froginblender · 4 months
I feel like I'm losing my mind like, yes I noticed the whole racist thing from beginning, yes the ending is quite powerful, but Dot and Bubble is still loudly about making fun of young people? Anyone? Young people who are so absorbed in social media and high-tech gadgets they can't walk properly, young people who are vapid and shallow and detached from 'real world' and... into pop singers, young people who use 'offensive' to describe things they don't like, young people who are explicitly 17-27 years old rich kids basically go to space college city off their parents' money and party all the time, young people who are so annoying that sentient machine wants them dead... by creating bugs? I mean white supremacy is 'another' bubble these isolated kids are in but to claim that's the whole point of the episode and people who think otherwise just 'didn't get it' is... weird, right?
Also Ricky September was there, a young person who 'gasp' reads and knows history and is competent and brave and has social awareness and 'actual skills' instead of 'useless computer work skills'. Then he was killed off for basically no thematic reason. (I don't know maybe there was but I'm now too depressed to think)
Yeah so my main takeaway was the story has some interesting ideas but executed poorly and, just isn't that good. And then I made the mistake of logging on social media like a stupid young person and got my mind blown by the profoundness of this story 'tackles the heavy subject of racism masterfully'... by saying 'racists should die'? Like HOW is that...
Man I should go to bed.
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