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Heat Me Like a Filament: Chapter 4- Am I Only A Lab Rat
Can also be read and commented on here if you really enjoyed, please consider visiting my ko-fi and giving me a tip Will has finally been given more liberties, but Uncle Jack has come a knockin’
The morning sun woke Will. It was peeking through the blinds just enough to bother his eyes. He rolled over away from the window, and snuggled in deeper to the covers. He lay like that for a moment, before he realized. Window? Sunlight? He sat up, and looked around. A gasp escaped him when he felt Hannibal stir beside him. Hannibal must have carried him upstairs at some point during his heat. He had little memory of the experience, besides that first time. The bite, and the pleasure. He stroked his fingers over the mark.
This must have been Hannibal’s bedroom. It was lavish like the rest of the house he had seen. Ornately decorated, if not a touch eccentric. It was such a stark contrast to Hannibal’s childlike persona. Everything was muted in color, and from what little of the house he had seen, lamplight or natural light was the most illumination it offered.
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Heat Me Like A Filament: Chapter 3 - I Just Wanted You To Watch Me Dissolve
Can also be read and commented on here If you really enjoyed please consider tipping me on ko-fi WARNING: this has dubcon breeding/bonding. If you don’t wish to read this chapter, Don’t worry! You won’t be missing any story really! Story will be under the cut just in case :)
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Heat Me Like A Filament: Chapter 3 - I Just Wanted You To Watch Me Dissolve
Can also be read and commented on here If you really enjoyed please consider tipping me on ko-fi WARNING: this has dubcon breeding/bonding. If you don’t wish to read this chapter, Don’t worry! You won’t be missing any story really! Story will be under the cut just in case :)
It hit him a lot faster than he expected it to. After Hannibal had left, he could feel the fever like symptoms setting in. He was convinced Hannibal’s scenting him was partly to blame. He had lay down on the bed, and rubbed at the sweat beading on his forehead, wishing there was a way to lock the door from the inside. He didn’t want Hannibal down here. He knew exactly how it would go and he wasn’t ready for that. Heats weren’t something he experienced in years, maybe a decade or so. There was no way to tell how he would handle it, and he wasn’t about to experience it with some lunatic that trapped him in the basement.
Though, he knew Hannibal was more than that. He had already become like a friend to him. He knew he was experiencing Stockholm syndrome. Showing all of the signs, but he couldn’t stop it. Perhaps he didn’t want to stop it. He had found peace in this basement, and if it weren’t for his dogs, he wondered if he wouldn’t be happy just staying there.
Hannibal’s footsteps could be heard above him, most likely preparing their next meal. He huddled under the covers, despite feeling overheated. He needed to hide, to feel safe, already sweating through his shirt, and his ass was starting to feel pretty damp. It was only a matter of time before delirium set in. It was already creeping at the edges of his consciousness, making him feel hazy and out of sorts. He tried to close his eyes, and let himself rest. Perhaps a nap would help. Maybe Hannibal had suppressants he could give him. Anything that would help the feeling of impending doom and pleasure mixing in his gut.
There was a quiet knock before Hannibal entered. No food with him. It was too early for food just yet. “Are you okay?” He inquired nervously, keeping himself near the door.
“I need your help.” He didn’t move from his fortress under the blankets. “I need suppressants, or something. Anything to keep this away.” He couldn’t keep the desperation out of his voice.
“I don’t have any of those. I have fever reducers and pain medication.” Hannibal offered, fidgeting now. No doubt able to smell Will’s thick scent in the air.
“Please… Can’t you get me some?”
“No, I’m not leaving the house today. Today is not meant for house leaving.”
Will growled in frustration, “Alright. Then I need you to only come down to give me food, and leave. I don’t want you down here during this. I’m sorry- I just, I don’t want to be touched.” His voice trailed into a whisper.
“I will respect your wishes as best as I can.” The hurt could be heard in Hannibal’s voice, and it made his gut wrench with guilt.
“It won’t last forever.” he reassured, and relaxed down into the bed.
“I’ll bring lunch down in a little while.” Hannibal lingered for a moment after speaking, before rushing back up the steps.
Will tensed when the door shut, and thought about calling him back. Inviting him into the bed. He bit his tongue at the thought, and curled in on himself. I don’t want to be touched . He sat there in a pool of sweat, hoping it would be fast. It had been wishful thinking that his suppressant abuse would have made him infertile. Fertility was in his blood. Some of his closer family members had ten children. A truly dismaying fact for him. He had shit genetics he really didn’t want any child inheriting.
He was slipping away so quickly. Barely aware of anything anymore except the aching heat he felt between his legs. Time became fluid, and it poured around him, scalding hot.
He didn’t hear the door open and close, and jumped when he felt Hannibal’s hand on him. “Will…” he whispered out, and felt his forehead. “You’re so warm…”
“Get out…” Will demanded weakly through his haze, despite the fact that he was rolling onto his stomach.
“I don’t want to. I can’t.” Hannibal leaned to scent him, pushing his nose into his neck eagerly. Will pushed into it, but bared his teeth.
“Hannibal, I told you…” He moaned softly, feeling Hannibal’s tongue against him. He raised his hips off the bed, raising his ass to present feebly.
Hannibal stepped away, but only to start undressing. “You smell so good, pretty. You smell so good and I can’t just leave you. I can’t.” his voice shook as he spoke, his breathing coming heavy. “I don’t want to be bad. I don’t.”
