just here to post my fanfiction because ao3 has shit formatting
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fuckao3sformatting · 26 days ago
getting kicked out of the club for dancing like a vtmb npc
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fuckao3sformatting · 26 days ago
me: [stares at tumblr dash]
me: ah yes my carefully curated solas trash nest
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fuckao3sformatting · 26 days ago
In hindsight, Beckett's insistence that Gehenna is bogus and the Antediluvians aren't real in Bloodlines is really fucking funny considering that Zapathasura went on a rampage just five years ago and it nearly destroyed the Ravnos as a whole. Like my guy, an Antediluvian went nuts in India and had to be killed with a telescope or smth tf are you babbling about
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fuckao3sformatting · 10 months ago
Death of piece of mind
“I'm sorry to disturb sir, but there's a young lady down in the lobby asking for you.” 
“Oh yeah? What she look like?”
“Um.. Red hair, weird eyes, nice tits.. hehe.”
I nodded and headed down towards the lobby, humans always took notes of the strangest things, but i still knew who he was talking about. It had been some time so I wondered what she wanted, she asked for me specifically so is it something to do with the case they had to scry on?
“You were looking for me?” 
As she spun around her huge eyes met mine. “Gods above, you started me!” She put a hand to her chest. 
“Sorry, I tend to do that. What's this about?”
“Is my heart allowed to start again first?” she panted. 
I chuckled, I always found that expression funny because whenever people said that their heart was beating faster than usual. 
“Sure come along, I have a pretty good idea what this is about so let's go somewhere more private.” 
We entered my suite at the hotel, it was the most private place I could think of. Vex looked around fidgeting a little, was she nervous? Might as well get the formalities out of the way.
“Welcome to my living quarters, I'm not entirely wrong in thinking this is about the investigation right?” 
I walked over to sit on the edge of my bed motioning for her to join me.She jumped a little again as she turned to face me, is this information so vital that she has to be on guard or is she thinking about something else. Despite her obvious reservations she sat down, that she sat down a respectable space away from me made me realize why she was so fidgety.  
“Right, yes you're right. Sorry to show up unannounced but I didn't know who else to ask about this.” 
I placed a hand on her shoulder in the hopes that it would calm her. “Don’t worry about it, tell me what you found out and I’ll see if I can help.”
She stopped fidiging, but it didn’t seem to calm her down much.
“Okay, long story short: we found the guy who tampered with the spell and who we assumed he worked for but it turned out he was under someone’s control. So we followed another lead to find the one who controlled him which appeared to be a lady at first” her eyebrows furrowed “and I still have a hard time believing this myself, but the lady turned out to be a skin stealer of some kind.” 
I looked at her incredulously, a skin stealer? 
“What makes you think it was a skin stealer?”
“I saw them peel their skin off like you’d peel a tomato when I used forensic magic on what we believed was a coat the lady had worn, turned out to be human skin. And get this, it had every blood type in it.” She did the ‘mind blown’ gesture and I had to keep in a chuckle.
“I see, but what does that have to do with me? Why exactly did you want my help?” 
“Oh” she said, almost surprised as she padded on her short pockets “because I also caught a glimpse of what we think is his actual form, and he had this symbol, among others carved into his forehead.” and handed me the piece of paper.
“Now that’s something I haven’t seen in a long time, I’m guessing you know who Cain is then since you went to me with this?” 
She nodded. “The mythical first vampire right?”
“Yeah, the first murderer, the first predator according to some. Why would this guy have his symbol.. you said carved right?” she nodded again “into his forehead.. Were there signs of him being a vampire?”
“At first, when he wore the lady’s skin he wasn’t showing up on security footage, but then he walked outside during the day so the ‘he’s a vampire’ theory kinda went down the drain.. So I was hoping you’d maybe know a little more than I do because the only two options I have left are skin walker and Cain cultist of some variety, other than that I’m stumped.”
“I’ll ask around if there'spopped up anything like that recently, though Cain isn’t exactly a liked topic around here so I’d appreciate it if I didn’t go stick my neck out for nothing.”
