froggiegirl · 11 years
There is a long moment of silence until Rydia hugs her, squeezing the air and a quiet "oof" out of her. Instantly she tries to hug back, but the movement stops her from getting a good grip until they fall to the soft grass and and land in the same position - at least her familiar was paying attention. On firm ground she finally manages to hug Rydia back forcefully.
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She closes her eyes, feeling tears threatening to form; if she had had her memories back in her own time she would have longed for this moment for a year, as it currently stands she had only longer for it for weeks, but it's as sweet as she could have imagined.
She scrabbles to grab Rydia again, only stopping when Rydia speaks to her - her lip trembles, the summoner's voice is like a warm drink on a cool night - and just watches as Rydia - oh. Oh! OH! - Rydia mirrors her moves, then goes a step further and kisses her!
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"Oh." She replies softly, is she allowed to do the same thing? She gulps and finds her voice, pulling Rydia down until the woman is on top of her, Eruka's hair splayed on the ground, Rydia's masking their faces. "It's good to be home." She whispers, nervously moving one arm to the base of Rydia's back and the other to lightly grip the nape of her neck. Then she closes her eyes and pulls her girlfriend in for another kiss, gently pressing their lips together for a few seconds.
I... Just want my girlfriend back || Closed @ Rydia
Whoops. Rydia wasn’t expecting someone to be on top of the tadpole, but needless to say, it was a rather reckless thing to do in the first place. It’s a good thing she did it, though, seeing as the person she had been looking for all over the place was on top of the summoned creature. Her eyes widen as she gets up a little and stares at the woman before her, unaware that the tadpole is probably having a hard time carrying both of the women. Oops.
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In any case, she continues to stare at Eruka as she places a hand to her cheek, not sure of what to say at first. She’s mostly too shocked to say anything right now and her mind is blank; what should she say? ‘I was looking for you everywhere, dummy!’ or ‘What the hell are you doing here!?’. Instead of the latter two options, she lunges forward and wraps her arms around Eruka’s shoulders and neck, rolling around a bit until they both fell off the tadpole.
That hurt a little bit, but Rydia didn’t seem to notice the pain; she’s still tightly latched onto Eruka, and it doesn’t seem like she’ll be letting go any time soon. After some more silence, the Summoner finally says, very quietly:
“… Welcome back," and temporarily breaks away from their embrace to look at Eruka again. With her left hand she brushes through Eruka’s hair briefly and proceeds to plant quite a few quick kisses on her cheeks and lips. Wow.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
Tadpole Jackson had turned his head in response to the noise, which meant that his whole body had turned 180 degrees, stopping Eruka in her tracks. "What is it no..." She trailed off, looking at the small girl. Sure, it was annoying, but what was Eruka going to do.
The more she watched, though, the worse she felt. She knew that feeling, being alone and scared; it was very similar to Eruka reintroduction to this place, and the idea of someone mocking her enraged her.
Just as she was about to go up to the woman and stop her, the small girl unleashed hell on her; Eruka's eyes were as wide as saucepans as she watched an unbelievable feat performed in front of her very eyes.
It makes her shake, but with fear or adrenaline, while most people - her familiar included - began to run away, she walked, her hat smiling as she went.
Even though the girl had run away the witch could still hear her tears, and a quiet thump as she fell down; she reached her in no time at all, bending down behind her.
Wait... What was she meant to do now? A drop of sweat rolled down her back as she tried to figure out what would make the girl feel better. She rolled her tongue around her mouth as it came to her: she had felt like this before, what had made her feel better then?
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"Ah... Look, kid," Okay, so she started awkwardly, "It's okay. Humans don't often understand the different. Just... Just find people who get you. They're out there, I know it." The gentleness of her voice surprised her as she stroked the little girl's hair, waiting for her to stop crying; she wasn't doing anything, she could wait for a while.
there's a hole in my... oh / open&intro
Utopia. Dystopia. These were terms children were seldom familiar with, particularly those of an age similar to the small girl that appeared to be edging her way throughout the city streets. Was this one or the other? Who knew? The best she could piece together was that while it looked similar, this city was Area D, the prison she’d been living in for the past few days. But just because she was no longer in a prison city, didn’t mean the city still wasn’t a prison itself. The words those scientists had uttered? Mika had barely understood a thing.