Will immediately looked to him, “You aren’t being bad. This is your instincts. This is who you are.” Tears welled in his eyes, and he looked down at the pillow.
Hannibal crawled onto the bed, over him. “Who are you?” Hannibal asked softly, slowly pulling the blanket off of him.
“I don’t know who I am anymore…” He breathed, before he rolled to kiss Hannibal, desperate for him. He wanted to drowned in his scent. Drowning was a recurring thing for him. Hannibal returned the kiss. It was sloppy, but it wasn’t the worst kiss he had.
Will broke the kiss, “My clothes. It’s too hot- I can’t wear these!” he was still struggling to admit that he wanted him. That he felt a need for him.
Hannibal tugged his clothes off quickly, shivering excitedly. His teeth were actually chattering. Will smiled hazily, “Are you cold?”
Hannibal shook his head meekly, “No, it just happens when I’m excited.” he admitted. A wide grin stretched his lips at that, and kissed him again. He then rolled onto his hands and knees, and presented to him.
Hannibal seemed a little unsure for a moment, before he took a deep breath, and smoothed his hair back. He positioned himself behind Will, and it was all instincts after that. Will bucked back against him as he pushed in, letting out soft noises of pleasure. He hadn’t been filled in so long, he felt he might break from it. It was a delicious stretch.
Hannibal rolled his hips into him, making each stroke deep and slow. It made Will squirm beneath him, his cock pressing all the right places. It was pushing Will deeper into the haze, his lips parted in loud moans with each stroke. Hannibal let Will enjoy the slow pace for a few moments before his stroke suddenly changed and he started ramming into him. It jostled Will, and he had to brace against the bed to keep himself upright. He let his front half fall into the pillow, ass raised high for the pounding. His eyes were rolling back into his head, feeling the tease of Hannibal’s knot against him. He needed to be bred. In that moment it felt like it was all he had ever wanted.
“Knot…” Will begged weakly, shoving himself back against each thrust, trying to force it inside. Hannibal was withholding himself though, trying to pace. He didn’t want it to end yet. Will could feel him staring down at him, his hands stroking down his back and over his rump. He could feel his worship. This was his offering to him. Will decided he would accept this kind of praise any time.
Hannibal lasted just a few more teasing thrusts before shoving his knot deep into him, and moaned from deep in his gut as he filled him. Will cried out loudly, scrabbling at the sheets beneath him as he made a mess beneath them.
What he hadn’t been ready for was the bite that came after. Hannibal sunk his odd teeth deep into his neck, bonding them together. Will shrieked, and then immediately turned to instinctively bite back. It was more in self defense than to complete the bond. The clarity of the situation didn’t strike him until after the deed was done.
“Hannibal…” he breathed out, reaching up to feel the bite. “You shouldn’t have done that. You shouldn’t have done that!”
Hannibal shifted nervously, tugging at Will. “Ouch! Don’t move, Hannibal. Please… don’t move. Just… Okay wait. We can reposition. You’ll have to be careful. I’m going to readjust, and when I do, you have to move with me.”
Hannibal obeyed, and soon they were in missionary, Will on his back, and Hannibal lingering over him. Will looked up into his eyes, and sighed softly. “What have you done?” he asked, but still stroked the sweaty hair out of his face, and let his hand drift down his cheek. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry that I was bad. I won’t do it again.”
“It’s a little too late for- well nevermind. It’s alright.” Will closed his eyes, trying to figure out what to do now.
Hannibal whimpered softly, and rested himself down onto Will. He cuddled into him, and Will wrapped his arms around him. Even if he had just ruined his life, he still felt the need to keep him happy. To protect him.
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Heat Me Like A Filament
I really wanted to make this a one shot but I don’t know how to consolidate a story into just one part so heres the beginning of yet another fic :D
Can also be read, kudos, and commented on here
Will woke, feeling sore and his mouth dry. He was immediately disoriented. This wasn’t his bed. This wasn’t his house at all. He sat up slowly, eyes trying desperately to adjust to the dark. The ground was cold beneath him, it felt like cement or stone. “Hello.” A voice echoed to him in a whisper. It made Will’s skin crawl. “You’re so pretty… I just had to have you…” He could hear whoever it was shuffling, coming closer. He scooted back until he banged into something solid. “Why am I here?” Will asked hoarsely. The dryness in his throat made him wonder how long he had been out. “So pretty… just so pretty…” The voice replied. A light suddenly shown in Will’s face, and he shielded his eyes.
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Heat Me Like A Filament: Chapter 2- You Burned Me and I’m Smoking
Chapter two is up! light sexual themes, ABO, and dub/noncon bath watching Can be read and commented on here as well!
Will had adjusted to the cold of the basement. When he was initially left alone, he had spent a fair amount of his time just thinking and shivering. Logic told him to get up and move around to get the blood moving.
Poking around, he found a rather immaculately adorned chest in a corner, padlocked shut. He tried to tinker with it to see if he could peak inside, but it didn’t budge. There were some paddles and crops hanging on the wall, and he really hoped those were just odd keepsakes of some time.
His bed was surprisingly comfortable, but he was hesitant to lay on it after seeing the special items on the wall. He opted to lay on the floor for the nap he had taken earlier. It hadn’t really been worth it, since his whole right side was sore now.
