fruitytea454 · 18 minutes
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sorry i havent posted, but heres a scene/color practice for waiting ❄️
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fruitytea454 · 18 minutes
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this is the only type of snufmin fanart im capable of creating please enjoy
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fruitytea454 · 37 minutes
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some simple snufmin colorings
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fruitytea454 · 11 hours
september 6 - secretary - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 165 words
When Mary Macdonald left her position as James Potter’s secretary, it was up to her to find a suitable replacement. Sue her if she tried to find someone both capable and absolutely James’s type.
James was her best friend, and while Mary needed to move on to greater things, she wasn’t leaving that behind. She wanted James to be happy, and he hadn’t dated in years since his divorce from her friend, Lily.
So when Mary was flicking through applications and found twenty-three year old, just graduated, Regulus Black, she knew it had potential.
After interviewing him, she discovered Regulus was just as pretty as his photos, could manage himself well, and had a sharp tongue that was sure to draw her ex-boss in.
James was going to be head over heels for the snarky black-haired boy. He always had a soft spot for pretty people who would bully the living daylights out of him.
Mary knew she was leaving James in capable hands.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 7 - auction - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 155 words
If James had to put his most precious thing up for auction, one thing he valued more than anything else in the world, it would be Regulus.
Not Regulus specifically but his love for him. James didn’t think he’d ever felt such a strong, overwhelming wave of emotions. It was the most valuable thing in his life, his love for the love of his life.
And in all cases, James could never put love up for auction, but if asked in an interview what his item would be, it was a very common question, he would say that.
He knew most of his teammates would say something about their sports car or a world cup trophy they won or the first snitch they caught, ranging from least to most sentimental.
But Regulus’s love for him and James’s love for Regulus, their entwined hearts and fingers. That was what mattered the very most to James Potter.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 8 - consciousness - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 294 words
The clock read 12.06 am.
When they fell into bed just past midnight, James quickly fell asleep. He was always one to crash just as his head hit the pillow.
Regulus watched as he lay next to his boyfriend, his touch on James’s cheek was featherlight as he smiled. James always looked so pretty when he slept. Regulus drifted off, eyes lingering on the man he loved.
The clock read 2.34 am.
James’s eyes fluttered open as he felt the moonlight cascade through the open blinds, he hummed softly.
He ran a hand through a sleeping Regulus’s curls, it was all he could do to keep his hands and lips to himself. He longed to kiss him, but he didn’t want to wake Regulus up. He needed his beauty sleep, though Regulus was always beautiful, James decided.
He carefully slipped out of the sheets to close the blinds, darkening the room, before he crawled back into bed. He gently encased Regulus in his arms, pressing a kiss to his temple.
The clock read 4.08 am.
Regulus drifted between full sleep and half-consciousness before he awoke with a start. He breathed in and out and smiled. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real. He’d dreamed of his mother again, that he was back in that house.
But when he awoke, he found himself face to face with a sleeping James and the awareness that he was not there. Instead of in Grimmauld Place, Regulus lay in his bed with James at their apartment. He was safe.
Regulus smiled and curled further into James’s arms, appreciative of the way that James unconsciously shifted to pull him tighter. He pressed his lips to James’s chastely before he drifted back off, head tucked into James’s chest.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 9 - frozen - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 411 words
When James Potter discovered himself alone in the sheets, he immediately knew something was wrong. A quick Tempus told him the time was just past three am and Regulus’s side of the bed was empty. James quickly stood and stalked through the rooms of their shared apartment to find his lover completely gone.
Five minutes later, after throwing on whatever clothes were easily available and with a tracking spell on the palm of his hand, James set out. There was something entirely wrong, he knew.
Regulus would never leave in the middle of the night unless he was doing something incredibly stupid or self-sacrificing. Considering they were currently at war and Regulus was a double agent for the Order, he knew it was likely one of those things.
