic books, how they approach seemingly insurmountable foes head on, such thoughts STIR many feelings deep inside you. Lingering on such fragile emotions for too long is an invitation to ruin them but, perhaps, your hope is not DEAD after all but merely DORMANT. You tentatively PLAN ways of avoiding the drones though oftentimes it's hard to have FAITH in your ideas. 
The time you have left, when not spent indulging your hobbies, is given to being something of a SOCIAL CLIMBER. There are very few things that you're above doing in order to associate yourself with those of higher castes, not that such an affinity stops you from BRUTALIZING them in your roleplaying campaigns, and you are most certainly NOT above telling the occasional LIE in order to improve their perceptions of you. Your LUSUS disapproves, both of your verbal treachery and your physical conquests, you try to avoid him whenever you can. It's hard enough swallowing your own failings without your guardian chastising you for trying to ESCAPE them. If your feelings of being unfairly treated by your lusus didn't keep you away from your HIVE, then your feelings of EMBARRASSMENT almost certainly would. You are pretty sure that you would rather DIE than admit you live in what could, quite accurately, be called a hole in the ground. 
Your trolltag is apocryphalEvirato and you speak in a manner that O-C-| places GREAT importance on being GRAND and memorable. 
As you've probably noticed, this bio is structured a bit unusually, and more focused on serious prose than the orthodox list of character stats. I personally like it a lot. It does limit me somewhat in how I'm going to review it, because my usual advice of "don't be afraid to get wackier" and so on doesn't feel applicable for what you're intending to do.
The main things I need to check for are all solid. I don't see anything that doesn't mesh well with canon. The strife specibus and fetch modus are both excellent original ideas that work well for him. Your work on the name is impressive. I definitely approve of the thought that went into choosing his Sgrub class and aspect.
I honestly don't have any additional thoughts for this; what you have is very good. I mean, more depressing than usual, but good, and it's obvious that it's been done with deliberation and care. Really excellent work - Jake
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Review: Nighke Perlmu
Your name is NIGHKE PERLMU. You are extremely hyperactive due to the massive amounts of SUGAR LOADED SWEETS you consume daily. It's a wonder your teeth haven't rotted out of your head by now. Your attention is easy to grab but hard to keep for everything but your interests. No, this does not mean you have ADD, no matter WHAT YOUR FRIENDS SAY. Also no, you are NOT ADDICTED to candy! Okay maybe a little, but you can totally stop if you want too! Addiction may be a powerful thing, but you are MORE POWERFUL...ER! You were born with a physical mutation that affected only your legs, and because of this you are WICKED FAST. So fast bro, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. You can regularly be found running around various areas of the planet just to get rid of your MASSIVE EXCESS OF ENERGY. Ever since you started utilizing this method to burn energy, you've found you enjoy it quite a lot, and have since taken up running as a hobby. It's nice to see so much of the planet, and it helps you relax. It's also why your hair always looks like it got caught in a windstorm, since it BASICALLY DOES EVERY SINGLE DAY. When you aren't out running, you like to partake in your other interests, one of which is ASTRONOMY. Seeing as how you are a nocturnal species, it is the PERFECT HOBBY! There's just something magical about the universe in general, even if your species is obsessed with conquering it. You fancy yourself a self-trained ASTRONRUSHER... or at least you would if that were a thing that existed. Which it isn't. God you wish it was. Aside from that, your interests include EXPLORING THE VAST ALTERNIAN WILDERNESS (easy since you can travel so fast), COMPETING IN MULTIPLAYER GAMES (you‘re rather competitive, so everybody else better watch out or you'll blaze right through them!), and RACING WITH YOUR LUSUS (you are utterly determined to beat him at some point in your life, so these races push you to your limits). It should be noted that despite your speed, you can't FLASH STEP (though your reaction time is pretty good). You can run fast; doesn't mean you can MOVE fast. Not like that, anyways. It's the difference between ultra fast reflexes and ultra fast feet. They are two entirely separate things, got it? (No, you're not at all annoyed by your friends claiming you can flash step, why do you ask.) Your trolltag is chargingCosmologist, and you >> like /t\o show off your /v\ery cool symbol, but when exci/t\ed or agi/t\a/t\ed you ha/v\e a /t\endency /t\o speaksoquicklythatsometimesnobodyhasanycluewhatyouresaying!!!
