it is that deep
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a collection of headcanons, thoughts & meta on fairy tail owned by: fae, jackie, jana, kai, mandy & momo
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ftbrainrot · 2 years ago
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first posted on @rulesearth
Almost all mages have exactly one magical affinity. In a lot of cases, it is easy to guess. Someone who uses water magic has a water affinity, someone who uses fire magic has probably, you guessed it, an affinity for fire. However, even those who wield magic that does not have an obvious elemental link still have an elemental affinity.
Using magic that pertains to the own affinity is easier. Using magic that is perhaps not connected to one’s affinity is more difficult, but still possible. In fact, people can master magic outside of their affinity. What is genuinely difficult is to truly master a magic linked to the opposite of one’s affinity. For example: a fire mage will have a very hard time with water spells and frankly, most would not even be drawn towards it.
While affinities are an established part of magical science, they are often ridiculed. This is mostly the fault of all sorts of pseudo-science that has used the very real affinities for, among other things, personality tests of the kind ‘answer ten questions and you’ll know which affinity your soul mate has!' and similar things. There are all sorts of superstition about one’s affinity having an effect on personality, but that has never been really proven, especially since such talk is shunned by most  serious  scientists.
The amount of people who have no affinity whatsoever is incredibly small. Precise numbers are difficult to obtain as there is hardly a complete registry of all mages on earthland including their affinities, but scientists who have dedicated their life to this science currently presume that less than one in thousand mages has truly no affinity. Some believe themselves to be without affinity, simply because their affinity is either quite weak or because it is something they do not expect; the child of a family of light and dark affinities would probably not truly consider the possibility of their own affinity being something like earth.
Those who truly have no affinity are in an odd spot. on one hand, there will never be a magic that will be impossible to truly master due to a mismatched affinity, but at the same time, they will never benefit from the inherent benefit one gains. The few recorded mages who are proven to be truly without affinity often ended in a 'jack of all trades, master of none’ situation. Many of them still developed a preference for kind of magic over others and achieved great skill with their preferred branch whereas others fully embraced the lack of limitations.
As hinted above: while in many cases, affinities do run in a family, it is not always the case that parents pass their own affinity down to their child. A water-leaning couple can have a child with a fire affinity, for example.
This can lead to problems if a specific subset of magic has been passed down in a family from generation to generation, but there is nothing to be done. One either has an affinity or they do not, as there is no way for affinity to be artificially acquired in any shape or form.
It is very important to note that not all light-affine magic is inherently good and that not all dark-affine magic is automatically bad.  In fact, no affinity carries  any  moral connotation  as in the end, the mage decides whether they want to use their magic for good or bad. There have been many great, heroic mages who have used dark-affine magic, just like there have many villainous figures in history who had a light affinity. An example that illustrates this clearly: due to the way souls used in takeover are acquired, this magic is dark-affine, meaning that the strauss siblings are all dark-affine mages. At the same time, the spell  fairy law  that can be used to cause immense harm to both foes and the caster, too.
Depending on the source, books about magical affinity will speak of six or more affinities. The ones that have never been fought about are: air, dark, earth, fire, light and water. However, as affinity has become more and more understood by scientists, more have been added to the list, such as lightning, ice  ( as it has proven to differ sufficiently from water )  and nature, the latter being extraordinarily common in plant mages and other mages who have a magic that interacts with the living world.
In history, there have been very few  truly  confirmed instances of mages who possessed two affinities and nearly all cases, this has led to despair rather than glory. for this reason, there have been whispers about mages with two affinities being cursed now and then but again, this is superstition.
In the end, a mage’s affinity says nothing about their skill. In fact, in the greater scheme of things, affinity matters very little, but most who are serious about walking the path of a mage still have an interest in finding out what their affinity is as it is a strong indicator towards branches of magic they will take immediately as they will have a natural predisposition. at times, finding out one’s affinity can come as a surprise, though — and this is likely where the belief that one’s affinity does say something about one’s personality stems from — there are always cases where the affinity is unsurprising.
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ftbrainrot · 2 years ago
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Why were children and young teenagers allowed to join magic guilds in the first place?
Many things that predate the start of the story are only visible through flashbacks centred around specific characters which makes it difficult to tell how common situations were, but we do know that ten years prior to the first chapter, the demon Deliora was wreaking havoc and orphaning four named characters that are explicitly stated to have lost their families and homes to the demon: Gray, Sherry, Tobi and Yuuka. We also know from the backstory of Erza and other characters such as Kagura that the group behind the Tower of Heaven was kidnapping and murdering. As Rosemary Village was a village, one can make the guess that the targeted areas were rural in nature.
