frickishpd · 7 years
33. Thundray
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Ability: Levitate
Thundray coast around, not having a care in the world. Their sting on their tail is fatal.
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frickishpd · 7 years
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Ability: Damage suppressor: This Pokemon only takes damage from attacks.
Evolves from Tarsnow at L 42
This Pokemon’s armour, made from hardened lava that drips from its mouth, is close to impenetrable. Every winter, these Pokemon migrate down south, and are only driven back by great forces.
I honestly cannot get the mouth to look right. Its supposed to look like a cannon that has lava dripping out of it, but it just doesn't look right at this small scale.
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frickishpd · 7 years
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Ability: Damage suppressor: This Pokemon only takes damage from attacks.
Evolves into Tarzid at L 42
Tarsnow live in both the coldest and hottest regions in the world. They are said to be the most hardy Pokemon in the world; nothing in the environment can kill them.
Sorry that there has been a massive hiatus. To be honest I have had a bit of artist’s block, amongst other more life changing excuses. 
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frickishpd · 7 years
37. Batam
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Ability: Rock head
Sig move: Ram Steel type 80 bp with a chance to flinch.
Upon evolving, Batam are no longer as vulnerable for fire. The wool has hardened into a hard tarp. This reflects most hits effortlessly.
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frickishpd · 7 years
36. Balam
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Ability: Rock head
Sig move: Ram Steel type 80 bp with a chance to flinch.
This Pokemon has been raised for combat. Even in its juvenile form, it can still knock down basic stone walls. Its woolly body is vulnerable to fire, however.
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frickishpd · 7 years
30. Bandrake
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Ability: Suction cups
Signature move: Piercing scream Type: Dark
100 base power 95 accuracy
Has a chance of knocking out the opponent if they are below 50% health.
Chance: 5%+5% for each 10% of health missing. (maximum 25%)
Bandrake produce a sweet smelling venom that can drive people mad. Use of this venom is banned in battles for being too powerful.
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frickishpd · 7 years
29. Impake
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Ability: Suction cups
Signature move: Piercing scream Type: Dark
100 base power 95 accuracy
Has a chance of knocking out the opponent if they are below 50% health.
Chance: 5%+5% for each 10% of health missing. (maximum 25%)
This Pokemon was often raised for use in magical rituals. It’s scream is said to be deadly to already weakened opponents.
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frickishpd · 7 years
47. Roclops
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Ability: Lightning rod
Roclops were said to have created lightning bolts for the Gods in ancient times. They will let out a warning scream before smashing with their club.
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frickishpd · 7 years
46. Ogatar
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Ability: Lightning rod
Ogatar are simple creatures, often found sitting in the middle of roads, hitting their clubs against the floor. Powerful sparks fly from the clubs, so care must be taken when dealing with wild Ogatar.
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frickishpd · 8 years
44. Vulich
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Ability: Insomnia
The ghost has combined itself with the soul of the Pokemon, giving it unbelievable power. Its power of life and death prevents it from dying, and it will never get true peace.
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frickishpd · 8 years
43. Vulmortis
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Ability: Insomnia
A malevolent spirit has attached itself to this Pokemon’s tail. It is said that it whispers promises straight into the head of Vulmortis. It is only a matter of time before Vulmortis makes a deal with it.
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frickishpd · 8 years
42. Vulick
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Ability: Insomnia
Vulick are often found around graveyards, trying to discover the secret to life and death. Until they attach themselves to a ghost, they cannot evolve.
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frickishpd · 8 years
28. Formorse
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Ability: Shadow tag
This Pokemon likes to sit on beaches, trying to allure humans to ride on them. Once someone sits on the driftwood saddle, they cannot remove themselves from it until Formorse flings the victim into the sea.
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frickishpd · 8 years
27. Foalpie
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Ability: Sticky hold
This Pokemon’s mane is made of a glue like substance, and touching it is not advised. It likes to lead its owners to the sea, though nobody knows why.
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frickishpd · 8 years
41. Rapoon
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Ability: Battle armor
The appendage on Rapoon’s mouth can be shot out to twice its length. Once it latches onto something, it will not let go, releasing paralytic toxins into the victim’s bloodstream.
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frickishpd · 8 years
40. Squijire
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Ability: Illuminate
Squijire hunt by attracting prey with its flashing colours. It grabs the dazzled prey and drains them of electrical energy.
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frickishpd · 8 years
39. Cutillium
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Ability: Illuminate
Cutillium scuttle on the sea floor, looking for prey. Before attacking, it flashes the lights on its back to dazzle its foes.
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