"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."
Jean-Paul Sartre, "Anti-Semite and Jew", 1946
Some things never change!!!
I would love for more people to understand what a dogwhistle actually is. Sometimes when a dogwhistle is pointed out, others will defend it, saying "but the statement is correct as written; it doesn't mean that other thing".
And, that's the point; that's why it's a dogwhistle. If it weren't an intrinsically defensible statement, it wouldn't be a dogwhistle, it'd just be... a whistle, I guess, for everyone to hear and recognize as such.
When someone says "Lesbians should be able to have places free from men", that is in and of itself a very reasonable statement. Yes, yes we should.
But who's saying it, and by "men" do they actually mean "trans women"? Because there is about a 50% chance of that, if not more, because someone who's not deliberately using a transmisogynistic dogwhistle would be more likely to make that explicitly clear. Over on another website, I help admin a club called "Lesbian Lounge" which excludes men. The description, which was by the way written by a lesbian who is not transfem, goes:
We're making this place for members of the sapphic community to chill with our own ❤️🧡🤍💖💜 • Lesbians? Aye ✅  • Bi/pan gals and non-binary pals? Aye ✅ • Trans editions of the above? Aye ✅ • Men? This one ain't for you, fellas ❌
Thus, same statement included, but no dogwhistle this time.
When someone says "There are small groups of powerful people controlling the United States", that's a very reasonable statement too. Because yes, yes there are. But Jews or anyone friends with Jews are already bristling here because they know there's at least an 80% chance the writer was restraining themself from writing "(((powerful people)))" and opted for a marginally subtler antisemitic dogwhistle instead.
Writing "a handful of billionaires like Musk, Bezos, and Gates" or something would avoid the dogwhistle.
Writing "a few old-money political families like the Clintons and the Bushes" or something would avoid the dogwhistle.
Writing "a few media moguls like Chambers, Murdoch, and Kennedy" would avoid the dogwhistle.
Dogwhistles leave room for plausible deniability. That is how they work. "Oh I didn't mean..." but already, the dogs have been whistled.
Note: people without bad intentions sometimes (often!) use a dogwhistle, just repeating what they've heard. That doesn't make it not a dogwhistle.
If you see a nice shiny whistle and blow it, it will get all the dogs' attention, regardless of whether that was your intention or not. The consequences will still occur. It was still a dogwhistle and you not knowing it won't change that.
"But the non-dogwhistle versions are longer, that's too much work"—if it's too much work to avoid using a dogwhistle, then your allyship was weakly performative at best.
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As I am still getting a trickle of new followers to this account:
This account is dead. It is shadowbanned and no new content will be posted here.
Please, instead, tune in to @freegazafromhamas
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They say Israel has the right to defend itself. What is Israel defending? Were the innocent, dead, unarmed children, women, old and infirm people in Gaza a threat to anyone?
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Three terrorists*
⚠️ disturbing images ...
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Nah dude the 30-45k Hamas terrorists are and so far 10k are dead so I'd say going pretty good.
What about the Oct 7 victims? Who were they a threat to?
They say Israel has the right to defend itself. What is Israel defending? Were the innocent, dead, unarmed children, women, old and infirm people in Gaza a threat to anyone?
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Hey folks! Old account here! Don't forget to follow my new account, @freegazafromhamas
This current account is under a shadowban and is therefore crippled!
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Hamas are Nazis
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If you have not already please follow my new account @freegazafromhamas. This old account is under a shadowban.
Israel is winning. Bombing campaigns work, for better or worse. They worked against the Nazis. They worked against ISIS. And they are working against Hamas and their ability to shoot rockets by the thousands at innocent Israeli chilren in civilian population centers.
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I don't endorse any particular brands but since we also do happen to love olive trees and the oil that comes from them, I wonder how the imported Israeli olive oil is. Looks like there's a selection of some above.
After all, olives are one of the seven species of Israel (Deut 8:8).
Oh G-d “Happy [Jewish Holiday], here are the crimes of Israel.” Is going to become a genre of post now isn’t it?
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If you haven't already, please follow my new account @freegazafromhamas !
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My handle is now @freegazafromhamas
All future posts will be to that account.
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My handle is now @freegazafromhamas
All future posts will be to that account.
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Gonna reblog this a few times and you should too to get the word out.
My handle is now @freegazafromhamas
All future posts will be to that account.
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My handle is now @freegazafromhamas
All future posts will be to that account.
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Well, seems like I am shadowbannned. Blog is for all intents and purposes shut down at the moment while I ask staff what I dun goofed about and hopefully remedy the situation if possible.
I will continue (if possible) to accept asks on this account that might get a DM from another blog if I feel so. It seems I still can make blog posts but visibility is limited and cannot message or reply in notes from this account. I can also see y'alls replies and reply with reblogs. But I think I will take advantage of the mental health break mostly until this is sorted one way or the othrr.
To my followers:
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Thanks for the support 🙏
I started this sideblog shortly after the Oct 7 attacks. My profile pic is a Yartzeit candle which Jews light on certain occasions to memorialize our dead.
My family like many has a tradition of lighting an additional candle for the 6 million Holocaust victims, particuarly those without remaining family to mourn for them.
For this blog I carry the tradition, but for the victims of Oct 7, in rememberence andnin mourning of them.
I found so much more positivity in the community here than I expected when I first saw the reactions on Tumblr to the attacks that were in support of said attacks. But nonetheless here on Jumblr we have a thriving little community. Thank you again for listening and sharing.
Hopefully this shadowban business can be worked out with statf and doesn't end the account :(
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@greatsageequaltoheaven @oatmeal2321 do you get notifications if i @ you in a blog post?
For some reason I suddenly can't make replies on this account, my other sideblogs are unaffected, I can deemingly make blog posts just fine, what's up?
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Yeah fuck I think this account has been shadow banned. I sent a post to tumblr support to clarify what's going on.
For some reason I suddenly can't make replies on this account, my other sideblogs are unaffected, I can deemingly make blog posts just fine, what's up?
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