(This is intentionally hard to read; others tend to either try to calm or ignore Nighke once he gets past a certain exitement/agitation level simply because he is entirely unintelligible when he does this.
Design Choices Explanations (from fanfic):
> Nighke: Your horns look... weird. Explain why. You have no idea why your horns are so close together either. They've always been like this though, so everyone you know has long since stopped caring. Personally, you like to think it's because they're trying to form a V like the one in your symbol. > Nighke: PURPLE. SHOES. Explain yourself, NOW. Woah, that's just RUDE. These running shoes are about the most expensive thing you own- they were a gift you received on your last wriggling day from a troll much higher on the hemospectrum than you. Actually, they were meant to be taken as an insult, as they are a bit too small for you and are also meant for girls, but you failed to care upon receiving them and took to them with fervor. You love these shoes. So STEP OFF, pal. > Nighke: Alright, then why the cape? This isn't a cape, it's a jacket that flares out. And you wear it because it looks cool, especially when you run. No other reason.
Strife Specibus (also from fanfic):
FOOTKIND abstratus. This allows you to attack opponents with anything you are wearing on your feet, which is usually (but not always) utilized by performing a "kicking" motion. What, not fancy enough? It's what works best for you! All that running has built up MASSIVE muscle strength in your legs. And you've never had the patience to train with any REAL weapon. According to your friends you've got ADD, remember?
Sylladex Modus: TREADMILL modus. This was another wriggling day gift you got two sweeps ago from a certain troll whom you've secretly wanted as your moirail for a while now. It is also perhaps the most useful gift you've ever received. It can store objects of ANY size, and has a HUGE amount of cards in it. It works by first measuring how much an object weighs in pounds, and recording that value on the card the object is stored in. To retrieve the object, you must reach first reach the equivalent speed (or higher) in miles per hour, and then simply pull it out of the sylladex. For example, if the object weighs 20 pounds, you need to attain a 20 mph speed before you can retrieve it. So far the only downside to this modus you've found is that when you take a heavy object out, everything else that was lighter than it also comes out, and usually goes flying in random directions. But usually you don't have heavy stuff in here, so it's mostly a non-issue.
Miscillaneous Info:
Name: Nighke Perlmu Age: 6 sweeps Blood: Brown/Orange, same as Tavros' (since apparently only the 12 exist, not counting Karkat's) Symbol: Might be hard to tell, but it's a v in a triangle over a t in a triangle, as in the formula for acceleration. Hence his speed. General Personality: Cheerful most of the time, mainly because his "totally non-existent ADD" keeps him from really dwelling on any bad things for too long. Extremely competitive when in any sort of competition whatsoever (usually some sort of game, though not FLARP). Doesn't really talk to other trolls much; holding any sort of sustained conversation just doesn't work too well for him. Tends to take things in stride. Wants to get through boring things (like explanations on how pretty much anything works) as quickly as possible, so he'll sometimes say something to the effect of "yeah yeah, skip it, I can figure it out" or "can you hurry up and get to the point?" when he feels the conversation has gone on too long. Naturally, this does not always work out for him, since nicer trolls consider that to be rude, while everyone else just gets pissed off at him. Quadrants: None yet, though he has his eye on a potential moirail (the one who gave him his treadmill modus). Ancestor: The Sprinter (no actual name as lowblood ancestors don't seem to have them)/The Addic/t\ (called this in secret by those who looked down on him). Lived after The Sufferer's rebellion but before The Summoner's. Other details pending; may be changed later.  Miscellaneous: Nighke is not an official player of Sgrub, and therefore has no title, land, consorts, planet, etc. Connections:
-Astronrushers (astronomer/onrusher) are the trolls who find new planets in space for trolls to conquer, and are also the first to explore/begin conquering them. They're basically the first "wave" to attack when a planet's conquering begins. -Nighke Perlmu is taken from Nike (goddess of speed, strength, and victory), and Perlmutter, the last name of the man who discovered universal acceleration. This relates to Nighke's speed, competitive streak, and astronomy interests. -Symbol is acceleration formula, which again relates to his speed. -Horns are slightly swept back, as is his hair, giving him a windswept look. Also, the horns form a slight "V" shape, referencing the V in his symbol. Plus they look like a gazelle's horns, making them ironic because of his lusus' species. -Candy addiction makes him very hyperactive, which compounded with his ADD is not a good thing. He tries to finish everything (and I do mean everything) very fast, which is good since he has trouble focusing on anything for very long unless he's very interested in it. -Because he spends so much on candy, his hive is practically bare other than a few posters and basic things like a desk, husktop, and recuperacoon. -He attributes his speed to his candy consumption, but even he knows this is complete bull and that it's just an excuse to keep eating sweets. In my fanfic, this will be brought up later on. -chargingCosmologist relates to two of his interests (I'm sure you can figure out which ones) -To an extent, Nighke is an inverse of Tavros, being a brown/orangeblood whose legs work better than the average troll's, and has a great amount of confidence in himself. -Nighke does not have a psychic power like other brownbloods, and instead possesses a physical mutation much like what Equius seems to have.