He could hear footsteps above him. He counted them, and kept track of the sounds. Just one set. It was puzzling then why Hannibal whispered so quietly, as if someone else was there to hear them. It was also puzzling as to why Hannibal seemed to run through the house on occasion. Quick steps could be heard pounding from above him, and then further into the house, then a slight pause, then back to normal steps.
Boredom set in quickly, and he got brave and laid on the bed. He let his eyes slip closed, enjoying the relief to his aching side. Sitting quiet, the smell of food wafted from upstairs, and his stomach growled in response. It must have been some time since he had been back home.
The last thing he had remembered was going out to his shed to get some fish. He had opened the freezer, and had immediately felt like someone, or something was watching him. Before he could even call out, he was knocked out.
He must have drifted off, pondering about his unfortunate situation, because he was startled by the door shutting.
“I cooked for you!” Hannibal said cheerfully, voice no longer so low as a whisper, but still quiet. “I hope you like it.”
“What is it?” Will asked as he sat up, peaking at what he had.
“Loin, with a cumberland sauce.” Hannibal said proudly, and gave him the tray.
Will knew that the food was most likely drugged, and that he was about to be knocked out again. His growling stomach really didn’t care, and it genuinely looked good. The presentation was surprisingly meticulous, how he would imagine it would be at a five star restaurant. He took a careful bite. It was as good as it looked.
“You’re a good cook.” He noted, “This is very good. Thank you.” A little brown nosing never hurt. Besides, it was genuinely good.
“I’m so glad you like it.” he grinned, sitting down on the floor to eat his own meal. “I like to cook. I’m very good at it… Good boy at it.”
“You are a good boy at it.” he reassured with a soft smile. It felt too genuine once it came out. He couldn’t push away the recognition that this was a broken person, who needed genuine help. He just didn’t think he could be the person to do it.
“Is it good?” Hannibal asked again, as if he hadn’t just been reassured mere seconds ago.
“Yes, it’s very good.” He reassured, and smiled softly to him. Hannibal seemed very pleased with the compliment, and went back to eating. They sat in silence for a while, the only sound the low hum of the central cooling system.
“May I have a jacket, or some blankets? It’s chilly down here.” Will assumed Hannibal didn’t notice, since he was in a five piece suit. He realized he was in a different suit, this one more elaborate than the last. A blue patterned jacket, with a red paisley tie. Gaudy as hell, in Will’s eyes. But he was in a grey t shirt covered in dog hair, with the essence of fish. Perhaps it wasn’t his place to judge.
“You’re cold? I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” he set down his food, spilling some of the sauce. “No! Oh no!” He cried, the desperation making Will’s gut tense.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll take care of it. You go get whatever you were getting.” He stood up quickly, and Hannibal stood, staring at him, pondering the offer.
“Okay…” He finally relented, and rushed upstairs.
Will took a deep breath once he was gone, then tugged his shirt off to dab up the mess, and fix the plate.
“We’re just trying to stay alive.” Will reassured himself. This wasn’t out of kindness. This was out of survival.
Hannibal came back with towels, jackets, a blanket, and shirts. “I don’t know if these will fit. I’m sorry if they don’t. They shouldn’t be too small at least.” He set them on the bed.
“You’re really nice, Will.” He commented, seeing that the mess really had been cleaned up. “I thought maybe you were tricking me.”
“I’m not one for tricks. I’ve been tricked too many times myself.” His thoughts wandered to Jack. He wondered if anyone was looking for him. Jack’s prime worry was probably just that Will wasn’t there to help solve the latest case, and less about his well being. It made something dark stir within him. He always felt played. Used. He was only valued for what he could do, not who he was.
“That’s not very nice.” Hannibal noted, looking somber.
“It’s definitely not.” he sighed, finishing his meal. “Thank you, for the meal.” “You’re welcome. Would you like dessert? I didn’t make the first course I’m sorry I just- I feel so tired lately.”
“You made dessert? Yes, I’d like some.” He was feeling drowsy, but noted that was more from his full belly than anything artificial. Hannibal manically snatched up the dishes, and rushed up the stairs. Will watched him go. He could possibly use his frantic behavior to his advantage to get out.
Hannibal was back after a moment, carrying too small pieces of cake. He gave one to Will with a glass of milk, then sat down with his own. They ate in silence, but Will kept an eye on him. He seemed very somber now, and he wasn’t about to instigate. As soon as he was finished Hannibal collected the dishes, and went up the stairs silently.
Will was unsure about the passage of time, there were no windows to tell him when the sun was out. He judged night and day on whether he could hear Hannibal shuffling above him, and when breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes came. Counting how many breakfasts he’d had, it had been two weeks since he’d last been home. He hoped his dogs were okay. Alana probably went to check on him, and found the dogs alone. He hoped at least.
Each day was pretty much the same for a while, Hannibal would bring down his necessities, make small, fragmented talk, then go back up the stairs. Will could’ve died from the boredom. He felt he may be going mad himself.
He’d started making conversation with himself, and had made a game out of counting the wrinkles on his fingers. Worst of all, he could really smell himself. He really didn’t want to ask for a bath, because he could only imagine where it would lead.
Something changed after the first week though. Hannibal started spending more time down with him, having casual conversations with him. At some points, Hannibal could even make sense. It seemed the more time he spent down there, the more coherent he was.
Will discovered that Hannibal was once a psychiatrist, but something had happened to him. He wouldn’t tell him what it was, and Will didn’t push it out.
