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frozen-embryo-transfer · 3 years ago
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frozen-embryo-transfer · 3 years ago
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frozen-embryo-transfer · 3 years ago
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
A frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a procedure of IVF in which frozen embryo from a previous IVF cycle is thawed or warming of embryos is done and transferred into the endometrium. FET has high effective success rate in patients who are not able to conceive with repeated IVF failure - ovulation hospital in bangalore .
FET – IVF cycles can be two kinds depending on the patient’s condition and medical history:
Hormonal support cycles – is where estrogen and progesterone are given to thicken the endometrium; and
Natural cycles – The timing of the frozen embryo transfer will be determined in the natural cycle as HCG shot is given to trigger ovulation, and progesterone will support the luteal phase after ovulation and embryonic transfer.
General Info on FET Process:
The IVF frozen embryo transfer timeline is three to four weeks from the time of menses. Once the cycle starts, an oral medication is given which enables the optimization of uterus lining for the implantation process;
The embryo transfer takes place 5 days after the progesterone support. The timing of Embryo transfer and administrations of injections plays a very important role. The first pregnancy test will be done after seven days of the embryo transfer;
The patient’s frozen embryo is carefully removed from cryopreservation tank during the day of transfer and is thawed, and embryos are monitored and cultured till embryo is transferred into the patient uterus. Patient name and her husband’s name is verified to check, the correct embryo transfer and it will be loaded into the catheter through the vagina and cervix and then into the uterus using ultrasound scanning; and
Post FET medications will be prescribed by the Doctor to support the implantation of embryos - ovulation hospital in bangalore .
Do you know what Factors that contribute to the success rate of FET cycles?
Quality of the frozen embryos during Freezing and thawing;
The stage of the embryos and grade of transferring embryos;
The survival rate of embryos after thawing;
The number of embryos transferred into the uterus; and
The technique of the operator in placing embryos at right position inside Endometrium.
What are the Benefits of FET?
Doctors find FET an easy process to synchronize the timings between the embryo and uterine receptivity for successful implantation and increasing the chances of pregnancy;
The frozen embryos can be checked for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities well in advance using the PGT procedure;
The Frozen embryo helps the patient recover after egg retrieval, leading to better implantation and does not have any side effects like bloating or moodiness during the cycle; and
The uterus is receptive for a short duration, and in cases of unexplained fertility issues – the ERA can be performed to check the receptivity - ovulation hospital in bangalore .
Tips for getting ready for the FET process:
Organize and take medications on time like the progesterone supplements as prescribed by the Doctor;
Avoid exposure to extreme heat near your uterus and abdomen. Keep laptop or any other heat inducers away and give proper rest to your mind and body;
Healthy food habits are important for better results; and
Follow Doctor’s instructions properly and go with a full bladder so that the transabdominal ultrasound shows the best placement of your embryo during the transfer.
If you wish to have a seamless pregnancy through frozen embryo transfer, then it is time for you to book a consultation with Janisthaa Fertility Centres and Hospital founded by Dr. Shwetha Y Baratikkae
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