The spell lead James to an ominous cave on which he was appalled to find you needed to cut yourself and draw blood to enter. At first, James was unwilling but after the discovery of what looked to be fresh blood, he knew Regulus was within. He sliced his palm on the rock, watching the blood drip down and clutched his hand, wincing in pain, as the cave revealed an opening.
Just past the entrance, James found a deep and disturbing lake that felt as though there was something hidden just below the surface. Out in the middle was a rock island where a boat was docked, there James spotted Regulus.
As he began to call out, he froze as he saw a hand creep out of the water to begin to pull Regulus in. In a flash, James was screaming.
“No, please!” he screamed, catching the attention of Kreacher who stood, shaking on the island, “Kreacher please, I need to get to him,” James sobbed, feeling the tears prick his eyes. He knew he couldn’t get over, get in the water or else he’d be dragged down too.
Kreacher apparated to him and over to the island and James almost fell over in dizziness but he steadied himself and ran to the shore. He could only see Regulus’s hand, a dying grip to a rock on the shore and James grasped his wrist, pulling with all his might until he felt the creatures let Regulus free.
Regulus came gasping up to the shore and James pulled him into his arms. Regulus’s frozen body clung to James’s warmth and James could barely breathe, so incredibly grateful that he’d made it there in time.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
Frozen - September 9 - Jegulus dads - @stag-microfic - word count: 626
“James! Harry! I’m home!” Regulus called entering their small home. The quiet of the house confused him. “Chéri? Petit soleil?” Regulus furrowed his eyebrows and entered the kitchen. Flipping the tea kettle on, he saw a note sitting on the island.
Went to the park, we’ll be back by 4:45
Love James + Harry
Regulus smiled at the little note and pulled out three mugs. Knowing James and Harry they would probably be back in about 5 minutes with the cold outside. Shuffling through the small pile of mail, Regulus glanced up when the sound of laughter rang through the opening front door. Heading into the living room, Regulus laughed when Harry came running around the corner bundled in snow clothes.
“Papa!” Regulus grunted when Harry jumped into his arms.
“Did you have fun at the park, beau soleil?”
“Yup! Daddy took me to the one with all the big slides, and I made a new friend!”
“Did you?”
“Yup, his name is Ron, and we played monsters!”
“Oh! That’s always a fun game. Now, why don’t you change into some warm pajamas, and then, we can sit down and watch a movie with some dinner and hot cocoa?”
“Yay! Hot cocoa!” Regulus set Harry down, and he took off towards his room. Rounding the corner into the entrance hallway, James is flushed and rubbing his hands together.
“So, did you bundle up just as much as your son, or should I expect for you to push your freezing hands up my shirt if I come to hug you?” James chuckles as he looks up.
“I definitely didn’t wear enough clothes, and I most definitely will shove my hands up your shirt if you decide to hug me.” Regulus hums but walks forward anyway.
“Merlin,” Regulus exclaims after he grabs James’ hands, “You’re practically frozen to death!”
“Yeah, I definitely didn’t wear enough clothes this time.”
“Come on, you big oaf. Let’s get you warm.”
“Yeah, okay.” James shrugged out of his shoes and jacket before following Regulus to the living room. “I’m sorry for not dressing warmer.” Regulus huffed a laugh while re-entering the room.
“I’m not mad at you, chéri.”
“But we’ve talked about this before. I said I wouldn’t do it again.”
“James, love, I know. You don’t think about this kind of thing until you’re already cold or hungry or something along those lines. I’ll still love you through it. Every time. I promise.”
“Until this kind of thing gets me hurt.”
“Then we’ll deal with it, together, like we always do.” Regulus grasps James’ hands. “What’s really bugging you about this? You know that I don’t mind the ADHD. I never have.”
“What if I hurt Harry because of it?”
“Oh, James,” Regulus breathes, “you wouldn’t.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because your paternal instinct is stronger than anything else in your brain. It’s normal to feel like this. You have before and you will again. That’s a part of life.”