Will had told Hannibal about his dogs, about his fishing. He eventually had even confided in him about how much he hated his work, and how unfair his treatment at the bureau was. It seemed that Hannibal could relate, and sympathize in some surface level way. Will hated that it made him feel good.
Hannibal also became his conduit to the outside world. He told him about the recent news, about funny things he had seen on the internet. He had shown him some things, but never allowed him to hold the phone.
Despite being his first victim, Hannibal still had obviously planned this out for the long term. The clothes he was providing were starting to fit him perfectly now. As if they were tailored just for him.
He was also beginning to anticipate him coming down to talk.Yet still trying to convince himself that it was just out of boredom, just some form of interaction. Despite the fact now he was getting up to change once he heard Hannibal’s footsteps, and trying to make himself look proper.
He was laying on the bed, playing his finger game, when he heard footsteps coming down, and then the door opening and closing. “Is it morning?” Will asked.
"It is! I brought breakfast. Protein scramble." Hannibal smiled proudly, and set the tray down for him.
Will sat up, eager to eat. He dug in, savoring each bite. He had grown to love Hannibal’s cooking. It exceeded anything Will could muster.
Something was different this time. Not with the food. He could smell something. Musky and primal. His gut tensed. He hadn't even thought about the implications of not having suppressants.
He could smell Hannibal. And surely Hannibal could smell him.
"You smell good, pretty." Hannibal noted immediately after Will had the thought. He felt a bit flushed at the compliment, and cringed inwardly.
"I shouldn't. I need a bath." He mumbled.
"Would you like to? I could let you take a bath. I think. Maybe…" Hannibal stopped eating to think about it, zoning out for a few moments. "Yes you can take a bath." He decided once he came back to reality. "As soon as we're done eating."
Will wanted to crawl under the bed. He knew what taking a bath would mean. He knew there would be no privacy in it. He clenched his teeth, but nodded in agreement. He decided to slow down his chewing, prolonging breakfast. But then he could feel Hannibal's eyes on him. He really couldn't win.
"Alright, I’m ready.” He didn’t finish all of the food.
“Was it not good?” Hannibal asked worriedly, staring at the plate.
“No, it was. I’m sorry, I’m feeling a little ill.” He reassured.
“Oh okay… Let’s go.” Hannibal stood up, and offered his hand to Will. “I trust you.”
Will took his hand, and swallowed roughly. Just the idea of doing anything suddenly made him feel guilty. “Okay.”
Hannibal led him up the stairs. Will’s eyes had to take time to adjust once they reached the top, and he shielded them. They adjusted quickly, and he admired the kitchen he had been under this whole time. It explained a lot of the rustling around he had heard.
He was led down a small, dim hallway, decorated in paintings. Then into a very extravagant bathroom. Everything looked straight out of the victorian era. There was a small couch even, red velvet just like his bed. It was all so lavish, but he was mostly focused on the big brass tub.
It was huge, probably big enough to fit several people into it. Enough to drowned several people in it. Will shuttered at the thought, and looked to Hannibal briefly. Hannibal was still grasping his hand, and smiled to him. “This is it! Your bathroom!”
Will was a bit puzzled by the wording, but shrugged it off. “May I have some privacy?” He asked as politely as possible, but Hannibal’s face pinched.
“I don’t know. I don’t have the right locks on the windows… No no. You can’t leave me! Not now. I’m doing so good now. I’m doing so good boy now. You can’t go.” His breath was becoming uneven, and frantic.
“Okay. Okay. Can you turn away?”
Hannibal seemed to consider this, staring at him for a long moment. He set his jaw, and growled out “No.”
Goosebumps raised Will’s hair on the back of his neck, and he nodded meekly. Hannibal put the water on, his mood had now shifted. His body language was tight, and guarded. Will hesitated before slowly peeling his layers off. He instinctively covered himself while he stood there, exposed. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears, and his cheeks were flushed. Yet somehow, this was not the worst humiliation he had ever suffered.
Once it was filled, he slowly crawled in. His eyes rolled back briefly, goosebumps raising once again. This time from the wonderful heat surrounding him. He sank down into the water, submerging completely.
Memories of of the times he had done this at home came to him. The times he spent toying with the idea of letting all of the air out of his lungs, and letting them fill with the water around him. How many times Winston had came to the tub, and barked for his attention. Oh Winston…
Will came back up out of the water, and took a deep breath. It was a cruel irony that now of all times he didn’t want to drowned himself in the tub. He doubted Hannibal would allow it anyways. It struck him then. How peaceful he had been feeling. He worried about his dogs, but even that was calmed knowing Alana was surely keeping them safe.
He slept at night. He slept through the night. He hadn’t sweat through a shirt since a week after being here.
He rubbed his face, and took a deep breath. What was happening to him? This wasn’t the life he had dreamt about. Being trapped in a basement wasn’t the relief he had expected. So why was it just so peaceful? He already knew the answer, but wished not to admit it to himself. Jack wasn’t banging on his door, manipulating him on puppet strings. Dragging him to more and more crime scenes, using the strings to make him look. To make him see. Shoving him deeper and deeper into a darkness he was finding harder and harder to climb out of.
“Are you alright?” Hannibal inquired softly, and Will let some of the tension out of his shoulders,
“Yes, I’m alright.” He started washing himself, again aware of Hannibal’s eyes on him. He ignored them. He didn’t hate it as much as expected, but he just assumed that was the impending heat.