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“…Jin! …Jin!" she chirped every so often, calling for the fellow prisoner that had been serving as both friend and protector after pulling her young heart from the darkness. Of course, the man never called back. He wasn’t there to hold her, or hoist her up onto his shoulder. She was nothing more than an insect in the eyes of those that walked past her - some paying her no mind, some attempting to startle or hurt her. No, this place was no different than Area D.
But finally, someone pushed her too far. An older woman, who seemed to find it funny to follow her around and mimic Mika’s cries, despite the child’s attempts to get away. Suddenly, the Altered spun around, glared at the woman, and snapped her fingers, and…
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A hole, baseball sized, suddenly enveloped most of the right side of the woman’s head, making it so others could see right through her skull. Space Eater, the ability to transport matter to another dimension. It was fixable, of course, but presently the body could not function without 40% of her brain, so the body collapsed before a rather agitated looking child. There was no blood, surprisingly, the wound held closed by some unknown force. 
But still, people screamed, and others fled. “Monster!” some shouted, which brought the child’s eye to widen and flee into a nearby alleyway.
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“Jin! Jin!" she screamed as she both ran and cried, eventually tripping and wiping out with a thud. She wasn’t a monster, right? Jin said she wasn’t! So what if she was an Altered? She was human!
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froggiegirl · 11 years
Drabble: Meeting your girl/boyfriend's parents/friends
((Rydia’s parents are dead I believe so friends it is!))
"Am I… Am I dressed okay?" She picks at her outfit, moving her hat on and off her head several times. "Will they like it?" She asks insistently; will they like me, she asks internally. She’s worried because it sounds like a lot of them are high society types, people who Eruka normally doesn’t meet or get along with.
She’s insanely nervous as Rydia walks into the room in front of her, making small talk, her pleasant voice not soothing Eruka in the slightest.
She balls her hands up and nearly runs away, but steps in to meet them, “H-hello!” She stutters, looking at them all. They’re so beautiful and… Weirdly dressed - her hat stares at them openly as she turns her head to Rydia quickly, hoping she will save her.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
((Drabble: fighting Soul and Maka))
It’s a feeling she’s so used to, but this time it feels final.
She’s shaking next to Tadpole Jackson; Mizune and Free are on the way, but right now it’s just her and she’s already dead. They won’t make it, she can tell, the look of their combined wavelengths, it’s over.
"Don’t… You don’t have to…" Her voice is shaking, she’s pathetic. She wanted to have a last flourish, she wanted to be strong, finally not weak. What a joke.
She can see the Meister getting ready to move - she’s so much more serious that Eruka, her powers more numberous.
Eruka begins chanting anyway - a witch can’t go down without a fight - and tens of bombs are summoned; please, let Jackson escape, let it be good, let it be quick.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
frog, hyena, hamster ¨¨
Frog - Already answered
Hyena: Do you laugh a lot? - “When I’m with friends, I try. Lately it’s been a bit more difficult…” She sighed, thinking of her time back home.
Hamster - Also already answered (Are you and Hati-mun on the same wavelength or what?!)
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froggiegirl · 11 years
Dinosaur, giraffe, and horse
Dinosaur: How old are you? - “19.”
Giraffe: Your height? - “5 foot 6, though my hat makes it seem like I’m taller.” ((Eruka doesn’t have a canon height so I had to wing it))
Horse: Tell me about your first love. - "He was a frog named Javier-" Just kidding!
"S… She’s very pretty and kind… So good and friendly… I don’t know if it’s love, but I…" She blushes, unable to continue.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
frog; lion & hamster
Frog: Do you believe in true love? - “I… Um… Well…” She fiddles with her hands, “I g… guess that it could happen.” When she’s not in Hive City she doesn’t believe in it, but here?
Lion: Do your friends treat you like a king/queen or are you their server? - “They’re my server, of course!” She’s thinking of Free here.
Hamster: Do you eat a lot? - “Only when there’s a lot of food around. When I’m a frog it’s not a problem.” ((My headcanon is there was never a lot of food to go around, being a young witch meant having/wanting to stay away from cities, so unless there’s a hell of a lot of food, she’ll be conservative. Now she’s in the city though, she doesn’t have to be!))
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froggiegirl · 11 years
Send me an animal and I'll answer you~ Put in (( )) if you want Mun to answer.