I guess I really was the best person for her to ask. The circle has a good few Cain Truthers. But what would be adequate compensation for having to listen to the religious fanaticism I’d have to endure before if I got anything useful out of them? I thought for a few seconds about my option's, she was looking at me expectantly, and I looked her over a little until my eyes landed on the dancing pulse point on her neck. She hadn’t really calmed down since we entered  my room, so her heart was still beating a steady rhythm. Yes, that would be my price.
“I want to drink from you, a few drops of vitae to seal our agreement.” 
Her cheeks immediately turned the most delightful shade of pink, cute. “Um, are you sure? I don’t mind but I’ve just never done something like this before..” 
She's been so nervous around me since she got here. But, I had absolutely nothing against popping this particular cherry. It would be my first time tasting mage blood, so this was something to be savored I’m sure.
“Don’t worry”
I moved closer to her. Good thing we were already on the bed “just let me lead and make yourself comfortable.”
She nodded and closed her large, oddly colored eyes. I moved her long hair away from her neck with one hand and cradled her face with the other, tilting her head for better access. As I kissed along the line of her jaw to find the best entry point, I relished how long and slender her neck was, how smooth and soft her skin felt on my lips. As my fangs pierced Vex's skin, she whimpered slightly, and my beast was enjoying this as much as the little human i had left. It was like she was made to be bitten by me. Her warm blood filled my mouth, and I did indeed savour it like a man deprived of water, I had never tasted anything better. But something else possibly more powerful than the familiar hunger took me over. Without letting go of my prey I pinned her to my bed under me, the little surprised squeak that came from her only spurred me on further, I found both her hands with ease and pinned them above her head with one hand in a swift motion and the other that previously held her face started to explore further down her body. I situated myself between her legs with ease, and her heart started to beat faster, quickening the flow of blood accompanied by heat radiating from her lower body. Yes, she wanted this just as much as I, what perfect little prey. 
“Loki, please…" 
I needed no convincing. I was already exploring her smooth curves and I was determined to map them out in their entirety, I might not get another chance. Her breasts were particularly sensitive even with the barrier of her bra, I pulled her shirt up exposing her stomach and she made the most delicious adorable noises. As my hand finally reached the hem of her shorts she wrestled her hands free from my grip and tried to push me away from her.. Why?
“Stop. That's enough Loki. Please stop, not like this...” 
She. She didn't want this?
 I pulled out my fangs with reluctance and licked the wound to close it. The small moan she made had me wonder why she asked me to stop. When I came back to my senses a horrid realization hit me. She was deadly pale and she could barely keep her eyes open, shit. Fuck what have I done, I checked her pulse and it was very weak, I padded her lightly on the cheek and her eyes fluttered weakly. Vex I'm so sorry, please be alright.
She finally managed to open her eyes but they were.. different? The white and pupils had completely disappeared leaving the right completely green and the left completely black, she also had a glow of silver surrounding her.. What was happening? Her complexion which I had assumed was due to severe blood loss was way too white to be natural as well, she. She looked like an angel. 
“I'm alright I think, I.. just… I don't.” She paused for a moment. “Why did you do that?” 
I just blinked at her. 
“Because we had a deal?” 
I couldn't follow her train of thought before she pulled down her shirt and tried to cover herself up, ah that. The guilt I had while I thought I'd drained her was replaced by the guild of letting my senses run away from me and taking things further than need be, hadn't she stopped me I might've done both. Seeing Vex shielding herself by putting space between us again made her look so incredibly fragile, all I could do was let the shame comsoon me for almost ruining something so innocent. 
“I.. Everything just - the moment I bit you I was practically running on autopilot, it doesn't excuse it I know.” 
She just nodded.
“But, would you have stopped me if I had asked beforehand?” 
What the fuck is wrong with me. I've just finished violating her and I now want to know if it would have been better if I'd asked first? Am I fucking stupid or what..
“Yes, I believe I would.” 
I don't know why the answer hit my ego that hard but it did, then again can I really blame her? I am quite literally the greatest predator she’ll ever meet.
“It's because of the” I flicked my tongue over one of my fangs as emphasis “yeah?” 