He finished washing himself, but wasn’t ready to get out of the tub. He sank himself under the water again, this time just enjoying the absolute silence it created. He lingered as long as he could, then came back up for air.
“Alright, I think I’m done.” He pushed his wet curls out of his face. Hannibal was waiting with a towel for him.
“You can change once we’re back to your room.” Will stood, and took the towel. He stepped out, and dried off before wrapping it around himself.
“Thank you.” He took Hannibal’s hand, and was led back to the basement. Led back to his room.
Hannibal watched him dress, and Will pretended not to notice. Despite ignoring it, it stilll made his cheeks feel warm. Once he was finished, he sat down onto the bed.
“Do you like watching me?” Will asked, trying to pick his words carefully. He knew by now that any kind of confrontation made Hannibal either lash out or shut down.
Hannibal nodded unsurely, “Yes, you’re very pretty. I always wondered what you would look like. Without your clothes I mean. You’re even prettier than I imagined.”
Will smiled at that, entertained at the thought of Hannibal jerking himself to just the idea of him. His smile disappeared when he realized he was getting away from himself.
“Do I smell different?” He pressed, wondering if Hannibal could smell his heat, like Will could smell his musk.
“After your bath? Yes, you smell nicer now.” This just made Will crack another smile,
“I mean, besides my bath?” Hannibal seemed to ponder this for a moment, before he came right up to Will, hovered just by his neck, and inhaled deeply. It wasn’t the reaction he had been expecting, and he lamented the way he submitted to it, tilting his neck ever so slightly.
“You do. It’s sweeter than usual… Not like a fever though. Not like inflammation… It’s something else.” He murmured, not moving from his position, bent over him. He let out a strange noise from his gut, then straightened, and fixed his suit jacket.
Will squeezed his legs together, and clenched his jaw. “Why do you wear suits all of the time?” He was searching for anything to change the subject.
“Good boys always dress nice. If you look nice, you are nice. Dressing badly makes people think badly of you.” He explained, and rubbed the front of his suit out incase it was wrinkled.
Will nodded softly, “I guess that makes sense. I don’t like suits. They make me feel trapped.”
“Sometimes it’s good to be trapped. Sometimes you’re safer when you’re trapped.”
Will wondered if Hannibal was aware at how profound that had sounded, and nodded, “maybe you’re right.”
Hannibal smiled fraily, “I should go back upstairs. I have some business to do.” he then quickly went back up the stairs. Will was left with himself, his thoughts, and the little bit of slick that had accumulated beneath him.
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Heat Me Like A Filament
I really wanted to make this a one shot but I don’t know how to consolidate a story into just one part so heres the beginning of yet another fic :D
Can also be read, kudos, and commented on here
Will woke, feeling sore and his mouth dry. He was immediately disoriented. This wasn’t his bed. This wasn’t his house at all. He sat up slowly, eyes trying desperately to adjust to the dark. The ground was cold beneath him, it felt like cement or stone. “Hello.” A voice echoed to him in a whisper. It made Will’s skin crawl. “You’re so pretty… I just had to have you…” He could hear whoever it was shuffling, coming closer. He scooted back until he banged into something solid. “Why am I here?” Will asked hoarsely. The dryness in his throat made him wonder how long he had been out. “So pretty… just so pretty…” The voice replied. A light suddenly shown in Will’s face, and he shielded his eyes.
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Heat Me Like A Filament
I really wanted to make this a one shot but I don’t know how to consolidate a story into just one part so heres the beginning of yet another fic :D
Can also be read, kudos, and commented on here
“Where am I?” He swallowed down his panic. He didn’t want this person to know he was afraid. He didn’t know what got him off about this process. Not yet. “Home.” Replied the quiet voice. Will unsheilded his eyes, and was able to start making out his shape, dimly lit from the flashlight in his hand. His face looked skeletal from the under lighting. Will could have rolled his eyes at the poetic implications, if he wasn’t terrified. “My home isn’t here.” He shook his head, “What is it you need?” He was trying to keep a level head, despite his heartbeat hammering in his heart. His gut was in knots, and everything inside him was screaming for him to run. He had learned long ago not to live off of his instincts though. “It is now.” His captor approached, and Will made sure not to move. Not to show any signs of fear or weakness. Even when a cold hand touched his face. “You can help me. You can see me.”“I can’t see shit, honestly.” Will replied, voice quivering just faintly, betraying his fear within his snappy comment. “Oh right…” The light receded away, and then the room was lit up. He closed his eyes tight, then opened them slowly and let them adjust. The room was simple, obviously a basement. He sat against a bed, surrounded by stone walls and a concrete floor. The bed was covered in red velvet, and there were dubious contraptions hanging on the wall. Will decided to pretend those weren’t there.He then focused on his captor. A very sharp looking man, in both dress and features. He looked to his eyes, red and full of clouded judgement. Of unforgivable sins, confusion, and fear. He turned his gaze away as soon as he felt the sympathy grasping at his chest.“I’ve seen your work.” He was still speaking in a whisper. Will wondered if he wasn’t alone in this house.“Should I be quiet too?” Will asked, trying to build rapport.“No, I just… It’s not good for me to be loud. It’s better that I’m quiet.”“What of my work have you seen?” Keeping him dialoguing ment he was less likely to get violent. Will already knew deep down that wasn’t his intent though.“So pretty… the way you see them. Now you can see me.”“Yes I can see you now.”“No! No!” the sharpness of his voice made Will retreat back a little. “ See .” “Okay, I’m sorry. What am I supposed to see?”“Me!” The man was becoming distressed, his breathing picking up.“Okay, I got it. I’m sorry.” That didn’t help him at all, and now he needed to redirect his captors attention.