fruitgummies01 · 7 hours
What a way to end the first season of AYS!!
I don't even know if I can even put into words what I'm feeling after watching the last episode of Are You Sure. Grateful? Devastated? Sad? Overjoyed? None of those words do justice to my emotions and overall feelings.
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What a beautiful way to end this first season. We really got to witness just how much Jimin and Jungkook mean to each other, and it really made it clear to me why they chose to enlist together and not be separated. I can't believe we as fans got to spend such a precious amount of time with jikook right before the start of their military service.
There were so many moments during this last episode that made me emotional. Jimin tearing up on his way to wake Jungkook up on their last day, Jungkook (who we've seen repeatedly enjoying his love for beer) choosing not to drink so that he could drive them to the airport (and have that alone time), jikook reacting to the first episode of AYS and laughing so hard (to the point that Jungkook had to keep wiping the tears from his eyes🥹), Jungkook trying to cheer Jimin up on that last day, Jungkook saying that these trips with Jimin were the best of his entire life 😭, and even the subtle touches. 😩
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The car rides. They got to spend so much of their time in the car driving just the two of them since they were constantly saying out loud just how long their drives were, but we only got to see a few minutes of it. I love so much that they had that time just the two of them.
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Jimin's absolute love for Standing Next to You is so amazing to see (and also understandable lol). He sings it in almost every episode. It says something about Jimin as a person that he is so selflessly supportive.
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Jimin at the end talking about how impactful their trips were to him and how they made him appreciate things like this again. Jungkook wanting to go back to the first day of their trip 🥺. Like Are You Sure meant so much to both of them they even included a clip of them saying their phrase "Are You Sure" on enlistment day 😭.
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I am so thankful that Jimin and Jungkook got to show these sides of themselves in AYS, in a way that's different and unique from all the other BTS content. I feel like I got to know them on a deeper level watching their interactions and experiencing some of the joy they were so clearly feeling. I hope Jimin and Jungkook know just how much fans enjoyed watching every minute of their show and the amount of happiness they've given to fans, and I hope they decide to keep the same format going forward with future seasons!! 💜❤️
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fruitgummies01 · 3 days
This is why #They don't like og content cause that just burst their bubble and ppl will know all those edits are made up of things taken out of context 😭
Gonna be super honest lol, I don't know how anyone can watch those Are You Sure episodes in Jeju and still think that something romantic or "secret" is going on between Jungkook and Tae. I haven't been in tkk spaces in a really long time so I don't know how they rationalize that. The vibes never felt more than friends, which probably explains the comment in this tweet. It's kind of sad that people would rather stick to edits than watch content that their favs put out, to not ruin the images in their minds.
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fruitgummies01 · 4 days
Rewatching episodes of Are You Sure and it's really beginning to hit me just how special this show is. It's so wild to me to think back on how I would get so happy when Jimin or Jungkook would leave comments on each other's weverse lives or make short appearances in each other's content because that's all there was, and here we all are with hours and hours of content to watch of them on their Disney+ show.
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Real interactions where they are doing nothing but hanging out with each other, eating, and having fun. Laughing. Tons and tons of laughing. Truly one of the things I love most about this show. Hearing them erupt into fits of giggles feels so healing (especially with all the drama surrounding hybe at the moment).
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Sometimes the show itself even existing doesn't seem real.
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And with the last episode coming in a few days, I'm feeling weirdly emotional thinking about it coming out and after Jungkook's documentary release, Jimin's exhibition, AYS photobook, and behind-the-scenes videos, there's a possibility that we will be without them for the next few months until they are discharged (especially since they both prefer to serve quietly and rarely post updates like the other members). Honestly, I can't wait to hear Jimin and Jungkook talk more in-depth about what it was like filming Are You Sure, and what it meant to them to have that time together. 😩
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fruitgummies01 · 5 days
Not Are You Sure related (well not really lol) but I genuinely wonder what BTS as a group will look and feel like post-military service. I became a fan during their solo eras or Chapter 2 (as I see some fans call it), and I've only really gotten to know them as a group through watching their older content. With how incredibly successful all the individual members have been with their solo work, fitting back into a 7 person group will take some readjusting. I can't imagine it will be easy (especially since some had to cut their solo work/promoting short), but I know they'll work through it. Plus they've said the priority will be the album, the tour, and probably filming some mix of run bts and/or BV.
