frogiisms · 5 years
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ONCE   UPON   A   TIME    ~
reblog this if you wish to be added to a directory for the disney channel original,  DESCENDANTS. original characters  &  multi - muses may also reblog, as well as characters with an active descendants verse. only request, please tag your character(s) upon reblog ! will be updated weekly.
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frogiisms · 5 years
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*   REBLOG TO BE ADDED  to a new, updated descendants fandom masterlist!  in tags, please include the following:  muse name  /  canon or oc  /  single muse or multi muse.  muses outside the fandom with a descendants verse are free to reblog and will be added as well.  masterlist will be updated EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ! 
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frogiisms · 6 years
Date a boy who gives you a promise ring
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frogiisms · 6 years
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Alright !!
          Alright, who’s up for a STARTER from Mason? Like/reblog/comment/hmu if you’d like one! Capping at ten for now!
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frogiisms · 6 years
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“Were you trying to catch frogs, or just me?”
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frogiisms · 6 years
Stages of Relationships Starters
Stage 1 — Dating:
“Will you go out with me?”
“What do you say? You and me, that great pizza place downtown, tonight?”
“You look— amazing tonight.”
“Just one date. I promise. You won’t regret it.”
“I had an amazing time tonight. I’d love to do it again, sometime.”
“I know we’ve only just met, but I’d really like to take you out tonight.”
“I promise, I’m usually better at this—”
“This is my favorite restaurant. You’re gonna love it.”
“Wow, you look even better than your online profile.”
“It’s so amazing to finally meet you, in person.”
“Do you— wanna come upstairs/inside?”
“I can walk you home, if you’d like.”
“I wasn’t sure you’d show up. But I’m glad you did.”
“I was starting to think you’d stood me up.”
“Oh, God, my ex is here.”
“So, do I get a goodnight kiss?”
“I’m not great at first impressions, am I?”
“I know we’ve been on two dates this week, already— but how about another?”
“Whoa, that is off-limits until, like, the tenth date!”
“Wait, you’ve really never been on a date before?”
Stage 2 — Love/Intimacy:
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“Please— just kiss me.”
“I don’t want you to go. Stay the night?”
“More, please—”
“Come a little closer— please.“
“Do you think you might be ready— to take the next step?”
“I didn’t know what real happiness was until I met you.”
“I love you more.”
“God, you are so perfect.”
“Stop— you’re making me blush.”
“Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly love you more—you do this.”
“Do you love me?”
“I know it’s soon, but I think I’m falling in love with you.”
“I’ve been in love with you for months—I was just too scared to admit it.”
“Just one more kiss—okay, one more—just one mo—”
So—how do you say ‘I love you’ in your mother tongue?”
“I’m sorry— I’m just not ready for sex, yet.”
“My roommate is out of town—why don’t you just stay over?”
“So, I was googling ideas for our date. I found something called Netflix & Chill—I think we should do that.”
“I think we should move-in together.”
Stage 3 — Marriage Proposal:
“_____, will you marry me?”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I always thought that marriage was just a shame— but with you, I think it’s worth it.”
“Remember that time when (insert significant moment)? It got me thinking.”
“So, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for awhile now.”
“I’ve been carrying this around in my pocket for a month, waiting for the right time. There is no right moment. So, I’m just going to go ahead and ask right now.”
“You make me a better person, and I want that forever.”
“Let’s run away together. Elope. Sounds like an adventure.”
“Dammit, my hands are shaking. Hold on, I’m super nervous.”
“Can we talk about this in private?”
“Why are you kneeling?”
“Is that a—?!”
“I–I don’t know what to say?”
“I thought you didn’t want to get married.”
“I knew there was a reason you were acting funny all day!”
“So, what’s the occasion? You never plan dates this fancy.”
“I know I said I didn’t want to settle down, but—”
“I asked your dad for your hand in marriage. Now, it’s time to ask you.”
“Of course I’ll marry you. Did you think I’d say ‘no’?”
“If this is about the baby— don’t do this. That’s not a good reason to get married.”
Stage 4 — Wedding & Honeymoon:
“I’m so nervous I could throw up. Someone get me a drink!”
“Please, get some sleep. Our big day is tomorrow. It’s gonna be amazing!”
“I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow.”
“Nah, omens are fake. No one believes that stuff. Tomorrow is gonna be perfect.”
“I promise I’m not getting cold feet, I’m just really nervous my ex is going to show up and ruin everything.”
