Yer a wizard Harry
89 posts
Anna | Slytherin | 18 | Welcome to Hogwarts biatchhhhh| I hope you enjoy my crappy writing. MASTERLIST
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fredweesleyismyslut · 2 years ago
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Jason: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Y/N: Wow. They sound stupid.
Jason: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Y/N: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Jason: I guess you’re right. Hey Y/N, I love you.
Y/N: See! Just say that!
Jason: Holy fucking shit.
Y/N: If that flies over their head then, sorry Jason, but they're too dumb for you.
Jason: Y/N.
Dick in the corner eating popcorn: I live for this
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
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Why is this so true?
Meme made by Inknopewetrust
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
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Jason todd being a savage bastard part 2
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
Learning to Love Slowly
Pairings; Jason Todd x Female Reader A/N- Hello guys! This is my first time, like, ever writing Jason Todd, just bear with me if his characterization is a bit wrong at first. Nonetheless, happy reading, and love you all so much! Ao3 Summary; Just you and Jason learning to love each other, and the small moments in-between.
1- Pride and Prejudice and Hair
“Your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry--”
“No, pause it! Pause it!” You yelled from the kitchen. 
Jason scrambled for the remote to stop the movie and eventually found it under the couch just as the scene had ended. He looked over to see you hurrying to make more popcorn and drinks--all to which he had said he was good without, but you had insisted on the full movie theatre experience. When he looked back at the screen he could still hear you mumbling off a checklist of everything you had. 
He had come to visit you the first night he could take off after not seeing you for a good week. Jason had heard from you, every phone call and text conversation lasting long enough to close the distance just a bit, but it wasn’t enough. He felt like he wasn’t enough; that you deserved to be in a relationship with someone who wasn’t as fucked up as he was. 
You two were taking it slow, he reminded himself. Again. You had assured him that when you two first became official, which he could hardly believe was a little over a month ago. Much less that it took nearly half a year of him showing up at your window at midnight for you to finally ask him on an official date. And that it took him a whole two seconds too long to accept 
“Here you go, my darling,” You said, juggling a bowl of popcorn and two bottles of pop. You paused, pulling back the bottle to look at it. “Wait, did you want grape or orange?”
Jason bit back a smile. “It doesn’t matter.”
The answer seemed to please you and he ended up with the grape. He hated grape soda but drank it anyway, just to see you happy. When you sat on the couch, it was next to him, but just far enough to respect his space. 
You had started the movie again after getting comfortable, curling up in the middle of the couch with a blanket over you, and handing the bowl off to Jason. He tried to focus on the movie, but you were distracting him.
Jason had sat with his arm thrown on the back of the couch, and he was close enough to smell and feel your hair against it. Cautiously, his hand played with a loose strand of your that hung over the back, watching it twirl around his finger and liking the way it gleamed in the TV light. 
It was soft, and, for a moment, he felt wrong for touching it with his dirty, calloused hand. Jason thought of taking his hand away, but when you leaned back into the touch with a sigh of relief, he kept it there. Slowly, his hand moved to massage the back of your head, earning a soft smile from you. When he pulled it away, Jason watched as you tried to bite back a wide grin. 
“That felt nice,” You whispered.
Jason didn’t know if he would touch you like that again soon, but he was glad to know you liked it. It was a step, he knew that much. 
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
On Camera
Batfam X Batmom!Reader
Summary: Things the Batfamily has said or done - caught on camera. By the Media and Press. That’s now on the internet for all to see. Sometimes got on the News. 
Listening to: N/A
Series Masterlist
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“I think we should do something about Dick putting small things in his mouth. He’s a kid and kids aren’t supposed to - oh, hello.” - Bruce, a week after he adopted Richard, to Batmom, and then noticed a waiting interviewer. On a red carpet. 
“- No Jason, you can’t keep taking all my toilet rolls ‘cause the supermarket is out. You left home so you gotta be responsible for yourself now… Don’t you dare ask Mom! -” - Dick, caught and posted on a Instagram story, with the caption ‘isn’t jason dead?’. 
“My grandfather says everyone who eats meat will die horrible and painful deaths.” - “He did not say that!” - Damian, when asked why he’s vegan, and Bruce once he overhead what the conversation was about. 
*An almost fifteen minuet long clip of Bruce and Dick walking up a boardwalk* - Bruce is holding two ice creams, and Dick (age 12) walks on his hands the whole way. 
Keep reading
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
I wanna start making list of fanfic recs for the fandoms I read for and I wonder if anyones interested?????
Cass: what does ‘take out’ mean?
Dick: food
Tim: dating
Damian: murder
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
Question for the DC Homies: How in the world hasn't a normal ass citizen of Gotham taken Joker out yet?
