fredwin ( (ehem. quina) | she/they | child of tyche
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Arms and Armour (1911) Auguste Demmin
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who would you be in a horror movie?
create your own look here
find out what role you are here
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good luck: HAUPTCAST
here we go (nun doch schon früher als gedacht) – der offizielle hauptcast von goodbye and good luck.
nochmals danke für die vielen tollen steckbriefe samt plots und ideen, ihr habt mir die entscheidung nicht leicht gemacht und dafür bin ich euch sehr dankbar!
an die teilnehmerlinge: ihr bekommt die tage den versprochenen zusatzsteckbrief zugesendet, nachdem ich für jeden OC eine kleine zusammenfassung geschrieben habe, auf die ihr nachher zugriff haben werdet (falls da jemand den text für seinen eigenen OC schreiben möchte, meldet euch gern, ich würde mich freuen :).
ABEL REAT (dionysos) by @skotophobia JANET MARLEY (aphrodite) by @weisesfrettchen NAGI NGUYEN (persephone) by @mango-capybara ABBY WALKER (hades) by @cybelle-rose EVELYN HEART (ares) by @mondglanzwolke REEVE WOJCIK (artemis) by @gr0wing-th0rns "BOY SCOUT" (hermes) by @hannaleary DERYA KATRAKIS (apollo) by @shineyfroggo
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tag your blorbos with onion headlines part 2 (featuring a couple non-onion ones because they were hilarious) (part 1 | part 3)
#hmmm#would love these for the good luck family#so nenn ich sie ab jetzt#good luck family#good luck mmff
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some attempts at vintage pulp covers style
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Favourite Designs: Elie Saab "Portraits of a Dream" Spring 2025 Haute Couture Collection
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Favourite Designs: Frieda Lepold "A Knights Dress" Haute Couture Gown
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also ...
die aktuelle Wortanzahl zusammengerechneter Steckbriefe beträgt aufgerundet:
388.000 Wörter
reddit sagt, die ersten 5 Percy Jackson Bücher sind 333.082 Wörter lang... �� uhmm??
also, ich glaube, ich hab die Sache etwas unterschätzt und muss nochmal meinen Zeitplan überdenken und eventuell alles eine Woche nach hinten verschieben bzgl. Feedback und Entscheidung ...
(⚆ _ ⚆)
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bin durch mit uni für dieses semester und wieder available für fragen :) - antworten etc. kommen dann auch bald!
ich denke mit den feedbacks für die steckbriefe, müsst ihr aber trotzdem so mit der 1. oder 2. februar woche rechnen
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Frida Kahlo, from a letter wr. c. November 1933, featured in The Letters of Frida Kahlo: Cartas Apasionadas
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In case anyone is having a bad night
(The best of this post and its reblogs, but with links that work)
Here is a website where you can scroll down to all the different levels of the ocean
Here is a website where you can see the future of the universe
Here is a website where you can press a ‘make everything okay’ button, over and over, until things really are okay
Here is a website that you can read if you feel like a burden
Here is a website where you can look at strobe illusions (TW strobe/flashing)
Here is a website where you can cut stuff up (TW blood/sh)
Here and here are websites where you can play with sand
Here is a website where you can draw with macaroni and other fun foods
Here is a website where you can paint someone’s nails
Here is a website where you can grow a garden with emojis
Here is a website with hundreds of videos of people hugging you (rightfully dubbed ‘the nicest place on the internet’ because it really is, y’all, it made me cry)
Here is a website that will take you to other useless websites
Here is a website where you can make a tiny cat play bongo drums (and other instruments!)
Here is a website to help give you gentle reminders <3
Here is a website where you can grow a tiny farm
Here is a website where you can take a bunch of scientific personality tests
Here is a website of calm rain noise
Take a breath. It’s going to be okay, I promise.
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if you're aware of the Vulture article on Neil Gaiman, there's not much i can add; if you aren't and you go looking, my only advice is that if you hit a point where you're wondering if you should bail, do so, because the details of his behavior only get more vile as it goes along.
however, one thing i WILL say is to be on the lookout for smear campaigns against the sources and/or the journalist, Lila Shapiro, in the coming weeks and months. i cannot stress enough how brave this article is. if there's one thing more hazardous to your reputation than blowing up a rich and influential serial predator in the entertainment industry, it's making the church of scientology look bad, and she's managed to do both in one stroke. remember Lila Shapiro's name, and be extremely skeptical if it suddenly turns up later this year as the target of some slimy allegation.
(reblogs are enabled again for the time being; please try to behave yourselves. this post is a heads-up, not an open mic night for your tangential hot takes or your personal feelings about gaiman's work. furthermore, tumblr's resident TERF circle-jerk is disrespectfully invited to piss off and take a long walk off a short fucking dock.)
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