fucknovegans · 6 years
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Some Yourofsky wannabe who’s been harassing people at another site.  Anyone else reminded of the Navy SEAL Copypasta?
(submitted by avatar-dacia)
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fucknovegans · 7 years
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Found in the solarpunk tag; posted by a white (but they don’t see color so that doesn’t matter uwu) vegan who spouts the usual “mock ducks,” as it were.  I swear they try to plant their flags on everyone else’s traditions. 
Seriously: The canals between chinampas do double as fish ponds; and I don’t mean the decorative sort, either.  And the same has almost certainly been true since antiquity—no matter what some shield vegan trying to grant unwarranted historical and cultural precedent to the ideology may have told you.
(submitted by avatar-dacia)
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Omfg this is a troll blog right
Shit dude u right
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fucknovegans · 7 years
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Hey this is eternally-vegan someone PLEASE STOP THEM.
(submitted by it-s-azzy)
Someone please take their dogs away.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Ran across some primo steppelordery on another site. Anyway: "Tom the Green Nomad" (who's apparently a minor Internet celebrity in his own mind) likes to 'splain at anyone who criticizes Melanie Joy, and is in favor of making cats "go vegan" on the grounds that "obligate carnivore" only describes how an animal behaves in its wild state(???) or some such circular nonsense.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Whatever happened to that vbfy tumblr?
They became Too Vegan probably.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
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The illusory superiority is through the stratosphere.
(submitted by avatar-dacia)
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fucknovegans · 7 years
One of my old coworkers just posted a video on Facebook in which a "doctor" claimed that eating meat is what causes diabetes.
Then wouldn’t we all be diabetic?
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fucknovegans · 7 years
About what that anon said about a vegan claiming omnivores are sluggish. I do feel sluggish some days due to my iron deficiency anemia. One of the highest source of iron is in the form of meat red meat specifically.
I’m sluggish because I’m depressed, asthmatic, and arthritic. Somehow my diet played no part in any of that.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Ever heard of Biology Weeps?
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Fucking "80% herbivorous" soooo... *Not* herbivorous then? There's a word for that it's "omnivorous" lmfao vegans are a trip.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Today, I had a vegan tell me that coyotes are 80% herbivorous, that omnivores age faster and are constantly "sluggish and uncomfortable," and that vegans never get cancer. I'm cry.
Did they ask every omnivore if they’re sluggish and uncomfortable? That’s dedication.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
Get a load of this: www[.]vice[.]com/en_us/article/evb4zw/why-so-many-white-supremacists-are-into-veganism
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fucknovegans · 7 years
I hate when vegans say things like "you can't truly love animals if you eat meat" or "you don't love animals as much as I do because you aren't vegan." Umm, last time I checked it wasn't a contest or anything lmao. It's like when people tell you you can't be a "true" fan of a certain band because you don't own as many t-shirts or posters or albums lol.
And, if you can believe it, people are capable of feeling multiple types of emotions in varying different situations. Amazing.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
bless you for this blog by the way it's very cathartic!! i hope today goes well for you
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fucknovegans · 7 years
I just received an e-mail titled "Queering Veganism" and I think I need a drink...
There is nothing queer about veganism.
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fucknovegans · 7 years
How do you deal with vegans who are all, "the only way to save the environment is to go vegan", "anyone can be vegan, I'm poor/live in a food desert/have allergies", "You're responsible for the meat industry by consuming meat" etc, etc?
By ignoring them and eating what makes me happy.
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