Dog: Have you ever betrayed a friend? Cat: What’s you favorite food? Frog: Do you believe in true love? Koala: Do your friends find you cute? Panda: Sexual orientation? Monkey: Are you hyper? Bunny: Post a selca? Horse: Tell me about your first love. Bear: Are you addicted to something? Hiena: Do you laugh a lot? Lion: Do your friends treat you like a king/queen or are you their server? Duck: Do you make funny sounds? If yes, which? Llama: Do you have funny habits? If yes, which? Swan: Do people in general call you beautiful more or less often? Elephant: Do people bully/used to bully you due to your looks? Giraffe: Your height? Parrot: Are you a talker? Hamster: Do you eat a lot? Turtle: Do you hide your feelings often? Bat: Which part of the day/night you enjoy the most? Butterfly: What’s your biggest dream? Pigeon: If you could get wings on your back, where would you go? Alligator: Tell me three facts about you. Dinosaur: How old are you?
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froggiegirl · 11 years
headcanons: decisions and shopping
Decisions: Eruka’s okay at making decisions when it’s something to do with fighting (or running away) but when it comes to other people she cares about she will dither like mad (she just wants them to be happy/their approval)
Shopping: She has never particularly had chance to shop in normal places, but would probably enjoy laughing at other people’s choices (“that shirt with those trousers? #girlplease”). She would like spending time in a large clothing store if she had the chance.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
there might be a certain woman in citta who wants to eat Eruka if you know what I mean >:3
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froggiegirl · 11 years
... have you ever been to france? there's a delicacy there that i think might suit your tastes.
"France? No, I’ve not really travelled outside of-"
"Get lost you idiot!" She would throw her bombs at this rude man if she could; instead she sends her large, smiling familiar to chase after him.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
Ask the character/mun: Ask the muse whatever you want for them to answer IC; or ask the mun a personal question to get to know better or to get an OOC answer [although we would like to keep these at a minimum]!
Truth/Dare: Be reasonable with the dares! If you start getting ridiculous no one will want to do them; characters aren’t really obligated to do all the dares they receive. Don’t forget about the truth part as well!
Situation: Give the character another character or characters, a place and a reason in order to create some interesting thread ideas (if both parties are willing to do it that is)! For example: You could send an ask to Ventus saying: “Roxas, Sector oo6, clothes shopping”.
Headcanon: Anons send the character a word, or a name and you may write a small/long headcanon about said word!
Drabbles: Give the muse a prompt and they may write a short drabble on it.
Citta Meme Sunday
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froggiegirl · 11 years
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At least Tadpole Jackson was being polite to the white heired woman, smiling widely at her, trying to move towards her without his master noticing, a view that would have been endearing if not for Eruka's embarrassment. "Yeah, a lot of people here seem to not pay attention." She replied quietly, looking at her familiar just so she could concentrate on something else; at least there was no longer an obvious threat, Eruka had seen her smile when she stole a glance, hoping the muscular woman wouldn't notice...
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"Ah!" She shook her finger at the woman. "He's much more than a pet! Tadpole Jackson is my be-" She stopped herself, even if she didn't know or care about this woman's opinion, the idea of telling anyone he was her best friend, and putting herself and her familliar out there to be mocked wasn't what she wanted at all, "Is my familiar." She quickly corrected herself, lowering her hand to smooth her skirt. "He's rather powerful and an excellent mover." She boasted as her familiar made a small bouncing motion to try to prove her point, though it didn't really work out.
She then frowned. "Well... Not right now." Even if it was revealing a weakness, her hatred of the scientists for what they had done was far greater an emotion than her fear (if only at that moment). Her hands clenched as she thought about her lack of power, their helplessness.
New Sights And Places Without The Memory Loss || Intro/Open
The woman seemed a bit distressed flailing about in front of Sakura and she was somewhat confused. But she said the big tadpole wasn’t hurt, which was good. That meant her care was not needed (not that she could offer much anyways). She sighed lightly and nodded.
"That’s good. I did not wish to hurt anyone, I was just not paying attention—" She was going to continue but found herself being bumped into by the tadpole. It was really quite large. But was it…smiling? Was it having fun? It seemed like it. Should she pet it or something similar to that motion? She just smiled at the blue haired woman that was apologising.