She shook her head. 
“I just don't know you at all. It's nothing against you but I'd ideally want my first time to be with someone I actually know.” 
First time? She said it was her first time being bitten sure, but she can't be referring to that can she?
“Ok, now you're just fucking with me. Right?” 
Vex frowned, after everything I'd done this was what she got angry about? 
“Is it really that hard to believe I'm a virgin?” 
“I mean… Yeah a little bit.”
“Enlighten me?”
Ok Loki, you have to choose your words very carefully now. Express yourself without making it more awkward and weird than it already is.
“Look at you.”
Fuck. No. What is wrong with me? 
“I mean, you just seem like a girl who'd have a lot of options.”
The glow was fading away slowly and that's when I realized it hadn't bothered me, quite the opposite  actually, it was comforting.
“You're just so.. radiant. I've never seen anything like it.”
Her face softened, a slight tint of the pink form before returning to her cheeks but not quite as strong.
“Just because I have options doesn’t mean I have to take them” then she giggled, she actually giggled after this whole situation “but I guess I appreciate the compliment, as weirdly phrased as it was.” 
I rolled off the bed to give her more space, she nodded at me like she appreciated the gesture.
“I’ll see what I can figure out, I’ll put my findings with your guy in the serpent's kiss. And again, sorry.” 
She shrugged. “What’s done is done, but I would appreciate it if what happened didn’t leave this room..” 
“My lips are sealed, you have my word.” 
And she left. And I realized that I’d probably never be able to forget the way her skin felt, how my name sounded on her voice, how her blooded tasted so sweet on my tongue, how we felt so complete laying together. For the first time since being turned i realized what true hunger was and that I'd never be this satisfied again. And that is why I could never be this close to her again, both for her and my sake.
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fuckao3sformatting · 10 months ago
Take me down
The night sky was clear. You could have seen the stars, hadn’t it been for the light pollution. 
I took out my phone to see what time it was. I'd been standing and waiting on the mage cabal Maxwell: the illustrious Vampire prince of Chicago; had told me to supervise while they did some spellwork on the roof of a building where someone had summoned a demon on new years eve. I sighed, I’d never babysat a group of mages before. I hadn’t had much reason to interact with them for more than a few minutes before, I have to admit that something about them wicked me out.
“So, where’s the guy? Maxwell told us he’d sent someone right?”
“Well yes, he said someone should be here to help us get up to the roof.”
I recognized the voices, one of them belonged to one of the city’s sentinels. That made sense, demon business would probably be a top priority. There were five heartbeats in total, this must’ve been a very big deal. I stepped out of the shadows and as expected, recognized most of the people there. I had collected them before for assistance with a rogue mage who had attacked some vampires at the castle complex, from what I’d heard they made short work of the problem. The big black guy was Nuriel, the sentinel, then the old man, the Japanese kid and the only girl who had done most of the talking. There was a guy I didn’t recognize as well. 
What the hell was he wearing?
“Took you long enough.”
All their eyes locked on me, most with recognition and skepticism from the one guy I didn't recognize. The girl had taken a little book out of her pocket and flipped through it, looking back and forth between it and me before speaking.
“Loki, nice to see you again.” 
She said my name so matter of factly, had she written it down? A little odd, but flattering. I nodded with a small smile, no reason to be rude.
“Yeah, so the top three floors including the roof are off limits to the general public for the next three days. I guessed that would be an acceptable time frame for whatever you need to do to be done.”
“Ah” the old man said “yes, I believe that should be adequate. How do we get to the roof?”
“The same way you got up there the first time, except you actually have the Prince's permission this time” I sneered with discontent.
“Wait” the girl broke in “we needed permission last time? Why didn’t any of you tell me that?”
“Let’s talk about that once we’re on the roof. We might be in an alleyway, but better safe than sorry. Here Loki, take my card.”
The old man held out something to me, looked like a business card. I looked towards the geezer with an arched eyebrow.
“There’s a spell on it so once you get to the roof, just place it on the ground and I’ll do the rest.”
I put the card in my pocket and shrugged.