It all fascinates me though, because I wonder if some members want to get back to working on solo music, or will they decide they can do both at the same time? Will some members want to promote the music they couldn't before enlisting? I'm just super interested on how it will all work come next year. 🤔
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fruitgummies01 · 5 days
Following because I love your name! AND, of course, JiKook! 👉🏼💜👈🏼
That's so sweet (I think haha😅)... but yes shoutout to all the different kinds of fruit gummies out there (and I also love yours back!!!) and of course my main jikook, who I'm lowkey obsessed with if it wasn't already obvious lmaoooo.
But in all seriousness thank you! 🥹💜
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fruitgummies01 · 7 days
Are You Sure continues to amaze me every week...
Initial first thoughts - As with every new episode, I am just so completely in awe at Jimin and Jungkook's relationship, and the fact that we get to see a glimpse more into their dynamic. It's not even the super fun activities, but the in-between moments that really hit me emotionally. It's the constant tenderness, the checking in to see how the other is feeling, the endless laughter, JK gently fixing the strap on Jimin's helmet, and Jimin knowing that JK would be hot in their room. Still, Jungkook assured him that he was fine and then quietly left the room later in the night to sleep on the couch because he knew Jimin was fine. JK would rather risk being uncomfortable than disturb him. The constant splitting of the food. Jimin staying in the car while JK ordered food for the both of them at the rest stop. Even watching them do their normal, everyday things together made me smile. They brush their teeth together, get ready in the morning together, and shower together. They really do everything together lol. And you really have to be close to someone to comfortably go on a trip with their friend group and they aren't even there, and it not be weird. This entire episode and really this ENTIRE show, has been such a beautiful journey to go on, and I'm truly going to be devasted when it's over. 😭😭😭
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fruitgummies01 · 8 days
You were wondering what song they were listening to when they were on yacht in jeju right? Someone found and it's this song
They were also listening to the same japanse artist when they both were on a boat in Malta for a bon voyage. It was when they dropped other members at their place and these two went back on boats and stayed there together for some time to enjoy some more and were listening to songs from this artist.
I think there's also something of jungkook mentioning him wanting to watch your name in Japan years ago and jm mentioning something too which i don't remember that well but yeah. Point is i wouldn't be surprised if they were listening to that artist and that song given they have a bit of history of listening to that artist.
Seriously, thank you!!! That cannot be a coincidence that it's (maybe) the same song, and now I'm devasted all over again. Wow. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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fruitgummies01 · 8 days
Hi! I became a BTS fan 10 months ago when JK, JM RM, and V enlisted. Every day, I feel like I came really late to the party. I don't know how I didn't find them many years ago. I gotta say that during the pandemic, I wouldn't listen to music because I didn't want to associate songs with the lockdown and everything that happened that year. The only album I listened to was After Hours by The Weeknd, and trust me, it's ruined for me forever. To this day, i can not listen to those songs without thinking about the pandemic. It's like I'm living in 2020 all over again.
Anyway, I love Jimin and Jungkook. They make me happy. I don't know the nature of their relationship, but I do know and feel that they're real, that they're genuinely like each other.
AYS is a gift for army. I'm so glad they filmed for us. We should all enjoy the content.
I will never understand the hate towards Jikook.
Thank you for blog.
P.S: I apologize for my English. It isn't my first language.
No need to apologize. English is my first language and even I have trouble with grammar haha, so you're all good🥹! I say the same thing all the time, I have no idea how I didn't discover them earlier!! Interesting to read about your pandemic experience, and how the music you listened to during that time you can't listen to now. It's so weird thinking back, I can't remember at all what I watched or listened to during lockdown? But I am a firm believer that everything happens when it's meant to, and discovering BTS when I did helped me get through a rough time. So I was absolutely meant to discover them when I did, and super grateful that I did. I love BTS, I love jikook, and I am loving ALLLLL the content tooo!!! 😊
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fruitgummies01 · 10 days
Have you watched GCF-Osaka?
I have now... thank you. 😉😉😉
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fruitgummies01 · 10 days
Just a question out of curiosity.....That you said you became BTS's fan after jhope was already Enlisted which probably means after 18th April 2023 and initially you were kinda in tkkrs space as in u saw more of their content cause of algorithms or wtv So how did you become jikook's fan? What i mean is in 2023 there isn't much of jikook seen together like in all previous years, because previous yrs it's like jikook were attached at the hip compared to that they weren't really seen together much and i guess even after April 2023 there's Taekook appearances here and there too so without having much of jikook content at hand how did you thought that they were probably closer than others?
This is just a question out of curiosity cause honestly i thought that most of the people who would join around 2022-23 will always have this impression of jikook that they're just co-workers who work for the same band and nothing else lol. Not like antis don't try to spread that agenda everywhere since forever.