Like yeah I get Batman doesn't wanna kill Joker because complicated reasons and he doesn't allow the rest of the Batman adjacent crew to kill folks, most importantly Joker. Like that the reason Red Hood/ Jason Todd be beefing with Bruce. But like... Joker has been an absolute TERRORIST to the citizens of Gotham for DECADES. He has made many orphans, widows and more with all his deadly and chaotic actions at this point.
Everyone can gain the spirit of revenge and its GOTHAM of all places.
Joker ain't superpowered or impenetrable, there has to be atleast one high on Revenge citizen with a bulletproof vest, black sweatpants and a glock praying and waiting on the moment Joker is lacking in the streets.
There has to be one person like: Idk what people say, the Joker tortured my big brother to death, made my mama go insane, disabled my lil sister, recruited and tuned my father to the bad side and led to him getting paralyzed by Batman, blew up my house and ran over my dog. I'm cappin this clown and this Clown alone cause Batman is not gonna do it.
Then what Bruce gonna do? You're gonna arrest the mf that took out JOKER? THE GOTHAM TERRORIST? I know the corruption runs deep af in Gotham but I dont think people would stand for the person who took out the JOKER after he's caused MASS murder and MASS chaos for DECADES to be arrest and thrown in Arkham by Batman.
Idk tho. 🤷🏾‍♀️Idk tho. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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fredweesleyismyslut · 3 years ago
I realized I haven’t posted in so long lmao. There was a lot going on since last time I moved into the dorms at my new college, and started a new school, and lastly I’m almost finishing up my junior year in college lol. Just a ton of stuff but I have a lot of ideas in the works so pls continue reading! Thanks lovelies! Hope you guys are staying well and healthy!
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years ago
Just a Kiss part 2 - Draco Malfoy x Reader
A/N:  Hey guys!  This took me quite a bit to write because I had writers block and I literally rewrote it like three times and I like this one the best, so hopefully you guys do too!  Anyways, thank you so much for liking the first one.  Also, really random but I’m so excited for Christmas not just for presents but me and my friend have planned a Harry Potter marathon together for Christmas and I’m so excited to rewatch all the movies and we’re making snacks as well, so I’m so excited ahhhhh!  Hehe anyways, hope you guys enjoy and stay healthy!  Love you, forehead kisses mwah.
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Arriving at the Malfoy manor you gaped in awe, staring at the house as you walked in.  “Wow, it’s been forever since I’ve been here.  Every time it feels bigger.”  Draco chuckled softly as he walked ahead to open the door for you.  Lucious walked in first as Narcissa came from the side of the room, having just walked down the flight of stairs.  “Y/n, I’ve been waiting for you.  I had dinner prepared and your room.  I hope you like everything.”  You smiled, going in for a hug, as you noticed the dinner table filled with food, “Wow, I think you prepared a feast, not a dinner.  I’m about to not fit into my pants tomorrow.”  Narcissa let out a soft laugh as she smiled down at you, “I wasn’t sure what you liked.”  “Oh, don’t worry Mrs. Malfoy I’ll love everything.  Thank you so much for the dinner and for letting me intrude on your Christmas.”  She smiled again, moving the hair away from your face, “Thank you for coming, I’m sure Draco will enjoy your company around here.”  You looked over at Draco, meeting his eyes as you quickly looked away, “Yeah…”  you said softly, as Narcissa looked over at Draco.  “Why don’t you show her to her room, darling so she can set her bags down.”  Draco nodded, leading the way as he grabbed your bags from you.  “No it’s..” you tried to protest, “I’m sure they’re quite heavy.  I can get one of them at least.”  Draco shook his head, “I’m not a scoundrel.  Besides they’re not heavy.”  he answered, as he easily lifted both bags up as he walked up the stairs.  “Okayyy, pack it up Hercules.”  you murmured under your breath as you followed.  Leading you to a room at the end of the hall Draco set your bags down, “My mother had the room decorated.” he said, motioning at the white frills on the bed and princess drapes hanging from them.  “Wow, ummm well just wow.  It’s gorgeous.”  He smirked softly as he walked to the edge of the room, “You can go ahead and change into something more comfortable, we’re having dinner soon.”  He closed the door behind him, as you heard soft footsteps reside down the hallway.  Changing into a set of pajamas you walked down the stairs, sitting at the full dinner table.  You were sat next to Draco, heart pounding softly as you glanced to your left.  You could see his soft cheekbones lead down to his jawline, skin pale looked away quickly, noticing his icy blue eyes turn towards you.  Staring down at your food you tried to calm your breath, as Narcissa spoke up, “Do you two have any classes together?”  You looked up at her, “Well, we have potions together, nothing else really.”  She nodded, as she continued, “You’ve grown so much since I last saw you.  You’re really a grown woman now.”  She glanced between you and Draco softly, almost unnoticeable as she smiled softly.  “Well, I’m quite full.  I’ll see you two in the morning.”  You nodded as Lucious excused himself from the table as well, “Thank you again for the dinner.” you said, quickly as they walked up the flight of stairs.  You sat awkwardly for a few moments staring at your empty plate before you started to gather the plates together.  “What are you doing?”  Draco asked as he watched you gather the plates together.  “Ummmm cleaning?”  “That’s what the house elves are for isn’t it,” Draco stated matter of factly.  “Well, it’ll make the job easier for them if I at least get the plates gathered.”  You retorted, trying to keep from losing your temper at his rudeness.  Draco seemed truly confused as he looked up at you before he stood up as well, “It’s their job isn’t it?” he asked, as he grabbed your wrist to stop you.  Pulling your wrist from him you huffed, “That doesn’t mean you have to be a dick about it, Malfoy.  If you’re not going to help then go away.”  Draco stood for a few seconds before he went to the other side, gathering the rest of the plates before he quietly walked off.  “What a prick,” you muttered under your breath.  
