maybe your computer doesn’t work because you fucked it with your ponis
i did not fuck that computer with my ponis
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“I hate dangers days” ok now replace “danger days” with WOMEN and GAY PEOPLE. not so funny now is it???
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I met another Leon at the library
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“it was really freeing to be able to talk about gender identity btw”
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“why go to all the effort of transitioning to male if you’re just going to wear women’s clothing all the time?” because i look hot and sexy and everyone wants me soooo bad. end of questioning
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I’d like to think Alex Hirsch purposefully waited 10 years after the original fans grew up to be like “oh yeah btw this guy paid a LOT of attention in trigonometry class”
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i sometimes see people online go “man i hope this person i dislike turns out to be a PEDOPHILE or a MURDERER so i can justify hating them” and i’m sorry but. there’s something wrong with you guys
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actually fucking insane that the moment posts about mohammad and shaima's fundraiser turned their focus on the boys of their family still stuck in khan younis, donations slowed down so drastically. it just goes to show that people truly don't care for arab men, because to them arab men are not worth the same care and effort as women and children. and that really hurts me bc i can't even stand to think of my uncles, my cousins, my dad in the situation so many palestinian men have found themselves in - let alone teenage palestinian boys. please donate what you can and help spread this. arab men deserve your sympathy as much as anyone else.
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I believe in gentle parenting. Unfortunately many people refuse to parent their child at all under the guise of gentle parenting. Sometimes you’ve got to look your fourth grader in the eye and say “Little dude, that was an asshole move.”
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my nostalgia for circa 2010 club music is hysterical to me. i was not at “the club” in two thousand and ten, i was at home on the family computer singing along to “like a G6” as if i wasn’t in the G6th fucking grade
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this post's hypothetical by itself is already ridiculous but the thing that gets me is how the wording implies two very funny things that become funnier in tandem
1. "Accidentally, the pitcher tosses a Christian baby" means this is a mistake on the pitcher's part. i imagine the pitcher is breastfeeding on the field and they pitch and they look down at their hands and they see the ball still in the glove and they go "fuck"
2. hitting the baby will still win you the game
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Banning the star of david from appearing at pride events because it "looks like the flag for Israel" IS antisemitic, discriminatory, and an act of oppression and hate against queer jews.
Yes, the magen david appears on the Israeli flag but unless it is in blue and framed by blue stripes, it is not an Israeli flag anymore than the hilal is a symbol for Pakistan.
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To the world:🚨🌍
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In Gaza, life is being snuffed out under the feet of innocent civilians. Children, women, and the elderly are being slaughtered in cold blood. These massacres are not just numbers to be recorded in history books; they are a stain on the conscience of humanity.
Where is the global conscience? Where is justice? Where are the human rights that are being violated every single day in broad daylight? The Palestinian people are being massacred before the eyes of the world, while governments and international institutions stand by, issuing statements of condemnation that do nothing to stop the bloodshed.
The cries of the people of Gaza call out to the entire world: Where is your humanity? When will you act to stop this aggression? This is a moment of truth; either we stand with justice and what is right, or we remain silent and become complicit in this crime.
We will not forget, and we will not forgive the world for its silence. Gaza is resisting not only for its survival but for the dignity of all humanity.
To the world,
I appeal to you for help in saving my family from Gaza. Right now, my family is not just a statistic—they are real people who deserve to live, to breathe, and to be safe. The situation in Gaza is dire, and every day that passes brings new fears for their safety.
Please, I beg you to understand that they are not just numbers on a news report. They are my loved ones, who have dreams, hopes, and the right to a future. I am asking for your support in helping them escape the horror they are currently living in.
They deserve to live. Please help me save my family.
@vakarians-babe @sar-soor @plomegranate @nabulsi @sayruq @palipunk @palestine @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck @northgazaupdates2 @queerstudiesnatural @bluebellsinthedells @rizzyluke @kordeliiius @self-hating-zionist @thenewgothictwice @raelyn-dreams @unfortunatelyuncreative @licencetokrill @jezebelgoldstone @ramelcandy @petracourtjester @labutansa @sammywo @autistwizard @tortiefrancis @sparklinpixiedust @feluka @revcuse @golvio @leftismsideblog @star-and-space-ace @rainbowywitch @marscodes @oursapphirestars @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @boyvander @the-bastard-king @13ag21k @ammonitetheseaserpent @girlinafairytale @timetravellingkitty @appsa @applejupiter @brutaliakhoa @malcriada @retvolution @deansmultitudes @devilofthepit @heritageposts
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On the twenty-first of July at 1 AM, my son Khaled's temperature spiked to 40 degrees Celsius. We couldn't do anything to help him throughout the night until dawn. When we reached the nearby clinic, they informed us that they lacked the necessary resources and referred us to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. Without any means of transportation, we had to walk 10 kilometers, and my son's condition worsened.
When we arrived at the hospital, the scene was chaotic. The place was overcrowded with wounded and sick people. I was terrified that my son would catch an infection. We waited an hour and a half just to get an admission ticket while his fever continued to rise.
The hospital didn't have the necessary tests, so we had to go to an external lab, where we waited another two hours for the results. We then went for an X-ray, but the waiting area was extremely crowded, forcing us to wait a long time while my son suffered.
Ultimately, it was revealed that Khaled had a viral infection in his chest. The doctors decided he needed to stay in the hospital due to the severity of his condition. However, there were not enough beds, and children were sleeping on the floor and in the corridors. Medical follow-up was nearly impossible due to the overwhelming number of cases.
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After three days of suffering in the hospital, we decided to continue his treatment at home, fearing he would catch additional infections. On the day we were discharged, the hospital was bombed, and we barely escaped. We had to walk a long distance under the scorching sun to get back home.
The next day, Khaled developed severe rashes due to the poor conditions and the bombing. When we visited a private doctor, he prescribed medication that we have not been able to find yet. Khaled's condition is deteriorating, and it seems he has contracted another infection from the hospital.
These harsh conditions are threatening my son's life, and we are in desperate need of help. Every donation can save his life and provide the necessary medical care.
Please continue to support Suad and her family during these challenging times.
Donation Link
@fallahifag @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @queerstudiesnatural @communistchilchuck @sar-soor @appsa @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @sayruq @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @skatehani @queerstudiesnatural @4ft10tvlandfangirl @the-bastard-king @troythecatfish @raelyn-dreams @brutaliakhoa @communistchilchuck @kordeliiius @animen @northgazaupdates
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please buy Estradiol. you certainly will not regret Estradiol. you will get tits. the tits will be good. bounce bounce, am i right.
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Hallo I’m bshaer from gaza I lost everything my home was destroyed iwas born my first baby girl ayla after her father martyred
Help me not to lose my only 👧🙏😔😣
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Please help us start a new life away from everything that is happening and live in peace with my baby girl and my family ❤🍉
Vetted by: @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost
So please, I am speaking to the human inside you. Please help me and my family survive this war and do everything you can to help me through this 🙏🙏💔
@appsa @nabulsi @hametsukaishi @ari-continues-to-exist
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