“My names Will. What’s yours?”“I already know your name. My name is Hannibal… You can help me…” He swayed a bit as he spoke, and clasped his hands together. “So pretty .”“Can I have some water please? My throat is very dry.” Will requested, keeping his voice low and soft. Hannibal nodded eagerly,“I’ll go get you water right now!” he rushed off, opening a heavy door. Will watched it carefully, how it operated, looking for any weaknesses. It almost seemed like a vault door. Hannibal disappeared behind it, and it slammed shut. He heard it lock as soon as it was closed.It was obvious he had been planning this for quite some time. The door, the furnishings in the basement. It wasn’t the most elaborate scheme he’d seen, but it was enough to know that this was calculated. Perhaps he wasn’t his first victim though. That made his throat feel arid. If he had victims before, and they weren’t in this room with him. There was really only one logical answer as to where they were.--“Be a good boy.” Hannibal told himself quietly as he poured two glasses of water. He spilled some over in the one cup, and immediately gasped. “No no no!” He scrambled to grab a rag, and quickly clean it up. He was nearly in tears after he had soaked it up, shaking softly. He looked around with panicked eyes, before taking a deep breath. He wasn’t going to be hurt. Still good. He snapped back to himself, and smiled softly, thinking of Will, “So pretty.” He walked back down to the basement.He made sure the door shut behind him, before moving away from it. “Water for you.” He smiled softly. Everything got so quiet when he looked at him. It happened with his pictures, and the time he was on the tv. He made it all so peaceful. It was even better in person though.He gave Will the water, and sat down across from him with his own glass.--Will could hear a commotion above him, and could only imagine what it was. He tuned it out, closing his eyes, and let his mind wander. He was back at the stream, casting his line into it. The birds were singing, and the sun felt warm on his back. It was perfect. Off in the distance of the tree line he could see something dark watching him. He grabbed his binoculars. Before he could get a better look, he was snapped back to reality by the sound of the door shutting.He took the glass of water that was offered, and sipped on it. He stared into the cup, feeling Hannibal’s eyes fixed on him. His gut churned from it. He had to figure out a way out. “Thank you.”“You make everything so quiet. I don’t even feel like I have to whisper.” Hannibal admitted, and Will glanced to him, not moving his head.“That’s a good thing, I think.” he took another drink of water. He was trying to savor it. He didn’t know when he’d get another drink again.“It is very good. You’re the only one that can make it happen. I saw you on the tv, and on the internet. That’s when I realized you could do it.” He sounded so enthusiastic, it made Will that sympathy come crawling back. This was a very damaged individual. He could see a part of himself in that. He wasn’t anything special though. He wasn’t a psychiatrist or any kind of savior. He realized that because of these things, he would most likely die here.“Has anyone ever been able to do that before?”“No… Only you.” Hannibal smiled, showing his unusual teeth. Will felt relieved at that. He must have been the first victim. Which meant he had a better chance of getting free. It wasn’t a crime of passion kind of easy to get away, but he would most likely be more sloppy. He wasn’t as well trained.“Perhaps we can find out why I do that.”“Because. You see .”
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in the tags put your pets name vs what you actually call your pet
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Writing Commissions
So from May 8th to the 20th I will not be in school, and will have some free time. I have some prompts that I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT I JUST HAD FINALS to do, and then i can get started on commissions. Im in college, and would like to make some money to help with paying bills. My program is full time, and VERY intensive because its a medical program, so it makes it very difficult to work. I’m taking writing commissions, for $5 dollars for a one shot fic! We can discuss prices for anything more than that. Please give this a boost if you can :) If you wanna see examples of my writing, its over on AO3 !! I’ll write just about anything Hannibal related honestly. I especially love sci-fi and fantasy, so if you have an idea like that, bonus points! :D
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Writing Commissions
So from May 8th to the 20th I will not be in school, and will have some free time. I have some prompts that I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT I JUST HAD FINALS to do, and then i can get started on commissions. Im in college, and would like to make some money to help with paying bills. My program is full time, and VERY intensive because its a medical program, so it makes it very difficult to work. I’m taking writing commissions, for $5 dollars for a one shot fic! We can discuss prices for anything more than that. Please give this a boost if you can :) If you wanna see examples of my writing, its over on AO3 !! I’ll write just about anything Hannibal related honestly. I especially love sci-fi and fantasy, so if you have an idea like that, bonus points! :D
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Writing Commissions
So from May 8th to the 20th I will not be in school, and will have some free time. I have some prompts that I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT I JUST HAD FINALS to do, and then i can get started on commissions. Im in college, and would like to make some money to help with paying bills. My program is full time, and VERY intensive because its a medical program, so it makes it very difficult to work. I’m taking writing commissions, for $5 dollars for a one shot fic! We can discuss prices for anything more than that. Please give this a boost if you can :) If you wanna see examples of my writing, its over on AO3 !! I’ll write just about anything Hannibal related honestly. I especially love sci-fi and fantasy, so if you have an idea like that, bonus points! :D
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Apollyon’s Wrath: Chapter 2, On The Hunt
Can be read and commented on here as well if you really enjoyed consider giving me a ko-fi?