Later that night you awoke in the middle of the night, a soft pressure gathering on your bladder as you laid in bed.  Groaning, you tried to ignore the feeling not wanting to leave the comfortable position you had made for yourself.  Finally not being able to handle it you sighed as you got out of bed, walking out of the room to go to the bathroom.  After relieving your bladder, you sighed in content, “Finally I can sleep again.”  you murmured softly, quietly padding your feet down the hallway till you heard a muffled sniffle from downstairs.  You silently gathered yourself, as you walked halfway down, just enough so you could take a peek.  As you peeked around the corner you saw Draco, sitting near the fireplace with red, swollen eyes.  You heard one phrase leave his mouth, “I can’t do this anymore.”  You wondered if you should move closer, feet faltering as you decided to go back to your room.  The staircase creaked softly under the weight of your foot as you quickly stopped, frozen in place as you thought, Of course, it fucking creaks now.  Just my luck isn’t it?  “Who’s there?” said Draco’s muffled voice, a slight strain in it.  Heart dropping, your stomach clenched as you peeked around the corner again, “Just me….I was just ummm thirsty haha.  I’m not anymore though so…”  He glared softly, as he replied, “Go ahead and get your water.”  Gulping softly, feeling as if there were rocks in your throat you nodded walking towards the kitchen to prepare a glass of water.  Footsteps pounded softly behind you as a hand put itself in front of you on the counter, “Don’t even think about speaking a word of this, y/l/n.”  His breath tickled your neck slightly as you nodded heart thumping as you waited for his footsteps to retreat, as you finally released the breath you didn’t know you had been holding.  The next day was just as awkward if not more as you avoided eye contact with Draco all day, scared to speak of last night.  In the middle of the night, you walked downstairs, deciding that the bedroom was too stuffy.  Who knew big houses could feel just as stuffy, even though there’s so much space, maybe it’s because although the Malfoy manor was huge it wasn’t lively.  It felt more like a museum than a house as if they were always ready to be their best selves.  A voice broke you from your thoughts, “You’re awake.”  Draco stated.  You chuckled softly, “Yeah, thanks for telling me captain obvious.”  You quickly closed your mouth, chastising yourself in your head at your sarcasm until you heard a soft chuckle break the silence.  As you peeked from under your lashes at Draco, catching a glimpse of his blue robs staring at you.  Clearing your throat you whispered softly, “Draco?”  “Hmmm?”  You swallowed, gathering courage as you continued, “Can I ask you something?”  “As long as it’s not stupid.”  Letting out a nervous giggle you asked, “Why were you...crying last night?  I heard you say something about how you couldn’t do something?”  You saw darkness flash in his eyes, as his body language visibly turned away from you, turning rigid as a rock as he replied, “None of your business, y/l/n.”  You cringed at the use of your last name coming so harshly from his mouth,  “Draco, please?  I’m worried for you.”  “And why would you be?  It’s not like you’re my friend.”  Sighing you gathered your breath, “Because I care, Draco.  I know it seems like no one noticed, Draco, but I see you.  The real you.  I don’t care about your house, your status, I care about you.  And you want to know what I see when I look at you?”  He cocked his head towards you, raising his eyebrows in question, “What?”  “I see a boy who’s terrified.  I don’t know what you’re so scared of Draco, but I want you to know I’m here, and just in case you didn’t know I passed DADA with flying colors.”  That earned a chuckle from him as he looked down at the hardwood table, “I don’t think that’s going to help me, besides you wouldn’t understand.”  You glared up at him, standing you ground, “Try me, Malfoy.”  His green orbs met yours as if he were searching for a safe place, as his stare faltered.  He sat down, talking about the expectations his father wanted from him and that it was too much, and how he feels as if he has to have a mask on all the time to seem as if he had his shit together.  You could tell he was holding something back, something even he was too afraid to admit out loud, but you didn’t push, instead slowly moving your hand forward, placing it on his wrist.  His arm tensed as his hand fidgeted with his sleeve, you noticed it but didn’t say anything as you moved your hand to his chin.  “It’ll be okay...I promise, Draco.”  Those words seemed to be exactly what he needed that pushed him over the edge, suddenly the cold, hard exterior of his washed away.  Instead, there was the scared boy sitting in front of you as he let out a soft sob.  Leaning into your hand, his lips trembled as he tried to hold back tears.  You sat silently as you moved closer, holding him to your chest as you rubbed small circles on his back, humming a melody your mother used to sing to you at night.  “I think I should go”  he whispered out, as he pulled away,, choking at the end as he abruptly stood up, “See you tomorrow night?” you asked, as Draco looked down, nodding softly before heading up the stairs. 