Equivalent of the person who starts a conversation, but says only a few lines before leaving to go do something else (hence the "ADD"). Alternatively, the person who is always busy, rushing around to do many things but rarely getting any of them done (but with less "work" involved). Because of this, he doesn't like long conversations and occasionally comes off as rude when he asks people something along the lines of "hurry up and get to the point". Nice enough when things are moving pretty fast paced (like the conversation is constantly bombarding him with new information), or when he's interested in the subject at hand. May butt in to rambling conversations (like in memos) so he can get things back on the real subject. Or he'll just leave because of all the pointlessness.
A cheetah. Has spots on the upper half of its body, which is separated by a V shaped stripe. Tail is shaped like the Nike (shoe company) symbol as a joke/connection. Some of the larger spots also shape a V and T, as reference to the acceleration formula/Nighke's symbol.
JOKE PIC (included because I had it in the original post...)
Nighke: Straighten that rat's nest you call hair.
You SOMEHOW manage to tame the wild mess that is your hair. Great. Now there's a rabid fangirl after you and annoying sparkly things are swarming you like flies. Why did you ever think this was a good idea?!
You seem to have most of Nighke put together on the outset, which is good. Name, lusus, specibus and modus are all looking solid. 
Purple shoes ARE pretty daring for a brownblood. Is the troll who gave them to him in one of his quadrants? Usually this is more manageable because they're a sign that the lower-caste troll is under the protection of the highblood; I like the shoes perfectly well as a gift, but his relationship with the gifter should be strong enough to merit that kind of confidence.
One thing that bothers me about the design is how complex and large his symbol is. It's several times as complicated as any of the canonical ones, and while I get that it's representative of something, I'd recommend you find a way to minimize or stylize it so that it's composed of fewer lines and less space. Like, if you just took the top or bottom half of it and kept that. I do really like your solution for a quirk that resembles the symbol, so it's your call how you want to address that problem.
I'd be careful making him physically strong in lieu of psychically strong. Bluebloods are big and powerful genetically; and as you go up the hemospectrum you get trolls that are larger, stronger, better-fed, etc. The lowbloods' powers are often their only saving grace in a hierarchy where they are physically the weakest. I know you are subverting that intentionally with Nighke, but you need to have a strong reason to, because his race is genetically predisposed against that.
Other than all that stuff, though, it's all looking pretty solid, and I picked out specifically all the stuff I wasn't 100% sold on. Good work, keep improving him as you go. You seem to know that he's already in decent shape.
- Jake
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Review: Atumna Premir
...and gog, do you hate this SGRUB SESSION. Before we get really into that, though, we should probably cover your various INTERESTS AND OTHER FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF.
As a BLUE-BLOOD, you have a a very profound interest in TINKERING WITH RANDOM SHIT YOU FIND AROUND YOUR HIVE. [1] You tend to get BORED pretty easily, so this helps to keep you busy. You also like to PRETEND YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS, or KNOW ANYONE, for that matter.
You (used to) live in a VERY SECLUDED part of Alternia, an ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN. It got kinda lonely around there, but at least you had your LUSUS, right? Your lusus is a BARKBEAST, and she's very nice. You didn't really see her often, unless she'd brought back SOMETHING FOR YOU TO TINKER WITH, or a BOOK ABOUT THE OUTSIDE WORLD.