“I’ll signal you once I’m there.”
I turned the corner I came from and disappeared before scaling the side of the building. 23 stories would’ve taken its time, but thanks to my specific skill set I reached the roof in five minutes. I sat foot on the building's roof and inspected the card and it was indeed just a business card, ‘the grey zone’ was typed onto it with a huge eye in the background. As I was about to signal them when the card started to emit smoke and started to burn up and turn into a hole surrounded with blue flames, I threw it on the ground instantaneously and recoiled back, feeling my beast’s animalistic reaction to the sudden fire. Through the fire and smoke I sensed the group step onto the roof and once the old man stepped through it started to dissipate, the girl looked around before our eyes locked. I closed my eyes reflexively, blacked out as they were I really didn’t want her to see me like this, I’d always prided myself on my self-control so I’d only seen my beast a handful of times but to someone who wasn’t used to it, it’d for sure be terrifying. Instead of the expected shriek I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
I could hear that her concern was sincere, but I was too taken off guard to care. I forcefully moved away from her touch. “What the fuck was that? Are you trying to kill me?” I hissed towards the old man.
“Relax, it was merely the remnants of a portal spell. The flames could hardly harm you now.”
“That might be the case Grey, but you could’ve warned him at the very least. Are you sure you’re okay Loki?” She reached out a hand towards me again and this time it let it linger on my shoulder,and as the flames ebbed out, my thoughts became clearer, eyes returning to their normal blue, and the slight claws were retreating to normal nails. I put my hand on hers slowly to not spook her.
“I’m fine, thanks. A warning would’ve been real fucking nice though.” I scowled at the older man “But, to the point. What is it exactly you’re going to be doing up here?”
“We are going to look into the past with the aid of spell work.” The Japanese kid spoke up “It might take a while, but time is fickle like that. Gavin, can you help draw the circle and sigils like last time?”
I felt movement and the girl was hoisting a large bag off her shoulder and placing it on the ground. I hadn’t even realized that neither of us had moved our hands. “What are you doing?”
“Oh…” she looked down and moved her hand from under mine kinda awkwardly. “We found out the hard way that this whole process takes a long time the first time we did this, so I bought plenty of food, drinks and games so the rest of us don't get bored.”
“Yeah, that must’ve been so awful.” I scoffed. “Casting spells in the Prince’s domain without his permission, I’m surprised he even allowed you to do it tonight if I have to be honest.” With how he talked about this girl I actually wasn't surprised at all, she was very pretty sure but how much he talked about her was borderline obsessive..
“Yeah, I’d like that explanation now actually..” She said while unfolding a large blanket in her arms.
“Listen Vex, the reason we didn’t say anything was because we needed your help. It was a very time sensitive matter, so we simply didn’t have the time. Here let me help you with that.” The ostentatiously dressed guy said, gesturing for the blanket.
“Morgon…. you say that as if it makes it okay..” she pitched the bridge of her nose and handed the blanket off to him.
Morgon’s resulting shrug had me rolling my eyes, what an asshole. He unfolded the huge blanket and Vex sat down and placed the bag behind her pulling out a few sodas and what looked like a tray of little sandwiches. Since she seemed like the most sensible person here, I sat next to her. Maybe I could suss out why Maxwell was so infatuated after one meeting as well.
“I know vampire’s can’t eat food so I didn’t really know what to bring for you.. I hope soda is ok.”
I blinked, a little taken aback by her comment. “I ‘ate’ before coming so I’m fine.” I reached out for a coke and opened it. “And soda is fine, thank you.” I took a sip, I hadn’t had a coke in a long time, the chilled carbonation felt oddly satisfying. “So, what is it exactly you’re trying to accomplish by looking into the future?” Morgon sat down by Vex’s other side, grabbing a coke for himself and took a sip before speaking.
“I’m surprised the prince didn’t tell you, we’re looking for leads in the investigation of the murder of a former Sentinel, and Vex here” he slung an arm around her shoulder “She helped us track the last person who was seen on this roof before the murder, and now we just need to find out who the asshole worked for. With the added benefit that Nuriel here’ll clear his name, since some people think he did it.” Nuriel, busy with helping Grey and Natado set up, looked over at us and gave a small wave.
