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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
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Différentes manières de soutenir l’Ukraine 🇺🇦
À ce jour, plus de deux millions de civils ont d’ores et déjà quitté l’Ukraine pour fuir l’invasion menée par la Russie, et ce nombre ne cesse malheureusement d’augmenter. Pour tenter d’apporter de l’aide à celles et ceux qui se trouvent toujours en Ukraine mais également aux réfugiés ukrainiens en exil, nous avons regroupé dans ce billet une liste de diverses associations dédiées à cette cause.
Le site peut recueillir vos dons et il répertorie un ensemble d’organisations caritatives et d’organismes dignes de confiance qui peuvent par ailleurs recevoir votre soutien de différentes manières.
En France, les grandes associations humanitaires comme la Croix-Rouge française ou le Secours populaire offrent comme toujours leur assistance pour aider toutes les personnes qui subissent les effets dévastateurs de ce conflit.
De nombreuses autres initiatives locales émergent un peu partout en France, comme celle de ce boulanger près de Besançon qui a organisé un convoi humanitaire. Il est fort probable qu’une collecte de fournitures de première nécessité ait été lancé dans votre commune ou dans votre quartier afin de venir en aide au peuple ukrainien.
Agissons à la mesure de nos possibilités et faisons preuve de solidarité. Chaque geste compte.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Please see this post and spread the word!
A natural news article here says that Black catholics in Africa are being targeted and so please raiseawareness especially if you live on the continent yourself.
This is important for everyone to see.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Holy shit the biphobia...
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Sent by anonymous
'I just remembered that Wolf Bride had a warning about bisexuality in the beginning of the book, but there was no kidnapping warning at all. Isn't it sad that Pixelberry had to create a bisexuality warning? There's nothing controversial or bad about being part of the LGBT community. Players can choose their romance, and no one forces them to romance same gender characters if they don't want to.'
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
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Sent by anonymous
'We finally got rid of two of the "un"holy trinity of stalking and creepiness (Ethan Ramsey and Ian/Ina Kingsley) one more to go (Sam Dalton).'
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
I don't even remember when i have written my thoughts on choices characters for the last time.
This year has been incredibly stressfull for me and i just didn't have the energy to get involved in fandom drama.
I do miss very much the days when i had my share of fun reading people's takes on Gaius Augustine.
And i am very sad to come back to Choices and to discover that the app just isn't the same anymore.
WTD is fucking good, and i liked how the choices in WB affect the story like never before, but this is like all.
I never thought i'd say that, but Romance Club (or Romance Crap, as i still like to call it sometimes) is much better in certain aspects. For example, the diversity of characters, locations and music.
However, i'm not taking back my words when it comes to Alexander Nielsen from Chasing You. He's a major piece of shit and i was extremely glad to see him dying.😘
I guess i'm coming back to tumblr with this cold take, and from now on i want to know everything that happens in both fandoms, rc and pc, because why not.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
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Lmfao, that's what our profs thought but never voiced.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Ethan Ramsey amy be looking like Alexey Navalmy a little bit, but the Wolf Bride white male LI looks so much like young Boris Nemtsov that i am ashamed to even look at him. Holy fuck, the guy is dead - killed!
I fucking hate it.
I will definitely replay with another version, but the romance option is ruined for me. Forever.
I am not some necroromancer.
I respect Boris as a hot fighter for the human rights all around the world. (If he was alive, the nobel peace prize should have gone to him)
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Russia's Navalny wins EU Sakharov rights prize
#Russia's #Navalny wins #EU #Sakharovprize
Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was awarded the European Parliament’s annual human rights prize on Wednesday for his efforts to challenge President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power. Navalny, 45, who was poisoned in August 2020 by what Western nations said was a nerve agent, is serving a 2-1/2-year sentence for parole violations he calls trumped up. The EU has imposed sanctions on Russian…
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Le prix Sakharov du Parlement européen décerné à l'opposant russe Alexeï Navalny
Le prix Sakharov du Parlement européen décerné à l’opposant russe Alexeï Navalny
Le Parlement européen décerne son prix Sakharov 2021 pour la liberté de l’esprit à l’opposant russe Alexei Navalny, actuellement incarcéré en Russie, annonce le groupe PPE du Parlement européen sur Twitter. Alexeï Navalny remporte le Prix Sakharov 2021. Il s’est battu sans relâche contre la corruption du régime de Vladimir Poutine. Cela lui a coûté sa liberté et presque la vie. Ce Prix reconnait…
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
i haven’t yet seen anyone passing this around on tumblr so, there’s a family that has been dealing with repetitive racist harassment from their neighbors since 2017- their neighbor plays loud monkey sounds, clips of the n word, and has very strong strobe lights, and does not leave them alone. this woman is named jannique martinez, and this harassment has been directed at their entire family for YEARS. 