Your Fetch Modus was set to the FIXER-UPPER Modus. Basically, you'd select the item you wanted to use (as per usual), but instead, pieces of it would be ejected instead. You'd then have to FIX it yourself, putting pieces where they were meant to go - sorta like a PUZZLE, except a LOT more complicated. Once finished, the object would mend itself, and you could use it! it would be good as new, no scratches or anything! For a PROFESSIONAL TINKERER like yourself, this shit was EASY.
Your STRIFE SPECIBUS had been mainly BLADEKIND, with which you used your DAGGERS and your SWORDS, though you did find a RIFLEKIND lying around the island and added it to your STRIFE PORTFOLIO.
But now you're in SGRUB. You would've beaten it, you're sure of it! Except you didn't know that at least TWO players are required to play. You're STUCK IN A DEAD SESSION, and you've ACHIEVED GOD TIER, and combined with your PROSPITIAN DREAM SELF. So now, you CAN'T DIE. You are a SEER OF TIME, but you did NOT see this coming.
-/-/-/-/-/- Creator's Notes -/-/-/-/-/-
[1] I have a sort of... headcanon, I suppose, that bluebloods enjoy robotics and making things. I mean, Equius and Horuss did, so wouldn't it kind of make sense that all bluebloods like them did? Well, I suppose it could be just me.
The first name of Atumna was based off of Atum, who was believed to be the first Egyptian God. Premir was derived from the French word première, meaning first. I based her name around the number one because she's the only one in her session.
This may have sounded kinda depressing, but she's never known anyone in her entire life, other than her lusus, BarkbeastMom. She entered the game in hopes of meeting new people, troll or not. She's now immortal, as no denizen exists in a dead session, no planetary puzzle to solve, no anything. So yeah, it's a bit sad.
I'm very sorry I couldn't get you a picture, but Atumna looks something like this: She's got medium-length spiky hair, with a tuft of hair on top of her head, angled towards the right. Another section of hair is kinda swept towards the left across her forehead. I imagine her horns to look something like Wrathia Bellarmina's, from the webcomic Ava's Demon, wrapping down around the side of her head and towards the front. As for clothes, she wears a black tank top with her symbol (canis major) on it, plain dark grey leggings, dark blue boots, and a blue tinkerer's belt slung loosely around her waist with grey studs.
Thank you so very, very much in advance for the review. It means a lot to me, I've been working on Atumna for a while now.
Thanks for sending her in for review! I generally like the idea of this troll so far, and there's nothing that stands out as being wrong with her. That said, there are some points that could definitely use a little polish and purpose in my opinion.
First, I would make her themes more definite and consistent. She's a Canis troll (these are pretty common), so she has a dog for a lusus, but why? And how else does it affect her design? Also keep in mind that the only troll to really have a "normal animal" for a lusus was Nepeta. Don't be afraid to go crazier with the lusus. Hybrid lusii like Arthour and Tinkerbull are some of the most interesting and charming, and definitely an underused resource by fantroll makers.
Same goes for the number 1. If I were you I might consider changing one of her names - right now both her first and last names are just based on the "one" theme, but then that theme doesn't appear anywhere else in her design. I totally see what you're going for in terms of her being solitary and the only one in her session; now, if that's going to be a big defining part of her character, make it more pervasive in her design. What about giving her only one intact horn? Or implementing it in her quirk?
- Speaking of which it would be great to see some information on her trolltag, quirk, and so on!
Her design seems just fine in terms of simplicity and color. I was initially thrown off by a blueblood living on an island, but then, why not? I would make her towards the middle of the island, since waterfront areas are probably more appropriate for indigobloods, but (particularly if she's by herself) I don't see why she couldn't live relatively close to the sea.
That's my advice! I really do think this is a good start and I hope I've been helpful. - Jake
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Do you only do fantroll reviews on Wednesday? :0 Also, would it be okay to just send in my fantroll on a whim, or should I ask you before I do so? ;u;
Yes and sure. No need to ask before sending in review requests.