“And what about the two of you? Aren’t you helping with anything?”
Morgon shook his head.
“Both Vex and I have helped with what our capabilities could muster so we’re just here to keep up morale by looking hot. Isn’t that right sweetie?” I kinda hated to admit it because I usually wouldn't consider myself as possessive; especially not over someone I didn't even know, but I felt a slight twinge of jealousy. She had a cute face and a nice body for sure, but what I found the most striking was her eyes. I'd never seen someone with two different colored eyes before, the left was a deep yet very clear green and the right was a very dark gray. Vex took his arm and put it to his side and laughed.
“Well ‘sweetie’, I probably wouldn’t have helped you at all if I’d known what we did was practically illegal.”
Morgon put his hands up defensively. “Hey, what’s done is done. No need to worry about it now.” I moved a bit closer to Vex, both because the types of rituals I was used to required great concentration and silence, but it was hard to hear what she was saying on the top of the roof.
“How come you didn’t know about the Prince's decree against spell casting within his domain?”
“I’ve been living out of state because of college, I just got back a month ago.”
College huh, she does look younger than the rest of the group.
“That’s cool, are you here on break or back for good?”
“I’m back for good” she smiled proudly “I finished all my classes and extracurriculars that had to be done on campus, so now all I have is all the practical experience left before I get my master’s degree.”
“A masters?” Morgon inquired “in what?”
Vex took a coke and had a sip before answering.
“I’m almost done with a masters in forensic science, I finished my bachelors in toxicology and criminal psychology first.”
“That” Morgon looked shell shocked “That’s pretty fucking impresse”.
We talked about whatever came to mind after that, from observing how the two of them interacted with each other I couldn't tell if they were a thing or if Morgon was just a massive flirt. At some point Nuriel came over to join our little group, contributing to the conversation, the guys were nice but Vex brought out something in me I hadn’t felt in many years. She actually had me wanting to let my guard down, I wasn’t used to feeling so at ease. She has this pleasant aura about her that I felt like I couldn’t get enough of, much to my own displeasure. This isn't a pleasant outing, I'm just here to observe. 
As the conversation lulled down a bit I took the opportunity to look at my phone and I felt my face grimace, not long till sunrise. I didn’t want to leave just yet, of course I have direct orders to supervise the spell use, but I hadn’t anticipated that I’d actually enjoy the company. Vex seemed to notice my mood shift, she turned to me and put a hand on my knee.
“Something wrong?”
It felt like a little jolt going through me at the contact, my eyes met hers and I gave an apologetic smile.
“Daybreak approaches, how long is” I looked over to Natado who was dancing around wearing a mask and waving some leaves around. “this going to take?”
“Probably until morning I’m afraid.” Gavin was coming to join our little circle. “Do you need to get going?”
I furrowed his brows in both indecisiveness and frustration. “I have my orders to see this through..”
“But if the sun’s coming up you need to get to safety, we’ll take care of things here don’t worry.”
“Yeah man, don't worry about it. We'll be careful.”
I was mildly floored by what sounded like genuine concern, I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.
“I can always come by here tomorrow and check, I suppose… I really should get going…” I got to my feet, ready to sneak off as I usually did, when I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around to see Vex again, smiling up at me.
“Get home safe ok? See you around.”
“Thanks, see you around.”
I walked behind the entrance from the roof and obfuscated before I started to scale my way down the building. I heard Morgon talk about me, I had to hurry back quickly, the sun would start to rise any minute... But my curiosity got the better of me.
“Wasn’t he a little young? Couldn’t be more than 20 at most, and what was he wearing?”
And he was one to talk? I was used to others not taking me seriously due to my age and dress sense, nothing unusual there. I wished people would get new material.
“I donno, I think he was pretty cute.” She giggled.
I’d lie if I said that didn't make me feel good, I quite liked the thought of her finding me cute. I chuckled to myself, I guess I can see why Maxwell was bewitched so fast.
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