frogpriestess · 2 years
Something I wish I was told as a young witch:
Correspondences are the most potent when it resonates with your meaning and your reality.
Yes, every old dusty grimoire says that we use the new moon for manifestation.
Every popular new age author since the 80′s says that rose quartz is used for love magic.
A lot of witchcraft bloggers say to use green candles for money magic.
If your spirit tells you that the new moon is going to benefit your divination rituals that night? Trust your intuition.
If you pick up a rose quartz, and that stone tells you that it wants to help you feel protected? Listen to it.
If you associate other colors with money because your country’s paper currency isn’t green? Use the red, blue, yellow, or other color candles.
Collective correspondences are useful and have weight to them, but nothing is more effective than your own instincts.
Learn to trust your intuitive gifts, babes.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any ideas for devotional acts for Baba Yaga?
Thank you for your help! Have a lovely day <3
Offerings and working with Baba Yaga (баба яга костяная нога)
(Baba Yaga is considered a dark crone goddess, but is most often referred to as a witch that resides between worlds from Slavic (Russian) Mythology and only semi recently (that I've found) has begun to be viewed as a symbol of one's individual power. Many would argue that Baba Yaga is only to be invoked and worked with (if even that) and not to be worshipped as she wasn't (at least to my knowledge) worshipped back when her Mythology/folklore was written. But as anything else you read, these are people's personal opinions and experience in their UPG and I hope whatever information I can provide here today, helps you on your journey with Baba Yaga)
Reclaim your personal power, in your craft (if you practice), in your personal, romantic and social life, speak up for yourself
Set firm boundaries and do not let them quiver for anyone, setting firm boundaries is one of the best kinds of protection, learn your boundaries and stick to them
Do not let yourself get walked all over, you have opinions and you have a voice, learn to utilise them strongly, you deserve an equal say and equal treatment, work with Baby Yaga on this development
Do not exhaust your own resources and energy to save other people all the time, you need to focus on yourself, you can not be an infinite source of stability and balance for everyone else in your life, you come first
In saying that, when you have the energy and the ability to help people, do so, Baba Yaga while known for her coniving tricks and a schemes, she aided many slavic heroes on their journeys in her own roundabout way
Put a mortar and pestle on her shrine or altar
Associated animals: Hedgehog, chickens, horses, snakes, dragons, crows, ravens and owls
Chicken bones (ethically sourced)
Any bones and skulls (ethically sourced)
Chicken feet (ethically sourced)
Chicken feathers (ethically sourced)
Hedgehog spines (ethically sourced)
Horse shoes
Snake shed (ethically sourced)
Crows foot (ethically sourced)
Black feathers (ethically sourced)
Eggs (especially decorated ones)
Items found in forests such as sticks, leaves and rocks
Associated plants: poppies, black sunflowers, medicinal plants, wheat and rye
Take care of your home, Baba Yaga is renowned for her house
Work with and/or honour the dead and your ancestors
Cigarettes/Cigarette buts/Cigarette ash
Set offerings at night or at the base of a tree
Take care of those that are sick
Tough love
Celebrate Samhain
Make food with your grandmother (or by yourself) and offer that time spent learning and making it to her
Do your shadow work
Take up sewing, embroidering or cross stitching
Hand detailed towels, altar mats, rugs, veils, clothes etc
Study herbalism
Teas such as black Russian caravan tea and teas with medicinal properties
Study baneful magic
Foods: bread, steak, potatoes, kovbasa, pancakes, potato pancakes, borshch, patychky, pierogis and other traditionally Russian foods such as blinis, coulibiac and pelmeny
Wheat bundles
Nesting dolls
A decoeative knife on her altar/shrine
Dried flowers
Trinkets you find
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Basic safety/responsibility tips for new witches ✨
-Always maintain adequate ventilation & precautions for anything burning: candles, incense, cooking, etc. Do not leave flames unattended.
-Make sure your herbs/aromatics are pet AND human safe. Check for allergies & read up on ASPCA guidelines.
-Read up on cultural appropriation in witchcraft. Smudging, hoodoo & voodoo, Kabbalah, etc are closed culture. Respect practices that aren’t yours to take.
-Pseudoscience is not magic. Magic is about empowerment, not coercion. Crystals will not heal your anxiety any more than a good book. Cure-alls don’t exist, and anyone selling them is a scammer, not your friend.