“It’s gone.” Will announced, looking out the peephole. He opened the heavy shelter door, and despite his heavy gear, could feel the bitter wind that pushed in. He quickly stepped out, Hannibal following after him.
“We have at least eight hours. That should be plenty of time.” He checked his watch to make sure, and a small chart he had drawn out. It was mostly based on the noise than anything he could see. It was too dangerous to look into the light too often. “This isn’t completely accurate, but eight hours should give us a little bit of extra time, just in case I’ve calculated incorrectly.”
Will nodded, and began to walk across the burnt earth, now covered in frost. The heat of the day was unbearable for most life forms. The cold of the night could make a person hypothermic in seconds. Hannibal and Will had worked together to create protective gear for hunting.
Thick coats with near impenetrable lining, fibers so tightly woven perhaps not even the sun could get through. Gloves, and face guards. The face guards were much more like helmets. They covered the entire head, the exterior being made out of light abliminium, a steel like resource that was brought back from the other reaches. It held the same structural integrity, with only a fraction of the weight. The eye pieces were made from thick red glass, in the case that light was present when they ventured out. A small wired piece within made it easy to communicate between them. There was an attachment for oxygen tanks as well, but they hadn’t needed them. The sun hadn’t killed all of the plant life yet.
“Where should we even begin?” Will asked, voice slightly distorted through the wire piece. Hannibal hated how it altered his voice.
“Lets just head west. If I’ve heard right from the radio, they may be people that way.” Granted the radio hardly was able to hold signal anymore. It was mostly dead static, but occasionally a voice came through. He assumed it was some sort of encampment communicating to each other. They just only got one piece of the signal.
Will lead the way west, fighting against the wind. His stomach was aching from hunger. Their dry goods were starting to run low, and he had been withholding himself from indulging. Despite Hannibal’s nagging, and knowing that starvation let the madness in. He wouldn’t deprive Hannibal. His mind was stronger as it was. He was more likely to make it. It was inevitable that it would take him far before it took Hannibal. The quiet of the walk, the mindless direction let his mind wander.
“She speaks to me! She speaks to me!” He was back at the base, Jack pasing the floor.
“Who’s speaking to you?”
“She.” It had taken him. Perhaps he had sat too close to the shadow his lamp made in his room. Perhaps it was losing Bella.
“She’s gone, Jack. She can’t talk to you.” He was trying to speak calmly, to try and de-escelate. Just like he would have when the world was normal. When he had a gun and a badge. He used to think things were so complicated back then… fool.
“No, you don’t understand. SHE!” Jacks voice boomed, amplified by the small space they were in. Then he went to the door. Opened it. That’s when it happened.
“Will!” Hannibal’s voice jerked him back to reality, along with a tight arm around his waist. He looked down, standing just a few feet away from the edge of a large fissure in the damaged ground.
“Will you look at me.” He obeyed, and turned to Hannibal. His red eyes were even more startling through the tinted glass. “Don’t do it. You stay with me. Don’t let your mind wander.”
There was no understanding as to how it happened. Whether it was daydreaming, shadows, grief, cabin fever, perhaps superstition. Something was taking everyone. Just like it took Jack. Just like it took Alana. It had to do with the sun. He knew it. Hannibal didn’t believe that though. He stood fast to the idea that although the star was far too close, that it was plain insanity taking everyone. Cabin fever. Fear. It was just an accumulation of emotions. He still didn’t like to take his chances with Will though. Will tried to think just as rationally. Lest it take him too.
“I’m sorry. I just drifted off for a moment. I’m sorry.” He shook his head, and turned to go the correct way again. It was a lie. He just didn’t want him to think he had been day dreaming.
Sleepwalking had become a common occurrence for both of them. There was no way to keep the day and night cycle their bodies required. The sun would be out for days, maybe weeks at a time before the night would come. They tried to keep things stocked. Tried to alternate the lights, tried to create artificial light. It wasn’t working. Fatigue was setting in. Another danger with the shadows.
Will wasn’t sure how much time had passed. How far they had walked when he saw a light. It had to have been a few hours he knew, his feet hurt, and he felt sweat dampening the inside of his clothes. Hannibal was the time keeper. He didn’t trust himself. He lost time too easily. It could get them killed.
They both seemed to freeze at seeing the light at first, unsure if it was natural or not. A quick assessment proved it was unnatural light. A flashlight, or lantern. Will’s heart began to race. They had gone the right way. They were going to be able to eat again.
“You know what to do.” Hannibal reassured, then broke away from him, going towards the north west now, flanking out around the light. Will went the opposite direction, starting to feel shaky from the nerves. He was always afraid of causing some faux pas that would cheat them of a meal.
He kept his eyes trained on the light as it became brighter. He tried to take cover around whatever he could. The struggling trees and unnatural juts from the earth kept him hidden enough. He was now close enough to see the outline of a person, and something else. He couldn’t identify it at first from where he was. He could feel the cold through his coat as he crawled on his belly, trying to get a better look. A dog. It had to be. It was covered in a coat, and seemed to have some sort of face guard on as well. But Will could tell a dog when he saw one. He didn’t think he’d ever see a dog again.
“Location.” Hannibal asked through the wire, making Will jump just slightly.
“I’m close. Hannibal… He has a dog.”
“Are you sure? Will we really can’t-”
“I know a dog when i see one, Hannibal. It’s a dog.”
There was silence for a few moments before Hannibal let out a sigh, “Go.” He ordered.
