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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
TPOT au with the (still in the show) DPA members that I might make into a fic or something
Rant under the cut
Toybox! Au where Blackhole, Tree, Fanny and Marker are all living toys trying not to die (real original, I know)
And there’s these monster things (haven’t quite figured out the whole story yet)
The main character is Blackhole (we love to see it)
Also maybe astrobiology (as a treat) [or maybe they can all be one big polycule, not sure on that one]
Anyway, designs!
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He’s a plastic doll with fabric clothing (think of it like a combination of those really fancy porcelain dolls and those green plastic army men)
He’s the second toughest toy, being made of plastic, do he doesn’t have a lot of damage
He’s very dirty though, since he has hair and fabric
And the fabric gets ripped a lot and needs to be sewn back together
He’s the main character, and tries his best not to hurt any monsters while trying to escape from them, but he will attack if any of his friends are severely hurt and/or running isn’t an option. He was custom made and supposed to be a gift, but he never made it to his final destination, and is now in the area (again, don’t really have the story fully situated, so I’m not sure of the setting right now) where the others are, trying to find a purpose. Other living toys (that aren’t monsterous beings) are few and far in between, so he tries to make as many friends as he can, wanting to stick with others. He meets Tree not long after he first wakes up, and they stick together, not having much else. He only wants to find a purpose and be his friends to be safe (he’s the main character, how can he not be selfless? [couch cough, overprotective, couch cough] He’s the tallest of the four.
Weapon: one of those guns from those green army men
Toy type: plastic doll w/ clothes
Fragility: tough
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He’s a porcelain ballerina, mostly porcelain but some of his ribbons are fabric
He’s very fragile and has broken himself quite a bit, even losing an eye at some point. After losing said eye, he was with only one eye for a while before he found another that was a perfect fit, aside from the colour.
On the plus side, he’s not as easily dirtied as the others. Being smooth, it’s easy to wash off any dirt or grime.
He’s the second character that we meet and the first person that Blackhole comes across. When he wakes up, he’s not sure what to do. He wanders for a while until he comes across a monster that tries to attack him. Luckily, he finds a crossbow and even though he’s not a very good shot, he manages to distract the monster long enough to flee. He then meets Blackhole, and they stick together, because even though they still don’t know what they’re here for, it’s better than being alone. He feels like he’s useless to the team, usually being the last to jump into a fight, if at all, because of his fragility. (Boy oh boy, I sure do love giving characters shit self esteem!) He’s the second tallest of the four.
Weapon: crossbow w/ bolts
Toy type: porcelain dancer
Fragility: very easily breakable
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He’s a wooden puppet, and is the strongest of the four, being made of wood and metal.
He doesn’t get dirty easily, but if he does, and it goes for too long without being cleaned, it tends to stain the wood
He doesn’t really have any scars, but his paint chips easily, mostly at the joints and the bottom of his feet
He’s the third character that we meet. He wakes up attached to strings, hung from something unseen above him. After struggling for a while, he decides that it’s pointless, and that he has to wait for either rescue, or death. He was in a secluded area, so no monsters found him, but he was alone for a long while before Tree and Blackhole found him, causing him to be a bit clingy. He mostly uses his cane to help him walk, as his joints loosen over time, causing him to have a hard time walking, but it can be used as a weapon in a pinch. He’s determined to find a safe place where they can all settle down and not have to worry about the monsters. He just wants to be safe with his friends and to not be alone again (that’s right, I gave this poor boy abandonment issues, I just can’t let them be happy) He’s the second shortest of the four.
Weapon: cane
Toy type: stage puppet
Fragility: very strong
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She’s a stuffed toy with fabric clothing that is easily removable (istg get your minds out of the gutter)
She’s pretty fragile, not as much as Tree, but she has more wounds due to her recklessness and usually being the first of the group to resort to fighting. He stitching can rip easily if she’s not careful, especially if it wasn’t put in right in the first place, and her wounds leak stuffing. She can die if she loses too much of her stuffing.
She is unable to talk due to the stitches on her mouth. She doesn’t want to remove them because A) it’ll hurt, and B) she doesn’t know if she even has a mouth, or if it’s just stuffing behind the stitches, and she doesn’t really want to find out the hard way.
She’s easily stained, being made of fabric and stuffing, and is very dirty upon joining the group, mostly due to being on her own the longest.
She is the fourth character we meet, and the first to not immediately join the group upon her introduction. She doesn’t trust the group right away, and stays elusive for a while, occasionally appearing to help them out, but usually staying in the shadows, if she’s even near them at all. When she does join the group, it still takes her a while to fully warm up to them, and she has a problem with not telling them things. (Such as, oh, I don’t know, having a MASSIVE FUACKING TEAR IN HER ARM FROM FIGHTING A MONSTER) she doesn’t like being vulnerable with the group, and it remains a problem after she begins to trust them more, though it’s not as bad. Being unable to talk, she uses her seam ripper to write in the ground, but she has other ways of communicating if they are on the move or don’t have time to write. She only has arms down to her elbows, and needs to use both arms to hold the seam ripper, so it’s usually strapped to her in some way. She doesn’t want to let herself get too close to the group, despite her urge to become one with their ‘herd’ as one may call it, and resigns herself to showing her love through protection (even if it means getting hurt in the process) [somebody give this poor girl a hug, because she ain’t building up the courage to ask for one anytime soon] She is the shortest of the group, and is eternally angry about it.