One of the kidnapped people was a seasoned member of the Fairy Tail guild, Rob. Little is known about Rob beyond that he was a fire mage and that he was, in younger years, a teammate of Makarov’s. While we do not learn how he was captured, we do know that Rob and Porlyusica are the only two members of their old team who did not go on to become guild masters. As Makarov has been shown to be a very powerful mage, it can be assumed that all members of his old team were S-class level mages. Meaning: Rob would not have been an easy mark. Still—he got captured and he lost his life in the Tower.
And with the second known death from that time period—that of the Ice Mage Ur who had been Gray’s teacher—this puts together a puzzle: that even very powerful mages (according to Siegrain / Jellal, Ur was on the level of a wizard saint) were not safe. It can be extrapolated that all guilds were losing members during this time period—to death and (quite possibly) to retirement as the stakes were very high.
This period of unrest and danger also created many, many orphans. Almost every character who is shown to have joined Fairy Tail at a young age did so after having lost their family. And while the majority of orphans—remember, the percentage of mages in the population of Fiore is 10%—likely had only two options: growing up in an orphanage or adoption / a foster family, the mage orphans did have another option: to join a mage guild.
This is speculation, but in a time where—due to the overall unsafe situation—hundreds of children were left without parents and in need of care from the government the existing orphanages were likely filled to the brim. Adequate care was likely difficult to come by, and with mage orphans being in the minority and them being ‘special’ as they had the spark required to do magic, alternative solutions had to be found as non-magical orphanage workers might have been ill-equipped to handle magically empowered children who lived through the trauma of having lost their families.
Guilds were possibly an easy enough solution. Legal Guilds are affiliated with the Magic Council—the government body for mages—and possibly get funds from the Council. They already were places for mages to cooperate and train with each other. This of course ignores that they were usually places for adult mages, not for children and that these spaces that had previously been made for and by adults did not change to accommodate the children and their needs as in guilds like Fairy Tail, the adults were conducting themselves as they had before around the children.
The guilds could not be forced to take in children, but they were encouraged to help with the unfolding situation as there were legitimate concerns for the safety of the children. How the guilds fulfilled their responsibility in particular differs from guild to guild as each guild is unique in what they can offer, some might have put in place mentorship programs rather than allow seven year old children to join, but there is no denying that the overall situation at the time did allow guilds to essentially have the first pick when it comes to recruiting members of the next generation of mages.
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ftbrainrot · 2 years ago
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Location. in the South of Fiore, directly South of the mountains in the middle of the country. West of Hargeon, South East to the National Council of Fiore’s branch and Crocus. It lies north on the southern river that goes directly to the south ocean.
Geography.it lives right on a river, which generates a lot of trade as it’s accessible via ship. The city is in a slightly hilly area and leads to the plains before the mountains.
Population. ~34,500 / Mage population: ~25%
Regional nobility. The current liege lords of Delphinium city are the Calyx family. The Calyx family have traditionally lived in the mountain countryside of Delphinium, but were given the city and the surrounding land in a marriage dowry from the Royal Family 105 years ago when a Princess married into the family. Since then, the family has resided within Delphinium, but their countryside estate is still in existence and is used for more formal occasions by the family.
History. In ancient times, this was a seat of power for mages who made attempts at protecting people from the threat of dragons and later, demons. And both during that sweet in between time when both were big dangers. There was said to be a magical device that could be activated by the mages of the city and act as a shield but such a device was stolen, lost to time, or never existed. It is not agreed upon history, as the ancient era was filled with a lot of fighting and historical accounts can be differing.
It is said that the protection of mages was why the city got its name, not just from the fact that the flower grows freely around.
The city has acted as a little hub of more defensive magic as well as a place for healers to come together in Fiore. It hosts a yearly presentation of newly researched magic and the city has been known to be very financially friendly for mages of all kinds. They also have Delphinium Museum that details the mysteries and arguments about the city’s much debated history.
With the attack of Alvarez, the city found need to try and make use of the old time defenses. Thankfully, a lot of them did work and the city’s own mages who lived there helped defend the city with the help of the Calyx family. The head of the family at the time, Lady Geraldine Calyx, was a requip mage who alone killed a squad of Alvarez foot soliders with her ranged weapons.