Hmmmm. I'm deciding whether to make this a long or short post haha, because I really have so much to say about this. When I first started getting into BTS there was just soooo much content, but one of the things that would constantly and consistently come up with be tkk content. And I don't even mean in the shipping sense (at least not at first). Large update accounts would post about them frequently, and almost all if not most posts would be about them under any content. It was like BTS as a group and then tkk, those were the two things that I was seeing on a regular basis. Being a new person to the fandom, you take what you see at face value, especially if so many big accounts seem to be cosigning what is being said (and again based on what you said, because there was a lack of any jikook content, a lot of people just weren't pushing back on a lot of things that were being pushed). . And because the algorithim is what it is, I started getting recommended tkk videos. And again because I didn't know any better, I would watch them and that again would shape my opinions of the other members without fully knowing it. I started to believe that tkk was the foundational friendship/rs/whatever you wanna call it ship within the group that everything pretty much revolved around if that makes.
Looking back on it, a lot of the videos that I would watch to get myself acquainted with the group painted Jimin as the one being all over Jungkook and not respecting his personal space and wanting attention, and they used (what I would find out later) to be manipulated videos or videos taken out of context. So I began to form these somewhat negative opinions of Jimin (which is ironic because he is now my bias).
But to answer your question, how did I become a fan of jikook, it sorta happened in stages. I already had in the back of my mind when I would watch compilation videos of BTS, that I really wasn't seeing any um, emotional chemistry between tkk (that's another story), but I over looked it because I just figured it was because I was new. I think I mentioned this before, but Tae being seen with Jennie in Paris was a HUGE eye opener. And honestly, I might still be wrapped up in that side of the fandom had that moment not happened. But I'm so thankful it did, because it allowed me to see with my own eyes, in real time just how they lied and gaslighted fans into believing that the whole thing never happened by making up these wild theories. That people just believed without any pushback, and how that information was just parroted back to other people in this sort of weird circle. My brain just isn't wired like that, so I stopped watching those compilation videos and edits because I realized none of those people were reliable (no offense), and went back to watch all official content (that actually painted a completely different picture).
Watching Jungkook's weverse lives played a big part in changing my opinion on Jikook and Jimin. That man would bring him up without fans having to say anything, and be happy to talk about him. And what's apparent about Jungkook in getting to know him, is he never fakes anything, so if he's talking about him, it means something to him. Both Jimin and Jungkook would also say things insinuating that they had watched the other's weverse lives, which I thought was interesting. That weverse live with JK in bed trying to entice Jimin to do a live was also another turning point. I still laugh thinking about JK saying he would take his stuff to wash up AT Jimin's house, when he could've just done so BEFORE leaving. JK was on a mission that morning haha.
I should say after all this lol, that I am still not 100% sold that they are in an actual romantic relationship. I see A LOT of signs that point in that direction, but with cultural differences anything could be possible. I do see a beautiful and deep bond, especially with these AYS episodes and them enlisting together right afterwards. Even though they were planning to spend every day together for 18 months, they still carved out time in their insanely busy schedules to spend even more time together filming AYS. Regardless of what their labels are, it's clear that they are both priorities in each others lives. I think they both need each other in real ways that are very different from the ways they need the other members. I wrote a lot so I'll stop here, but I could go on, but won't haha.
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fruitgummies01 · 12 days
I always say that I'm in love with the WAY jimin loves his people and I'll use that for you and say i love the WAY you're loving these two. I love your excitement for the show it genuinely makes me smile when i see your happiness It feels like it's oozing from those posts. Why? Because there's no judgement there's no nitpicking there's no wanting more or less or anything it's just you loving them both for whatever bond they share. They don't have to be dating or sharing any sort of romantic rs just them doing all these things together for e/o and with e/o itself is soo special than any sorta of rs itself like i genuinely feel none of us would ever be able to get that depth of their friendship it's just selfless love they built over the years, the way they progressed their rs over the years it's just pure magic to look at. The very "out of the blue" pair of BTS i must say cause they weren't the main accepted ships of BTS but their bond just came out of the blue and boom here we are with them going strong together that not even the military could keep them apart. They haven't been apart from e/o for long since the time they met and it's just beautiful to look at. They're beautiful inside out.
