frejats · 4 years
Almost finished..
Right now we are at the last fase of our app design. But this is here, that we need to be clear in what type of information that is nessecary to the client to be informed about. We want the customer to have an estimated time. Since this what the root to our problemstatement, we have made an solution where you can realtime track your order. Now we just need to implement the last elements and then we are ready to hand in the assignment. 
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frejats · 4 years
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Today we started on our mock-ups. This is definitely the designfase that takes the longest time, but we are slowly getting closer to our final product. Now we can combine our learned theories with our design. Furthermore, the design fase has made the Designthinking method a lot clearer on how to actually use it. Designthining is not a linear process, but let’s see if we have to redo og rethink some of our desingfases. 
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frejats · 4 years
Qualitative method.
We finally did som observations to help os collect som data. We will use this in our analysis to identify our persona amongst other things! Hopefully the data that we've collecting can support the most of our projekt!
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frejats · 4 years
A 5 step process to understand your designsolution! Right now im putting a lot of energy in the “evolution” process. What can the back-up plan be if the design solution fails? And how can we redirect the solution to an alternative digital track? 
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frejats · 4 years
The Color wheel and Typography
Finally the designproces and thinking is beginning! Bauhaus mainly uses the red color in their logo, which we will use aswell in are design solution. Now we just need to find out in what way we we use other colors in the wheel. And also, what fonds should we use? Their is symbolics in both the fonds and colors, therefore we have to be on point in the choices that we make. 
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frejats · 4 years
To understand the brand better I've decided to explore what the customer experience when visiting a Bauhaus store. This has already given us more information in regards on their services. Also, the company seems very trustworthy - maybe we should include the 3 forms off appeel in our analysis?  
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frejats · 4 years
Decided to collaborate with #rumletozen on the Digital Track assignment and it’s going to be great! We already did our first part of the assignment and we are already starting to have a lot of reflections towards the brand and their services. It was very clear that some are their TBSS isn’t working properly and know we are looking into how that effect their brand. Furthermore, we are trying to look at what type of strategy they use to position themselves in the market - we know it is not cost-leadership strategies but what about the other 2 strategies? I wonder if there is a strategy that matches perfectly to BAUHAUS - we’ll find out soon!
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