 Days had passed with you and Draco meeting every night, talking about anything and everything that nobody else knew.  It was your secret meeting, just the two of you in the world as you spilled your secrets as if the two of you had been friends for ages.  Christmas had approached just as quickly, you hadn’t even noticed the time passing.  You had wished Lucious and Narcissa a Merry Christmas as you gathered at the tree in the morning.  After passing gifts around, you smiled as Lucious and Narcissa exchanged gifts with you.  “Ummm I got something for you two as well”, you handed them gifts that Draco has helped you pick out and order as you had been talking one night.  After the exchanges they got up to leave as you got up, gathering all the wrapping paper left behind.  Draco stayed and helped, finishing up gathering the wrapping paper and taking it to the trash. You smiled at him as you looked out the window as Draco opened his mouth, “I-”  You cut him off, a childish giggle coming from you, “Draco, look it’s snowing!”  You ran towards the window, staring outside watching the snow gather on the ground.  Footsteps resounded from behind you as a hand placed itself on your waist, surprised you turned around.  “What are you-”  Draco’s lips found yours as he closed his eyes, cutting you off.  Closing your eyes you let yourself sink into the abrupt kiss, his soft, clod lips moving in sync with yours.  Finally, losing breath you pulled away as Draco gathered his breath before saying, “I’ve been waiting to do that.  Merry Christmas, y/n.”  You gaped in awe as you looked up at him, “I-I...Draco, I’m sorry-”  Draco’s eyes glanced at yours as you tried to gather your thoughts coherently enough to respond before he let out quickly, ‘Sorry”.  Before walking off.  “No, Draco, I-”  Staring at the snow you hit your head softly against the window, “I’m not sorry, though.”  as you chastised yourself softly at your response to his kiss, “Merlin, you’re stupid, y/n freaking y/l/n.” 
Tagged: @lord-byron​, @lonely-kermit​, @candycornmgg​ (btw love your pfp I love mgg), @potatothingsz​
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years ago
hi hehe! if you still need help getting your nail off i’d suggest cutting it down and soak it for a while in nail polish remover (and if that doesn’t work use dental floss 😳)
Omggggggggg you are literally a lifesaver thank youuuuuu🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️!!! I was about to cry again cuz I was being a dummy and trying to pull it off essentially lesson learned I’m just dumb😂
This is me giving you forehead smooches because I’m so grateful like now I can stop wanting to cry every time I see my hand😭🥺🥺❤️
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years ago
Just a Kiss- Draco Malfoy x reader
A/N:  Hey guys!  It’s been a while school has been kicking my butt and from the stress I literally broke down and cried because one of my fake nails wasn’t coming off.  So, now just like the idiot I am, I am walking around with one fake nail(on my middle finger btw) and its bright pink but the rest of my nails are bare.  Enough about my breakdowns, this story is inspired by the kdrama “Playful Kiss” which is a show I used to watch when I was younger and started watching again from nostalgia.  Anyways, I hope you guys are okay and I hope you enjoy this one! 