"It’s quite alright—I have to say I’ve never seen something this large before. Especially a pet…"
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froggiegirl · 11 years
Eruka had been walking through District 6 without her familiar, simply exploring to check everything was the same as the last time when someone came up behind her.
The witch flinched at the tap, spinning around to push the man away from her, though her minor strength meant that he only stumbled, rather than lay splayed on the ground.
"What do you think you are doing, ribbit?" She asked haughtily, looking him up and down; what a weak looking person.
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Once she had judged him of no concern she let his question sink in; she rolled her eyes, her hat making the same motion, "Guess you got unlucky too..." She trailed off, wondering if this person could even survive in a box in the middle of suspicious plants... It would be fun to find out! "Come on, I'll show you." She turned around, motioning him to follow her. "Don't dawdle." She said in a sing-song voice - leading someone to their possible doom, while Eruka was 100% certain she would be fine, was most enjoyable!
i don't think we're in maryland anymore || open
This definitely wasn’t Resurgam.
Stepping out of a door and onto a busy city street, CR-S01 shaded his eyes with one hand and stared up at the gargantuan skyscrapers that towered above him. No. He was positive he wasn’t in America; any city this big and sprawling would have surely been mentioned to him at one point or another. He had been imprisoned for eight years, but that definitely wasn’t enough time for a city this large to grow anywhere. Although, if the scientist he’d briefly seen was to be trusted, he wasn’t even in his own universe.
The former prisoner groaned. He had only just gotten back on the good side of the authorities after his escape— in his defense, he had escaped in order to save the life of a dying patient— and now he had disappeared without a word, and to a different universe at that. There went his sentence-reduction bargain. He’d be lucky to ever see the sun again if he got home.
Well, he might as well find wherever he was staying. The man had said he’d be housed in District Zeta. It probably wouldn’t be much of a home, but then again, after eight years in what was practically a refrigerator, what could be any worse? He needed to get off of the streets, anyway. A wooden scalpel wouldn’t do much good against anyone who decided to attack him.
Speeding up his stride, he caught up to someone passing by and politely tapped them on the shoulder.
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"Er, excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to District Zeta?"
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froggiegirl · 11 years
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froggiegirl · 11 years
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Eruka chuckled, "I like the idea of throwing them at people!" She started to conjure up images in her mind: people screaming in shock and horror; maybe they could move on to even bigger fireworks, putting them in people's houses and places they didn't expect! It wasn't perfect, but it was a start. "I bet I could sneak into the fireworks shop and get some fireworks right now!" As long as they found the shop, that is. Since she had her ability to turn into a frog she could easily go into a shop on a covert mission to take items. She didn't even bother to think on how this illegal activity would be taken by her friend, assuming Senida would gladly do the things Eruka wanted to - anything for a bit of mischief.
"Well... At least we've got each other." She gave her friend a solid pat on the back - Eruka did not want to think what might have come of her if Senida had not appeared when she did - and tried to smile widely. "At least she can't be hurt if she's out there, and I'm sure she'll be making friends." Pamela did seem to be a little... Accepting of other people, a skill Eruka was glad was never drilled into her, but if no one could touch her, she couldn't be harmed; that thought made the idea of a friend of hers running about with naught but an umbrella and a teddybear more palitable. "As long as we keep making trouble I'm sure she'll find us... Or we'll find her." Her hat beamed and Eruka nodded, giving her friend a thumbs up and a quick "Ribbit," before she started to really look at her surroundings.
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"District 6, huh?" Up to this point her familiar had mostly been watching the two of them, happy for his master, but now he - quite literally - bound into action. He bounced at Eruka, trying to show her the piece of paper he had picked up earlier. She quickly took it from his mouth, worried he had scooped it up from the streets, and read it, her face dropping. "What the heck... Hey, Senida, do you still live in one of those apartment buildings?" Had the bastards really downgraded their living arrangments?
Thieves || CA [Re-]Intro
Hearing her speak out those two words, Senida nodded. Yes, without magic, they could still do many things. While she, herself, had been raised in a magic-filled environment, she was slowly getting used to modern technology. But that was thanks to Louise and Altea, as well as the people of Hive City. Although she hated the scientists, Senida had to admit that they had indirectly helped her learn new things about technology, culture, and people. On the other hand, though, magic was very important to her, and one of the biggest parts of her life. It wouldn’t be that difficult to live without it, but it would take a long time for her to get used to it, if she ever did. And even then, she would still long to use it.
