4 posts
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fuckbuzzpayme · 4 years ago
I am informing everyone featured in This Article of the opportunity y'all have to edit your posts and demand compensation / royalties in whatever batshit avant-garde way you'd like, ala this iconic Waluigi Buzzfeet vandalism post.
@officialfennec ; @screamingfrenchfries ; @kissingagrumpygiant ; @cakebatterinmydreams ; @unpretty ; @bisexuhowl ; @unicorn-double-barrel-special ; @vexedandperplexed ; @daily-disney ; @theyarerealtome ; @char-ivanov ; @michaxl ; @strawberryghostie ; @7point5seconds ; @friendlyfatigue ; @theozilla ; @meggannn ; @untame ; @peraltastark ; @4-1-3 ; @gondor-calls-for-aid ; @emeraldembers ; @23devil ; @stabilizedinsanity ; @nemusou ; @myregardstothereader ; @littlewhitedragonlet ; @guiltyhipster ; @nannycanes ; @guilty-as-battery-charged ; @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses ; @mremaknu ; @jamejarrs ; @thealphapigeon ; @ajohnnygoldmain ; @greenleavesgreentea ; @the-ginger-imp ; @that-fannerd-with-the-glasses ; @kyokyo866 ; @katsukishima ; @transpunkwerewolf ; @lardypoison ; @fangirlsjustwannahavefun ; @ineffa8le ; @werkn-progress ; @alaiha ; @seananmcguire ; @dapatty ; @bex-chan-blog
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fuckbuzzpayme · 4 years ago
I am informing everyone featured in This Article of the opportunity y'all have to edit your posts and demand compensation / royalties in whatever batshit avant-garde way you'd like, ala this iconic Waluigi Buzzfeet vandalism post.
@promptdumpster ; @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 ; @septembercfawkes ; @aela-writes ×2 ; @h-brook-writes ; @darklesmylove ; @writing-and-nutmeg ×2 ; @the-darklings ; @writeouswriter ×2 ; @saltoftheao3 ; @inky-duchess ; @daddiesdrarryy ; @thetenthdoctorscompanion ; @moth-ski ; @aye-write ; @ellatholmes ; @macademmia ;
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fuckbuzzpayme · 4 years ago
I'd like to thank my friend @garbage-empress, who's waluigi buzzfeed vandalism inspired a sort of... collaborative avant-garde art project
I am informing everyone in This Article of the opportunity they have to edit their contributions and the piece is already unfolding beautifully.
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fuckbuzzpayme · 4 years ago
@pregnantseinfeld informed me that I was in a Buzzfeed article (with @creamynut and @bootyscientist2) a few months ago and had no idea.
Turns out that Buzzfeed just embeds Tumblr posts.
So if they take a post you’re in and say, embed it from your blog:
Tumblr media
You can go back to the post and edit it to whatever you want and it will appear in the article like that. So you can do things like add “pay me royalties” 100 times
Tumblr media
and upload 10 pictures of Waluigi in the T Pose
Tumblr media
And ruin the article formatting.
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