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The lights hanging around the school made your heart sing jingle bells as Christmas was right around the corner.  Students were bustling in the hallways, the constant chatter of people asking what the other was doing for Christmas.  The slight winter chill rose up your spine as you hugged yourself closer inside your coat.  You smiled as you saw your friends, standing near the common room opening.  Your best friend, Marissa, smiled softly as she hooked her arm into yours, “So, what are you doing for Christmas?” “Hmmmmm...I think we’re just spending it at home.  I can already smell the sweet hot chocolate with marshmallows.”  She chuckled, “Have you told Draco yet?” she asked.  Your heart skipped slightly at the mention of his name, skin flushing slightly, “No...I mean I just can’t.  I mean why would he like me?”  You had been crushing on Draco since first year and now you were in your sixth, and even after six years, you hadn’t found the courage to speak more than the simple utterances of a caveman to him.  You met him in first year when you were sitting in the library, reading a book for one of your classes.  He had come in and recognizing you from class had sat with you, asking if you could help him with something in class. After that first meeting, you met him a second time during a family dinner when Lucius Malfoy with his trophy family strolled in as your father introduced you to them.  Smiling to yourself of the memory you shook yourself from your thoughts as Marissa said, “Well, we only have one more year and then we’ll all go our separate ways.  Wouldn’t you at least want to try than never have done anything?”  You nodded as you responded, “I would like to never do anything then become a laughing stock.  I just want to spend the rest of the school year liking him from afar.”  Mariss shook her head softly, “Okay, chicken.”  Rolling your eyes softly you bumped her hip slightly, “Jerk.”  The two of you broke into giggles as you walked to your common room, ignoring the loud chatter from the crowds of students, you continued your conversation of what to do during Christmas. You were packing your items when you heard a slight pecking sound at your window.  The sound continued as you looked up, “Alright alright I’m opening the window, Frost.”  Your mother’s owl, a small winter owl which was fitting for the season, looked at you with her yellow orbs as she hopped into your room.  She cooed softly as you petted her before unwrapping the letter from her leg, “Thank you, Frost.  You can rest here for the night, I’m sure your tired, huh?”  She cooed again rubbing her head against your forearm as she pecked your hand softly as she looked for food.  Grabbing a small treat for her you sat back down near your suitcase, as you read the letter.  “My darling, I’m so sorry to say this but I have to cancel our evening plans for Christmas.  I’m needed to go on a trip for business but I’ll be back in the next week before break is over.  In the meantime, y/n, I want you to stay with Lucius and his family whilst I’m gone, they’ll take good care of you.  I’ll make sure to buy you gifts and treat you to dinner.  I love you, my sweet.  With love, dad.”  You reread the letter three more times before the words started to sink in and you felt the heaviness of the letter sink in.  Sinking your head into a nearby pillow you screamed into it, whether it was from excitement or mortification was unsure, but what you did know was that you’d be spending Christmas with Draco Malfoy and his family.  “This can’t be happening…” you muttered to yourself as Frost stared at you as if saying, “Get your shit together, you idiot.”  You laughed to yourself, looking in the mirror on your shelf, and said out loud, “Okay, y/n, it’s fine.  You’re just staying with a family friend and your long time crush just happens to live there.  You’re totally not living in a romance novel, so stop acting like the main character.”  
You finished packing before setting off to go find your best friend before you exploded with this newfound  information.  You were fast walking in the hallways, the sound of your footsteps resounding off the cold stone walls before you ran into someone’s chest.  Reaching for your head you looked up, “I’m so sorry.  Oh my god.”  You heard a soft chuckle as you looked at the person, as silver hair came into view and a pair of green eyes met yours.  “Draco…” slipped out of your mouth as your mind started to become garbled and you seemed to forget what the English language was.  He smiled down at you, “I hear we are going to be spending Christmas together.” he said finally, waving a letter in front of you, “My father says he’s prepared a room for you to stay in and wants me to guide you to where he’ll meet us at the station.”  Your mouth hanging open slightly, you gathered yourself, nodding at what he told you as you smiled, “Thank you.  It’s really nice of your family to let me intrude on your Christmas.”  “You’re not intruding.  It’ll be nice to have company besides the house elves… or at least that’s what my father says.”  You giggled softly as you nodded until you heard the soft clacking of feet behind you as you heard the familiar voice of your friend call your name out.  You were slightly disappointed that your conversation with Draco was cut short but you smiled at him.  “See you later?”  Draco nodded his reply as you walked off to go see your friend.  You were walking down the hallway and started to wonder if maybe your heart may have palpitated so much that you were having delusions because you couldn’t see your friend anywhere.  Suddenly, a hand pulled you into a corridor as you gasped out loud, getting ready to scream as your hands balled up into fists.  “Shhhhhhhhh don’t panic.”  Now, that’s not scary at all.  You thought as you as screamed, “That’s exactly the opposite of don’t panic, idiot.”  the voice said until you realized it sounded oddly familiar as you calmed down and turned your head slowly, attempting to catch your breath.  “Merlin’s balls, are you pretending to be batman now?  You almost gave me a heart attack.”  “Well, I did tell you not to panic,” she replied, giggling a little in response to you rolling your eyes.  “Why’d you pull me into this corner, Marissa?  It better be serious, I didn’t just almost die for something stupid.”  She punched your shoulder, “When am I ever doing something stupid?”  You crossed your arms softly, as you gave her a look, peeking through your lashes.  “Okay okay, but this is serious.  Why were you and Draco giggling over there?  Did you finally tell him?”  she asked, excitement bubbling through her whole body as she shook you.  “No, I didn’t tell him but I am spending Christmas with him.”  “Christmas?  With him?!”  she whisper shouted as if someone was listening.  “ dad had business and said that Draco’s father agreed to let me spend the break with them.”  “Dear Godric, this is a sign.”  “A sign?  What are you Sherlock Holmes now?”  She rolled her eyes as she bumped your shoulder, “Oh, shut it.  I mean it’s a sign that you totally should ask him out.  I mean what’s more romantic than a white Christmas?”  she grabbed your shoulders, “During Christmas, you need to tell him after exchanging presents.  Okay, Watson.”  Chuckling you gave into her play, “Holmes, this is not a sign.  You know what’s more romantic than a white Christmas?”  Marissa shook her head softly, raising her eyebrows in response for you to continue, “Not getting rejected.”  She visibly sighed with her whole body, “My dear, lovely, wonderful friend, a great mind once said, ‘Have a little faith in yourself.’”  “Yeah, and who said that?”  Your friend did an exaggerated bow, “Me.”  “Okay, genius.  I’ll kindly decline your words of wisdom if that’s even what’d call it.”  She stuck her tongue out at you, “Well, either way, you need to write me during break and tell me if anything happens.  Okay?”  She took your arm and shook you side to side like a child begging for an extra candy bar, “Pleaseeeee, y/n.”  Pulling away you stuck your tongue out, “No, because nothing is happening.” as you quickly ran off down the hallway to escape her begging.  This was surely going to be an exciting Christmas.