Will sprang up at that, and charged out of his cover towards the person. He was on him in just a few moments, and brandished a knife from his coat pocket. He drove it deep into the coat, right to the chest. Hannibal joined him almost at the same moment, grabbing the persons covered head and twisted it back violently. The body crumpled as the dog barked and ran around them, tail tucked.
Immediately Will abandoned his task, and turned towards the dog. He sat down onto the ground. He pressed a button at the side of his faceguard that let him communicate to the outside world. “Hi buddy…” He greeted softly, “I know, and I’m sorry. You two would have died out here anyways though…” The dogs fittings were thin, and his feet were exposed.
The dog stopped its running and stared at Will, before it cautiously approached.
“Will. Please.” Hannibal practically begged.
“No, Hannibal. Not this time. You won’t win this time.” He patted the dog on its coated back, then stood. “Wanna come with us, buddy?”
The dog didn’t respond, but simply stood a few feet behind him.
“He probably won’t follow.” Hannibal noted, and slung the dead body over his shoulder. “We’ve been gone for four hours. We should start heading back.”
Will nodded sadly, and followed Hannibal back the way they had come. To Hannibal’s disappointment, the dog followed after them.
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“I have all these OCs! But no story…”
make a fighting game
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Apollyon’s Wrath
Can also be read and commented on here
A short little thing because Will’s question has been ringing in my mind after reading/listening to some cosmic horror stories.
“Do you think it can hear us, like we can hear it?”
The question was left unanswered for a brief moment. It made Hannibal’s face pinch in a way Will hadn’t seen before. “I don’t think it- It’s not sentient. It can’t be.”
Yet the question made the pit of his stomach tighten in a way that only recently it had learned to do. It was always in a state of taught anxiety, but on occasion something more made his insides bunch up like tangled wires.
He had the urge to gaze at it, but there was no way to. Not where they were. Deep underground where it couldn’t hurt them. Yet it’s low thrumming could be heard all the same. An awful white noise like a vacuum cleaner that never shut off, and buzzed inside your head.
Keep reading
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Apollyon’s Wrath
Can also be read and commented on here
A short little thing because Will’s question has been ringing in my mind after reading/listening to some cosmic horror stories.
“Do you think it can hear us, like we can hear it?”
The question was left unanswered for a brief moment. It made Hannibal’s face pinch in a way Will hadn’t seen before. “I don’t think it- It’s not sentient. It can’t be.”
Yet the question made the pit of his stomach tighten in a way that only recently it had learned to do. It was always in a state of taught anxiety, but on occasion something more made his insides bunch up like tangled wires.
He had the urge to gaze at it, but there was no way to. Not where they were. Deep underground where it couldn’t hurt them. Yet it’s low thrumming could be heard all the same. An awful white noise like a vacuum cleaner that never shut off, and buzzed inside your head.
“I don’t know anymore.” Will replied softly, unsure why he had even asked. Something to ponder to pass the time perhaps. “What I do know, is that we have to go find something to eat soon.”
“I know. The cycle should be done soon, and then we can go find something.” he reassured, and then looked to his wristwatch. Who knew if it was accurate. There was really know real way to tell time anymore.
“We always said that time is an illusion. Made up by man to make sense of what we can’t comprehend. Invented to give us some meaning to the day, and the night. A small comfort in a sense. Order where there is none… If only we could invent something now. Something that could make sense of all of this. I just w-”
“Hannibal, don’t. Don’t start. I get what you’re saying, but don’t. It’ll only drive you insane.”
Insanity seemed to creep around in the shadows. Anywhere the artificial light couldn’t touch, it was waiting to attack. It felt tangible to them, in that small space beneath the earth. Will had made it a point to try and make it so less and less shadows were cast. The creature, insanity, hid in those shadows. The shadows reminded him of sunlight. He wished to never think of either ever again.
It had taken Jack. A darkness so deep and incomprehensible had injected itself into the very matter of his brain. Perhaps Bella had passed it to him when she died. Perhaps it was Bella, coming back from the grave to give him no choice but to join her. To take control of him, and make him stand out into the light. Too bright, too close, too loud. What had once nourished the earth like a gentle mother was now a looming god, angry at its creation. Punishing them for every misdead man had ever done. It had turned everything upside down, and ripped the fabric of logic to shreds. What was worst for Will, is that Jack had come to his senses while out there. Had come back and came running to the door, where Will watched through the tinted glass with horrified eyes. He beat on the door, but Will could not open it. It was too late. They would all die if he came back in now.
So Will watched as his beating turned to weak tapping, as bone became exposed and his flesh stuck to the door. His cries for help, his begging, became nonsensical gurgles from lungs that were filling with. With what? Blood? Fluids? He wasn’t sure. Until Jack became a puddle, and Hannibal finally tugged him away from the door. It haunted him.
“We should be able to leave soon.” Hannibal simply replied, then listened closely. The awful thrumming was receding. He wished it would disappear completely. Forever. He knew that wouldn’t happen. Not in his lifetime. Not in anyone’s lifetime. The sun would swallow the earth whole before it would ever let them find peace again.
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if you would like something written for u (or someone else), i will be doing short prompts. for free. For u. <3 Any hannibal AU pairing. Anything you’d like!!
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if you would like something written for u (or someone else), i will be doing short prompts. for free. For u. <3 Any hannibal AU pairing. Anything you’d like!!
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