friedbrainsyndrome ยท 6 months
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Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear..
VERY BIG TW: Implied cannibalism, implied necrophilia, blood, gore, graphic descriptions of body parts (eyes, teeth), yandere and tiny smut.
Shit. How did you get here..you don't remember. In the middle of the forest while it's snowing, being hunted down by your 'Fiancรฉ' Kรถnig. Everything was fine before today, sure Kรถnig was a little weird..moving you two out the woods and being so protective but; you didn't wanna call it off, it'd be a waste of that blood-red ruby ring and you loved him of course. But one day, he came home covered in blood, his large, calloused hands dripping in the crimson liquids. You didn't know what he did, he wouldn't tell you..he just stood in the doorway, staring. His eyes were the scariest part of him, piercing and filled with...obsession.
No matter what you did, you couldn't get him off of you. His bloodied hands pawing at your body as he stood tall above you, staining your clothes red. You finally, miraculously got free, that pissed him off...where did you think you were going. That's how you ended up in this situation, behind a thick tree as you heard his heavy breathing get closer and closer. You were holding your breath, it's as if he could hear you...smell you.
"Come inside Hase, you'll freeze out there before I even get my hands on you."
He called, his voice echoing throughout the empty forest; speaking of his voice, his accent, and how deep his voice was..it felt less romantic and more..terrifying. You had to move fast, he was just stalking closer and closer.
You took an impossibly quiet deep breath, you started running. Trying to avoid snapping any branches or crunching the snow beneath you, you heard Kรถnig's footsteps quicken to a power walk...like he could sense your fear. You ran until you found the shed, your shaky, freezing hands fumbling with the padlock until it clicked open. You slammed it shut behind you, lodging a wooden stool against the doorknob to try to keep him out.
The stool felt cold..wet almost, you wiped your face out of instinct but..you felt something wet. You look down at your hands..covered in dark..red liquid. Blood. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, and you stifled a scream, clasping your hand to your mouth. Blood..an unimaginable amount of it all over the floor and a cold...dead mass huddled in the corner..a person. You looked around the shed, the wood rotting and mold growing in the corners, the absence of light made you shiver. You back up, trying to hide yourself in the corner and distance yourself from the corpse, you slip and fall on your ass over the blood with a thump. You scrambled to get back up, but it was too slippery, the shock faded as tears stung at your eyes and your eyes rapidly moved left to right, up and down..no escape.
Just then..the doorknob jiggled, no no no no this can't be happening. You heard your desperate gasps turn to loud sobs as you begged him to please stop, he's scaring you and to have mercy. It was no use, he was trained to not be swayed by stupid begging. You hoped he would be able to get in, you jammed the door shut the best you could but that hope soon faded as you felt it....him slamming his entire body weight against the door, the rotting wood caving under him slowly. He was 6'10, 257lbs, the door wouldn't stand a chance.
The door finally caved, and he kicked the stool out of his way, the legs scraping against the wood before hitting the wall across the room and falling. He stood, his breath visible in a cloud thanks to the cold. He was a silhouette, it was too dark to see him fully..just his eyes. His grey eyes moved rapidly and aimlessly, bloodshot and dark. They landed on you, finally finding you in the corner. As he turned his body, you tried to back up into the corner, your face and body were covered in blood, just like Kรถnig. He finally reached you, his silhouette was the only thing you could see, and his fucking eyes STUPID fucking eyes. The way they crinkled as a smile peeked onto his features under his mask, bastard...
"Finally found you, was your game fun?"
He asked softly, leaning to whisper in your ears. You jerked back, causing him to force his massive fingers around your neck and squeeze..hard. You felt something cold and sharp against your stomach, you slowly trailed your eyes down..a bloodied knife pressing against your clothed stomach. He lifted your shirt with the same hand that he held the knife, trailing the knife down your chest and your hard nipples, leaning doen and lifting his mask to flick is tongue across one; causing you to gasp and whimper before he reached your stomach. For a few seconds, it was only silence, cold..dark..horrifying silence before he plunged the knife into you. Your blood splattering across the knife, you screamed as you kicked at his chest, that sick smile still on his face.
"C'mon Hase, I know you can scream louder, so go one LOUDER"
His voice got louder as he twisted the knife inside your stomach, causing you to gasp and gargle our spit and blood that was coming up, you screamed..only coming out in wet gargles. You couldn't breathe, his hand held steady around your neck..not letting up. You felt everything go dark as he kept twisting the knife. The pain was burning, you watched as gallons of crimson blood covered Kรถnig and his knife along with the floor, and you started to get dizzy. As he inched closer to your face, you accepted that no one would save you..it was over.
He lifted his mask over his mouth once again, he started to lick the blood off of your body, your chest and stomach, neck and collarbone. You shivered at the feeling of is wet, warm tongue slide across your cold skin. Kissing up and down your body, praising you as you kicked and squirmed to get him off you, it was no use, he was bigger and stronger. You felt the blood smearing all over you, he wasn't doing anything to clean it up...he was making a bigger mess.
"You're so pretty covered in blood, Welpe.." He muttered with a smile, his teeth..the same ones that usally left love bites looked like they were gonna devour you..whole.
You flinched when Kรถnig got back up pressed his forehead against you, as he kissed you with bloodied, metallic lips..you finally died as he shoved the knife deeper. He pulled away from your cold lips, a smile on his face.
