fuck-i-guess · 5 years
// I really do be dead huh. Well uh, I made a new Stardew blog for a new farmer since I got back into the game, so yeah. I have the most followers here so I figured I’d give him a promo.
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Stardew Valley Farmer Ask Blog
Rat of Remy Farm
chief,,,, i don’t draw but i write plenty so that’s what i’m gonna give ya
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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New reaction pic for y'all
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Nova Lykke
Name: Nova Lykke (Noh-vah Lee-keh)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Magic Type: Ice
Major Arcana: The Empress
Zodiac: Scorpio (November 11th)
Title: The Elitist
Title Explanation: She is an extremely powerful witch within the Witch Community and is considered one of the greatest witches of all time.
Species: Human
Looks: She has pale pink hair with blue eyes. She is short with a height of 4”9’, but she is skinny as all hell. She wears white face paint every day, with a white crown on her cheek.
Clothing Style: She wears comfortable shirts with skirts and blazers, because she loves the official look. Sometimes, on special occasions, she’ll wear a white dress or two.
Religion: Catholic
Personality: Nova has a very strange personality to where she contradicts her own self. She has a short fuse most of the time, but will remain calm under horrible circumstances. She get excited easily and has a very hard time with being serious.
Nationality: Swedish
Languages Spoken: English, Swedish, Norwegian
Sales of any kind - She is extremely cheap, so saving money is the only thing she actually likes, surprisingly. She doesn’t have much of a life outside of that.
Nature - She loves walking outside occasionally to absorb all the “stale tasting air”.
Being called short - I swear to god, if you call her short, she will legitimately freeze your body and leave you to die.
People - She doesn’t like crowds very much because she claims that “the plebs are wasting all the oxygenation”.
Being left alone - Despite how angry she is, she loves the company of people. She hates being alone due to some traumatic childhood memories, so she can’t ever be left alone.
Animals: Polar Bear and Otter
Tattoos: She has a white tattoo on her back of a snowflake.
Admin - Cotton
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Nessa Ryokucha
Name: Nessa Ryokucha 
Age: 28
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them 
Magic Type: Chance 
Major Arcana: The Moon 
Zodiac: Sagittarius ( December 7th ) 
Title: The Alchemist 
Reason For Title: Nessa learned alchemy from a dear friend of theirs and has been oBSESSED EVER SINCE PLEASE STOP THEM- 
Species: Human 
Looks: Nessa’s hair is buzzed on the left side, flopping the longer leftovers over the right side of their head. Their hair is paper white, the shadows being the only thing to dull it. Their eyes are dark teal, light enough to see the colour but too dark to make out from afar. They have a small scar going down their right cheek and three piercings on their left ear, and a black choker with a little red rose in the middle. Nessa’s 5’6” and weighs 146 lbs. 
Clothing Style: You will never catch Nessa without a hoodie on. Specifically their favourite black and grey hoodie. Underneath, they’ll probably be wearing some kind of band shirt. They usually wear stockings with shorts and knee high “goth” boots. 
Religion: Wiccan
 Personality: Nessa is extremely extroverted and always up for a new adventure. They won’t hesitate to take any opportunities. However, this also makes them very straightforward. They actually don’t care about people’s feelings and they have absolutely no filter. And you don’t want to make them angry. 
Nationality: American Japanese 
Languages Spoken: Japanese, English, a little bit of Chinese 
Cookies - Oddly specific. And it’s just cookies. They hate brownies, cakes, and other baking related things. They only like cookies. 
Cleaning - Cleaning is basically Nessa’s kink. They live simply to clean. 
Screaming - No specific reason, they just like to scream. 
Cats - Nessa is allergic to cats and therefore generally dislikes them. 
Feathers - Not birds. Feathers. Nessa is also allergic to feathers. 
Messes - Nessa hates messes because Nessa loves clean. 
Fears: Snakes - Nessa has a strong fear of the danger noodles due to being bit by a non-venomous one when she was younger. 
Animals: Cat and Fox 
Pets: Literally none. They see themselves as the only pet they need. 
Prosthetics: Left arm is completely metal. 
Tattoos: Again, none.
| Admin - Mocha |
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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Ack here’s a basic drawing of Erid’s face. He may not necessarily look the same in the visual novel, but this is just a basis of what he looks like.