Upon Eruka’s approval of the idea, the albino’s smile turned into a grin. Now they were talking. She had many ideas in her head, mostly from her own experiences at pranking and just having fun in general, though she hoped to let the young witch use some ideas of her own, as well as hers. But she didn’t blame her, not everyone could juggle schoolwork, hobbies, and pranks like she could.
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"We should!", Senida chirped, "And I don’t blame you. Things come up and keep you busy, right?" Of course, the poor wizard had no idea just what had been keeping Eruka busy, as she assumed it was something like work, magic, and such.
Listening to her speak, the platinum-haired female had to agree. It was definitely good that she got more back, as it would give her an extra charge, should an emergency come up. With the mention of fireworks and firecrackers, memories of her New Years experience at the city came back to her. It was rather fun, Eruka, Pamela, and her drinking juice and eating cookies while trying to figure out the directions on the cases. Luckily for her, she had gotten better at reading the words here, able to read plenty of the words without a problem.
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"That would be amazing! We could maybe tie some to someone’s back, or even scare people with them by launching them toward them! Or, we could pick up some of those popping things and throw them at them!" Oh boy, the slightly taller girl had definitely made her day. At the sudden change of topic, however, her big smile had softened quite a bit. Senida had been there for over two weeks now, but she had yet to see hide nor hair of the ghostly woman they called friend. And while she wouldn’t wish the hardships of the city on her, Pamela’s familiar face would definitely be welcomed. "About that…", she started, "I’m…not sure if she’s here. I’ve been out and about the sectors trying to find my way around again, but I haven’t seen her around. Although, I could just keep missing her!" Yeah that was it! "Or not…", she softly added, barely audible. Senida also remembered that she hadn’t seen many umbrellas out while she was about, so the chance was rather slim.
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froggiegirl · 11 years
When her familiar makes an odd move she doesn't pay attention, too caught up in her teenage angst to bother to scold him, a quick knock to his head and he was back on track, bouncing, albeit very slowly, to nowhere in particular.
The next time he makes a confused noise she opens her eyes, unsure of whether she actually heard that or not; they could have both sworn they recognised a voice, but Eruka was sure she was just imagining things, so she returns to her original position.
The next time something odd happens she notices something weird is shortly after she hears someone running next to them; when a person lands on top of her, her hat crumpling between them. "Ribbit!" She gasps out at the sudden attack, all the air knocked from her. "What are y-" She freezes as she finally looks at the woman straggling her legs. "R..." She gulps in air, unable to believe the sight in front of her.
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She leans forward a little, her hand coming up to touch the woman in front of her's face, shuddering as she strokes the woman's cheek. "I don't..." She closes her eyes tightly but continues to cup Rydia's cheek carefully, as if it might break. Her mouth opens and closes a few times, like she's trying to say something but can't figure out what to say.
I... Just want my girlfriend back || Closed @ Rydia
It had only been a day, but Rydia had been looking everywhere for a certain someone since she arrived here. Since her memories were returned, she had no fear of getting lost; or at least, she knew she wouldn’t get lost on the upper area of the Sectors. These ‘Districts’ were entirely new to her, but they weren’t as complicated to get around as the city above them.
So, here she was; stomping all over one sector in an effort to find them again. How long was Rydia planning on looking for this person for? Well, she thinks that if she hasn’t found that person in a week, she’ll stop looking. If she didn’t find her within that time, she will convince herself that she’s tucked safely away in her bed back home…
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Taking a quick pause, Rydia glances around the area once more. She’s so focused on finding a girl with the polka-dotted dress that she almost misses a familiar creature floating about… ”—Tadpole Jackson?” she says quietly and sharply. Yes, she’s certain that it’s him; so, if he’s here, Eruka can’t be far away, right? She then dashes towards the creature, unaware of the cargo he’s carrying on his back.
“Tadpole Jackson!!" she calls out, hoping to get his attention. It’s at this point she decides to do something reckless, only because he doesn’t seem to be stopping. Still running after it, she eventually catches up and jumps up and onto its back— and onto the person laying on the tadpole’s back, whose presence she was completely unaware of.
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