frogfriend-247 · 3 days
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they're gonna violate food safety standards we've never even heard of
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frogfriend-247 · 4 days
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cool so you can hide ads for knowing too much now
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frogfriend-247 · 4 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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frogfriend-247 · 4 days
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Don’t know why I wanted to draw this dumb, silly idea but here we are lol
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frogfriend-247 · 11 days
1. If you are not silly, it is vital you become silly
2. If you are silly, you must stay silly
2. If you used to be silly but have stopped, you must make all efforts to return to silliness
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frogfriend-247 · 11 days
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Had a dream that I saw this ad in a paper
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frogfriend-247 · 11 days
a person online: i hate it when adults act like childish little freaks in public, smh. you’re an adult, you should be able to order your own food without help. get over yourself. also, why are some people, like, waaaaaaay too into the stuff that they like? omg, and the people who CLEARLY can’t even have one (1) normal conversation without acting Weird??? it’s embarrassing, u guys are embarrassing, get help
the same person five seconds later: we gotta remember to love and support the autistic community u guys <3
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frogfriend-247 · 12 days
My friends have started reaching out in concern because Discord (that little snitch) had shown I was repeatedly listening to the Wisdom Saga for hours a day on loop.
I...I have nothing to say. No rebuttal. nothing. The silly little wet cat of a man makes me happy ok 😭
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frogfriend-247 · 12 days
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frogfriend-247 · 17 days
I absolutely cannot deal with the way Calypso’s “/come into my open arms-” triggered memories of Polites and his song. I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT DEAL
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frogfriend-247 · 20 days
“Don’t let your disorder define you”
Okay but do you support the people whose disorders do define them?
Do you support people with the chronic illnesses who have had to develop whole lives around their conditions? Do you support the intellectually disabled people whose whole way of thinking is defined by their disorder? Do you support the people with personality disorders who literally have a disorder as a personality? Do you support the autism/ADHD people whose disorder you can’t separate from who they are? Do you support the DIDOSDD people who have multiple definitions of themselves because of their disorder?
Or are you just saying that because a disorder defining someone means you can’t ignore it.
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frogfriend-247 · 20 days
I asked a friend who is a sociopath (diagnosed with ASPD, he refers to himself as a sociopath which is why I’m calling him that) what love feels like to him and how he knows when he loves someone.
I loved his answer. He said “Routine. If they are a part of my routine and feel familiar and comfortable and I would feel like something is missing if they weren’t there, then I think I love them.”
I have bpd with ASPD traits and I think his answer was so cute. I think that is what love is like for me too but I’ve never heard it so succinctly explained, perfect summarization.
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frogfriend-247 · 20 days
i've seen quite a bit of confusion about this, so let me attempt to clear things up :
empathy is the ability to feel somebody's emotions as though they are affecting you personally. for example, somebody tells you "my dog died last night!" -> you now feel as though you've lost a pet personally -> you feel grief and sadness just like the other person. not everyone has empathy. it's a trait some people develop and others don't. some have high empathy, some have low empathy, some (like me) have none.
sympathy is the ability to understand and care about somebody else's struggles, even if you don't feel them yourself. so, somebody tells you their dog died -> you realize how this affects them emotionally -> you care about this person, and are upset that they are suffering. not everyone has sympathy either! it's a scale, just like empathy.
compassion is doing something to relieve another person's suffering or make them feel better. somebody tells you their dog died -> you don't want them to remain upset -> you come up with ways to help them feel better, like offering comfort and distractions, or other forms of support. compassion is a learned trait, not something you can be born with like empathy or sympathy. anyone can learn to be compassionate, although some may struggle more with it than others; it's a skill, just like anything else.
however, none of these are required to be a good person. that's a choice you make on your own accord. i hope this clears things up!
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frogfriend-247 · 1 month
I’m a glass half full kinda guy cause then I have more water that way
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frogfriend-247 · 2 months
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Greetings bugs and worms!
This comic is a little different than what I usually do but I worked real hard on it—Maybe I'll make more infographic stuff in the future this ended up being fun. Hope you learned something new :)
If you are still curious and want to learn more about OCD, you can visit the International OCD Foundation's website. I also recommend this amazing TED ED video "Starving The Monster", which was my first introduction to the disorder and this video by John Green about his own experience with OCD.
The IOCDF's website can also help you find support groups, therapy, and has lots of online guides and resources as well if you or a loved one is struggling with the disorder. It is very comprehensive!
Reblog to teach your followers about OCD
(But also not reblogging doesn't make you evil, silly goose)
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frogfriend-247 · 2 months
Now that I think about it, this might’ve been where some of my food-related intrusive thoughts stemmed from
The whole concept of worms being in apples kind of fell off but I think it’s such a good first lesson for kids. Like just being aware an Apple could have a worm…that was really formative for me
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frogfriend-247 · 2 months
always remember to be proud of yourself. even on your lowest days, for the smallest things. like pushing yourself to take a bath despite not feeling able to get out of bed, making a warm breakfast first thing in the morning, it all matters.
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