fsproschold · 3 days
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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fsproschold · 8 days
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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fsproschold · 2 months
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5 posts!
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fsproschold · 2 months
Chapter One: Dawn of the hominids.
The valley was once more gripped in the jaws of drought, the grass was dry and withering and the only place to find water in the region was a small watering hole. an oasis in the middle of a vast expanse of grass, dust and sand. near this watering hole is a tribe of homo habilis, some of the earliest hominids to ever exist. there skin was covered by a light coat of fine hair and a big mane on top of their heads, a trait shared by all hominids to come after them, there skin was brown, and their feces half way between Australopithecus and human. They lived near and around a large acacia tree which offered them shade and safety in case of predators.
On the outskirts of this group were five young females, driven from their tribes when they reached sexual maturity to prevent inbreeding. Among them was one named Moon Watcher. Moon Watcher was odd to look at at first glance, her mane seemed unnaturally neat and short, ending cleanly at her shoulders, she was thin and built in a feminine way that gave her an inherent magnetic appetence of beauty. Her sisters were quite well built themselves, Fire Chaser was a bit more aggressive with a slightly stronger build and a mop of scruffy hair for a mane, Rain Bringer, a longmaned female with a slightly naturally curvier body and Melon Licker, the smallest of the group with a mane of poufy curly hair which could almost be called fluffy. The last female was not of blood relation, she to was quite beautiful as well with a pleasing figure, yet her personality was much more captivating, she was confident, brave and a bit playful. Moon Watcher often glanced at her with a strange feeling within herself that she could scarcely understand. She had never felt this way while looking at the males of this new tribe, despite the fact that some had approached her and her sisters, the only thing that mad her feel this way was that young female, Termite Eater.
On one particularly parched day, Moon Watcher approached Termite Eater and began grooming her, unsure how she would respond. Termite Eater looked at Moon Watcher softly, showing Moon Watcher in an instant that her feelings were reciprocated. Close by, Fire Chaser and Melon Liker were roughhousing with each other while Rain Bringer watched and laughed at them. The tribe took little note of this, the five were not officially accepted into the tribe, Moon Watcher and Termite Eater had no interest in the dominate male and Melon Licker, Rain Bringer and Fire Chaser rejected any attempts to join without Moon Watcher thus leaving them in a state of limbo. The were tolerated as they acted as early warning of predators and potential decoys incase of an attacked, since the foraged for themselves and stayed outside of the tribes politics then they could stay as a non issue. The tribe had worse things to think of other than them.
Termite Eater got up and moved towards the Watering Hole, motioning for Moon Watcher to fallow. Moon Watcher called to her sisters and they all walked towards the Watering Hole, a dangerous proposition for any animal, but especially for the members of this tribe. As they walked through the dry terrain, they looked left and right of any sign of The Leopard, a massive leopardess who stalked the outskirts of the tribe to pick off any stragglers of the group, half of the tribes young and sick had fallen pray to her over the past few months. besides her there were Hyaenas, Megantereon, Dinofelis, Pythons, Crocodiles and Hippopotamuses, all ready and eager to devour them if given the chance. There were also Dinotherium, Giant Elephants and Rhinos who would trample them just to let out some casual aggression. Even more peaceful game like Gazelles, early Zebras and Warthogs often bully them off of their food. Moon Watcher was simply another low ranking member of the savannas food web.
Once they reached the Watering Hole they had a problem, The Others were there. A tribe of well built Males and Females lead by A male who was giant by there standers named Torn Ear, they had already tried to cannibalize Melon Licker when she got to close and would not hesitate to do it again. Moon Watchers mind went to work, she motioned for Rain Bringer and Melon Licker to go one way While herself and Termite Eater go another, Fire Chaser would approach them head on. Fire Chaser walked out in front of Torn Ear, calling and apishly screaming at him as She approached. Torn ear was nearly amused by this small female making seemingly empty threats.
Then a rain of sticks and rocks began to fall upon Torn Ear and his tribe and the sounds of barking and screaming came from all around him. This caught him completely off guard and caused him and his tribe to back off, they had drank their fill anyways. The five then rushed down to the Watering Hole and began to drink hardily. Termite Eater patted Moon Watcher on the back for her great idea. Moon watcher was used to planning things out, her mother died in child birth and she had been the sole care giver to her sisters once she was old enough, now at a mere 14 years old, she had reached the beginning of adulthood of her spices, but was still quite young in may other ways. But she never considered the notion of leaving her family, such a though had long been squashed out of her vary soul. Her family was all she had.
there were times where they would drive each other mad to be sure, but they had an undying love for each other that encompassed all things. Melon Licker drank deeply from her cupped hands as she kneeled down by the Watering Hole and watched as Moon Watcher stood next to termite eater. Melon Licker picked up a glob of of mud and threw it at Moon Watcher. Moon Watcher snarled and threw mud back at Melon Licker, hitting Fire Chaser and rain bringer in the prosses. Soon all five of them were engaged in a playful bout of mud throwing with each other, cooling themselves from the hot African sun.
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fsproschold · 2 months
Steven Universe : The Diamonds Odyssey.
I do not own Steven Universe nor do I own 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is merely a fan creating a piece of non monetized work combining the two stories in a way, I hope, would be pleasing to the people who read it. Their will be original characters based more closely to 2001: A Space Odyssey, but aside from them, there are no other characters I can say I claim ownership of. This story will explore a variety of topics, from the paleoanthropology of the late Miocene hominid to the musings on the nature of humanity, family and love. If you feel that such topics are to pretentious to your sensibility's, I ask simply you keep an open mind, this story my yet surprise you.
Readers discursion is advised,
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fsproschold · 2 months
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fsproschold · 5 months
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fsproschold · 7 months
Attention, myself and my associate are about to publish the first issue of our comic...
"The Ballad of Night Wolf."
Spread the word.
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fsproschold · 7 months
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Delia and Joy are definitely the physically strong gfs, Delia has mom strength and Joy has nurse strength, that are both forces to be reckoned with 💪 And that strength has the added bonus of sweeping their gfs off their feet ✨
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