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fredweesleyismyslut · 5 years ago
Forever be yours - Draco Malfoy x Curvy!muggle!reader
A/N: Hey guys!!!!!  I was looking through my list of things that I should write.  It’s literally just a stupid list of ideas that I randomly get before bed because someone(me) apparently can’t sleep at night and sits around lying in bed for an hour before finally passing out.  Anyways, I wrote this whenever I wasn’t busy so I hope you guys like it!!!  Bye, and enjoy!!
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You were sitting at lunch with your friends eating lunch, talking about random things.  Your best friend who was sitting closest to you says, “Hey, you’ve been awfully quiet today.”  Looking up you responded, “I’m just tired, I think I stayed up too late.  It’s just...Pansy said-”  Your friend immediately cuts you off, “Do I have to stab a bitch?  Or...I mean I’m ready for anything I just need you to tell me before so I can prepare-”  “No no...oh my god...well, now I know who to go to if I want to hide a body.”  She smiles, nudging you slightly, “For you?  Anything...especially if it comes to Pansy I can’t stand her ugh it’s like she created her whole personality off of Mr.Scrooge.”  Snorting softly, you nudge her back before breaking out into soft laughter, “So, what’s the problem with her that’s got you so worried.”  “Well, she told me that….that Draco asked her to go to his family Christmas dinner.”  Rolling her eyes she grabs your hand, “I can already see her smug smile.  Well, did you ask Draco?”  Shaking your head you looked down at your hands, “I-I didn’t get the chance to.  I mean his parents don’t even know we’re dating and I’m y’know-”  Cutting you off yet again, “You’re what?  Amazing?  Gorgeous?  Wonderful? A Goddess?  Basically everything better than Pansy?”  Corners of your lips curving softly you look her in the eyes, “Thank you...but I’m just worried we all know how his parents are and me not being the…” whispering the last part, “y’know a muggle and not meeting standard.”  “Okay, you know what?  You are valid in feeling that way but I want you to know y/n that you are absolutely gorgeous I would kill for your body and if they don’t like you then it’s Draco who has to either step up for you or you kick him to the curb because I won’t let you accept any less.  Got it?”  She stared intensely into your eyes till you finally nodded, “Yes, mother, I got it.  Thanks for the pep talk.”  Putting her arm around your shoulders she smiled, “Anytime because I am not letting my best friend talk shit about herself.”  Then, she shook your shoulder softly, “There he is.  Go talk to him now.”  
You looked up, seeing the crown of golden hair that you’ve grown to love so much.  Draco practically glowed in the soft glow of the lights, laughing at something his friends said.  Nudging you up slightly, your friend asks, “Want me to come with?”  Shaking your head softly, you declined, “I need to talk to him and I’m pretty sure if I bring you you’ll just glare at him intensely like a lion waiting to pounce.”  Chuckling softly she replied, “Well if you need help just yknow shout and I’m ready.”  She mimed punching someone then as if feeling your nerves, she softly gripped your hand, “It’ll be fine.  Seriously, I can tell how much he’s changed since he’s been with you.  When he looks at you he looks like he is staring into the face of God, like he’s head over heels for you.”  Nodding you gripped her hand back for comfort before letting go to talk to Draco.  His head lifted up as soon as he saw you, a smile forming on his lips immediately at the sight of you, eyes widening like a puppy seeing his owner come home all he needed was a tail.  A girl at the table said something, immediately causing Draco to give an intense glare that if looks could kill you know her head would’ve toppled off and flown twenty feet into next Tuesday.  He stood up walking up to you and grasping your hand in his, “Hey, darling.  I didn’t get to see you yesterday.”  His blue eyes seemed to glow and change colors under the lights as you were drawn towards the comfort of his arms.  “I’m sorry I was kind of tired.”  He nodded as you continued, “Ummmm...are you busy?  We need to talk.”  His face seemed to contort between being worried and trying to keep a smile on.  Looking over his shoulder, he said, “Hey, be right back!”  before turning again to give a final soft glare.  