-Wicca is Not the only option for witchcraft, & was designed to be inherently transphobic, racist and antisemitic. Try to explore other witchy communities to see what feels best for you.
-You will make mistakes. That is okay. Be willing to learn and ready to accept the consequences.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
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Celestial flock 🪶
(print available on inprnt!)
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Hey folks, as you're exploring your various paths of spirituality and magic, it's important that you're mentally prepared to find out that you're really, really wrong about something somewhere down the the line. You might discover that a practice you take for granted is appropriative and misrepresented from its original form and intent. You might find out that something you thought was real history was actually made up by somebody fairly recently. You might find out you've been subscribing to an idea that has its origins in a hate movement.
It's not a matter of if this kind of thing will happen, but when. Even if you're doing your very best to research reliable sources as exhaustively as you possibly can, you can be certain that somewhere along the way, you'll absorb something like this. No one is immune. This won't make you a bad person. It's not like you misinformed yourself on purpose, much less went out there with the intention of harming someone or misrepresenting their practices. It's not like the people giving you bad information told you "hey, guess what, I'm a hateful shithead and I'm lying to you." You just didn't know, that's all. Nobody can know everything, not even the most well-read scholars. While being wrong isn't good, it's also not a moral failing. What's important is that you acknowledge that you were wrong, and accept this as an opportunity to learn and grow. It's the most anyone can do, and if someone tries to make you feel bad about being wrong in the first place, don't listen to them. (Being right doesn't inherently make someone morally superior!)
Ultimately, what's really going to speak to your moral character is your ability to admit that you've fucked up and your willingness to do better. You will fuck up one day, so have a healthy plan in mind for dealing with that.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
I don't trust any white person who calls themselves a "shaman". That's all.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Person: I was doing spellwork using a candle I had dressed with oils and herbs, and the candle's flame spiked up so much! The candle melted so quickly after that, I think that means it worked!
Another Person: I lit my 7-day deity candle that was dressed with dried herbs and the flame went wild! I think that's a sign the deity like it!
Me: Your candles are literally coated with oils and herbs that are flammable and therefore will catch fire. They are dressed to the point where you can hardly see the candle anymore. What you have is a fucking fire hazard.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
I'm saying this from a place of genuine care: if you are seeing ghosts or shadows or having nightmares... and sageing, eggshells, Crystal's, and psychics arent cutting it..
Please.. please... check for things like gas leaks, water damage, vermin. I'm not saying your house isnt haunted, I'm just saying that carbon monoxide poisoning looks a LOT like being haunted.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
reminder that (with respect to closed cultures) you can approach a spirit/deity/entity first without waiting for one to reach out to you
follow-up reminder that both you and the spirit/deity/entity have the right to say ‘no’, set certain boundaries, make compromises, end a relationship, etc.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Things That Apply to My Practice That (Probably!) Won’t Apply to Yours
Circles keep things out; triangles keep things in; squares, diamonds, rectangles, and rhombuses represent the four Elements; pentagons and pentacles represent the five Colors.
There is an energy intake hand (usually the left) and an energy output hand (usually the right). However, there are cases where the two hands are backward (like me).
Crystals have innate magic and energy that is regained by being around others of their type (Obsidian to Obsidian, Jasper to Jasper, Quartz to Quartz, et cetera).
If you ever want to go on a life-changing field trip, just call Cernunnos. He'll help you touch the grass.
Clear Quartz is for cleansing and amplifying, but it has no other innate qualities without focus and programming.
Different elements and similar categories can exist simultaneously.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
I hate how marketable witchcraft has become within the last few years.
Don't get me wrong- I'm glad it's gaining momentum and more support! I love to see new people within the community! I welcome you all with open arms.
However, the mass spreading of misinformation, cultural appropriation, cheap goods sold at expensive prices, amongst other things is. Headache inducing at a minimum.
The local stores and festivals I've frequented over time have gone from small, affordable, locally sourced goods, to large-scale social media shills, shoving bundles of "DIY spell" kits and overpriced crystals under my nose.
It's exhausting.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Make Your Own Divination Tools
Hermit-Wizard's Custom Craft Series Pt. 2
These are my Arcana Tiles - a custom tool I created for divination. This is 100% my own design, and is a combination of Runes & the 22 Major Arcana cards of a tarot deck.
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The symbols were created by staring long & hard at the original Rider-Waite deck. Some are clearly more obvious than others, but these are in order from The Fool to The World.