“I just don’t want to hurt him because of it.”
“You won’t.”
“Papa, Daddy! Did you start on hot cocoa without me?” Harry’s aghast question breaks the slightly solemn atmosphere in the living room. Regulus and James chuckle before pulling Harry up onto the couch with them.
“Never, petit soleil. That would be a great dishonor.”
“Good. Now, I want to watch Zootopia. Can we watch Zootopia?”
“Of course, we can, calabaza.”
“I’m going to get started on dinner.” Regulus dropped a kiss to Harry’s forehead before standing. “Are you okay with that, chéri?”
“Mmm, oh, yeah,” James hums hesitantly. Regulus gently cups his face and examines him softly. “You’re only a few feet away. I’m okay.”
“Okay,” Regulus gently kisses James’ forehead before going to start on dinner.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
Black - Jegulus Microfic - September 10 - @stag-microfic - word count: 193
(trans!Reg, hints at transphobia)
"Hi!" James's voice is kind and cordial as he approaches the surly-looking 6th year, but anyone who knows him knows he's tense. "Are you Alan?"
The boy eyes him and nods. "What's it to you?"
"I'm James. James Potter. I'm dating Regulus Black."
The younger boy scoffs at the words. "Would've thought you had better taste, with your reputation."
But James just keeps the smile plastered on his face. "That's what I'm here to talk about. Did you know I'm rather good at Transfiguration?"
The other boy just looks at him, obviously wondering why, exactly, this is relevant.
But James leans in conspiratorially, as if to tell a secret. "I can actually Transfigure people. Rare skill as a student, that, but I can do it. So, theoretically, I could, say, turn you into a rock and chuck you off the Astronomy Tower."
The boy balks. "Are you threatening m-"
James grins. "I'm glad you're smart enough to pick up on it so quickly! Now if you ever tell Reg to go use the girls' toilets again, we'll have to have another talk, alright?"
The boy just nods, red-faced, and James leaves without another word.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 10 - black - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 102 words
James Potter could not be held responsible for any of his actions regarding Regulus Black.
Not when he almost lost his house the Quidditch Cup because he was so focused on Regulus that he forgot to catch the Quaffle.
Not when he made a fool of himself and tripped over his feet to fall right in front of the younger boy.
Not when he caused a scene in the Great Hall when Sirius discovered James’s attraction to his younger brother.
James could not be held accountable for how annoyingly public he was with his love for Regulus when they finally got together.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 11 - opponent - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 145 words
Regulus Black had never found a worthy chess opponent. He’d been taught at a young age and had found it incredibly therapeutic, the strategy and the passion distracting him from his woes.
He had never played against someone that he truly found difficult or interesting since he was a child when he first started learning.
James Potter was absolutely no exception. And yet, Regulus played with him time and time again, and pretended James was better than others.
Regulus took his time to beat him as to make James like playing with him, to make James think that he was good enough to maybe one day beat Regulus. He wasn’t, but Regulus liked James and he wanted to keep playing with him.
So Regulus would pretend that James was a worthy opponent because he had a bit of a soft spot for the untalented boy.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 12 - poison - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 303 words
Regulus felt his heart ache and his head buzz with white noise as he navigated his way through the bustling crowds on the station. It was his sixth year, his second to last.
On a typical occasion he would be thrilled, to escape the house that grates on his skull like fingernails on a chalkboard. But this was not a normal occasion.
Now, Regulus stepped onto the train, shrunken trunk in one hand and the one rested in the pocket of his robes. He was much too conscious of the weight there, the little bottle. It wasn’t particularly heavy physically, but in Regulus’s mind it was the most terrifying burdensome thing to ever exist.
A vial marked with a little skull that Walburga had scraped off. Poison. Regulus was meant to use it on his brother this year, but how could he? Not when he loved him.
“And get that Potter boy too if you have extra,” his mother “hmph”-ed with a haughty expression, “He’s the reason your brother left, you know, Regulus dear.”