Martinez says her 7-year-old son is frightened by the neighbor and would ask what the N-word meant because he heard it so often. But when Martinez’s family reached out to police to end the alleged harassment, they were told the neighbor had not broken any laws. 
“As appalling and offensive as the neighbors’ behaviors are, the city attorney and Virginia magistrates have separately reported that the actions reported thus far did not rise to a level that Virginia law defines as criminal behavior,” the Virginia Beach Police Department said in a statement last month. “This means the VBPD has had no authority to intervene and warrants were not supported.”
The VBPD literally holds that constant racist harassment doesn’t qualify to them as “criminal behavior” which is absolute bullshit. If racist harassment isn’t against their laws then they need to update their fucking laws. 
Jannique is still trying to get justice for her family’s harassment, and the criminal still films them constantly. 
I’m quite new to making these kinds of posts, so if there’s any methods of helping i can include that i forget, please lmk. i’m also not sure how viable the things i’m suggesting are, but they seem like plausible first steps for potentially getting involved.
How To Help-
Put pressure on the chief of police of the VBPD to bring charges against this neighbor. His name is Paul Neudigate, and here are his socials: twitter, email and phone number
Rep. Elaine Luria is the representative of Virginia’s 2nd congressional district, which includes Virginia Beach. Put pressure on her (here’s how to contact her) to pressure officials, both political and police, from Virginia Beach. 
Here’s how to contact Bob Dyer, the mayor of Virginia Beach, and here’s information on Virginia Beach’s City Attorney Office of who to potentially contact to oversee that Jannique and her familyget what they need in preparations for potential trials.
i couldn’t find any venmos or gofundmes for Jannique’s family, but if you know of any please please lmk. 
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
“We’re a country where the guys leading the media charge against Meghan are so emotionally warped that the only way they can begin to release their feelings of social, racial and sexual resentment is by using a 94-year-old woman’s feelings as a proxy. “They have disrespected the Queen” really means “they have disrespected this newspaper” or “they have disrespected me”. So you keep hearing people saying “how could they do this to the Queen?” and “it’s the Queen I feel sorry for”. Why? She’s not your grandmother. You don’t know her socially. It doesn’t count that you’ve been through her bins or covertly taken pictures of her breakfast table or whatever. And it hardly needs saying that she would find you, personally, absolutely detestable. I honestly wouldn’t wet your pants about it, you know? Yet the wetting of pants continues. The biggest cry this week is that Meghan and Harry do want publicity, but only the kind that suits them. They “want it all their own way”. Um … yes? So does everyone. So do I. So, most pertinently, do you. You want people to care about only one human right, the right to free speech, unless it’s Meghan and Harry, in which case they can’t have it. You want people to think you’re the greatest journalists in the world, even though you had the story of the prince and his paedo mate staring you in the face and preferred to run headlines like “Is Meghan’s favourite [avocado] snack fuelling drought and murder?” You want people to only remember the driver was drunk, even though there was a large number of paparazzi chasing her at high speed. You want to loftily declare you will no longer use paparazzi photos, then use them all the time, every single day.”
— Marina Hyde, from “Whatever you think of Harry and Meghan, their media critics are far worse”
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
OSLO (AP) — The 2021 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
I think you know it already, from what i have already read, byt to me this was news: THE NOBEL AWARDS IS A SOLD-OUT SCUM EVENT, LICKING THE ASSES OF BLOODY DICTATORS AND CONDEMNING INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DEATH.
I sincerely apologize to people who knew that already. You were right.
I hope it gets cancelled anyway.
It will remain in history as a scum. And i really hope the present comitee will be remembered especially clear. So that their descendants will be cursing their names forever.
It turned out that Navalny and his absolutely illegal and enfuriating case has taken off not only the masks of the Russian politicians, but also the masks of the European ones.
At least the Russian politicians have never denied that they are a fucking mafia. At least they are not hypocrites, unlike you, the so-called 'fighters for human rights and all the European values'.
To hell with you. I don't know what to call you. Not prostitutes, cause the real prostitutes are victims, no.
That's what you are.
Also, i believe that your beloved Muratov is involved in the murders of his fellow journalists. He is just smarter than many other propagandists.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
for the last time, Snape is not a 'complex morally grey' character, he's just an ass
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Привлекаю и эту соцсеть.
Алексей Навальный не должен сидеть в тюрьме.
В тюрьме должен сидеть не он, а те нелюди, что его посадили. Гореть им в аду за это.
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freenavalnynow · 3 years ago
Yhe female mc was ugly af though
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Sent by anonymous
'why was the best mc design the ilitw mcs like they blended in with the characters so well and honestly their outfit choices were also arguably one of the best.. i doubt they'll ever consider using their designs again, but i wouldn't be against pb doing that.'
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