Admin - Cotton
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Eridashi Deseku
Name: Eridashi “Erid” Deseku (Eh-rehd-ah-shee Deh-seh-koo)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic Type: Time
Major Arcana: The Hierophant
Zodiac: Libra (September 10th)
Title: The Database
Title Explanation: Erid is known as The Database because he has photographic memory and an extremely high intelligence level. He is known as an extremely valuable asset to the Witch Community for his computerized mental capabilities.
Species: Human
Looks: Erid has dark blue hair and gold eyes that have a very eerie glow in the dark. Erid is quite tall, being at 6”2’ and he weighs 165 pounds. He has olive skin and no muscles whatsoever, but he is stronger than he looks.
Clothing Style: Erid prefers white dress shirts or polos, black dress pants, and a bow tie, but most of the time he’ll just wear a plain shirt, some khakis, and a trench coat. He has glasses with black frames and a dark blue scarf.
Religion: Shinto
Personality: Erid is cold and calculated, and doesn’t tolerate most things. He can be a bit heartless at times, but he is extremely protective. He’s salty at times and will do things without your consent, but most of the time, it’s for your own good. He doesn’t like to show his soft side in fears of getting hurt, but he can be quite kind and sweet when you get to know him.
Nationality: Japanese
Languages Spoken: English, Japanese, and Korean
Books - If there’s any intellectual knowledge worth knowing, it’s in a book. Mostly, Erid will read to pass time or to study his time magicka.
Felines - Erid has a very specific soft spot towards cats, because he deems them “the fluffiest of them all”. Whenever he needs to calm down, you can find him near a cat.
Sweets - Erid absolutely HATES anything too sweet. He can stand the lightly sweetened things in life, but will spit out something if it’s over his sugar tolerance level.
Breaking rules - Erid cannot stand breaking rules, because it’s his aesthetic to follow them. If he breaks a rule, he’ll most likely be crying in his room because that’s the one thing he’ll actually cry about.
Small Spaces - Erid is extremely claustrophobic, but won’t even help himself if he’s in a situation where he’s stuck in a very small space. He tends to hyperventilate when his claustrophobia kicks in, despite his personality.
Animals: Owl and Wolf
Tattoos: The only tattoo that Erid has is of the Eye of Ra, and it’s on the left side of his stomach.
Admin - Cotton
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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Ew, my art. Here’s the boy himself: Aleko Farai!!! The lighting did white wash him a bit, which I’m rather mad at, but it does giving you a clearer view.
| Admin - Mocha |
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Aleko: [ walks into new apartment ]
Arch: [ already there, chilling on the couch ]
Arch: 'Ello mate!
Aleko: [ wheezes ]
Aleko, under his breath: Great an Australian-
| Admin - Mocha |
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Hot Tubs
Aleko: *is sitting in hot tub*
Arch: *magically pops out of water with a bag* I brought the chips.
Aleko: Can I have one?
Arch: No.
Aleko: Then get out of ma hot tub!
Arch: *magically sinks into water and disappears*
Aleko: Seriously! If you’re not gonna give a dude some chips, you can’t sit in his HOT TUB!
Admin - Cotton
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Aleko Farai
Name: Aleko Farai ( Al-echo Fuh-ray )
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic Type: Water
Major Arcana: The Hanged Man
Zodiac: Aries (April 2nd)
Title: The Dramatic
Reason For Title: Oh honey… Aleko is only rivaled in the art of drama by Julian Devorak himself. Aleko lives for drama and will probably fight you over his “theatrical skills”.
Species: Human
Looks: Aleko has moderately long hair, currently dyed green for the sake of looking cool. He has dark, chocolate black skin and naturally brown eyes. However, using a slight shimmer spell, he makes them look red. Again, he likes looking cool. He’s quite lanky, and very tall. He’s exactly 6’5”, and weighs 190 lbs. He has a birthmark in the shape of a little sun like shape where his collarbones meet. He also has a somewhat small lip scar, on the left side of his mouth. He has rather “large” lips, and naturally wide eyes.
Clothing Style: Aleko usually wears baggy sweaters and jeans, with bracelets that he never takes off and a cross necklace. He has a ring lip piercing on the right side of his mouth. And boy does he love goth boots.