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To read them, I scoop them into my hands and shake'em like bananas. This is not a quiet process. I like the clacking though. Then I toss em out like runes on a piece of fabric.
Face down, removed. Off or half off the fabric, removed. The remaining tiles are read.
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This tends to read like a timeline, a literal or metaphorical map, or just a few groupings of advice. I try to keep them as close to their original positions as I can.
They also tend to "point" to each other in a way that weaves the story.
This also makes an AWESOME tool to elaborate on existing tarot readings too. I'll toss 'em on a spread and watch it flesh out the story more.
I've tried to explain the reading method to people before. It's probably 50% intuition & 50% method, but either way it's extremely accurate and way fun.
The best part, is that your Craft doesn't have to make sense to anyone else.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Just a reminder that witchcraft was born out of necessity. In times of desperation.
Do you think that people really had money to go buy 5000 different pieces of equipment and ingredients? Nah.
Grow what you can. Buy your supplies in affordable ways. Reuse things you already have. And fuck anyone who tells you your craft won't work.
So much classism in the craft nowadays and its fuckin gross
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frogpriestess · 2 years
recurring themes in our lives - Pluto and Chiron placements
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Persephone and Hades
when I think of recurring issues in our lives, I think of placements of Chiron and Pluto by the very nature and effects they both have on us.
Chiron is the wound that takes time to heal and which, more than that, is the wound that hurts but that the native can't even understand and be aware of. Chiron relates to feelings that bad cycles will repeat.
Pluto represents our greatest fears, where we may want to control things (exactly because of the fears) and also where we project ourselves. Pluto hints at the area in which we need to undergo a profound transformation in order to be more evolved and even to stop certain suffering in our lives.
therefore, I decided to bring a post about the recurring themes that Chiron and Pluto touch for those who want to go through this process of consciousness.
Chiron in the 1st house: wound related to own identity, not being able to perceive who you are. feeling incapable of initiating things and being the protagonist of the search for their identity.
Pluto in the 1st house: fear of imposing yourself or fear of being dominated, which can manifest in a few different ways, but the center of it is the intensity and at the same time the lack of control involving your self-image.
Chiron in the 2nd house: wound related to the feeling of comfort, security, the right to relax, to enjoy the pleasures of life. not feel stable and able to acquire security in life situations. living with the feeling of inner insecurity.
Pluto in 2nd house: fear of existing without your material possessions, fear of not having security, interruptions in life regarding comfort and stability, fear of things involving the 2nd house, which can lead to destructive behavior.
Chiron in the 3rd house: wound in relation to communication, free expression, the mind can be quite guided by the idea of ​​incapacity, the feeling that others don't really listen to you, not feel ready for socializations.
Pluto in the 3rd house: fear of everything that involves expressions of what is on your mind. need to guard your thoughts because deep down you may feel that you are not so capable of expressing yourself, that you are not so intelligent.
Chiron in the 4th house: wound about family, feeling that the world or the place you are currently in is not a home for you. the lack of an emotional home, which hurts inside.
Pluto in the 4th house: fear of having your weaknesses and emotional issues exposed, fear of not having a comfortable family and home, which can lead to controlling behaviors.
Chiron in the 5th house: wound related to self-expression and ego. feeling that you are not good, you are not capable and that you will not be seen by others. wound related to the value that people (don't) give you.
Pluto in the 5th house: fear of not being appreciated; fear of no one knowing you. fear of not being loved, not receiving doses of love here and there. fear about the value of the things you do. fear of not being accepted by people.
Chiron in the 6th house: wound in regards to your sense of usefulness to others. wound that can even manifest on physical levels. feeling that you are here to give too much but receive too little. mental time and routine are problems that bring you soul-related wounds.
Pluto in the 6th house: fear of not being useful. fear of not having control of things on earthly levels, feeling that when one thing is out of your control, everything is out of your control. fear of being criticized.
Chiron in the 7th house: wounded with love and the idea of ​​love, either by concrete experiences or by things that the native thinks. that is, there are ideas and fears that were never confirmed - but that native fears that they will one day. wound related to partnerships in general, the idea that people aren't deep enough for a relationship, the "failures" in relationships that cut deep into that individual's soul. wounded in relation to what every individual wants most: to be loved.