Finally...you were all his, to do whatever he pleased to your corpse. Theres nothing more he wanted to do but to preserve you, keep you as his little toy..if you bored he might just..consume you..or do worse. But that didn't matter, you wouldn't be able to feel it, his stupid..numb, desd toy. His cold hands squeezing your cold body, kneeding at your soft...supple skin...so perfect..so pretty even when your just a fucking corpse, you were so enticing even when blood wasn't pumping through your pretty little veins.
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friedbrainsyndrome ยท 9 months
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Laughing gas
No warnings, just sickly sweet fluff and loopy Soap!
Soap had just gone under surgery..for his teeth, he had got a pretty gnarly cavity and he needed a filling. They put him under nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas to numb him. The dentist warned that when he woke up he would be a bit uh..out of it.
You were sitting on the chair next to Soap who lay on the dental chair, he was passed out cold. It would take a while for him to wake up so you were simply scrolling through Instagram while occasionally giving updates to Price about Soap. You heard a pained groan from Soap, indicating he was awake, you turned off your phone to see Soap who was looking at you funny..like he's never seen you before.
"Who are you.." he asked, staring at you like he was trying to figure out who the hell you are.
"Johnny, I'm-"
"Hey, don't call me that. Only my love can call me that, it's Soap to you." He said, pointing at you angrily. His speech was slurred and his accent making him harder to understand then usual.
"Oh. I'm sorry, who is this so-called 'love?'" You asked, raising an eyebrow. You were playing coy until he realized who you were.
"Oh? They're the best, they make really good food and uh..They're pretty" he said, absent-mindedly giggling in-between words.
"Sounds like you really love them, what do they look like?" You asked, hinting at the fact that you were his love.
"They..They look a lot like you actually....wait a minute" He said before staring at you, squinting his eyes. "You are my love!"
"You just noticed?" You asked, smiling at him.
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Complementary cat, and I had fun writing this๐Ÿ’“
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friedbrainsyndrome ยท 9 months
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MDNI: Primal Kink, dub-con, Kรถnig as his own warning and smell kink
Run, Rabbit Run.
Kรถnig x GN! Reader
You ran through the empty warehouse, you're boyfriend...your loving boyfriend was chasing you through the warehouse at alarming speeds. Kรถnig truly is a gentle giant..in certain situations, jealousy can truly change a man. He'd caught you being touchy feely with a barista at a coffee shop, causing him to make the most logical decision, to kidnap you and teach you a lesson.
As you ran through the warehouse, Kรถnig's heavy and fast-paced steps grew heavier as you attempted to find your way through the labyrinth of steel shelving and seemingly endless concrete floors.
"I can smell you, Meine Liebe..you can run but you can't hide, kleiner Hase.."
Kรถnig's deep voice rang out through the concrete hell, his voice echoing as if he was everywhere around you at once. God, you felt so stupid, why didn't you just keep to yourself? You ended up at a dead end, met with a cold concrete wall in front of your face, you cornered yourself, leaving you at the jaws of a beast..a very pent-up and angry beast. You heard Kรถnig's labored breaths behind you, sending a shiver down your spine as a low, guttural growl escaped his lips.
"I've caught you little rabbit..no more running."
Translations <3
Kleiner Hase- Little rabbit
Meine Liebe- my love
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friedbrainsyndrome ยท 9 months
I need Orla to write an entire book but just with cod baby headcanons
I would give farmer!Kรถnig the chunkiest baby girls heโ€™s ever seen on GOD. This man deserves to have chubby babies
And GOD just imagine him coming home from working in the fields and seeing you, his gorgeous, sweet wife, curled up under a quilt with your twin daughters sleeping in your arms, dozing away happily ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
(ik itโ€™s soft and cheesy as hell but sometimes we need soft and cheesy!!!!!!)
definitely :( he has chubby baby genes, as well as the tall genes! his daughters will definitely grow to a tall height, just like their father. ๐ŸŒพ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‡
two chubby babies in your arms, sighing deeply and shutting your eyes tightly, letting them breastfeed off of you. your arms weak and exhausted from carrying them around all day, their wispy, light ginger hair that'll darker as they age just grazing against your chest every now and then.
there's so demanding :( needing their mummy or daddy, always giggling whenever they see their father. but today, they'd refused to cooperate with you, only feeding off of you because of their father's presence. he holds them both, taking them to their bedroom and putting them down for the night. he finds you curled into a ball on the couch, hearing him call you over to sit on his lap after a hard day.
sitting on the wooden rocking chair with his large arms wrapped around you, his body heat spreading onto yours. โ€œso pretty, such a hard working mother.โ€ he smiles, kissing your forehead, your eyes fluttering closed as the chairs rocks you two back and forth.
or instead, having a picnic together, your twin girls giggling and playing with your hair, making you laugh. kรถnig smiles when he looks over at you :( gorgeous in your natrual beauty, the golden sun shining on you! definitely feeds them blueberry cheesecake that you'd made after picking the blueberries off the bush, small spoonfuls given to them, playing with their small curls.
perhaps, you under the knitted quilt, a fuzzy blanket at the end of the bed and your two babies around you. your face buried in a pillow, putting your arm around the small of their back, seeing at they giggle with eachother. coming in, covered in hay on his jeans and a basket full of blueberries and strawberries, seeing you fast asleep with your babies on your chest, cuddling into you for warmth. :(
please, please! i don't even want kids, as pregnancy scares me, but kรถnig's babies? ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿซ
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friedbrainsyndrome ยท 9 months
My brain is rotting with tiger!Horangi rn, I need a hard reset
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