Toy type: stuffed plushie
Weapon: seam ripper
Fragility: easily breakable
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
I put every bird I could think of into this wheel. Spin the wheel. You're that bird now.
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
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Here's the first page of my BFDI mystery comic, Dreamier Island: Autumn Nocturne ! 🔎
Part 1
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
Lighthole swap au
Basically, all the way back in BfB 1, Black hole and Lightning end up on the other’s team (Black hole is on Iance, and Lightning is on Death P.A.C.T.)
This would change so much like- Iance likely wouldn’t be out first since Black hole could just get the basket as he usually does, and somebody on Death P.A.C.T. Who has any sense could remind Lightning that he could just fly and get the basket, so the elimination order would be out of whack,
And how would being on Iance affect Black hole? Would he give in and throw away his morals? Or would he change the team (for better or for worse?)
And maybe Death P.A.C.T. Could help Lightning, since he didn’t really have a sense of independency back then
So much stuff would change because of this!
Astrobiology would probably be dead (tragic)
Snowball would probably either hate black hole, or be the absolute worst influence on him
Poor black hole
Lightning would probably have a great time of Death P.A.C.T.
I might write this not sure
Okay, I’m gonna leave it up to ya’ll by the only way I know how, the extremely overused notes game!
50 notes (I’m going big, ya’ll need to really want this) and I’ll write about this au and expand on it a bit
75 notes and I’ll make an entire fic about it (the entirety of BFB pre-split but with the au)
100 notes and I’ll make a blog dedicated to it
125 notes and I’ll regularly post about the au on said blog
150 notes and I’ll add pictures to the fic
175 notes and I’ll make a sequel fic where the au continues into TPOT
200 notes and I’ll let Black hole say fuck (this one is kinda a joke and totally unreachable, but if ya’ll somehow manage to get here, I’ll let him)
250 notes and I’ll figure out a way to add astrobiology (tumblr absolutely loves this ship and I think that I would have my head placed on a spike if I didn’t include it in the fic)
The game ends on March 26, 2025, which should give ya’ll plenty of time to boost this (is what I would say if the average note count on my original posts was more than two.) please, no more than 3 notes per person, I’m doing this to see if people actually want this to happen, not if one person thinks it’s funny to reblog this 200 times so that I think that people will actually read the stuff that I spend time on.
By then, I’ll look at the note count, and start working on the stuff of whatever goals were reached. Any notes after the 26th won’t count, and I likely won’t be doing anything outside of the reached goals.
Anyways, have a good one
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
spoilers for the tss cake video under cut! (Also swearing, but that’s pretty normal for me at this point)
Okay, so for the first one, I genuinely thought that Roman was going to say his sword because it was a photo of him kissing his sword
and holy shit, asexual Patton headcannoners and going to go fucking feral with the bread and garlic bread choices
also the FUACKING (why the fuck did it just autocorrect that word to fully capitalize) anyways, the FUACKING math problem being wrong was hilarious
plus Roman stating that the Jack of Diamonds is a twink is… well, let’s just say that he’s not wrong, he just thought of it before I did
also Logan coming in with our lesbian icon Miss Frizzle was just the Cherry on top of this cake (which is somehow both figurative and literal)
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
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future archaeologists will know you were (not) a boy
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
Fanclock shippers go crazy, like they saw the entire cast of characters, all the ship possibilities, and went ‘no, I want to ship the two who interacted once at the beginning of the very first episode where half the interaction was a fight. That’s who I’m shipping’ and honestly, I respect it.
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
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JnJ… I know what you meant but I have a dirty mind.
don’t do this to me, not on Valentine’s Day.
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
guys I need to stop reading fanfic, I just had a dream that my two favourite still-in-progress Fics got updated like- 20 times and it was so euphoric that when I woke up I rushed to see if they were actually updated (they were not)
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
You can bring dead people to live again, but for every person you bring back, you have to sacrifice one body part
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
Spin this wheel to get a weapon for a zombie apocalypse.
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
pokèmonize yourself!!!!
spin this wheel to see your pokemon type
spin this one to see how you'll look like
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
given all the rising transphobia and shit, we should remember that white trannies are still relatively safe and will be able to endure more escalation more easily, we're not at the top of any shit list even if we near if, trans women of color however are very vulnerable, and we need to remember they're our sisters, not our shields
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
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Ya�� know what? I’ll take it.
Have you ever wondered whether or not you’d be canonically queer if your life was a story? Look no further. This quiz will tell you your canon queer status. 
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friendlylemonade · 1 month ago
good news! you're an animorph! bad news! you didn't know about the two-hour limit and got stuck in your first morph, which is whatever this wheel lands on
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friendlylemonade · 2 months ago
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