He took your hand in his leading you out into the hallway before finding a staircase.  “Is something wrong?”  he asked before worry creased his eyebrows even more, “Did I do something, love?”  Breathing to keep your voice from cracking you burst out quickly, “Are you embarrassed of me?” His face turned into utter confusion as he looks to your face, “Embarrassed?  What do you mean, darling?  Why would I be embarrassed?”  Hands trembling you hold his gaze, biting back tears, “I-I just” taking another deep breath you continued, “Pansy told me that you invited her to your family Christmas dinner.  But not me?  Did you not want your parents to see me?”  Draco’s mouth turns into a tight line, confirming your suspicions slightly before he places a hand on your cheek and sighed audibly, “That Pansy...I’m going to-” sighing and ruffling his perfectly gelled hair he continued, “I would never be embarrassed of you, you’re amazing...there’s no better words to describe you besides that you are the love of my life. I didn’t invite her I was asking her how I should invite you because...because we’ve been dating and of course I want you to meet my parents.”  His eyes meet yours briefly before skirting away to look at your hands, “I was afraid it would make you nervous to meet them since they’re not...they’re not the-”  His shoulders slump as he hears a soft sniffle from you, “I suggested she come with one of your friends to ease the dinner process and...and then you could stay the night…”  His hands were picking at each other as if he was having a very intense thumb war with himself, “I understand if you don’t want to come over or even spend the night it might be rushing-”  Cutting him off with a chaste kiss to the lips you smile grabbing his hands in yours, “You’re going to have bloody fingers doing that...Draco, my love, I would love to come over for dinner and...and spend the night.”  A smile spreads across his cheeks quickly as you continue, “We’ve been together for two years I definitely don’t think we’re rushing things and you’ve already met my parents it’s about time I meet yours...even if they don’t like me.”  He places a kiss on your forehead, pushing hair from your face as you opened your mouth to continue, “I do have one condition though.”  He raised his eyebrows in response, prompting you to continue, “Hermione gets to be my plus one.”  Draco’s mouth stutter softly, “Granger?  Why not any of your other friends?”  You smile softly, “Number one because if I brought any of my other friends we might have a full-on war at your house and you know that, especially knowing your father, my friend might bite his head off. Also, I love Hermione and I want her to come if she wants to.”  Draco nodded his head, knowing that your first point was very true, once when one his friends made a side comment about your appearance because you had decided to wear more fitting clothes and before Draco could respond your best friend immediately sent a fist flying his way and he learned from a broken nose not to mess with you.  From then on it was as if they had a silent agreement that they both loved you and would let no one harm you.  You kissed his cheek, rubbing your nose against his slightly before pulling away, “Alright, it’s decided then.  I’m spending Christmas with you and then we’re going back to my house the next day to bake cookies?  My mother misses you she thinks you’re an angel.”  Rolling your eyes softly as Draco chuckled you followed with, “I swear on Godric’s balls that she loves you more than me.  I’m pretty sure she wants us to get married just so you can be her son.”  Draco’s eyebrows perked up slightly as you realized what you’d said as he smiled softly with a glint in his eyes, “So, you talk about marrying me at home?”  Punching his shoulder you snorted, “Noooo…..”  As he laughed, “Speaking of marriage I think I’d like to have a daughter-”  Punching his arm slightly you kissed his lips, “Don’t get ahead of yourself pretty boy we’ve got a long ways to go before we think of kids, but if we did I think two is a good number.”  Draco’s eyes lit as he smiled softly at you, light reflecting off his hair making him look ethereal.  His forehead touched yours as he whispered, “I love you, y/n and I promise I’ll forever be yours.”  Eyes tearing up softly you smiled, “I love you too, Draco...ugh you’re making me cry.”
  Safe to say dinner went as well as could during Christmas with Hermione being as polite as possible and as soon as Draco’s father made a comment you and Hermione immediately went to town on putting him in his place.  This must’ve impressed him as he bit back any comments he said for the rest of dinner and made peace with you.  
