fritoes · 1 year
“You’ve said, “You can lie or distort the story of the French Revolution as long as you like and nothing will happen. Propose a false theory in chemistry and it will be refuted tomorrow.” How does your approach to the world as a scientist affect and influence the way you approach politics? Nature is tough. You can’t fiddle with Mother Nature, she’s a hard taskmistress. So you’re forced to be honest in the natural sciences. In the soft fields, you’re not forced to be honest. There are standards, of course; on the other hand, they’re very weak. If what you propose is ideologically acceptable, that is, supportive of power systems, you can get away with a huge amount. In fact, the difference between the conditions that are imposed on dissident opinion and on mainstream opinion is radically different. For example, I’ve written about terrorism, and I think you can show without much difficulty that terrorism pretty much corresponds to power. I don’t think that’s very surprising. The more powerful states are involved in more terrorism, by and large. The United States is the most powerful, so it’s involved in massive terrorism, by its own definition of terrorism. Well, if I want to establish that, I’m required to give a huge amount of evidence. I think that’s a good thing. I don’t object to that. I think anyone who makes that claim should be held to very high standards. So, I do extensive documentation, from the internal secret records and historical record and so on. And if you ever find a comma misplaced, somebody ought to criticize you for it. So I think those standards are fine. All right, now, let’s suppose that you play the mainstream game. You can say anything you want because you support power, and nobody expects you to justify anything. For example, in the unimaginable circumstance that I was on, say, Nightline, and I was asked, “Do you think Kadhafi is a terrorist?” I could say, “Yeah, Kadhafi is a terrorist.” I don’t need any evidence. Suppose I said, “George Bush is a terrorist.” Well, then I would be expected to provide evidence—“Why would you say that?” In fact, the structure of the news production system is, you can’t produce evidence. There’s even a name for it—I learned it from the producer of Nightline, Jeff Greenfield. It’s called “concision.” He was asked in an interview somewhere why they didn’t have me on Nightline. First of all, he says, “Well, he talks Turkish, and nobody understands it.” But the other answer was, “He lacks concision.” Which is correct, I agree with him. The kinds of things that I would say on Nightline, you can’t say in one sentence because they depart from standard religion. If you want to repeat the religion, you can get away with it between two commercials. If you want to say something that questions the religion, you’re expected to give evidence, and that you can’t do between two commercials. So therefore you lack concision, so therefore you can’t talk. I think that’s a terrific technique of propaganda. To impose concision is a way of virtually guaranteeing that the party line gets repeated over and over again, and that nothing else is heard.” ― Noam Chomsky, On Anarchism
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fritoes · 1 year
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fritoes · 1 year
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fritoes · 1 year
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fritoes · 2 years
Ive gained more followers from the onslaught of pornbots than i have have organically in YEARS
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fritoes · 2 years
her pussy is wise and the sex is enlightening
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fritoes · 2 years
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fritoes · 2 years
the sexy girlbots are returning. nature is healing
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fritoes · 2 years
why is it impossible to find a faggot movie or tv show made after 2018 that isnt boring or terrible like god when will the suffering end
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fritoes · 2 years
karaoke bar where you're forced to sing your top song from spotify wrapped. how well do you perform it?
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fritoes · 2 years
joe biden appoints weird bug to be in charge of the night time is one of my all time fav images ever
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fritoes · 2 years
pouring coca cola into a rare, sickly bird's mouth confidently and without doubt
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fritoes · 2 years
You can detox from social media and still use tumblr the same way some people can be sober and still smoke weed you just have to use it therapeutically
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fritoes · 2 years
as above (insane in the head) so below (insane in the pussy)
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fritoes · 2 years
well other than that mrs. kennedy how was the drive
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fritoes · 2 years
flipping burgers is one of the most honourable professions u can be in. literally everyone likes burgers
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fritoes · 2 years
So is there an uncle histamine?
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