But Regulus knew the truth, his brother had left because of his mother, because of the life they’d lived. It was not the fault of James Potter.
Regulus would do anything to not get on that train, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He could not just throw it out, it was incriminating, but he could not use it. Not when he loved James Potter to bits and wished to spend the rest of his life by his side. Preferably with his brother alive and at his side.
As Regulus stepped into the train car and was greeted by a hug from his brother and a kiss from his boyfriend, he felt the rock in his throat grate. He had to tell them the truth.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
head - jegulus - @stag-microfic - word count: 284 - 13 September
“You know Prongs this is the first Sunday in ages that I think you’ve slept in,” Remus remarked, popping his head through the curtains of James’ four-poster.
James froze in place. Regulus’ eyes snapped open. Fear gripping both of them. James moved his lips away from where he was painting Regulus’ neck purple. Barely coherent, Regulus tried to sit up but could only manage lifting up into his elbows. Shifting into gear, James sprang up on the bed - almost as though he was electrocuted.
“Moony! It’s not what it looks like! I was just … uh”
A smirk crept across Remus’ face. “Oh really Prongs? I’d love you to enlighten me as to what you were doing?”
“Um well”
“Cause it looks like you were defiling Pads’ little brother, is what it looks like”
Regulus cleared his throat, “Remus, listen I don’t know about defiling,” he mused.
Remus laughed. James immediately pulled him into the surrounding of the curtains.
“Don’t, you’ll wake Pads!” James whisper-shouted.
“I would love to see what story you spin for him,” Remus cackled, holding his stomach, “how many nights have you spent here Reg?”
It was Regulus’ turn to smirk. “The past three nights,” he replied smugly.
“Oh don’t think you’re so slick, I just thought Prongs was just having a good wank on Friday.”
Regulus’ cheeks burned red, pushing James, he whispered furiously, “I thought you said you were good at silencing charms.”
“I am”
“He’s shit at them.”
The three of them whipped around to see Sirius, sleep still in his eyes.
“You don’t have to look so dumbfounded, I’ve known since you first got together. I read James’ diary”
Sirius left the three of them speechless.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
head - Jegulus - September 13 - @stag-microfic - 209
He knows it's a prank. Some elaborate way of messing with him. Probably a plan concocted by Sirius, to annoy him, especially since the Gryffindor versus Slytherin game is approaching.
But suddenly, James Potter is everywhere. He greets Regulus between classes, offers to carry his bags, asks to sit near him in the library, finds him as he sits on the grounds.
He's never mean. But he's always there. It's jarring, because his smile gives Regulus butterflies and the whole thing is a reminder of what he can't have.
So he scowls, tells Potter to fuck off, wishes he could scream at Sirius for pushing buttons he just wants to be left alone, but he doesn't want to admit to any sort of vulnerability.
But one day he snaps. Potter bounds up to him by the lake and smiles his heartbreakingly perfect smile and Regulus just throws his hands in the air and yells, "What are you doing here, Potter? Did Sirius just send you to bother me? Because this is getting old, and I'm busy!"
The smile slides off of James's face and he shrugs before he says. "Sorry, Reg. I just...can't get you out of my head, is all."
And Regulus wants so badly to believe him.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
13 / head | scarf / 447 words
@stag-microfic | @taylorswiftmicrofic
“I wish you’d stop wearing my brother’s clothes,” Sirius said with a scowl, nodding at the Slytherin scarf wrapped around James’ neck. “Green isn’t your color.”
“Every color is his color,” Regulus argued, suddenly standing beside James.
James had slept over in Regulus’ dorm room the night before; he had gotten ready there before breakfast, and wasn’t expecting to see Regulus again until after their school days were over. “Although I am partial to him putting my clothes on instead of his own after we fu—”
“That’s—“ Sirius cleared his throat, quickly drowning out the rest of Regulus’ sentence with his own sound of disgust. He turned away, muttering quietly to himself, “I hate this.”