The next day, your mother immediately went to Draco as she gave him a big hug, “Mom, just in case you forgot I’m your daughter.”  Draco laughed as your mother waved you off affectionately and he kissed your mom’s hand, “Honey, just wait I got dinner prepared for you.  I’m sure you’re hungry from traveling.”  Your dad came around to get your bags as he gave you a side hug, “He’s a good one, that boy.  In case the day comes, I want you to know I’m okay with you marrying him.  Don’t let him know though I want him to work for it.”  Laughing you linked arms with your dad, “He is a good one.  I love him, dad, like I really do.”  He patted your  shoulder watching as Draco was walking into your house arm linked with your mom as he turned and smiled at you, “I know sweetheart, and if I know anything about love I can tell that he’d do anything for you.”  Your mom peeked her head out the door, “Hurry up, y/n!  You’re letting the food get cold!”  “Okay, okay mom!”  Baking cookies with Draco was amazing as he helped...well if you call rubbing flour over your face helping.  Nonetheless, the cookies tasted amazingly perfect as your mother pulled you to the side before everyone was heading to bed.  “You know, honey...can I tell you something?”  Nodding you let her continue, “That boy...that boy is in love with you.  He stares at you like you’re his sunshine, I mean he could not take his eyes off you all night”  She sighed contentedly as she hummed softly walking off to bed, “Goodnight honey, and tell my future son-in-law good night too.”  Draco came around the corner as he said, “Good night, mom.”  If your mother cried any harder it would’ve been the most embarrassing night of your life second to when you threw up on your best friend after having one too many desserts at the Yule Ball.
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fredweesleyismyslut · 5 years ago
Omg and if she was a KPOP YouTuber who is friends with KPOP stars, Draco would be sitting there pouting, glaring at the men near her and Y/n would see and be like “Awhhh is my poor Draco jealous?” *While squishing his cheeks together with her hands and giggling at him as he pouts more*
Yesssssss🥺🥺🥺 and whenever they’re not filming he’s always kinda standing near her cuz he’s like trying to be intimidating😂 but omg imagine her bringing him into her channel and everyone is just fangirling over him cuz he’s so handsome and they’re like telling her to bring him on more especially cuz he doesn’t understand a lot of things and it makes it more funny😂😂 imagine her making a video of him doing her makeup and he’s just utterly baffled like what do you mean there’s different brushes just for your eyelids????
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fredweesleyismyslut · 5 years ago
Omg now imagine Draco falling in love with a muggle KPOP fan😂 One, it would be so ironic Two, Draco’s jealousy would be unmatched And three, he would be so lost 🤣
Omggggg imagining this I’m dead😂😂😂😂 like imagine how they would’ve met and he’s like “omg she’s crazy” like maybe she bumps into him and she’s just carrying a bunch of kpop posters and he thinks she’s like creepily obsessed with these random men😂😂 and yessss him being jealous over her fangirling and he’s like “I’m literally right here” but him just also being really confused like...what is the appeal why are these men so popular????😂😂
Omg i think it’d be so hilarious if she took him to a kpop concert and he’s like in awe but also very concerned
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fredweesleyismyslut · 5 years ago
OMG have you seen “Crash Lansing On You”? IT IS SUCH A GOOD KDRAMA
Yessssss I have omgggg hyun bin in that drama is chefs kiss like I legit cried at the end and like throughout the whole show I’m just screaming ugh the show like every kdrama gives me unrealistic expectations for a relationship🥺🥺🥺
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fredweesleyismyslut · 5 years ago
Ooo I bet if Fred and George’s muggle girlfriend was one of those famous YouTubers who has KPOP reaction/dance content/funny KPOP edits/skits, Fred and George would so ask her to help them with their shop (they would’ve already told her about magic at this point), like she would be good at designing flyers or knowing different ideas on how to spread the word of their shop in the Wizarding community, etc
Omggg I saw your previous ask and can I just say you’re so tiny like in adorable the height difference would be so cute🥺🥺🥺 but yessssss I feel like she would be good with like digital design and they’d be like what’s this and they would be so intrigued by how she could make drawings through technology. I feel like she would help them regardless but just to have fun with it she’d be like you have to be in my videos as payment since I’m designing stuff for you and her youtube fans love them they think they’re hilarious😂😂
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fredweesleyismyslut · 5 years ago
Fred and George are sooo tall (6ft 3in)! They would so have a field day if their girlfriend is short and tiny. Imagine all the teasing they would do lol! Putting things up high sometimes so she has to ask them to reach for her, patting her head, leaning down to her height, pinching her cheeks. Hahaha! Ooo and they would also comment on how big their hands are compared to hers and just how itty bitty she is in general. 😂💜
Omggggg okay how did I not know that they were that tall gosh like they would tower over my 5ft 4in ass😂 But yessss they would definitely tease her and make jokes but they wouldn’t go too far as to actually hurt feelings but it would also like in a weird way stroke their ego that she needs them to get things that are up high for her so they would put things up so she’d have to ask for help but eventually she catches on and just stops asking for help and she’ll just grab a step stool and next thing you know the step stool is gone like “did you guys see the step stool”. “Nope whatever do you mean? We had a step stool in this house????” 😂. This is how I imagine the height difference😂😂
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