fridayincarnate · 5 hours
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Something about kylux small gestures as declarations of love✨
Inspired by @mishavi ‘s headcanon on twitter - Hux has a habit of warming his hands on a mug of tarine tea and Kylo makes sure Hux doesn't get cold. I got carried away too much and ended up drawing a small comic.
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fridayincarnate · 5 hours
I love antagonists who mirror the protagonist instead of contrast them. They are the most extreme version of the protagonist, someone with the same dreams and beliefs who believed these things could only be achieved by the sharpest tools. The crushing weight of knowing that could be you.
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fridayincarnate · 1 day
staring contest! loser has to give the other player a juicy kiss and you have to pretend like you like it!
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ok, ready? here we go!
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😳😣😳NO NO OH GOD NO I GUESS IM THE LOSER 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚 @thehonorableones
from @solsilverpine 's Warrior and the Lasat Ch3!
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fridayincarnate · 1 day
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@iftheresaproblem-whatever found this bikini from h&m and i-
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fridayincarnate · 1 day
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Kylo Amidala 2.0
Someone asked in the tags to this pic what Kylo’s outfit would look like from the front. Unfortunately I didn’t leave that tab open, so I’ve no idea who it was…..>.<
Anyway, enjoy the indecent fashion of Naboo! I have been and still am cackling at the cowl-neckline that plunges towards his crotch
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fridayincarnate · 1 day
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firm kiss thrux as my gf's request <3
doing the kiss meme!
ych / commissions / store / patreon
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fridayincarnate · 1 day
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Happy May the 4th!
We are excited to announce that we will be starting a FinnPoe Zine which will be released this time next year. For more information please read our carrd.
Registrations are now open and will be until the 28th of June. Here is the link to the submission form.
💙 twitter🧡 instagram 🖤 tumblr 💌 e-mail 
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fridayincarnate · 2 days
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Ben Amidala Sketchy Scritchy thing There’s no help for me, is there… Support me on Patreon ♥
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fridayincarnate · 2 days
Hello new moot! What do you want to add to the trail mix??? (This Is @hux-and-gay main blog cause I can’t send asks from my side)
toasted Vader krispies
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fridayincarnate · 2 days
Funniest fandoms are where the fans are like, "I'm obsessed with this. I don't recommend it even slightly."
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fridayincarnate · 2 days
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he would
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fridayincarnate · 2 days
I was looking at the prompts for the Kylux shorts fest and I got inspiration for the vacation one I know it’s not August yet but I was bored and this drawing probably took me to long anyway so here you guys go lmao
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
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fridayincarnate · 3 days
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Younger version of Kylo Ren sketch (still grumpy :) )
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fridayincarnate · 4 days
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Look how glamorous we are! 💅 We hope you're all as excited about the upcoming fest as we are about this beautiful new banner from @tomatette! 😎 You're the best for supporting our little fest! ☀️
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fridayincarnate · 4 days
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- You’re a good person, don’t do this! - There’s still light in him. I know it.
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fridayincarnate · 4 days
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I gotta tell you, I don't really know... how to do this. What you did... I'm not ready.
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fridayincarnate · 4 days
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Emperor Hux and his hound.
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