However, when Universe One was activated, not even the ancient systems could find a way to avoid that. The city’s walls easily crumbled in the disjointed ness and they lost a significant portion of their mage population in the fighting that followed, Lady Geraldine one of them.
In the year that has followed, a memorial is currently petitioned to remember those who lost their lives defending their city. The city is one of the last to be fully rebuilt as they are having some difficulties in doing it the right way. An insistence made by the the young Lord Veolt Calyx who has suddenly taken his mother’s place as Head of the Family.
They have also seen an influx of people going to Anisama, as there are now even more people with magic induced trauma.
Landscape & Infrastructure. The city has high walls that are modeled somewhat like the flower as well, standing tall and proud now even after all these years. The walls seem to have a naturally occurring property that heals its own cracks when they are made, making the walls ever lasting.
Thanks to this cement compound, a lot of the structures are very old, which gives the city an almost vintage feel to it. It certainly helps with tourism.
Yet it has been modernized, their train station is massive and it connects to the docks of the city, making trade and travel a lot easier. These buildings and structures were not made with the ancient cement, but with more modern techniques.
However, they do not still have the old recipe fully written down in their records. Over the centuries, it has been lost. That has created an issue with rebuilding. Some parts of the city and their walls are still compromised. As well as some old buildings and structures.
Popular Places in Delphinium
Amisana. A healing organization, which deals with magic induced trauma. Whether physical or mental, they heal those injuries. Their team of healers are all well educated from around the world and their work is officially sanctioned by the Magical Council as of their founding in x784.
Delphinium Museum. The historical museum of Delphinium city. It details the city’s own history as well as that of Fiore and sometimes touch upon the other nations. The museum has come under fire recently for the now former curator, Kiwali Metto, who spoke outright against the royal government for the recent Alvarez attack. She was fired and it was claimed to be unrelated to the comments and that only made the flames of scandal hotter.
Prue’s Magnificent Showcase. A renowned magical art museum founded by Prudence Kyga. It not only celebrates historical magical art, but holds galleries of up and coming artists and already established magical ones.
Garden of Hope. A giant garden in the middle of the city, boasting Delphiniums of course. It is free to walk through and there are picnic tables and gazebos littered around the place, inviting people to spend time there. It has no entry fee and it is taken cared of by the city itself, funded by the resident’s tax dollars. It used to be a giant coliseum in the middle of the city, but when the Calyx family took over they repurposed the area for the garden.
Delphinium’s Arcanic Academy. The old mage’s school that has excited since ancient times. It is more of an arcane library now, with ancient and old texts. It is owned by the Calyx family now but mostly open to the public. Some areas are not as open and access needs to be granted. They can teach the basics of magic, with permission from the High Council as well as certain branches of magic which depends entirely on the Dean. The late Lady Geraldine learned her requip here and the current lord graduated from here.
University of Fiore. A public university of Fiore, handled mostly by the royal government as it falls under their jurisdiction. The campus is in the south of town and trolleys tend to take students from the train station to the campus. Most students move to Delphinium.
Arcane Delight. A famous nightclub of Delphinium and the highlight of their nightlife district. People want to be seen here so that others can talk about the fact that they have been here. Some famous celebrity sightings here include Hibiki Lates.
Map of Delphinium
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ftbrainrot · 2 years ago
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i can't live without you & i don't want to
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ftbrainrot · 2 years ago
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[ preview ♡ pastebin ] After seeing the positive reception of my previous theme, I had the idea of releasing a second version of it that strayed from the minimalist aspects I used for the previous one. For Isadora I revisited a lot of the elements I like to use on my personal themes as well as my roleplay group themes: shadows, transparencies, image hovers, and glowing text. I have to admit I always get static previews and live previews mixed up—so do let me correct myself and state this is a static preview and some of the theme elements look better on the live theme such as the audio player.
Although I made this theme for personal use I really liked how it turned out and I really felt like sharing it. So I hope you like it. The codes come organized and most customization options are self-explanatory. These codes are free as well as my downloadable graphics though you can also contribute and buy me a coffee to keep the resources coming and commission me for graphics (+ and codes coming soon!). The information is on my navigation.
540px posts
150x260px sidebar image 
2 sidebars (240px wide with full height)
2 current projects + image hover
3 navigation links + default links
a customized audio player
a customized answer format (revisited)
Photoset by bychloethemes
Video Resize by shythemes
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ftbrainrot · 2 years ago
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a test post with the world's oldest pervert
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