“I do—”
“We’re married! We’re actually married now. I get to call you my husband/wife forever!”
“I know the guests are waiting at the reception—but I need a few minutes alone with my new wife/husband. Come here, you—”
“Do you think we’d get in trouble for skipping our own reception? I can’t wait to get out of here and start our honeymoon!”
“I know it’s supposedly bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding— but how do I look?”
“Pop the champagne! Let’s get this party started!”
“I know this day has been a disaster from the start—but I’ve never been happier, now that you’re mine.”
“I’m gonna cry—”
“I’d like to propose a toast to my bride/groom—”
“Wow—you look stunning!”
“Don’t panic— but I the best man/maid of honor is MIA.”
“This day has been perfect. I hope the rest of our lives together is just as amazing.”
“Last night was amazing. I’m glad we waited until we were married.”
“Let’s just stay in bed all day. Order room service. Maybe have a bubble bath. I have you all to myself, now.”
Stage 5 — Domestic Life:
“The food is not burnt. It’s—slightly toasted.”
“Tampons? You want me to buy you tampons? Me?”
“What do you mean, you lost the keys? This is the third time this week.”
“Change the channel, and I will kill you. I’ve been waiting for this show all day.”
“My underwear are all bright pink, now. Thank you for that.”
“Did you forget to walk the dog? He just made a puddle on the floor.”
“You, me, PJ’s, bed. PJ’s are totally optional, by the way.”
“I know you don’t like my parents, but we have to visit them sometime.”
“How about we never mention this situation again?”
“You should call the doctor about that. Don’t try to macho your way through it.”
“So, I got all the groceries. Except for this last one on the list. Is that an actual word, or did you just scribble something random with your elbow?”
“Did you steal my shirt again?”
“I made dinner. Your favorite.”
“Wait—you want me to wear that? In bed? It doesn’t cover anything!”
“I just bought this dress/shirt/etc at the store today. How do I look?”
“You look tense. You want a massage?”
“I just started a bath. Care to join me?”
“Thank you for taking care of the laundry.”
“Did you pay the bills today? I don’t get paid until tomorrow.”
“I couldn’t sleep either. Want me to make you some tea?”
Stage 6 — Pregnancy & Birth:
“I think I want to start a family, now.”
“What do you say we make a baby tonight?”
“What do you mean, you stopped taking your birth control?!”
“I’m out of condoms. Are you sure you still want to do this?”
“So—if we were to hypothetically have a baby, how would you react?”
“I took a pregnancy test today.”
“Have you been to the doctor yet, about that stomach bug?”
“You’re pregnant!? How far along?”
“When were you gonna tell me you were pregnant?”
“We haven’t told _____, yet. We should call them.”
“Who do you think we should name the godparents?”
“How are you feeling? Need me to rub your back? Get you something to eat? Turn the air down?”
“What do you think about (insert baby name), for a girl— or (insert baby name) for a boy?”
“Do you want to feel them? They’re kicking up a storm, right now.”
“Did you hear that? They said we’re having a boy/girl!”
“Please don’t freak out, but I’m pregnant— I SAID DON’T FREAK OUT!”
“I think my water just broke!”
“We need to go to the hospital. Now!”
“Just squeeze my hand. It’s gonna be alright. I’m here.”
“One more push! You can do it!”
Stage 7 — Children:
“They have your eyes—”
“Can you run to the store? We’re out of diapers, again.”
“Is it even possible for one baby to scream so much?”
“Ugh, they spit up on my good shirt.”
“They’re your kid before 5am.”
Shhh—they’re finally asleep.”
“I’ve been up since 4am. It’s your turn.”
“We make damn beautiful babies, don’t we?”
“The kids won’t stop fighting, again.”
“_____ got sent home from school for fighting.”
“_____ came home sick today. Great.”
“How do they outgrow their clothes so damn fast?”
“Their first word better not be a curse word. If it is, it’s your fault.”
“I think we’re damn good parents.”
“Why are both you, AND the baby, crying?”
“Can you help _____ with their homework tonight, while I make dinner?”
“It’s your turn to change the dirty diaper.”
“Is locking the kids in the closet—against the law?”
“No. She’s not allowed to date. Ever. End of discussion.”
“Wow, they have a very natural talent for _____. Maybe they’ll be a _____ when they grow up.”
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frogiisms · 6 years
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"I know, love. But maybe we can try something else? Something that doesn't involve destroying?"
🎲 — NACISSE / 「 frogiisms 」:
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“Ozzy, you know that’s bad.”