Thank you for this!!!! 😭😭😭 I'm happy to know my love for them is coming through!! I don't know if it's just because I am a fairly new fan, but seeing such a pure and wholesome love has been amazing to watch. I feel privileged to even watch AYS, since it really feels like a little glimpse into their world. So it's truly beautiful to me that they are just able to exist and be themselves despite the chaotic and pressure-filled space in which they occupy. My feelings about their bond have only deepened after seeing some of the negativity that's come from the show airing and being exposed to just how much the pair is disliked in the fandom compared to others. I'm sure they knew how divisive the show could be because of that, and they STILL decided to do it. And that says a lot to me about how much they value each other.
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fruitgummies01 · 12 days
Thanks for answering i agree with all what you said 😌😊
Also just in case you wanna listen to jikook subunit although we don't have any official song only these two together but if you want you can listen to the songs they covered "We don't talk anymore", then they have one song together with lauv named "Who" it's a beautiful song but sadly Fandom slept on it when it was released cause that's not the subunit they want lol but yep it's a beautiful song give it a try if you haven't listened to. There's a song called "Christmas day" which is like a cover of Justin Bieber's mistletoe but in chritsmas day jm wrote the part they sang in korean that's the first ever lyrics he ever wrote. It's actually from 2014, from 10 yrs ago.
Then they have dance covers they did together. You'll get it on YouTube if you search for a jikook dance cover or something. Dance covers are more. There's one with 3J it's a remix of 3 songs together so can't name properly but you'll get it. It's a really amazing dance cover (It's probably from the dancer who jm and jk liked from back then and is jk's bg dancer for seven, snty etc as per his own request and the same dancer is choreographer for jm's serendipity this is TMI lol). Then there's 3J butter remix dance it's a short one but it's fab, was supposed to be hobi nd jk ig but jk asked for jm to join as well. Jimin and hobi are main dancers, hobi being dance leader as well. Jungkook is a lead dancer and hence jikook is the only main-lead duo in BTS cause jk is main vocalist(as the great singer he is) and jm lead vocalist. 3J used to be a dance line initially then after a few yrs their performance director added tae as well so he's in the dance line too.
I LOVE jimin as a performer and dancer(his voice is addictive to me as well) as someone who loves dance like he's my favourite performer and after him i love hobi's dance so i agree with what you said about lolla hobi really nailed it.
Seriously, how did that WHO feature with Lauv not get any attention?!?! I swear I had no idea it even existed until months after I had already become a BTS fan and it randomly played on spotify when I was using the spotify ai dj feature. I was like this person singing right now oddly sounds like Jimin, and I was shocked when I looked and it was lol. Seeing how Jungkook and Jimin have been dominating the charts with their solo releases, I'm legitimately shocked it wasn't everywhere. ☹️
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fruitgummies01 · 12 days
Just realised this is the first year where jm didn't post for jungkook's b'day which was expected tho given he's in military and he definitely is taking it seriously given how he said that he's been more conscious of sns now that he's serving in military.
Which makes me think he might not make any public appearances anywhere until he's discharged. Unless it's about any member like how they came for jin's discharge ceremony or how jin and hobi went to yg's concert when they were serving. Unless it's a member related thing idt he's gonna appear anywhere. Jin and hobi also only went once to a concert which was yoongi's. But we have seen tae at football matches so atleast we can expect to see any appearances from tae maybe jungkook too if someone asked him to join. Hobi is coming already yeah. Joon might be able to do as well given he's quite active on sns like tae. Yoongi will never just like how he was quite for all these months of him serving in the military with no weverse post nor any insta until recently on weverse.
This all came to my mind now because i saw a video of kai from exo going to a concert even tho he's also serving in the Military. Although the video is from a few months ago but he was serving then as well. I miss our members 😔
Yeah a saw a post a couple months ago from a fan that spotted Kai on vacation in Bali (didn't even know you could travel outside of the country when serving in the military, even on vacation). But BTS are aware that anything they do will be amplified, and so they have to be extra careful.
I don't expect to hear much from Jimin or JK, based on the fact that they rarely post and seem to want to serve without any additional attention. I just can't see them making any kind of official appearance anywhere while serving, besides greeting members once they discharge. Although I'm not even sure if that will continue based on everything that has happened since Jin's discharge. Yoongi I don't think we would have heard from him either if it wasn't for, you know that incident. RM and Tae have been the most active on IG (Tae less so in the past few weeks). Hobi I expect to be very active once he's out in a few weeks!!!
Yeah the lack of bday post from Jimin made me kind of sad, but we got a new episode of Are You Sure so it all balanced itself out.😅
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fruitgummies01 · 14 days
Are You Sure: Episode 6!!!!!!