- Jake
0 notes
Incredibly sorry if this has been asked already VoV, but is it alright to steal fetch moduses from canon? ;u;
In my opinion, sure it is. I'd advise you to choose one because it works well for your troll, though, not just because you don't want to invent one. Original fetch modi can be incredibly clever and charming and a great touch on a fantroll.
- Jake
0 notes
Review: Ursais Arcone
I guess I'll give this a try! Everything about Ursais (her intro and stats) should be in this about tag. ^^
Things I love off the bat about Ursais: caveman troll (never seen it done), underbite (very rare; I don't see people get creative often with the fangs), spelling errors as part of a quirk (I wish more people were willing to make not-so-bright trolls). She immediately strikes me as both charming and original. I like the Ursa theming.
You mentioned psionics but didn't say what they were in her bio - is it basic telekinetic stuff, or something tailored specifically to her character? You can get away with a pretty unique and detailed power because of her blood color, so don't miss that opportunity if it's something you want.
I'd love some more information on her lusus and some more game-related functions, e.g. strife specibus and fetch modus.
I think the nomadic thing is great - the only thing I usually point out is that the troll needs to have some form of reliable protection from sun damage, so hives that are easily constructed or mobile are just fine.
Quirk looks fine. Oh, and I'm digging all of the art of her to the max. Really nice design, simple as is appropriate for her caste but not too boring. Any reason for having doubled horns? I'm not particularly a stickler for it, but other creators or roleplayers might be.
Great work so far. - Jake 
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wowzers look at all 1500 of you
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Will you be open for/doing reviews at some point?
We're open for reviews and have received two review requests: Ursais Arcone and Atumna Premir. These will be posted on Wednesday, and there's still room for more if anyone would like to submit a review request in the next couple days!
- Jake
0 notes
hi, and welcome back! i was wondering if making a fantroll with his lusus based on a popular let's play series be okay, or would that be too human-like, or just seem like a bad idea because i didn't come up with it?
Hey there! What I would do is, if your troll himself has LPs or at least video gaming as one of his main interests, go ahead and make his lusus referential to an LP series. It wouldn't be too human-like, since trolls' computer interests are equal in variety and complexity to humans', and LPs are definitely a thing that trolls might do. That said, if you're going to reference the LP series in question directly while roleplaying or writing about your troll, I would modify it sufficiently to be a reference without acting as though the human LP series itself is a thing on Alternia. (e.g. Thresh Prince of Bel-Air.)
- Jake
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oh man you guys are back. this is going to be hella fucking rad i swear to god i wish you look in taking up the blog again!
.. that said, folks better start asking fantroll questions so I don't look like I'm dicking around and only answering the charming ones.
- Jake
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what the heckie is fiddler on the roof
- Jake
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Tumblr media
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Help with a name generator?
Don't use name generators for trolls, dudes and ladies. A good troll's name means something.
- Jake
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Would you have any good idea for a quirk of a magic (as In magic tricks and stuff)themed troll??
Hrf, this is a bit too vague for me to offer much help. If your troll is into illusions and trickery, consider going meta with it - this is what I generally recommend for prankster or kitsune trolls - impersonating other trolls, using misleading text color, etc. But your troll sounds more focused on performance. For that reason, I'd consider looking up and watching some classic magic shows on Youtube and modeling your troll's speech patterns after them - a lot of buildup and theatrics, maybe use a lot of ellipses for suspense and then caps for a BIG REVEAL, and so on?
Also remember that trolls frequently have two or three major interests that constitute their "theme," so you don't need to have an entire quirk based only on magician stuff.
- Jake
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You said L'chaim!! You know Hebrew! Or have at least participated in Jewish drinking. Hello friend 8)
Or, totally hypothetically, I could be a dude who's seen Fiddler on the Roof, like, twelve times, but that would be absurd
- Jake
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I've made a troll who's into biology, specifically dissection and taxidermy. His lusus is a tapeworm that lives inside him. Is this viable?
That lusus is the best idea ever. Except keep in mind that at some point, in the troll's larval stage, the lusus had to protect and shepherd it after escorting it from the Mother Grub's catacombs. If you can come up with a good workaround for how that was feasible without just handwaving it lazily, power to you, because that's great.
- Jake
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