“Are you trying to give him a heart attack?” James asked with a laugh, turning away from his best friend’s retreating back and looking down at his boyfriend.
“Me?” Regulus asked indignantly, feigning offense. “You’re the one who grabbed my scarf this morning.”
“It smells like you,” James replied, almost petulantly. The words were confident, but he could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks.
Regulus smiled up at him, a soft, knowing thing that was reserved only for James, before grabbing each end of the offending scarf in each of his fists. He tugged roughly, yanking James’ head down until their lips were a mere hairsbreadth apart.
“Meet me in my dorm at lunch and you can earn it back,” Regulus said suggestively, before pulling James into a deep kiss. There was the distant, unmistakable sound of Sirius choking on his pumpkin juice behind them, but James could hardly hear it, all of his senses honing in on the feel of Regulus’ tongue against his own. His focus was solely on the promise of what was to come. “But right now I need it back, or I won’t hear the end of it from Slughorn.”
James whined as they broke apart, but he let Regulus pull the fabric from around his neck, and watched as Regulus turned to walk away with nothing more than a wink.
“Stop staring at my little brother,” Sirius said, walking back up to James and smacking him in the back of the head. “We’re going to be late for transfiguration.”
“But he’s so p—”
“If I have to hear you tell me that he’s pretty one more time, I’m gonna hit you again.”
James huffed out a laugh, but obediently followed Sirius to class in silence anyway.
He spent the rest of the morning keeping his thoughts to himself, the ones of a pretty pale body writhing beneath his touch, of pretty pink lips and pretty grey eyes.
Lunch didn’t come nearly fast enough.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
september 13 - head - @stag-microfic (jegulus) - 145 words
There was not a single profound thought left to whirl around in James Potter’s head as he stood in the back of the theater. He watched as Regulus, all beautiful black curls and striking eyes, danced around the stage.
It was his first performance that James got to watch. As he was the principal dancer, he spun the ballerinas around the stage. Glittering dresses and tutus but all James could be mesmerized by was Regulus.
James was left speechless as he watched the gorgeous boy, his gorgeous boy, twirl across the stage. All he wanted to do was quit his day job and watch Regulus dance for hours and hours on end.
He fiddled with the bouquet in his arms, he hoped Regulus wouldn’t hate him for being too scared to go to the front. Instead, he watched from behind, utterly mesmerized by his boyfriend.
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fruitytea454 · 12 hours
feign - Jegulus - September 14th - @stag-microfic - word count: 232
"Hey, baby!" James called to Regulus, who stepped through the door of their flat looking exhausted. "Long day?"
"Mph," he grunted, looking distinctly worse-for-the wear. "Thank Merlin it's Friday."
"I'm sorry, love," James murmured, standing and pulling Regulus into a hug. "I missed you."
"Missed you too, Jamie," Regulus whispered, melting a bit into the embrace. "Work was just shite. I can't wait to grab some ice cream and sit with you on the couch."
James, however, froze at this comment. "Yeah," he answered, voice high and cheeck flaring red. "Sounds great!"
Regulus obliviously extracted himself from James's arms and headed to the freezer. "Good day off?"
"Erm. Yeah. Haz and I-" James started, but he knew it was only a matter of time before Regulus found out. It took only fifteen seconds.
"James," Regulus interrupted, turning around and fixing his husband with a cold glare.
"Yes?" he asked innocently, feigning confusion.
"Where the fuck is the ice cream?" Regulus asked, his voice low and dangerous.
"Err...Harry ate it when I wasn't looking!" he blurted out, waving his hands wildly.
Three-month-old Harry, however, just blinked up at both of them from his baby seat.
"Yeah?" Regulus asked flatly, rolling his eyes. "The whole pint? The one we said we'd split?"
"Erm. Yeah. He's grounded," James nodded, trying not to laugh.
The other man just sighed. "You owe me a shoulder massage."
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