freemenofcolor · 6 years
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Michael Jackson photographed by Michael Putland in New York City, 1977.
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
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Stop celebrating war criminals.
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
Black people ARE social media. We make everything pop. We are VINE, we are Instagram, we are Twitter. We are media and marketing. We are trends and hashtags (both ways). The one thing we are not is credited. We molded social media and all they ever call us is ghetto.
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
can you elaborate on people "slipping" into aave?
i describe it as “slipping into” bc people put on the dialect at very specific times for very specific reasons. train yourself to see it. look at these viral posts and think about
what these people or characters are trying to portray and
how the intended characteristics correlate to identifiable antiblack stereotypes (the answers are at the bottom)
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a) sassy, loud, hysterical, confrontational; b) vocally lascivious; c) animalistic, dirty, barbaric, savage, uncivilized, unsophisticated, unhygienic, rude; d) sexually predatory
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
You’re at a house party off-campus—perhaps you’re coming out of the bathroom after finally breaking the seal or you’re walking out of the kitchen, drink in hand—and you notice a black woman who looks much more wasted than you do, being led into a bedroom by a relatively sober guy. Being the good feminist you are, you register that the situation looks suspect. What do you do?
According to a new study, white women aren’t likely to intervene and help. The study, published in The Psychology Of Women Quarterly, posed a similar scenario to 160 white female undergraduates. The students were randomly assigned whether the intoxicated woman in the story had a “distinctively black name"—LaToya—or an ambiguous name—Laura, as a control.
When asked to report on their intent to intervene and how they viewed the situation and the potential victim, the white undergrads said they would be less likely to help when they perceived the woman who was at risk of being sexually assaulted was black, because they felt “less personal responsibility.” Secondarily, they also “perceived that [the black victim] experienced more pleasure in the pre-assault situation” at a slightly higher rate than the control group. (The control group given the scenario with the non-racialized name uniformly perceived the victim to be white.)
“We found that although white students correctly perceived that black women were at risk in a pre-assault situation, they tended not to feel as personally involved in the situation,” the researchers at SUNY Geneseo, Jennifer Katz and Christine Merrilees, said in an interview with PsyPost. In other words, “despite their shared status as women, white female bystanders in the current study may have felt that a Black woman’s plight was not as personally relevant because race has a more powerful effect than gender on intent to intervene and feelings of responsibility to intervene,” they write in the study.
Previous research has found that white people, in general, are less likely to help black victims. A 2008 study on racial bias in helping behavior troublingly found that “as [a situation’s] level of emergency increased, the speed and quality of help white participants offered to black victims relative to white victims decreased.” When the victim was black, the white participants also viewed the situation as less severe.
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
(man of color voice) patriarchy is cool when i do it and wrong when whites do it
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
Japan and China have always been on imperial ish. East Asians don't want to acknowledge the privilege they carry over black people and other people of color, all while China exploits Africa, The Caribbean and Latin America in 2018, and Japan reverts to imperial nationalism. It's all trash and it's why I don't have solidarity with dem folk. Like that crazyangryasianman headass. Him and his followers are like a fountain of antiblack energy.
Yeah.Like damn when i figured out about the imperialism in the carribbean and in africa by china, i was so saddened . i had no idea that was happening. and like…it just really broke my heart to know that. i am still processing that the carribbean and africa are getting colonized AGAIN but no one is talking about it. i don’t follow that blogger so tbh i wouldn’t know that much atm. i’ve heard some stuff a while ago but lately haven’t known that much tbh. but like in general, you ask is so true and i hate it. i hate that no one is talking about the carribbean and africa. no one ever does! 
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
Yoooo I’ve watched this man be politically correct and respectful on this issue for years he finally snapped and had his fuck this job moment ✊😄
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
Racial/class genocide
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
What do you think about white people converting to non-western religions like Islam and Buddhism? Excluding closed religions like Zoroastrianism and some forms of Hinduism, of course, which don't allow for converts.
Islam doesn’t have a race but you see, it is a racialized religion. I think that when it comes to white people converting to Islam, they have to understand that they automatically have privilege over people who were born into that religion, or people who have brown or black skin. And they need to speak out for their black and brown bros and sisters who are currently being attacked and oppressed for being dark skinned and muslim. White muslims aren’t racialized like black and brown muslims. They don’t have to worry about being accused of terrorism, they don’t have to worry about islamaphobic racist driven attacks.