Pluto in the 7th house: fear of being alone. fear of not being good enough for others. fear of betrayal. feeling that you are not a good boyfriend or a good girlfriend, a good husband or a good wife. feeling that there will always be someone better. fear of partnerships, but a deep desire to relate.
Chiron in the 8th house: wound in relation to trust. hurt related to manipulation. native sees someone being manipulated a lot. wounded in relation to opening up, the idea of ​​surrender on all levels haunts the individual, paralyzes him/her and makes him/her do several observations before allowing someone into his/her life. despite the difficulty in opening up - even on sexual levels, the apex of human intimacy -, the native can have difficulty discerning what is and what is not manipulation, and at the same time can not know how to close doors at the right times, closing him/herself wrong way.
Pluto in the 8th house: fear of being controlled. fear of being exposed to others. fear of having your privacy in front of others. feeling that all things are deeper than you see, fear of trusting others. fear of surrendering and opening the doors of your vulnerability.
Chiron in the 9th house: wounded about not being intelligent enough and capable of understanding profound things. feeling that things will never work out. a negative preconception of life. beliefs and philosophies of life can be seen in a fatalistic and/or pre-deterministic way. feeling of being lost and without a spiritual guide in this life.
Pluto in the 9th house: fear of not being in the world on spiritual levels. fear of expressing the deepest knowledge you have, whether for fear of criticism or exposure. fear of delving into dense knowledge all at once. denial of this, which can lead to the exact opposite of what the native wants to avoid, he can become obsessed with some point of a belief or the like because of his fear of not belonging spiritually.
Chiron in the 10th house: wound in relation to reputation, prestige and social recognition. the individual may feel that he/she was "born to be a failure" and that he/she can't get out of a situation to go to a better one. the negative view the natives hav of themselves may be intrinsically linked to how they think society views them or what they believe society expects of them. moreover, at the deepest level there may be a feeling that the goals pursued by people on a social level - career, material goods - are not capable of bringing satisfaction to the native. the native may also have difficulty finding him/herself on social levels - such as in the sense of career and vocation for life.
Pluto in the 10th house: fear of others seeing your inner weaknesses. fear of being publicly exposed. fear of not reaching your goals. fear of being a person out of control of things (or out of control of people). fear of not reaching a pleasant and stable social level. fear of lack of stability.
Chiron in the 11th house: wound in relation to social groups. not feel good enough to join groups. wounded in relation to groups that deny or do not perceive its presence. problems with friendships. feeling that you can't trust others. friendships that are important to you but that hurt too much.
Pluto in the 11th house: fear of not being in any group. problems involving identifications and ideologies. fear of getting involved in group activities. fear of being controlled by others. intense desire to do everything alone, denying their social needs, and at the same time fearing being alone. disharmony in relation to group integration.
Chiron in the 12th house: wound related to being quite deep but not being able to express it. wounded over deeper emotional and psychological issues that can't be expressed for some reason - fears, insecurities and desires are denied by you or by others around you. feeling that there is always something wrong around you, but not being able to deal with it. inner spirituality and life that bring some kind of discomfort to you.
Pluto in the 12th house: fear of knowing your depth. fear of your emotions and insecurities controlling you. fear of getting lost in the world and having nothing to lean on. feeling that your emotional life is so intense that few will understand, so you need to hide your inner life from everyone. fear of letting people get to know you for real. fear of what is deep and unconscious and at the same time a great attraction to it.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
it's okay. you can be vulnerable in front of the gods. you can cry your heart out. you can be naked. you can dance like an idiot. you can scream, enraged, or break down in silence. you can be yourself, they will never ask you to hide your humanity or be ashamed of it.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
the gods show you the version of themselves that you need most, your experiences won't be identical to other worshippers/devotees out there because you are different from others and that's okay. that just adds to how beautiful the connection to the theoi really is.
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frogpriestess · 2 years
Hey Celtic pagans esp us Americans
if you are invested in Celtic concepts from any nation
but can't find it in yourself to be supportive of the various independence movements happening around the UK that would spell freedom for Scotland, inspire Wales or Cornwall, dismantle Britain, and unite Ireland again
then you're not really invested in Celtic concepts, you're just taking an aesthetic from living cultures and LARPing like it's your own
it's different than some other larger paganism labels. it's not dead cultures. it's not dead religions. these are living people with their own issues that you should be the tiniest bit invested in if you wanna claim the label of Celtic
Celtic heritage is just words on paper
Support Celtic people and nations, the living Celtic cultures
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