U.S. Constitution Held During The Jan 6th Violent Storming of U.S. Capitol by Trump Loyalists
In the midst of political uncertainty created by Donald J. Trump on January 6th; the most important crucial major event happened in America's history as a young republic. Elements of the United States Military, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence 'refused' to participate in Donald J. Trump's attempted political coup. Fortunately for all of us, we dodged a bullet that day in history. Trump had been unable to consolidate his power, install himself as Fuhrer, Trump attempted to unlawfully and Illegally take power and defeat the principles of democracy.
I cannot stress enough that the American People Utterly Failed to comprehend and understand the major significance that we nearly lost our way as a Democracy. Democrats & A Small Group of Republicans 'refused' to allow the Fascist to seize total power within the United States of America!
Editorial: By Michael Murphy, Editor-in-chief, Free Press Without Borders News Sites
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Conservatives Versus Liberals
Ordinary Republicans Have Become Orphans
With The Dominate Political Power Base Being Trump's MAGA Republican Ultra Radical Right Wing Extremists. Ordinary Republicans Find Themselves Without A Political Party To Call Home. What Is Quite Bazaar Is Trump Broke Rank With Traditional Conservative Ideology, Created An Unholy Political Alliance With Communist Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin; Putin Vows To Destroy U.S. Democracy!
So Where Do Orphan Republicans Go To Recapture Conservative Ideology?
We Have Witnessed Gradual Erosion Of GOP Republican Party Under President Richard Nixon. Trump Just Escalated The Demise Of Ordinary Republican Conservative Ideology.
So At This Juncture Of Period Of Time In American Political History, Republican Party Can No Longer Be Readily Defined As Possessing Any True Reliable Political Definition.
Sincerely, Sarah Strickland, Editor, Free Press Without Borders
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Thanksgiving To Me Is A Precious Time For People To Reflect, Honor And Be Grateful For Being An Intrinsic Essential Part Of Thee Magical Essence Of The Gift Of Human Social Interactions Within Communities Which Ultimately Defines Our Own Individual And Collective Abilities To Unselfishly Promote And Perpetuate Present And Future Positive Humanitarian Goals And Aspirations For New Generations To Come.
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Friday, November 18, 2022
Tumblr is receiving bad press from some quarters, I paraphrase what allegedly seems to be the public accusation levelled against Tumblr Social Media Platform being broadcast and disseminated. What is being said, is Tumblr is receiving new account holders who are "Weirdos."
"Due to Twitter's troubles Tumblr is getting all of the Weirdos."
What members of the press should be saying: Is that Tumblr is proving to be a viable social media platform.
I myself do not wish Twitter any ill will; Twitter has been out of touch with the average Twitter Account Holder User for many years prior to Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter.
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Posted: Sunday, February 27, 2022, PST,
Commentary: China & Russia Must Diplomatically Reevaluate The Cuban Missile Crisis and Prior To That USSR's Packed With Fascist Nazi German Dictator Adolf Hitler: U.S.A. It Would Seem Has Justifications For Being Paranoid Against AKA USSR, Soviet Union, and Russia For What Allegedly Seems To Be Premeditated Hostile Diplomatic & Military Aggressive Postures In Past & Present Foreign Policy Actions.
Recently Russian President Vladimir Putin Threatened European Countries & U.S.A. With Thermonuclear Attacks.
A Reasonable Person Would Probably Come To The Conclusion That Russia Is Acting Hostile To Western Democracies. Also U.S.A. & NATO Are On High Alert Due To Russia Attempting To Successfully Invade Ukraine.
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Republican Party Has Lost It's Own Identity
Republican Party Has Lost It’s Own Identity
Trump has successfully undermined integrity of basic conservative ideology. Ultra Radical Right Wing Extremists have replaced traditional average conservative values. Trump has superimposed his own Ultra Radical Right Wing Extremist Agenda in place of sound conservative political platform. Trump’s Own Selfish Political Campaign of Courting Fascist Ultra Radical Right Wing Political Factions has…
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One News Journalist's Point Of View
One News Journalist’s Point Of View
Emergence of Counterfeit News Media Organizations Under the Guise of Social Media Industry’s Consumer Driven Societal Protection. The Social Media Industry is no valid substitute for the attempt to emulate actual bonafide news industry outlets: Social Media Industry allegedly seems to be attempting to usurp the news media industry’s traditional place and purpose of informing the general public at…
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Dangerous Political Times
Thursday, January 14, 2021 2020 Presidential Election Results Remain In Political Dispute This is a dangerous time for many people who find themselves having to decide between party loyalty and the rule of law. Political Activism in some degree is being construed as an element of perceived Domestic Terrorism, until USA Citizens can come to the point of having moderate constructive dialogues on…
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My Thoughts On USA Constitution
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 The True Only Legitimate Government of The United States of America is the USA Constitution: Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution created and brought into existence controlling perpetual living documents. USA Constitution is a controlling perpetual framework of how to successfully regulate via permanent checks and balances proper competent cohesive…
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Tumblr media
Jim Acosta is entitled to his own opinion concerning USA President Trump!
Jim Acosta is unfortunately tainting everyone else with his unfounded broad defamatory statement(s) concerning people who utilize Twitter Incorporated Social Media Platform.
Jim Acosta is unfortunately directly corroborating what USA President Trump is allegedly seeming to state that CNN is broadcasting…
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Politically Polarized
Politically we as the United States of America 🇺🇸 are becoming politically polarized between the ultra left wing extremists who are either Communists or Socialist.
Ultra right wing extremists are either Ultra Conservatives or Fascists.
A house divided cannot stand: President Trump has failed the entire USA Citizenry.
Real problem unfortunately has absolutely nothing to do with President…
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Thursday, October 1, 2020
We as Journalists Face an uphill battle when We Journalists attempt to report on ultra left and right wing extremist groups and organizations:
Social Media Platforms allegedly seem to have become the contemporary vehicles for the cultivation and spreading of both ultra left and right wing extremist groups and organizations ideologies across the world!
As News…
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First USA 2020 Presidential Debate Articulates In It’s Outcome That USA Cannot Be Governed By Ultra Left and Right Wing Radical Extremists
First USA 2020 Presidential Debate ends before it had begun, President Trump exhibited childish psychological mental behaviors, Joe Biden failed to resist engaging in below the gutter street fighting, there emerged no winner in this antisocial spectacle of a…
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Police Within USA Commit Crimes Against The Citizens They Are Sworn To Protect!
If USA Constitution had been in control police would have been restrained by having to follow all of USA Federal Constitutional Rights and Guarantees that are inherent within the entirety of the total framework of the United States Constitution.
Police throughout United States of America do not follow nor respect…
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Is It Safe To Be On Social Media Platforms?
Is It Safe To Be On Social Media Platforms?:
Certainly it is a lot of work to attempt to nurture long distance friendships within the electronic vacuum of social media platforms.
No one can know for sure who is actually on the other end of the conversation.
Facebook is no exception to the problem of trying to confirm and verify another person’s true identity.
We all are left with an extremely…
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United States of America Citizens must closely examine all types and forms of 2020 Presidential Election Information:
There exists “FALSE NEWS,” “MISINFORMATION,” “DISINFORMATION,” “PROPAGANDA,” and just plain “MISCHIEVOUS” on all social media platforms.
I encourage everyone to exercise extra due care and due diligence in all aspects of viewing election related video footages, visiting election…
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Saturday, July 25, 2020
Many people are under the false impression that advanced education nurtures and brings about effective professional writing skills.
Although a multifaceted well rounded education affords a person greater awareness of life, writing skill is more than attainment of knowledge.
Writing is an artful skill of being able to…
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