As for Buddhism, i am iffy about white converts. Because of western imperialism, a lot of Buddhist people, or families who were originally Buddhist are now Christian. The amount of Asian Buddhist people isn’t the same as it was years ago BECAUSE of white people. I have a friend who is from Vietnam, both parents are vietnamese but her mother is catholic her dad was Buddhist. Her mom basically forced the dad to become Catholic and the kids thus were catholic but are resentful because they cannot connect to their Buddhist roots. Their mom had a colonized mindset because of white imperialism and that like, broke my heart and their dad is too afraid to teach them…
There are a lot of asian kids who are christian now but want to get back to their roots but they literally cannot because of a colonized mindset (according to my friend!). 
so it makes me feel a certain way when a lot of white people are becoming buddhist and becoming to the “face” of modern day Buddhism, but my friend can’t even connect to her culture because these very white people who colonized her mother’s family now want to take the culture. 
To me, it’s very similiar to santeria  and even hoodoo (which is closed). santeria isn’t closed, and so many white people now wanna be santeras when they were the ones who were oppressing black and latine santeras and rootworkers. they were the ones who colonized them and now want a part of a culture that was at first, exclusive to black and latine people. Now white people are the face of santeria. they are also the face of new orleans voodoo. 
i am not for white people becoming a part of cultures they either demonized or misrepresented in media. 
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
wow this sentinel island news story really blew up on social media. american dude, possibly a missionary, travels to meet a community that historically has resisted contact from outsiders and ends up getting himself killed….
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
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A little known black history fact
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
They're not oblivious.
Non-Black PoC want Black American support because of our hypervibility, so it's in their best interest to sweep their community's anti-Blackness under the rug.
nerd*asians tweeted about the D&G anti asian commercial and they said "Love the zero-tolerance racism policy!". Then black people replied “China doesn't have a zero-tolerance racism policy for blacks & others”. They never replies when someone point anti blackness, I stop follow them when they called out BobaGuys, that belongs to two asian men, but they were like "now white people are selling boba milk tea" and just deleted the tweet weeks later
Ugh so many blogs run by Asians are completely oblivious when it comes to antiblackness. I mean it’s understandable since it’s not part of their experience and they reflect their own communities’ antiblack biases. I’ve never experienced antiblack racism on a personal level and I’m ignorant about it too! The problem is that they’re not willing to listen and correct themselves, or to admit mistakes.
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
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freemenofcolor · 6 years
Gina Rodriguez is jealous, obsessed, and uncomfortable with the successes of Black women, and demonstrates a fake happy demeanor anytime Black women or their accomplishments are praised, whilst using our visibility or accomplishments as a platform to create opportunities for certain Latinas like when she proposed a Latin version of Girl’s Trip and a Latin superhero film after much talk about the record-breaking Black Panther or she diverts a conversation to be inclusive for “ALL women.” Like that time she tried to correct the interviewer below. 
Go to the 2:00 mark.
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The exchange probably appears to be an innocent complementary gesture by Gina towards Yara for people who are unaware of the usual overstepping sentiment of hers. Yara is indeed a great role model for young women. But correcting an interviewer so you can feel comfortable and included in a statement that solely praises the representation of a young Black woman for her fellow young Black women is fucking rude and uncalled for.
There are people of color who only care about phrases like “inclusivity” and “representation” solely when it benefits their race and/or ethnicity and they want the efforts of others—particularly Black people—to do the work for them. 
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Now with Gina’s recent remarks, she stated the following: 
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Her full statement: “I get so petrified in this space talking about equal pay, especially when you look at the intersectional aspect of it, right? Where white women get paid more than Black women, Black women get paid more than Asian women, Asian women get paid more than Latina women, and it’s like a very scary space to step into because I always feel like I fail when I speak about it because I can’t help but feel already so gracious to do what I do and I feel like, culturally, I feel like I was raised to just feel so appreciative of getting here.“
I’m not about to play no oppression Olympics over which race/ethnicity of actresses gets paid the least, but I’ma just leave this right here:
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Back to the tweet by HP Latino Voices and Gina’s statement. Notice anything? 
Pairing the long fought for achievements of Black people (Black women, in this case) with a “What about us Latinxs?” attitude is not only anti-Black AF, but continues to push for and perpetrate the erasure of Latinxs who are predominantly of African descent that is carried out and historically embedded in the DNA of Latin America. 
Not Black or Latinx. Black AND Latinx. Latinx is not a race, whereas Black is.
We’ve talked about this. 
But when you’re Gina and do deliberate things like hosting a “Latina Power Lunch” and only invite certain shades and types of Latinas, 
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or longing for a colonialist superhero movie if she would pen one,
“I think it would be about Christopher Columbus coming over, the migration of the Spaniards, and the influence of the mixes [of people] in South America and in the Caribbean. That’s were my superhero movies would lay, like the 1400 or 1500s.” (Source)
how can one not suspect an agenda?…
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On the same day the cast of Black Panther attended San Diego Comic Con and articles were being written left and right due to the film’s high anticipation, here goes Gina…
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Carlos Valdes. Dania Ramirez. Gabriel Luna. Jessica Camacho…. 
Nevermind that some of that actresses listed are Black Latinas, which includes her homegirl Rosario…. 
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