AHHHH the first Sapporo episode is here and it's the longest episode so far!!! 1 hour and 14 minutes!! 🎉🎉
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Right off the bat, what is this tone that Jungkook is using with Jimin?! OMG he's so soft spoken when talking about their first Tokyo trip and gently rubbing his back. I'm shook... 🥹🥹🥹.
Jimin constantly singing standing next to you, and saying that he couldn't go to JK's showcase because of his schedule, but still watched it was very adorable. And Jimin said he filmed a video with kids, Jungkook said that he saw. Very obvious that these two keep up with what the other is doing.
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Here they go with more shower talk again lmaooooo. Like OK, we get it lol. 😂😂😂
Also I'm obsessed at this episode having a more vlog look and feel to it. Makes this episode feel A LOT more personal, which I LOVE.
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Jungkook is sooo happy to be in Sapporo. He continues to mention how happy he is over and over and over again. Him saying these will be the memories he looks back on when they're in the military, hit me in the heart. And when JK said he should stop, Jimin told him not to, and said it was all for his happiness😭😭😭 . I love them and can't believe this show is real. I love it so much!!!
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The entire train sequence… thank you to the show and the editors for finding a way to include it, the animation behind them was so cute. The sharing of the headphones (Jimin trying to hide it, like I'm sure Samsung would understand 😩), the looking out of the window and just being there in the moment for the two of them. Whew… I got choked up when Jungkook leaned his head on Jimin's shoulder. I don't know I was just not expecting Jungkook to be the more sentimental one out of the two. ❤️
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So the 'KEEP GOING' is back again. Interesting… I need to know what it all meeeeeeeans?!?!
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Jungkook and Jimin laughter while trying whiskey, playing and giggling in the snow, reminiscing about old memories, this truly is everything I wanted out of this show. Like I knew they were close, but getting to witness just a small portion of it feels so special, and the fact that they were enlisting together shortly after this trip, makes it just so much more meaningful. What a beautiful episode (that I plan to watch about 10000 more times)!!!
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fruitgummies01 · 15 days
Have you listened to their songs? If yes What are the songs of BTS, jm or jk you liked? Or any other members' as well 😄
Thanks anon for the question!!! Becoming a fan of BTS in the middle of such a massive moment in so many of their solo careers has felt like a wild ride, and also probably been really different from a lot of other people's experiences. Feel like I mentioned this before, but the first song I listened to was Mic Drop. I was like oooookkkaaaayyyyy let me look into them more because that was amazing. I am a genuine fan of all of BTS songs, but Black Swan, Blood Sweat and Tears, Save Me, Ugh, Silver Spoon, Outro Tear, and Truth Untold all left huge impressions on me... but Jimin was always someone who caught my eye when watching BTS content. And then I felt like the world shifted when I listened to Jimin's solo music. Set Me Free blew me away. The look, the vibe, the VOICE, the styling, it's all my kind of taste. And then Like Crazy really just cemented to me like, yeah an artist with actually something to say, that is unafraid to be who they are. I loved every second of it. Jungkook's Standing Next to You, Somebody, Seven, Yes or No and J Hope's ENTIRE set at Lollapalooza felt like another game changer for me. I am so amazed at their talent and command of the stage. I'm probably most looking forward to what J Hope brings with his solo album once he gets out of the military in a few weeks. J Hope is really my kind of vibe too, but I really do enjoy them all!
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fruitgummies01 · 15 days
Just a few more hours... 🥹
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Can't believe we all made it lol!! Seemed like forever ago that the very first teaser dropped out of nowhere, and everyone lost their minds! 😅 Now the first of what is hopefully 3 new episodes of Are You Sure drops, and we get to see the start of Jimin and Jungkook's trip in Sapporo 😭. I am soooo excited!! Since there was no additional trailer released (booooooo), I genuinely have no idea what to expect. It's just so awesome we get to go on this journey with these two amazing people, and I'm grateful that they wanted to even film this show to give to the fans! Can't wait to tune in later!
Sidenote - not that it should matter, but it's sooo weird to see the obvious difference in fan excitement for this new episode in comparison to the episodes in Jeju. 🤔
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fruitgummies01 · 17 days
Do you know anything about GCF Tokyo as you only saw it for the first time a month or so ago? As how jm didn't even know jk was filming GCF (golden closet film it's jk's brand you could say as in it's his thing) or anything like that?
I actually bought and read Beyond the Story lol, and I know they talked about it in one of the chapters about just how meaningful the trip was for them. Thinking about it now actually, the fact that that specific memory was included in the book at all is fascinating. Outside of that and the video itself, (and I think one bts clip of JK uploading it and RM asking JK to upload one of Tae for the views) that's it.
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