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          “Morally? Yeah. Fun-wise? Not really. You know I’m jus’ celebratin’ a good time, love!”
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frogiisms · 6 years
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"Ozzy, you know that's bad."
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          “I have set fire to three buildings with these handy-dandy Jackie Lanterns, an’ I’m not stoppin’ now! Anybody want in?”
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frogiisms · 6 years
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          You know those duos that are kind of just…
ft. @frogiisms
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frogiisms · 6 years
‘ you should be in bed. ’ (bxstofbothwxrlds from Ray)
"I'm not tired. I'll be fine." 
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frogiisms · 6 years
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frogiisms · 6 years
Burnin’ Up
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frogiisms · 6 years
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            ❝ OH DREAMWEAVER !  GIVE  me a love like god  !  faithful and holy ! ❞                       emmy la bouff, daughter of charlotte la bouff   ( of disney’s princess & the frog )             written by leia. est. aug. 2018  
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frogiisms · 6 years
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"Thanks, Ozzy. I know I'm being stupid and all, but you're so handsome and you could honestly do better than me." Nacisse blushed, a smile on his face as quickly pecked the other's cheek. "Thank you for letting me know I don't have anything to worry about."
“They’re not cuter than me, are they?” @frogiisms
🎲 Meme || @frogiisms​ 🎲
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          A curious expression formed briefly on his face then a soft laugh left his lips as he reached out to gently brush his fingers against the other’s cheek. “It’s impossible for someone to be cuter than you, mon petit chou. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
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frogiisms · 6 years
Fighting Starters  {Sentence Starters}
“Go ahead! Punch me!”
“You’re really starting to piss me off!”
“You’re challenging me?”
“You really wanna fight me, don’t you?”
“Get back here so I can kick your sorry ass!”
“Drop your weapons and fight me fairly!”
“How long do you think you’ll last?”
“You don’t have a chance in Hell!”
“Let’s go! You and me!”
“Is that the best you’ve got?”
“You really, really don’t want to do this.”
“Come at me, bro!”
“You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’, friend.”
“Can you even stand up?”
“Pick up your weapon and fight me!”
“There’s no way you’ll beat me.”
“I am going to punch you in the face!”
“Are you trying to pick a fight?”
“Stop, I don’t wanna fight you!”
“You can’t even touch me!”
“I doubt you’ll make it out of this alive.”
“You want me to kick your ass?”
“This will be your LAST mistake!”
“I’ll rip you apart!”
“That was MY food!”
“If you’re trying to make me mad, congratulations.”
“You won’t last a minute against me!" 
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frogiisms · 6 years
Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
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frogiisms · 6 years
soulmate au prompts.
send a number for a starter / drabble based off a specific soulmate au!  most are taken from this list.  feel free to add more if you want!  (can also be adapted to fit poly ships!)
the one where you only see color once you meet your soulmate.
the one where you have your soulmate’s name written on your body.
the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks on your bodies.
the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks and the marks glow when you’re near your soulmate.
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you touch them.
the one where when you dream you’re seeing whatever your soulmate is currently experiencing.
the one where you and your soulmate share an emotional link.
the one where your soulmate’s first words to you are written on your body.
the one where your soulmate’s last words to you are written on your body.
the one where you have a timer on your wrist that counts down to when you meet your soulmate.
the one where soulmates share extreme physical sensation — if one gets hurt, the other gets hurt, and etc.
the one where soulmates can heal each other’s injuries.
the one where only your soulmate can kill you.
the one where color appears on your body wherever your soulmate first touches you.
the one where every lie your soulmate tells you appears on your skin.
the one where anything written on your skin appears on your soulmate’s skin as well.
the one where your soulmate’s name is on one wrist and your enemy’s name is on the other and you have no clue which is which.
the one where whenever you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it.
the one where soulmates are reincarnated and keep finding each other throughout their different lives.
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name.
the one where you can talk to your soulmate in dreams.
the one where it’s impossible to lie to your soulmate.
the one where once you meet your soulmate, it’s physically uncomfortable to be apart from them for too long.
the one where you have a compass on your body that leads you to your soulmate.
the one where you have the date you’ll meet your soulmate on your wrist.
the one where you have the date your soulmate will die on your wrist.
the one where you can transfer any injuries/pain your soulmate has onto yourself.
the one where some people can see the red string of fate and follow it to their soulmates.
the one where your soulmate’s ghost haunts you when they die.
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