Religion: Agnostic
Personality: Aleko is actually a pretty sweet kid. He tends to care more about others than he ever will himself. He’s very bad a self care and will sacrifice anything and everything to ensure someone’s safety, if they are close to him. It doesn’t help that he’s the literal definition of drama. Not as much as his beloved Julian Devorak, but pretty freaking close. He’s very theatrical and sees almost every situation as one that he can be dramatic in. It’s even worse due to how fandom oriented he is.
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Languages Spoken: English, French, Xhosa
Baking - Baking tends to calm Aleko down in even the worst situation. He does this to calm down, feel happy, or help others feel happy. Or he just does it because he wants to.
Singing - Aleko never sings often, because he honestly isn’t that great at it. He prefers to spare others the “horribleness” of his voice.
Writing - Aleko writes a lot. He writes poems, stories, backgrounds for characters he’ll never use, etc. Aleko builds his own worlds and lives in them, trying to save himself from his own problems and self-doubt.
Bugs - Literally any kind of bug absolutely disgusts Aleko. He despises them more than anything in the world. Which is a lot of hate for Aleko.
Pianos - Pianos remind him of his mother, who is now deceased. She used to play the piano all the time. He loved more than any song in the whole world. Now, they just bring back bad memories.
Rot - It literally doesn’t matter what kind of rot it is. If it’s rotting, Aleko doesn’t want to be near it. He turned down so many colleges and apartments because they had composition piles.
Rats - One of his lesser fears.
Spiders - A major fear.
Bees - Boy does he hate bees.
Lightning - A major fear ( he’s afraid he’ll get struck ).
Animals: Snake and Crow
Sweetie - A python.
Cackle - A raven.
His entire right leg.
Tattoos: A water rune on his left shoulder blade. A small snake along his right collarbone. A small raven near his bottom left side.
| Admin - Mocha |
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
Arch Evans - The Failure
Name: Arch Evans (Arr-ch Ehv-ehns)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Magic Type: Fire
Major Arcana: The Sun
Zodiac: Leo (August 15th)
Title: The Failure
Title Explanation: He tends to fail at his fire magic at the worst possible moment, making him a huge disgrace to the Witch Community. Therefore, he is The Failure.
Species: Human
Looks: Arch has dark gray hair and green eyes, which is a very odd combination. He has somewhat pale skin, but due to his love for the outside, it doesn’t stay pale for very long. He has a four pack and muscles, but for some reason, he is extremely weak. He is lanky, with a height of 5″9′ and a weight of 144 pounds, but is considered quite short in his friend group.
Clothing Style: Arch wears dark clothing to blend in with the night, but will wear one neon accessory so he isn’t classified as “emo” within the Witch Community. He loves scarves and will sometimes wear earrings, but he absolutely hates hats, so he won’t ever wear one.
Religion: Atheist
Personality: Arch is quite cynical and a bit cocky, but he can be nice. He is known to be quite generous and charming, but his arrogance and idiotic comments balance it all out. He is extremely hot-headed and harsh, but will absolutely cry his eyes out if he makes a friend feel bad.
Nationality: Australian
Languages Spoken: English, German, and Russian
Exploring - He doesn’t like to be bored, so he likes to go into weird caves and try to see if he can find stuff to hoard.
Heights - He absolutely loves dangling from high distances, so if you ever need to find him, you will most likely find him dangling off a tall cliff.
Tea - He doesn’t seem like the kind of person to sit down and drink some herbal tea, but he is. His favorite tea of all time is Irish Breakfast and drinks it every single morning.
Citrus - He hates the taste of citrus simply because when he was a kid, his father would FORCE orange-tasting “medicine” down his throat so that he would seem sick. His father was an extremely horrible person, because he would make Arch look like he was sick so people would give money to him for treatment, but he would simply use it on alcohol.
Perfume - Arch hasn’t had an asthma attack in years, but his worst attack was because of strong perfume, so he just hates the smell.
Ghosts - Arch is extremely superstitious despite being an atheist. He hates anything creepy and will immediately run at the sight of anything supernatural.
Churches - Again, Arch is superstitious as all hell so he will avoid churches. He claims that it’s where the ghosts have their cult meetings.
Animals: Fox and Rabbit
Tattoos: Arch only has one tattoo and it’s of the Algix symbol, which is a protection rune. He got it to keep the ghosts away and the demons at bay.
Admin - Cotton
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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We had an interaction assignment, and GUESS WHAT I DID!!!
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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Good omens twitter doodle dump 🤙 I love all these Looks
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fuck-i-guess · 5 years
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